17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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The shell casing(s)??

That's what he said. Don't know if that was a mistake or there is more that we don't know. One of the witnesses on the phone with 911 said he heard two shots... or at least thought he did. Time will tell?
Hi lolamoon! Would you think that the GF's testimony was corrupt since it was weeks later when her account was brought forward? And if not why the difference? Tia

I don't think the GF's account was weeks later? I thought it was days later? Do we even know how long it took HER to find out that Trayvon was actually dead?

ETA: Hey Yoda!! Also, I believe her phone records match up to her being on the phone with Trayvon?
I don't think the GF's account was weeks later? I thought it was days later? Do we even know how long it took HER to find out that Trayvon was actually dead?

Darn it! I had that link saved but deleted them all earlier in the week. It was weeks later when they reviewed TM's phone record and saw what time she was talking to him. I'll try to find it.

Found it :D

"Attorneys for Martin's family said it wasn't until weeks later, when Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, was looking through the teen's cell phone bill that he noticed the timing of the last call. The family and their attorneys then contacted Trayvon's girlfriend and heard her account of the night. Lawyer Benjamin Crump, who represents the family, recorded an interview with the girl and provided it with Martin's cell phone records to federal authorities, who by then had joined the investigation."

Darn it! I had that link saved but deleted them all earlier in the week. It was weeks later when they reviewed TM's phone record and saw what time she was talking to him. I'll try to find it.

I thought that the GF's mother tried to call the SPD on March 2nd -- or something like that and SPD didn't call them back?

I could be wrong too? Hopefully we'll get her records in the doc. dump?
(Shortened post)

He could be parsing words, you are right. Mark should have followed up. I just didn't find that investigator particularly slick. IMO
I wonder if there could have been two shots? One that hit Trayvon. One that didn't? One of the witnesses, on the 911, said he heard two shots? Other's say one?

I remember when there was a shooting where there were like 6-7 shots, but if a detective would have asked me how many shots, I would have said one because that is all I heard until I went totally BLANK.

We sooooo need a doc. dump.

I thought that the GF's mother tried to call the SPD on March 2nd -- or something like that and SPD didn't call them back?

I could be wrong too? Hopefully we'll get her records in the doc. dump?

They won't do a doc dump tonight or Sunday will they? I've never been around for one. Where is it posted when they do it? Tia
Darn it! I had that link saved but deleted them all earlier in the week. It was weeks later when they reviewed TM's phone record and saw what time she was talking to him. I'll try to find it.

Found it :D

"Attorneys for Martin's family said it wasn't until weeks later, when Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, was looking through the teen's cell phone bill that he noticed the timing of the last call. The family and their attorneys then contacted Trayvon's girlfriend and heard her account of the night. Lawyer Benjamin Crump, who represents the family, recorded an interview with the girl and provided it with Martin's cell phone records to federal authorities, who by then had joined the investigation."


We don't even know if Trayvon's parents knew this girl as Trayvon's girlfriend? The girlfriend may not have known them to get into contact with them? I do believe there was a called made, on March 2nd, from the GF's mother to the SPD and they never called back.

That's what I remember. If the SPD didn't even bother to call the GF back, they sure as heck weren't going to tell Tracy about her. Tracy had to take things into his own hands because the SPD was not doing their job and that is how he found out about her. Through Trayvon's phone records.

We don't even know if Trayvon's parents knew this girl as Trayvon's girlfriend? The girlfriend may not have known them to get into contact with them? I do believe there was a called made, on March 2nd, from the GF's mother to the SPD and they never called back.

That's what I remember. If the SPD didn't even bother to call the GF back, they sure as heck weren't going to tell Tracy about her. Tracy had to take things into his own hands because the SPD was not doing their job and that is how he found out about her. Through Trayvon's phone records.

I'm confused. She went to the hospital for several hours the night of the viewing because she found out she was the last to speak to him. I thought I read the lawyer told her. I'll have to look for that. If that is true then the weeks later phone record account makes no sense. Anyone remember that too?
Monday at the earliest. :banghead:

Just a warning. I'm a speed reader so if I get to those docs right when they come out I'll have at least 2minutes on the forum where I am KING and noone can dispute my word! How I will savor those minutes. Jk ;)

Attorney Crump told the story to ABC on March 20 and it sounds like it was a recent discovery based on Mr. Martin's cell phone bill records for Trayvon's phone.

You know, I'm not sure this was definitely Trayvon's girlfriend. Crump refers to her as a friend and in another interview he says she was upset because she had feelings for him, but I can't find any interview where Crump or anyone else connected to the Martin family ever refers to her as Trayvon's girlfriend. The MSM does but I don't think they do. She may just be a friend.
Darn it! I had that link saved but deleted them all earlier in the week. It was weeks later when they reviewed TM's phone record and saw what time she was talking to him. I'll try to find it.

Found it :D

"Attorneys for Martin's family said it wasn't until weeks later, when Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, was looking through the teen's cell phone bill that he noticed the timing of the last call. The family and their attorneys then contacted Trayvon's girlfriend and heard her account of the night. Lawyer Benjamin Crump, who represents the family, recorded an interview with the girl and provided it with Martin's cell phone records to federal authorities, who by then had joined the investigation."


Just adding to this:
"On March 20th Benjamin Crump held a major press conference where he revealed that he was in possession of a sworn affidavit from Trayvon’s 15-year-old girlfriend <modsnip>.

We took another step in this — what has been a daily journey for the past three and a half weeks.

Mr. Martin, on Sunday evening [March 18th], was working with his cell phone account, trying to figure out Trayvon’s password. And he looked on it, and he saw who the last person was that Trayvon Martin talked to while he was alive.

He called me late Sunday night and told me that he had called the young lady, and he told me, and I was just utterly shocked when he told me the time that they talked. They had talked all that day, about 400 minutes, starting that morning to the afternoon. Like many teenagers do, they talked on the phones."
I can confirm that the iPhone 4 has a flash. I own one and found out the hard way when I was trying to be discreet & did not want it to go off. lol

Not sure about the 4S or the earlier versions.

OT - Anyone who has a flash, and has not downloaded a flashlight application, try one, comes in very handy.
I believe it was MOM who asked the State to hold up on the release of discovery until they could seal the names of some of the witnesses. jmo

After the hearing on Friday MOM answered questions by the media and he said it would a least another week before discovery.
How does a medical report after Zimmerman had been released from custody mean anything in the case?

If he had gotten treatment that night while in custody the chain of evidence would not have been broken.

There is no way to tell now when those injuries were caused since he was released from custody. IMO

The Dr that saw him the next day could be called to the stand and asked if the evidence photos (which I am sure exist) are consistent with the injuries he treated the next day. He could then go on to ask him about the injuries he examined.
If they talked for 400 minutes in one day, then I am going to guess she was a girlfriend. :crazy:
I know this is off track, but I want to thank the person who posted the link to the falcon webcam in Pennsylvania on an earlier thread. I watched it off and on and all day. I was watching one of the parents feed the two babies late this afternoon when my fiance wanted to go bird watching. So off we went, with me leaving the computer on. We came back 3 hours later and we walk in the door and we think we hear unusual bird sounds just outside. We get all excited and we're peering out the window in the living room speculating as to what it night be when it dawns on me and I say "It's a peregrine falcon." He was very impressed with my identification until I showed him that it was actually on the computer!

Attorney Crump told the story to ABC on March 20 and it sounds like it was a recent discovery based on Mr. Martin's cell phone bill records for Trayvon's phone.

You know, I'm not sure this was definitely Trayvon's girlfriend. Crump refers to her as a friend and in another interview he says she was upset because she had feelings for him, but I can't find any interview where Crump or anyone else connected to the Martin family ever refers to her as Trayvon's girlfriend. The MSM does but I don't think they do. She may just be a friend.

Idk, Crump seems pretty sure. Also, wth was ABC news present for the telephone conversation between the lawyer and a material witness?? Especially a minor who's parents say she doesn't want to answer questions from anyone but an attorney. You all probably knew this, but it's the first time I heard her voice and realized that her family let her speak with MSM present.

article snipped by me~

ABC News was there exclusively as the 16-year-old girl told Crump about the last moments of the teenager's life. Martin had been talking to his girlfriend all the way to the store where he bought Skittles and a tea

* * *

Crump said the girl's identity was being withheld because "her parents are gravely concerned about her health and her safety." Her parents asked that only an attorney be allowed to ask her questions.

The girl was so distraught after the killing that she spent a night in the hospital, the lawyer said.

"She was really traumatized over this. They were dating. ... It's a situation where to know you were the last person to talk to the young man who was one of the most special persons in the world to you," Crump said.

Idk, Crump seems pretty sure. Also, wth was ABC news present for the telephone conversation between the lawyer and a material witness?? Especially a minor who's parents say she doesn't want to answer questions from anyone but an attorney. You all probably knew this, but it's the first time I heard her voice and realized that her family let her speak with MSM present.

article snipped by me~

ABC News was there exclusively as the 16-year-old girl told Crump about the last moments of the teenager's life. Martin had been talking to his girlfriend all the way to the store where he bought Skittles and a tea

* * *

Crump said the girl's identity was being withheld because "her parents are gravely concerned about her health and her safety." Her parents asked that only an attorney be allowed to ask her questions.

The girl was so distraught after the killing that she spent a night in the hospital, the lawyer said.

"She was really traumatized over this. They were dating. ... It's a situation where to know you were the last person to talk to the young man who was one of the most special persons in the world to you," Crump said.


Thanks, I hadn't seen that article. I had seen several where he just referred to her as a friend and I had started to wonder if they were actually dating. I can see where all the time they were reported to spend on the phone would make reporters conclude that but you never know with teens.
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