17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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I don't consider it rhetoric, And I"m sorry you disagree. Remove the blogs, remove even MSM. They don't matter. They are ethically wrong to disclose a minor's name and it doesn't matter that the WEB has that information. I expect more from a defense counsel who knows the law.

In a court of law Mark O'Mara said the name of a witness. While later in the hearing because of the Sunshine Act, he told the Judge he wanted the names of the witnesses sealed. The State stood up in a court of law and said that they had the discovery but were asked by Mark O'Mara not to give it to them so that they could work on an agreement to protect the witnesses. The Judge said work it out.

My personal belief is that is was no accident. And I'm sorry if others need to dismiss my opinion and that of others here as rhetoric, in an effort to dismiss the validity of the argument.

It is what happened, and my opinion is as valid as those that said it was a oopsie moment. How would anyone know that. One opinion is no more rhetoric that the other. It took off all over the internet. Sly like a fox he is." And, as a result it did increase the ferocity of the posting on the internet about this girl IMO including misleading records that surfaced that were phone records in Pacific Timezone.

Hi Grandmaj, I just want to say thank you ! I respect and appreciate your opinion very much :tyou::tyou::tyou:
We need a thread for every time Mr O'Mara apologizes for being unawares and every time he uses the word coincidence or coincidentally. (With no discussion) just the quotes/links and their context.

If it was a drinking game we'd all be posting snockered.
Trayvon's mother never asked Zimmerman for an apology.

John never said he was outside.
Given the benefit of the doubt by whom? IIRC.. She wasn't given the benefit of the doubt by those here who have been defending GZ's actions since day one...Most everyone I am speaking of was chomping at the bit eagerly stating SB (herself) thinks it was just an accident.JMHO..

*raises hand* Me, me! lol I promise.

Seriously, I have mad respect and admiration especially for Sybrina. I think she is an extremely gracious woman. I was watching the Today Show that morning and I literally cringed when I heard her use the word "accident". I knew exactly what she meant, but I also knew those words would be the soundbite of the day and I immediately felt bad for her. (I also saw Crump cringe. ;) Wasn't it Crump sitting with her and Tracy during that interview? I think I recall it being him.) Either way, I thought they did a good job of damage control by quickly clarifying what she meant by 'accident'.

I find Sybrina to be extremely credible. She was speaking from the heart and didn't realize how twisted those words could become. I really felt awful for her that day and kept checking MSM sites to see how bad the media was going to exploit it.
My thoughts exactly. A lot is riding on this testimony. Many of the actions of TM that have been reported in the MSM are directly from this conversation.
And, I would add, from the narrative and plethora of details Crump provided in his press conference on the subject. JMO
I was just pointing out that it is a misconception that is being repeated over and over that Trayvon's mother asked for an apology.

She never did.

Who do you think she was inferring that GZ apologize to? I don't look at it as a misconception to believe she was talking about Zimmerman as the "person" who should apologize, or to whom she felt he should apologize to.

I don't see how it can be taken any other way.
If anybody was hospitalized they will have medical statements to confirm and need not rely on tweets and FB to say so.

IMO. (and I'm completely clueless about twitter and FB)
The point was on the day it was said though, she was given the benefit of the doubt. Why isn't the courtesy extended to everyone in this case, even the defense lawyer?

Because she is a grieving mother and I don't think anyone else in this case that has such a vested interest. :maddening:
Who do you think she was inferring that GZ apologize to? I don't look at it as a misconception to believe she was talking about Zimmerman as the "person" who should apologize, or to whom she felt he should apologize to.

I don't see how it can be taken any other way.

She said one should apologize if one is truly remorseful.

From that it can be inferred that one should probably not apologize if it's just for show.
We are discussing defense attys after all. It's all a game in their world....

With all due respect, how many defense attorneys do you know? I know and have worked with hundreds. They are at least as honorable as DAs. (Look at all the cases of innocent persons still held in prison because DAs refuse to allow DNA testing or the like. Let's don't sentimentalize the "honor" of prosecutors.)

But to the extent "it's all a game", keep in mind that their opponent (the State) got to write the rules of that game. So if a defense counsel exploits any loophole s/he can find, s/he is already playing against the odds and is in fact doing his or her job.

(With regard to mentioning the g.f.'s name, I think that was just a mistake. O'Mara had no way of predicting the consequences of revealing her name (and in fact her name was already available on the internet); for all he knew, public pressure might lead to a further hardening of her attitude against GZ.

NOBODY, regardless of what he makes per hour, can stand and talk for over an hour without misspeaking a few times.)
Who do you think she was inferring that GZ apologize to? I don't look at it as a misconception to believe she was talking about Zimmerman as the "person" who should apologize, or to whom she felt he should apologize to.

I don't see how it can be taken any other way.

How about this?

tr.v. ad·mon·ished, ad·mon·ish·ing, ad·mon·ish·es
1. To reprove gently but earnestly.

ad·monish·ment n.
Synonyms: admonish, reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reproach
These verbs mean to correct or caution critically. Admonish implies the giving of advice or a warning in order to rectify or avoid something:
I disagree. TM's state of mind is not on trial here, Zimmerman's is. The real evidence in this case is Zimmerman's call to 911, his statements to police and the location of the body.
See, regardless of the worthiness of our opinions, I doubt they will be taken into account in matters of law. IMO TM's state of mind may be deemed important in order to determine the truthfulness of GZ's statements about what happened. And I believe there is other evidence besides the above that will be brought into it. Me, I'm all for letting the folks in charge decide what will qualify as real evidence in this case. JMO

Besides, TM's state of mind has been discussed here and elsewhere at length and with great speculation by many people with differing views, including those who believe a depraved, racist GZ stalked TM mercilessly and murdered him with malice. JMO
If anybody was hospitalized they will have medical statements to confirm and need not rely on tweets and FB to say so.

IMO. (and I'm completely clueless about twitter and FB)

I wish parents would tell their kids that future employers will and can look at potential employees FB and treets and all other social media to see what kind of people they are hiring. jmo
I think whatever story she told her doctor the night she was hopitalized is the story that will stick like glue. jmo
Hmm.. are we allowed to sleuth this? I didn't think so, therefore I'm refraining from commenting on these details. JMO
How about this?

tr.v. ad·mon·ished, ad·mon·ish·ing, ad·mon·ish·es
1. To reprove gently but earnestly.

ad·monish·ment n.
Synonyms: admonish, reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reproach
These verbs mean to correct or caution critically. Admonish implies the giving of advice or a warning in order to rectify or avoid something:
Ah, but Dr. F, perhaps you are forgetting: Ann Curry did not ask Sybrina how she would "admonish" GZ... (JK)
See, regardless of the worthiness of our opinions, I doubt they will be taken into account in matters of law. IMO TM's state of mind may be deemed important in order to determine the truthfulness of GZ's statements about what happened. And I believe there is other evidence besides the above that will be brought into it. Me, I'm all for letting the folks in charge decide what will qualify as real evidence in this case. JMO

Besides, TM's state of mind has been discussed here and elsewhere at length and with great speculation by many people with differing views, including those who believe a depraved, racist GZ stalked TM mercilessly and murdered him with malice. JMO

I am just going by what the detective said in the bond hearing about the evidence in the case. He said it was pretty much Zimmerman's statements that day and the place the body and shell casing was found.
Maybe MO'M simply got snookered by GZ about the $$ in paypal, etc

After all GZ does 'seem' to have a slippery tongue

what with 5? differing statements to LE

only IMO, of course

--when you're an attorney with 30 years experience the #1 thing to nail down BEFORE the bond hearing is-----how much money is there?? yours, shellie's, your family...etc etc.

--if he was unaware of the realGZ website with the paypal button on EACH page, the site that had been up since april 9th, and didn't ask about the paypal account ( then he must think we're idiots to believe that.)



omara--“If I had had any indication there was that much money in it , it would have come on to my radar. If anyone had mentioned anything ahead of time....but, we just didn’t have a lot of conversations around money in the website paypal , I don’t know how else to say it.”

--if "anyone would have mentioned anything....."----you're the hot shot attorney w/ mega experience, ASK the questions...never mind sitting at home waiting for something to "come onto your radar.."

--bottom line, he came TO the bond hearing unprepared w/ the pertinent info he knew he should have had.
I wish parents would tell their kids that future employers will and can look at potential employees FB and treets and all other social media to see what kind of people they are hiring. jmo

Are you implying that someone involved in this case wouldn't be hired if the employers saw the FB?
I don't know her name because minors are not to be sleuthed and I've only seen her first name on the Internet.

Yet if you know her name because it was all over the Internet, how did you find out without sleuthing her? Just curious.
Her name was not mentioned on the WS radio broadcast where I first heard a hint about the possibility that there was something hinky about Crump's presentation of her and the phone call. I easily found the information, without knowing her name. Name not required. Anyone with a Google search bar could find out what was being alleged. JMO
Ah, but Dr. F, perhaps you are forgetting: Ann Curry did not ask Sybrina how she would "admonish" GZ... (JK)
I am not forgetting anything. She asked what would you tell him. The word tell covers anything she wants to say to him. It does not rule out an admonishment which I believe is exactly what she was saying.

Ann Curry: Tracy and Sybrina, either of you can take this question:

If you were to come face to face with George Zimmerman, what do you want to tell him? What do you want to ask him?

Sybrina: Um, one of the things that I still believe in, a person should apologize when they're really, when they're actually remorseful for what they've done. Um, I believe that it was a(n) accident, I believe that uh, it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back.

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