17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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In what world do you protect yourself from a guy with a gun by running AT them? TM was free and clear. He had lost GZ, and was SEVENTY FEET from his door. Bolt for the door? Call the police? Stay hiding till GZ leaves? Nope, lets CONFRONT the guy. Sorry, NOT the actions of a "terrified teenager".

What proof do you have TM confronted GZ..Do you have a link?
Also, IF I am not mistaken you asked WHY would GZ call police IF he was planning to shoot TM.. IMHO.. I suspect GZ had something to prove to SFP..
IMHO he was going to prove he would not let this @$$.... get away..
I'm not convinced he wasn't staging the scene to kill an innocent teenager when he was on the phone with dispatch... IMHO..He killed an innocent kid in cold blood just because he knew he could use the SYG law and IF the person he shot was dead they certainly couldn't tell LE what really happened......JMHO
All this because I found GZ's MySpace page that paints him in a much more horrible light than ever.

Derail, deflect, deny. The truth is the truth no matter how it is spun, and frankly, beating on the victim sickens me. The ONLY victim, who is DEAD, is Trayvon M. Period.

No amount of propaganda, spin, deflection, derailment, or out and out lies will ever change that.

It was to be expected though, no? How nice that suddenly 21 year olds all talk like that, no biggie, he shouldn't be thought of any less because of something he said to look cool and impress his friends. Fortunately we don't all suffer from selective or convenient memories and can clearly remember how Trayon was portrayed.
So why is my OPINION blind hatred? :banghead:

I never made this about you personally. You were the one who accused me of "distorting" what posters were saying.

I disagree. But one has to wonder why you are so sensitive on the subject...
She was exposed in court but O'Mara was not sanctioned.

Link? Seriously, you keep saying this over and over and have yet to provide a link. This is not in the transcript and it is not in the video - so please provide proof that O'Mara exposed the g/f in court. TIA
Agreed but ...

I do think MOM's stalling on discovery b/c he wants his gzdefensefund activities approved by the court ... and discovery will bring out donor interest.

But ... that's not about inflating his billings. That's about funding the best defense possible for his client...


O'Mara may also want to get on top of the media storm that is sure to follow the coming document dump. As we've said, he hasn't been on the case all that long.

But assuming his primary interest is in getting contributions, isn't that a good thing? If he didn't make arrangements for private donations, posters here would scream bloody murder that O'Mara and Zimmerman were bilking the state of Florida!
I never made this about you personally. You were the one who accused me of "distorting" what posters were saying.

I disagree. But one has to wonder why you are so sensitive on the subject...

She was exposed in court but O'Mara was not sanctioned.

I do not think he uttered her name nor exposed her. I think it was a group-error that built upon itself. I looked everywhere I could to find any mention of it anywhere, and only here is it said that O'Mara said her name in court.
The marks on GZ. Now present YOUR evidence that GZ struck first.

I don't have Trayvon's autopsy report yet, but GZ having marks on him does not prove that Trayvon put his hands on GZ first. The fact that George Zimmerman was reaching for his phone/gun and Trayvon seen the gun, makes it 100%, IMO, Trayvon's right to defend himself against George Zimmerman. I'm having a hard time with the forum tonight, so I would also like to answer the previous question you had...

I believe by the time George had caught back up with Trayvon, it was too late for Trayvon to run away again. The gun was seen by Trayvon. I believe that George had every intention of not letting Trayvon get away. I believe he did try to detain him/grab him and that is where the pushing sounds came in. I wish Trayvon would have kept running. I wished he didn't slow down when he thought he had lost George. But he did... and that was the only mistake he made that night... but not one he should have died for.

She was exposed in court but O'Mara was not sanctioned.

She was not exposed in court by MOM and I am going to repost my theory as to where he was going with respect to this line of questioning.

I have a theory with respect to why MOM was pursuing this particular line of questioning and I believe it has to do with the fact that the attorney representing TM's parents interviewed a witness who could potentially have some very critical information.

Not only did he question her he as well had ABC news there.

Instead of passing this information to the people that should of been doing the interviewing of the GF he has opened up the potential credibility of this witness testimony.

I expect that MOM will at some point try if he can to have this particular witness testimony limited.

Thus I must ask why this is not being scrutinized more than what MOM did at a bail hearing....

ABC exclusive

"ABC News was there exclusively as the 16-year-old girl told Crump about the last moments of the teenager's life. Martin had been talking to his girlfriend all the way to the store where he bought Skittles and a tea. The phone was in his pocket and the earphone in his ear, Crump said."

I believe we were told numerous times that TM is a victim and unless we can verify it, and there is no evidence this incident ever happened, we were to leave it lie until someone verifies it. Yet it keeps coming back up. There is no date on the tardiness and didn't the school say they do not suspend for tardiness???? So that actually was not a suspension and may have been a detention only? jmo

If this publication is considered MSM, then it is on there, in the link I sent. I never said it actually happened, btw.
I believe we were told numerous times that TM is a victim and unless we can verify it, and there is no evidence this incident ever happened, we were to leave it lie until someone verifies it. Yet it keeps coming back up. There is no date on the tardiness and didn't the school say they do not suspend for tardiness???? So that actually was not a suspension and may have been a detention only? jmo

Here is another MSM for the three suspensions.

I was a bad kid. I was suspended from school, smoked weed, talked like an idiot sometimes, did a bit of under-aged drinking, mouthed off to my parents sometimes, and I was kicked out of a Catholic school at 17, for being pregnant.

I guess I deserve to be shot and killed. Where's GZ? Send him my way. Let's see if he's got it in him.
I believe we were told numerous times that TM is a victim and unless we can verify it, and there is no evidence this incident ever happened, we were to leave it lie until someone verifies it. Yet it keeps coming back up. There is no date on the tardiness and didn't the school say they do not suspend for tardiness???? So that actually was not a suspension and may have been a detention only? jmo

Not to mention the "swing at the bus driver" which has not been reported in the MSM, and the dailymail is not the MSM, it has about the same reputation as the National Enquirer except the NE's might be a bit better.

I dunno, it sure seems to me I am seeing a lot of unfounded accusations thrown TM's way with impunity on this victim-friendly forum.

I wonder how many "funny cigarette" smokers or former "funny cigarette" smokers will be on the jury and laugh at the thought of a 17-year-old having an empty bag of the sticky-icky on him and that it somehow makes any of it relevent as to why this kid is dead?

All this because I found GZ's MySpace page that paints him in a much more horrible light than ever.

Derail, deflect, deny. The truth is the truth no matter how it is spun, and frankly, beating on the victim sickens me. The ONLY victim, who is DEAD, is Trayvon M. Period.

No amount of propaganda, spin, deflection, derailment, or out and out lies will ever change that.

Seriously great sleuthing, how did you find it?
The Miami Herald reported that Martin was suspended two other times from school. The first time was for missing school or being late.

I don't think I'll take their word for it since the school says it doesn't suspend students for tardiness.

And again, has nothing to do with the night in question. What do any of the supposed charges have to do with his possible actions that night? Nada. Only his actions that night, not in his past, are relevent.

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Oh, so because the PICTURE of the cut on the back of his head isn't BLOODY enough, you have determined that it wasn't from being attacked? So here we have GZ, driving around at night with a BLEEDING HEAD, when he sees TM? Really?!? REALLY?!?

I was on another board when it was postulated that the injuries were not sufficient to warrant killing someone. I asked the following, EXACTLY was level of injury DOES warrant a lethal response? I mean keep in mind, when this is happening, and someone is banging your head against the ground, at WHAT point, EXACTLY, do you make the mental step from, "Hey, this guy is only going to HURT me" to "Hey, this guy is going to KILL me, I need to defend myself..."

Now this is IMPORTANT< because you may need to make this decision someday, and you will have this SAME group judging YOUR thoughts and actions.

No one has a right to chase someone down, grab them, and kill them after they fight back which is what Zimmerman did IMO. He had every opportunity when Trayvon came up to his vehicle to see why he was following him to roll down his window and say, "I'm with neighborhood watch. Do you live here?" or (and this is how I have done it with a stranger on my neighbor's property when she was away) "May I help you?" But as we hear on his call to the non-emergency line, he did not do that.

I don't believe he stopped following Trayvon and went back to his car as he contends. He had plenty of time to do that before he ever even hung up. I think he went after him and again refused to identify himself and grabbed Trayvon. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground. I believe he was initially anxious about Zimmerman following him but his anxiety turned to fear when he realized he hadn't lost him.

I don't believe that Trayvon could have beaten Zimmerman to death and frankly, I think Zimmerman was a wimp to shoot him because he thought he was losing the fight after a whole minute. This is a guy who wants to be a police officer and he can't defend himself against a 140 pound skinny teen without using a gun? And I would think that even more if it was Zimmerman yelling like that as he contends (I don't believe him). I think it is far more likely that that terrified screaming came from Trayvon who saw the gun and feared for his life, correctly.

I am not worried about judgment because I would not take a gun to patrol my neighborhood. If I see something suspicious I call 911, I don't take matters into my own hands.
I wonder how many "funny cigarette" smokers or former "funny cigarette" smokers will be on the jury and laugh at the thought of a 17-year-old having an empty bag of the sticky-icky on him and that it somehow makes any of it relevent as to why this kid is dead?


I think, if it is looked at, at all, it will be the zero tolerance policy the school had in place. Like the vandalism, it's not about what he wrote, but not following rules. It wouldn't go towards why he is dead - it would probably go towards why he might have looked suspicious to GZ as he did to the school security officer. Saying GZ didn't know about these things at 7:12 that night doesn't matter or change the fact that he could have looked or could have been doing something suspicious. IMO
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