17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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Really....blind hatred? That's distorted in itself.

No, it's my opinion.

When a wealthy and highly successful attorney is repeatedly accused of stalling so as to inflate his billing and cheat the taxpayers of Florida;

When that same attorney's slip of the tongue (and we can't even agree on what he said) is inflated to a grand conspiracy;

When it is stated as fact that the same attorney--despite his reputation for being both skilled and ethical--is also guilty of perjury;

When I've lost count of the posts with words to the effect that "I hoped O'Mara would be alright, but I see he's just as shady as the rest of them" -- all within his first few weeks on the case;

Then I think "blind hatred" just about says it.
So are you postulating that as GZ was speaking to the police on the phone, telling them he had LOST SIGHT of TM, he had ACTUALLY cornered him and was subduing him? And at the time of "subduing" him, TM's girlfriend was on the phone, and while being manhandled by big bad GZ (manhandled enough to warrant TM assaulting him and banging his head against the ground), what does TM say? Is it, "Hey, get your hands off me!" or "LET GO OF ME!"? Of course not, he utters the COMPLETELY nonsensical phrase, "Why are you following me?"

Come on, these are testimonies from people that are DEFENDING TM, and the sequence of events does not make sense.

You know what makes sense to me? George Zimmerman getting out of that truck with the mindframe that "These *advertiser censored**holes always get away" and that Trayvon was a "*advertiser censored**ing punk" He admits that Trayvon was running away from him. He admits that he is following Travyon. When George finally caught up to Trayvon and Trayvon asked "Why are you following me?" Don't you think it might have been a nice time to identify himself and not reach for his "phone"? Which imo, reaching for his phone was reaching for his gun! This is when Trayvon seen the gun, according to Daddy Zimmerman, which would also make sense that the girlfriend heard a pushing sound right before the phone went dead. George was going for his gun. Trayvon was protecting himself.


ETA: You know what also makes sense? Trayvon was running away from a confrontation. George was running towards one.
If he was so slick, what was his goal? I never seem to read what O'Mara was so sure to gain by exposing the name of Trayvon's g.f.

This entire subject just seems like more defense-lawyer bashing.

No, I don't think it's defense lawyer bashing. I know several attorneys and like them very much. However if the states case hinges on GF's testimony and that minor was exposed in court I'm surprised he wasn't sanctioned.
No, it's my opinion.
When a wealthy and highly successful attorney is repeatedly accused of stalling so as to inflate his billing and cheat the taxpayers of Florida;

When that same attorney's slip of the tongue (and we can't even agree on what he said) is inflated to a grand conspiracy;

When it is stated as fact that the same attorney--despite his reputation for being both skilled and ethical--is also guilty of perjury;

When I've lost count of the posts with words to the effect that "I hoped O'Mara would be alright, but I see he's just as shady as the rest of them" -- all within his first few weeks on the case;

Then I think "blind hatred" just about says it.

So why is my OPINION blind hatred? :banghead:

IMO, you really have to be immature, self-centered, and trying too hard to impress your friends on myspace.

The one that gets me is the blog gloating about getting off felony charges in spite of his ex-ho. IMO, you really have to be an ignorant arse to post on myspace how psyched you are to get away with committing felonious deeds. :banghead:

Sorry to be so indelicate. But between this "king" myspace and his "thereal" website 7 years later, we've got irrefutable proof of stupid, IMO. That and a witless sort of narcissism.

So does that make GZ racist? No. Guilty of murder? No.

But, it sure makes him ... well, I guess I already said that.

I think there's more to it than that. GZ seems to have a simmering resentment harking way back. Plus, there are assaults, felonies, anger management colouring his life. He relishes the fact that he beat his ex in court, that his bud or someone ( I don't understand some of the lingo) basically crushed her. Add to that a resentment of people who are Mexican, African American, and his personality comes more clearly into focus. That he is narcissistic, I concur. And paranoid. He's victimised by everybody. This is more than just 'stupid'. Also, the fact that he characterises himself with a "king" moniker says a lot about him and his fantasy life. If only he ruled the world.... Maybe a gun will help.

Then imagine "stupid" and resentful with a gun.
So are you postulating that as GZ was speaking to the police on the phone, telling them he had LOST SIGHT of TM, he had ACTUALLY cornered him and was subduing him? And at the time of "subduing" him, TM's girlfriend was on the phone, and while being manhandled by big bad GZ (manhandled enough to warrant TM assaulting him and banging his head against the ground), what does TM say? Is it, "Hey, get your hands off me!" or "LET GO OF ME!"? Of course not, he utters the COMPLETELY nonsensical phrase, "Why are you following me?"

Come on, these are testimonies from people that are DEFENDING TM, and the sequence of events does not make sense.
Are you sure you're following THIS case? Of course GZ followed TM, its impossible to think that he did NOT. If GZ was going back to his truck, as he said he did, he would never have ended up KILLING TM where the body was found.

Also, if TM's GF was trying to "defend" Trayvon, as you speculated, don't you think it would make more sense for her to fabricate a lie better than that one? GMAB. She could have said GZ threatened to kill TM, or any other damning thing against GZ.

<Mod Snip>
No, it's my opinion.

When a wealthy and highly successful attorney is repeatedly accused of stalling so as to inflate his billing and cheat the taxpayers of Florida;

When that same attorney's slip of the tongue (and we can't even agree on what he said) is inflated to a grand conspiracy;

When it is stated as fact that the same attorney--despite his reputation for being both skilled and ethical--is also guilty of perjury;

When I've lost count of the posts with words to the effect that "I hoped O'Mara would be alright, but I see he's just as shady as the rest of them" -- all within his first few weeks on the case;

Then I think "blind hatred" just about says it.

I think blind hatred is taking it a bit far. I think it's natural to be skeptical of defense attorneys considering some of the slimy ones we've seen in high profile cases. The good ones we don't hear about because the cases they take are not high profile. I'm sure they vastly outnumber the bad ones. Right now, O'Mara puts a sour taste in my mouth. I don't blindly hate him, though. I do hope he's better than what I'm seeing. That would be best for GZ. He needs a good lawyer, not a lawyer out to make money off of him.
It's been posted several times, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-He-suspended-times-caught-burglary-tool.html

Marijuana baggie and pot pipe

Since we are talking about social media sites, TM supposedly took a swing at his bus driver, according to his cousin. That seems violent, but maybe that's just me. (link at site above)

I believe we were told numerous times that TM is a victim and unless we can verify it, and there is no evidence this incident ever happened, we were to leave it lie until someone verifies it. Yet it keeps coming back up. There is no date on the tardiness and didn't the school say they do not suspend for tardiness???? So that actually was not a suspension and may have been a detention only? jmo
No, it's my opinion.

When a wealthy and highly successful attorney is repeatedly accused of stalling so as to inflate his billing and cheat the taxpayers of Florida;

When that same attorney's slip of the tongue (and we can't even agree on what he said) is inflated to a grand conspiracy;

When it is stated as fact that the same attorney--despite his reputation for being both skilled and ethical--is also guilty of perjury;

When I've lost count of the posts with words to the effect that "I hoped O'Mara would be alright, but I see he's just as shady as the rest of them" -- all within his first few weeks on the case;

Then I think "blind hatred" just about says it.

Agreed but ...

I do think MOM's stalling on discovery b/c he wants his gzdefensefund activities approved by the court ... and discovery will bring out donor interest.

But ... that's not about inflating his billings. That's about funding the best defense possible for his client...

No, I don't think it's defense lawyer bashing. I know several attorneys and like them very much. However if the states case hinges on GF's testimony and that minor was exposed in court I'm surprised he wasn't sanctioned.

But she wasn't exposed in court, thus he wasn't sanctioned.
You know what makes sense to me? George Zimmerman getting out of that truck with the mindframe that "These *advertiser censored**holes always get away" and that Trayvon was a "*advertiser censored**ing punk" He admits that Trayvon was running away from him. He admits that he is following Travyon. When George finally caught up to Trayvon and Trayvon asked "Why are you following me?" Don't you think it might have been a nice time to identify himself and not reach for his "phone"? Which imo, reaching for his phone was reaching for his gun! This is when Trayvon seen the gun, according to Daddy Zimmerman, which would also make sense that the girlfriend heard a pushing sound right before the phone went dead. George was going for his gun. Trayvon was protecting himself.


ETA: You know what also makes sense? Trayvon was running away from a confrontation. George was running towards one.

In what world do you protect yourself from a guy with a gun by running AT them? TM was free and clear. He had lost GZ, and was SEVENTY FEET from his door. Bolt for the door? Call the police? Stay hiding till GZ leaves? Nope, lets CONFRONT the guy. Sorry, NOT the actions of a "terrified teenager".
It's been posted several times, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-He-suspended-times-caught-burglary-tool.html

Marijuana baggie and pot pipe

Since we are talking about social media sites, TM supposedly took a swing at his bus driver, according to his cousin. That seems violent, but maybe that's just me. (link at site above)


That isn't evidence that TM actually did that. Anybody can say anything about someone else. If TM really took a swing at a bus driver, there would have been consequences. No official report has been made so I think this issue is off limits.
I don't think he took it for money, but with that Paypal account swelling to over $200,000 and now gun supporters pledging more for GZ's defense, I think the greed bug has now bitten O'Mara. He is definitely seeing dollar bills, y'all. A lot of them. Now the money is totally under his control and any further donations go to him, for GZ's defense, of course. I'm not saying he's the worst defense attorney out there, but I do think money has started to affect him with this case. Defense attorneys are also human and can be affected by things like money. But that remains to be seen, and I could very well be wrong. Jose Baez has really colored defense attorneys in high profile cases for me. I really do hope I am wrong here.

I greatly respect your posts, Aedrys, but you have me flummoxed on this issue.

$200K is 500 hours at $400/hour. That's about two to three months' work to a high-billing partner like O'Mara. Hardly an amount to cause him to lose his head.

Yes, I understand there's probably more where that came from, but I still don't know why we should assume this is about O'Mara's greed. Not unless his dream is to be the poster boy for SYG and the NRA. But that's not something we can know as yet, is it?
All this because I found GZ's MySpace page that paints him in a much more horrible light than ever.

Derail, deflect, deny. The truth is the truth no matter how it is spun, and frankly, beating on the victim sickens me. The ONLY victim, who is DEAD, is Trayvon M. Period.

No amount of propaganda, spin, deflection, derailment, or out and out lies will ever change that.
No, I don't think it's defense lawyer bashing. I know several attorneys and like them very much. However if the states case hinges on GF's testimony and that minor was exposed in court I'm surprised he wasn't sanctioned.

Do you have a link for that? Did you actually hear her name? I'm not asking you to post it, but I wonder if you actually heard it.
The marks on GZ. Now present YOUR evidence that GZ struck first.

I don't have Trayvon's autopsy report. In no way does George's "boo boo" show Trayvon struck George first. It actually makes me sad that Trayvon didn't get in a better lick.

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