17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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Right. He didn't even have the medical records, yet he said GZ's injuries contradict his statements. I don't see anything, besides the g/f's call, that the SP had that the SPD didn't have. Amazing leap from SYG to 2nd degree murder looking at the same evidence.

I have to wonder if this is why AC never takes her cases to the GJ.

My guess is she does not have to. jmo
Right. He didn't even have the medical records, yet he said GZ's injuries contradict his statements. I don't see anything, besides the g/f's call, that the SP had that the SPD didn't have. Amazing leap from SYG to 2nd degree murder looking at the same evidence.

I have to wonder if this is why AC never takes her cases to the GJ.

Yep and the credibility of the contents of that call are going to ne very important at the trial (and maybe the SYG hearing.

I actually have a theory I would like to discuss once all the threads are set up. Lets just say GZ may not be the only one who wants him to prevail in the SYG hearing.
Posting with JBean's permission

We understand there are some questions and concerns regarding the discovery deadline suggested by our Criminal Rules. While the rules do state that discovery is due 15 days from demand, that is a right which George Zimmerman enjoys, and it is up to his defense team to decide how to handle these matters.
We are concerned about the release of witness information to the general public, solely due to safety concerns. There has been a lot of animosity and emotions caused by incomplete and premature disclosure of information. Becasue those emotions still run so high, we want to do everything we can to protect the sanctity of the process and the safety of the witnesses.

No good purpose will be served by a media frenzy directed at witnesses. While the media and the public have an absolute right to know about this case, that right has to be balanced with the rights of these witnesses.
They are doing their civic duty in testifying in this case.
We doubt any of them enjoy the scrutiny they are under due to the coincidence of their involvement in such a high profile matter. We are delaying demanding the discovery until we can file motions to protect these witnesses. Once that is in place, discovery will flow to us, then the media and the public has access to it, under our rules.

Ms. Corey in not violating any rule or statute, as it is our decision, not hers, to wait until proper motions regarding the witnesses have been drafted and filed. tks for your understanding.
The g/f and TM's parents said he always had his ear buds in while he was on the phone, so I assumed an iPhone because I'm not aware of another cell with the mic/ear buds, but I've had iPhones for years so I could be totally wrong.

I've been trying to figure out if this is TM's phone on his hip. In one one of the interviews Sybrina mentioned he always had it on the side of his pocket.

It doesn't look like a cell phone to me.


Yep and the credibility of the contents of that call are going to ne very important at the trial (and maybe the SYG hearing.

I actually have a theory I would like to discuss once all the threads are set up. Lets just say GZ may not be the only one who wants him to prevail in the SYG hearing.

Oh yay! I haven't read that far yet, can't wait!
we will be breaking things out into discussion topics- but for now carry on as you have been.
if you feel a topic should have it's own thread- go ahead and start the thread. You will not see it as all new threads will be "moderated" in here first. That means the mods can see your thread and no one else can. if the topic is approved, it will be visible to all.

Due to the controversial nature of this case we are going to do this for awhile. We are really sorry to have to be so tight-but the goal is to get everyone on board with rules and then it will run more like other forums. Ultimate goal is to give you more room to discuss all aspects more freely.
thanks for your cooperation.
don't forget to post a link to the images you post.
He doesn't need to do the testing personally to have insight. He just needs to know of the results of such testing.

"insight" is not a legal term. We have no way of knowing whether Gilbreath interprets it the same as you do.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for bumping Trayvon up to the Featured Case Discussions! Is this going to be like Caylee's forum was? Once everything gets settled we'll be able to have different threads? Like one for the discussion on the SYG laws, one for discussion of any evidence released, side bar, etc...

Trayvon was such a good looking kid! I don't see how anyone could think he looked threatening at all. I'm willing to bet he didn't look suspicious at all and GZ just thought he could take this one. :banghead:

I was just at Publix and this young kid was bagging my groceries and he looked so much like Trayvon, but shorter. I wanted to hug him so bad, but I didn't want him to think I was crazy. I also didn't want to scare him by saying, "you look so much like Trayvon." I just smiled and thanked him.

So sad.

Not that I know of...it's been said that Trayvon had an iPhone...but his Twitter was being updated from an Android phone. Maybe the iPhone was new, or maybe it was misreported.

Never heard what GZ had.


What tweets? The UNAUTHENTICATED tweets that Klankannon ALLEGEDLY hacked? Please link if you have info on AUTHENTICATED tweets/FB posts. I've been fighting commentors on Yahoo and FB about thes UNAUTHENTICATED accounts.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for bumping Trayvon up to the Featured Case Discussions! Is this going to be like Caylee's forum was? Once everything gets settled we'll be able to have different threads? Like one for the discussion on the SYG laws, one for discussion of any evidence released, side bar, etc...
if you have something that you would like to see as a separate topic for discussion- please go ahead and start a thread. It will be moderated until a mod has an opportunity to review and approve if appropriate.
So sorry for all the rules, but just need to start this off a little slower than usual and build up to the typical forum format.
if you have something that you would like to see as a separate topic for discussion- please go ahead and start a thread. It will be moderated until a mod has an opportunity to review and approve if appropriate.
So sorry for all the rules, but just need to start this off a little slower than usual and build up to the typical forum format.

The rules are understandable! Thank you again! This is going to make everything so much easier. Especially when the doc. dumps start coming in.

go ahead, badme.

make my day.


LOL! j/k.

MOM just might be smarter than your average criminaldefenderBear.

Thanks for the link...I just "Liked" it; I also have Justice for Trayvon and Trayvon updates "Liked". (Didn't post the links since one "bad" might be enough for a Sunday night!
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