17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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I agree with you. Although we'll be attacked here for stating our opinion, I think it took a tremendous amount of courage to get up in front of the court, TMs Parents, the SA, and the entire world watching and say what he had to say.

Okay, give me a minute to get my flamesuit on before everyone tells me how awful it was for him to tell the family that he was sorry for their loss.

I agree. Further, if GZ hadn't apologized people would be calling him cold, unfeeling, heartless. Instead they're calling him self-serving. IMO, it's unusual to see a defendant make the kind of statement GZ did and I thought it made him look less like a hard-hearted killer and more like a compassionate human being who understood the tragic loss of a young man's life.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
I don't think it is a matter of 'digging up dirt' about her. But if Crump is telling us that she did XY and Z on certain dates, and her social network sites show that XY and Z did not actually happen, then that is not dirt on the girl at all. But it does make Crump look like he manufactured a story for public consumption. imo

Maybe Crump slipped? Just a little oopsie like everything that O'Mara does?

(I really shouldn't comment because I have no idea what XYZ is...)
And yet, that is precisely what Sybrina said she wanted to hear from GZ.

Trayvon's Murder: Mother's Interview After Zimmerman's Charged - YouTube
The Today Show, Sybrina's entire reply. Question is asked at 3:08.

Ann Curry: Tracy and Sybrina, either of you can take this question:

If you were to come face to face with George Zimmerman, what do you want to tell him? What do you want to ask him?

Sybrina: Um, one of the things that I still believe in, a person should apologize when they're really, when they're actually remorseful for what they've done. Um, I believe that it was a(n) accident, I believe that uh, it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back.

Um, I would ask him: Did he know that that was a minor? That that was a teenager, and that he did not have a weapon?

Um, I would ask him, that I understand that his family is hurting, but think about our family, that lost our teenage son; I mean it's just very difficult to live with day in and day out. Um, I'm sure that his parents can pick up the phone and call him, but we can't pick up the phone and call Trayvon any more.


IMO, Sybrina did in fact express a clear and distinct wish to hear a sincere expression of condolence, literally "for the loss of their son," in addition to answering those two specific questions.

A statement like "I am sorry I shot your son" would unfortunately be used unfairly to attack his self-defense defense. I believe GZ feels terrible about what happened, and respectfully gave the victim's mother exactly what she asked for, without sacrificing himself to a possible life in prison for something he claims he didn't to: commit murder.

If GZ truly acted in self-defense to protect his own life, and is therefore unfairly and wrongly charged with murder, it would be ludicrous legal suicide for him to actually apologize, as he no doubt would have done immediately, and no doubt longs to do, were he not otherwise so crucially constrained.


I would say that GZ watched that interview and answered the ?'s she asked. That to me took a lot of courage. Thanks, I had not seen that.
as for the 'timeline', & how verifiable, assume the State has certainly seen all that too, and would have checked it out

IMO they did not fully vett the statement before the Probable Cause affidavit, but they will have by the trial - hence my opinion that she will never take the stand.
And yet, that is precisely what Sybrina said she wanted to hear from GZ.

Trayvon's Murder: Mother's Interview After Zimmerman's Charged - YouTube
The Today Show, Sybrina's entire reply. Question is asked at 3:08.

Ann Curry: Tracy and Sybrina, either of you can take this question:

If you were to come face to face with George Zimmerman, what do you want to tell him? What do you want to ask him?

Sybrina: Um, one of the things that I still believe in, a person should apologize when they're really, when they're actually remorseful for what they've done. Um, I believe that it was a(n) accident, I believe that uh, it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back.

Um, I would ask him: Did he know that that was a minor? That that was a teenager, and that he did not have a weapon?

Um, I would ask him, that I understand that his family is hurting, but think about our family, that lost our teenage son; I mean it's just very difficult to live with day in and day out. Um, I'm sure that his parents can pick up the phone and call him, but we can't pick up the phone and call Trayvon any more.


IMO, Sybrina did in fact express a clear and distinct wish to hear a sincere expression of condolence, literally "for the loss of their son," in addition to answering those two specific questions.

A statement like "I am sorry I shot your son" would unfortunately be used unfairly to attack his self-defense defense. I believe GZ feels terrible about what happened, and respectfully gave the victim's mother exactly what she asked for, without sacrificing himself to a possible life in prison for something he claims he didn't to: commit murder.

If GZ truly acted in self-defense to protect his own life, and is therefore unfairly and wrongly charged with murder, it would be ludicrous legal suicide for him to actually apologize, as he no doubt would have done immediately, and no doubt longs to do, were he not otherwise so crucially constrained.


Where in the following question and answers does his Mom ever say she wants him to apologize?

If you were to come face to face with George Zimmerman, what do you want to tell him? What do you want to ask him?

Sybrina: Um, one of the things that I still believe in, a person should apologize when they're really, when they're actually remorseful for what they've done. Um, I believe that it was a(n) accident, I believe that uh, it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back.

Um, I would ask him: Did he know that that was a minor? That that was a teenager, and that he did not have a weapon?
You don't get paid $400 per hour for very long if everything you do is a mistake. IMO.

He is someone's defense lawyer. He really needs to pay more attention if he's making all these mistakes completely unintentionally.

He's getting killed because he didn't find out about the account which at that point in time was probably not a priority. It may have crossed his mind but he may have also thought/assumed that GZ would be forthcoming with that if he knew the amount. He may have thought there wasn't that much in there to worry about (few hundred bucks). I mean, I was pretty surprised that he was able to get 200k in basically 16 days the site was live.

Even despite all that, he owned up to his mistake on the JVM interview on friday. He said he should of followed up with that. The guy has only been on the case for 3 weeks, coming in cold. If he's making these sorts of misses 6 months or a year from now, than I see the point.
I don't consider it rhetoric, And I"m sorry you disagree. Remove the blogs, remove even MSM. They don't matter. They are ethically wrong to disclose a minor's name and it doesn't matter that the WEB has that information. I expect more from a defense counsel who knows the law.

In a court of law Mark O'Mara said the name of a witness. While later in the hearing because of the Sunshine Act, he told the Judge he wanted the names of the witnesses sealed. The State stood up in a court of law and said that they had the discovery but were asked by Mark O'Mara not to give it to them so that they could work on an agreement to protect the witnesses. The Judge said work it out.

My personal belief is that is was no accident. And I'm sorry if others need to dismiss my opinion and that of others here as rhetoric, in an effort to dismiss the validity of the argument.

It is what happened, and my opinion is as valid as those that said it was a oopsie moment. How would anyone know that. One opinion is no more rhetoric that the other. It took off all over the internet. Sly like a fox he is." And, as a result it did increase the ferocity of the posting on the internet about this girl IMO including misleading records that surfaced that were phone records in Pacific Timezone.

AWESOME! Even if her name was already on the internet (I did not know that), how does that make it right for O'Mara to let her name slip to the world?

I still don't know her name, but I do see the consequences of it already, with people eager to 'sleuth' her.
Sorry for asking but I've been AWOL day due to my job. Can anyone give me a quick update about today? Has anything of importance happened?

Much appreciated
He's getting killed because he didn't find out about the account which at that point in time was probably not a priority. It may have crossed his mind but he may have also thought/assumed that GZ would be forthcoming with that if he knew the amount. He may have thought there wasn't that much in there to worry about (few hundred bucks). I mean, I was pretty surprised that he was able to get 200k in basically 16 days the site was live.

Even despite all that, he owned up to his mistake on the JVM interview on friday. He said he should of followed up with that. The guy has only been on the case for 3 weeks, coming in cold. If he's making these sorts of misses 6 months or a year from now, than I see the point.

I guess we'll see.

Thinking is all well and good but it would have taken him a minute at most to tell someone at his office to call RZ Jr and find out about the account.
He apologized for it, what else is there to do? Are you telling me that a lawyer, no matter what side they are on, has never slipped on something that was supposed to be redacted in court? And is a slip up never a truly a slip up, but intentional?

I mean, we are holding MOM to a pretty high standard to never make any mistakes or miscues in the courtroom. Can the say be said for the prosecution?

I included 3 issues not one in which Mark O'Mara has made apologies. My post stated that he seems to be apologizing in a collective way and that IMO is nothing more than defense attorney dirty tricks.

Do it, say it, and then say I'm sorry! I'm having a difficult time finding his apologies sincere as a result. Agree or disagree I'm not here to change anyone's opinon. That is my opinion.
She never asked him to apologize.

Then I guess everyone oughta be happy because he didn't apologize... Apologies are of the form, "I am sorry that I did X because X is wrong", not of the form, "I am sorry that X happened and I am very careful not to say that I participated in doing X and X was really justifiable because I didn't know Y and Z"
The fact of the matter is if it was the prosecutor that made the slip up, he would be given the benefit of the doubt on here, but because MOM has the title of 'defense lawyer', no such benefit of the doubt is given.

BEM: As was SB given the benefit of the doubt when she clearly said she felt this was an "accident" that went too far and Zimmerman couldn't turn the clock back. I brought this up and for 20 posts I heard how she made a mistake. It was in this same statement where she said he should apologize. She did not retract that part of the statement. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, even if I do believe she is being coached to an extent.

Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, everyone.

I agree. Further, if GZ hadn't apologized people would be calling him cold, unfeeling, heartless. Instead they're calling him self-serving. IMO, it's unusual to see a defendant make the kind of statement GZ did and I thought it made him look less like a hard-hearted killer and more like a compassionate human being who understood the tragic loss of a young man's life.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

IMHO.. I didn't view his statement to Trayvon's parents as being an apology, however I still view him as being cold, unfeeling, heartless due to the fact his statement was totally self serving..GZ could care less he killed Trayvon Martin..IMO.. The shooting was in cold blood.. All he is concerned with is saving his rear end..JMHO
It was NOT the Black Panthers-it was the New Black Panthers a crazy fringe group of not very many people (sorta like the white racists who are congratulating Zimmerman) AND they didn't put out a contract or bounty on him or "his head" BUT for his ARREST.

These types of fringe groups do things for their own benefit, generally to just obtain publicity as they get little. Ignoring them is the best thing to do and what most people are doing including the victims family. They are no more responsible for that the New Black Panthers say or do then George's family and attorney is for what white nationalists are doing.

Members of a group called the New Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the “capture and citizens arrest” of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch coordinator who shot Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26....the New Black Panther Party is a hate group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, and other organizations that track fringe ideological movements.


Or when the Black Panthers put out the contract on him.
I included 3 issues not one in which Mark O'Mara has made apologies. My post stated that he seems to be apologizing in a collective way and that IMO is nothing more than defense attorney dirty tricks.

Do it, say it, and then say I'm sorry! I'm having a difficult time finding his apologies sincere as a result. Agree or disagree I'm not here to change anyone's opinon. That is my opinion.

One of these days he may make a slip that is not to his client's benefit... If not it's statistically a bit unlikely to be all random accidents.
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