18 y/o Black male shot dead by Police in St Louis suburb of Berkeley MO

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Just saw yet another cop was followed and critically injured in another assassination attempt in St. Louis on Dec 19th.

Are these new to anyone else?

Authorities said the officer was critically injured Dec. 19 in a gunfight with people in a car driven by the parolee, Dominic Lamont Irons, 29, of the 2800 block of Delmar Boulevard. According to a court document, Irons and the others in the car followed the officer's truck for the purpose of shooting him.

As the officer pulled to the curb in the 3800 block of North 25th Street and began to get out of his truck, Irons drove alongside and someone in the car shot at the officer.


And in the past few months (since MB's death) in MO more than one criminal has escaped arrest. Has an arrest ever been made for the young man that was shot in his car, put in his trunk and lit on fire? The one that occurred in the apartment complex of the MB shooting? What about arrests for all of the threats of killing officers? The arrests of the looters? Of the ones that burned down those businesses?

This case appears to be truly a justified shooting. Unfortunately there are many that will never see it that way. All they will see is that a "young black man" was killed by LE. Never mind the fact that the man pulled a gun first. All children should know at a very young age, you pull a gun on a cop (really anyone) you WILL get shot. Period, end of discussion. And it doesn't matter what color of skin the child has either. We teach our kids to not play in the road because a car could hit and kill them. We teach our kids all manner of things to keep them safe and protect them. We should all be teaching our kids to obey police officers, as long as it is not an unreasonable request.

There have been numerous folks that did in fact cheer when they heard that a police officer had been shot. They were absolutely gleeful about it. Then they heard that the police officer that was shot, had shot the black "kid" that shot him. Talk about a drastic change in attitude. Then it was Oh hell no. How dare he do that to a black "kid". So while some may not have heard about cheering when an officer was reported being shot, I personally witnessed it myself thanks to the fools that decided to live stream their behavior.



I am glad you included this in your post. How does one decipher what is an unreasonable request or not? And if it is unreasonable, how is one to act to that request?

I am glad you included this in your post. How does one decipher what is an unreasonable request or not? And if it is unreasonable, how is one to act to that request?

Here is a good example:

Family's outrage as top cop escapes charges for telling teen 'he would drop underage drinking charges if she posed for naked photos in station basement'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ed-photos-station-basement.html#ixzz3NJIeIQTy
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I am glad you included this in your post. How does one decipher what is an unreasonable request or not? And if it is unreasonable, how is one to act to that request?

BBM If it seems unreasonable, you comply anyway, and file a complaint and/or a lawsuit later. Unless the request is glaringly unreasonable or harmful (as in the case Sstar33 cited) you should simply comply and fight about the wrong or right of it later IMO.

At least that is what I taught my now nearly 30 son when he was coming up. And it served him well. He had two or three minor interactions with LE while making some pretty stupid decisions. But he remembered what I taught him and did exactly asked asked by LE. On one of those occasions he was subject to a search I disagreed with. He complied at the time, and later I filed a complaint.

I am glad you included this in your post. How does one decipher what is an unreasonable request or not? And if it is unreasonable, how is one to act to that request?

As Starr33 pointed out, if a police officer requests that you get undressed, perform sexual acts to get out of a ticket/trouble, then of course that is unreasonable. If a police officer requests that you get out of the road, then get the hell out of the road. If they request that you put your hands where they can see them, then do it. Instead we have some that will argue with police officers, put their hands in their waistbands, glove compartment of a car, etc. What the heck is the officer supposed to think then? Common sense is a wonderful thing. If an officer requests something that your parents/grandparents would ask you to do then just do it. Everyone needs to remember who the officers deal with on a daily basis. They seldom just deal with law abiding citizens that respect the badge. Unfortunately nowadays kids/teens seem to no longer have the respect for others that they should. And THAT does begin at home.

I just had an epiphany. It's not that the protesters, media, politicians, etc., are deliberately lying when they say that these protests are peaceful. It's that they have a different definition of "peaceful" than most people do. To them, looting and arson are peaceful. When they say that Joshua is a peaceful protester, and an advocate of peaceful protesting, they really mean it, because they consider arson part of peaceful protesting.

Blocking traffic, swarming and threatening stopped cars, inciting to riot, threatening police officers .... yep, those things too are all part of "peaceful protesting."

So you see, it's just a matter of adjusting your definitions, and everything is clear.

The epiphany I had is that for these young urban *protestors* <---insert more appropriate descriptor of your preference>, there is no interaction of any kind with a police officer that they would feel is appropriate or positive. These individuals do not "fear" LEOs-- they HATE and REVILE and RESENT the authority of the LEO, even moreso than they hate and revile authority figures in general. The very existence of any LEO's, black, white, Asian, or Hispanic, or any color or ethnicity rubs them the wrong way. An officer standing in a convenience store could say "Hello" or "Good morning" or wish them "Happy Holidays", and they would react by feeling picked on, resentful, singled out, and angry-- and then use that as an excuse to act out and commit crimes in the name of "protesting" some nebulous thing they can't quite articulate. They are stuck in a perpetual state of oppositional defiant adolescence, IMO.

There is no way to "fix" this attitude in this subgroup of sociopathic misfits, IMO. There is no "national discussion" that will make any of this any better for the perpetually aggrieved, antisocial, and criminally inclined populations-- that is a complete joke. Education won't fix it, "sensitivity training" won't fix it-- nothing, IMO. It's a lost cause. It is too deeply ingrained in their subculture, from cradle to grave. All we can do as a civilized population is continue to call out the behavior, protect the innocent where we can, and punish through the criminal justice system whenever possible. I really don't care at all what any of these "protestors" think anymore. IMO, whatever it is that they are trying to say or communicate by rioting and shooting police and burning stuff down, isn't valid at all. It's domestic terrorism, and they belong in prison for decades, IMO. Every last one of them.

If you pull a gun on a cop, or go for the cop's weapon, or refuse to show your hands, or reach in your waistband or glove box during an encounter without announcing your intentions and asking, you are going to get shot, and probably killed. I don't care who you are, how old you are, or what color you are. It's a very, very simple concept. LEOs have a job to do, and they DESERVE to be able to go home alive at the end of their shift. They are not required to DIE at the hands of an impulsive, antisocial, criminal in order to make some perpetually aggrieved misfit group feel "validated". IMO.
quote bt K_Z
I really don't care at all what any of these "protestors" think anymore. IMO, whatever it is that they are trying to say or communicate by rioting and shooting police and burning stuff down, isn't valid at all. It's domestic terrorism, and they belong in prison for decades, IMO. Every last one of them.

A simple thanks isn't enough.
Again thank you.
A standing O. :clap:
The epiphany I had is that for these young urban *protestors* <---insert more appropriate descriptor of your preference>, there is no interaction of any kind with a police officer that they would feel is appropriate or positive. These individuals do not "fear" LEOs-- they HATE and REVILE and RESENT the authority of the LEO, even moreso than they hate and revile authority figures in general. The very existence of any LEO's, black, white, Asian, or Hispanic, or any color or ethnicity rubs them the wrong way. An officer standing in a convenience store could say "Hello" or "Good morning" or wish them "Happy Holidays", and they would react by feeling picked on, resentful, singled out, and angry-- and then use that as an excuse to act out and commit crimes in the name of "protesting" some nebulous thing they can't quite articulate. They are stuck in a perpetual state of oppositional defiant adolescence, IMO.

There is no way to "fix" this attitude in this subgroup of sociopathic misfits, IMO. There is no "national discussion" that will make any of this any better for the perpetually aggrieved, antisocial, and criminally inclined populations-- that is a complete joke. Education won't fix it, "sensitivity training" won't fix it-- nothing, IMO. It's a lost cause. It is too deeply ingrained in their subculture, from cradle to grave. All we can do as a civilized population is continue to call out the behavior, protect the innocent where we can, and punish through the criminal justice system whenever possible. I really don't care at all what any of these "protestors" think anymore. IMO, whatever it is that they are trying to say or communicate by rioting and shooting police and burning stuff down, isn't valid at all. It's domestic terrorism, and they belong in prison for decades, IMO. Every last one of them.

If you pull a gun on a cop, or go for the cop's weapon, or refuse to show your hands, or reach in your waistband or glove box during an encounter without announcing your intentions and asking, you are going to get shot, and probably killed. I don't care who you are, how old you are, or what color you are. It's a very, very simple concept. LEOs have a job to do, and they DESERVE to be able to go home alive at the end of their shift. They are not required to DIE at the hands of an impulsive, antisocial, criminal in order to make some perpetually aggrieved misfit group feel "validated". IMO.

K_Z, thank you for this post! You said it better than I could have. ITA with every word.
Thanks button is not enough for your post, K_Z.

Hope this quote from a post in the Cleveland newspaper (www.cleveland.com/morris) is acceptable to post here. It raises an honest (IMO) question in response to the statements that the police need to change before any possible difference can be made:
"Let us suppose that we were able to remove those police officers that are not performing properly. Let's suppose we give them desk jobs and less pay. Would everything be okay then with the black community? Would the leadership of that community (then) focus their efforts on changing the culture of that community?"
Berkely mayor is supposed to have a PC soon. I'm trying to find a link, the one Fox2 posted on their FB page is off air.
It seems like I missed the PC but here is what one of the Fox 2 reporters is saying

11:11pm Berkley PD received a call for service for shoplifting.
11:12 pm 2nd call dispatched advised of incident with description of suspect
11:14pm officer arrived on scene
11:15pm advised shots had been fired
11:16pm First assist unit arrived on scene
11:17pm EMS was contacted
11:19pm Unknown female called for ambulance
11:21 Paramedics arrived on scene to treat AM
11:28pm AM was lifeless and time of death was declared
2:00am AM's body was logged into the Medical Examiners office"

Several Witnesses were intervieweed and have confirmed that AM was armed and did attempt to fire his weapon at the officer.
The individual who was with AM at the time confiremed the same. He told police that he fled for fear of his life and didn't know if he would be shot.
Several other individuals confiremed the weapon as well.
It has been confirmed that the officer feared for his life and as a result fired 3 shots.
Yes, I haven't seen LindaNJ posting at all lately and I wonder what happened?
She always contributed so nicely here at WS....very bright!

LindaNJ where are you?

I had her email address and just emailed her. Glad another poster saw her on here. I, too, was getting concerned.
The epiphany I had is that for these young urban *protestors* <---insert more appropriate descriptor of your preference>, there is no interaction of any kind with a police officer that they would feel is appropriate or positive. These individuals do not "fear" LEOs-- they HATE and REVILE and RESENT the authority of the LEO, even moreso than they hate and revile authority figures in general. The very existence of any LEO's, black, white, Asian, or Hispanic, or any color or ethnicity rubs them the wrong way. An officer standing in a convenience store could say "Hello" or "Good morning" or wish them "Happy Holidays", and they would react by feeling picked on, resentful, singled out, and angry-- and then use that as an excuse to act out and commit crimes in the name of "protesting" some nebulous thing they can't quite articulate. They are stuck in a perpetual state of oppositional defiant adolescence, IMO.

There is no way to "fix" this attitude in this subgroup of sociopathic misfits, IMO. There is no "national discussion" that will make any of this any better for the perpetually aggrieved, antisocial, and criminally inclined populations-- that is a complete joke. Education won't fix it, "sensitivity training" won't fix it-- nothing, IMO. It's a lost cause. It is too deeply ingrained in their subculture, from cradle to grave. All we can do as a civilized population is continue to call out the behavior, protect the innocent where we can, and punish through the criminal justice system whenever possible. I really don't care at all what any of these "protestors" think anymore. IMO, whatever it is that they are trying to say or communicate by rioting and shooting police and burning stuff down, isn't valid at all. It's domestic terrorism, and they belong in prison for decades, IMO. Every last one of them.

If you pull a gun on a cop, or go for the cop's weapon, or refuse to show your hands, or reach in your waistband or glove box during an encounter without announcing your intentions and asking, you are going to get shot, and probably killed. I don't care who you are, how old you are, or what color you are. It's a very, very simple concept. LEOs have a job to do, and they DESERVE to be able to go home alive at the end of their shift. They are not required to DIE at the hands of an impulsive, antisocial, criminal in order to make some perpetually aggrieved misfit group feel "validated". IMO.

Bravo!!!!! This should be in every newspaper!
I see LindaNJ elsewhere every day. She's fine. :)

I am also glad that Antonio's friend told the truth about pointing a gun at the officer.

Game over.
I see LindaNJ elsewhere every day. She's fine. :)

I am also glad that Antonio's friend told the truth about pointing a gun at the officer.

Game over.

I agree it should be game over. However I doubt the truth will deter the agitators. It certainly didn't matter re: the hands up don't shoot meme.

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