Found Deceased # 2 Australia - Jesse Baird, 26, TV presenter and partner Luke Davies, 29. blood located at home, 23 Feb 2024 *arrest*

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The roommates thing is odd to me. On one hand, I get it - things seem a bit off and messy and the last thing you'd ever be expecting would be your roommate and his partner to be murdered and wrapped in surfboard bags in your back garden. Yet, on the flip side, it just seems like too much was off and messy for alarm bells not be ringing somewhere. One of those situations where you can't see the forest for the trees.

A truly horrible thing for them to be dragged into regardless. Not something that will ever leave them I imagine.
Meth comes to mind. Anabolic steroids also. Some of the photos show this guy jacked (with non natural appearance) so he may have only started using steroids recently. They have a whole plethora of mental side effects that can go with them. If using meth also which many steroid users in Australia do, it's no surprise he didn't sleep for a week, and carried out such a hideous act.
100% . That stuff is so dangerous, so addictive, they’ll steal the gold out of their mother’s teeth to buy a fix ! Imo.

But I don’t want BLC thinking that he’s such a clever little f*&# with his ‘acting’ portrayal of a confused person, that will be his defence.

To murder Jesse was without any shadow of a doubt, premeditated - and he had it all worked out, had the surf board cover to transport the body, no doubt knew Jesse would be home that morning, knew flat mates weren’t home (had a key to let himself in anyway)

However I don’t think BLC expected Luke to be there ( for all we know this may’ve been the first time he’d stayed over. Late shift or day off maybe ) and Luke’s presence may perhaps have changed the whole scenario that BLC had played out in his mind.

* it’s interesting to hear there were words spoken on that 000 call, as up until now I understood nothing was said. And they are pretty ‘telling’ words, when a call is ended straight after, imo.

Scenarios ( from the diagram, imo it happened in the kitchen)

1) Jesse is in kitchen when BLC appears & shoots him.
BLC then makes his way upstairs - encounters Luke who’s woken up & who says ‘ get … .. ‘ so BLC then shoots him. NO, doesn’t work for me, as no reason for BLC to go upstairs, and no presented evidence re upstairs

2) Luke is in kitchen when he sees BLC coming inside. He immediately dials 000 as he’s speaking to BLC, but he’s ‘motioned with gun’ to end the call, which he does.
Perhaps Jesse came out of the bathroom at this point. Was there an attempt to overthrow BLC & his first bullet went a bit astray, but enough to render one very injured and the other very concerned …. then it was 2 x quick executions. Maybe.

Having to deal with 2 people / 2 bodies may’ve rattled his ‘perfect plan’. Much more challenging & time consuming, more stuff to get rid of … and now he has to leave the bodies there in order to go get another surf board cover ! FFS!
…. what to do now. . . ok put one in its intended surf bag, wrap the other in a doona & stick them both out the back under a tarp for now.

I can’t believe those flatmates - but I’ll say no more on that..

Maybe BLC will plead guilty to the murder of Jesse, but to involuntary manslaughter of Luke .

Just out of interest, what happens in Aus is an impartial jury cannot be formed ?
OMG - please let’s not waste any more valuable resources…..
And I’ll apologise now if I’ve tramped all over the opinion of others. I started my post & got called away ..
The text message…

On Tuesday, he used Baird’s phone to send a text to the former Network Ten presenter’s housemates saying he had “hired an AirTasker to come and collect my things” and that he “might be doing a roadtrip to Perth on Thursday night”, police will allege.

Paywalled for some

Can someone summarize the points in this paywalled article please?

Police will allege investigators "found three cleaners in the process of cleaning the premises" on February 21 when they arrived at the Paddington terrace where the alleged murders took place two days earlier, a statement of facts sheet obtained by the Sydney Morning Herald and seen by 9News reveals.

It states that cleaners had "mopped half the wooden floor before police arrived and stopped them".

Investigators said they found "blood staining" underneath the floorboards in the kitchen and in Baird's bedroom that was "consistent with a body bleeding heavily", as well as bullet holes and a .40 calibre cartridge in the kitchen.

At 8pm that same night, a housemate returned to the Paddington home and saw two surfboard bags lying outside near the roller door.

They were covered with a tarpaulin and the housemate took three photographs "and prodded them with their finger", unaware there were bodies inside.
Thanks Doc. That puts paid to my suggestion that it all happened in the kitchen.

So tragic, this stuff should never happen.
I think it highlights how there are people moving among us that might give us an ick feeling every now and then but we don't think much about it until something like this happens.
Yup. Have to trust my gut more.
Half an hour later, he was allegedly seen by a witness throwing items into a skip bin.
He was even spotted during that? My lord, he really was not rational at all.
Police rushed to Brown Street and burst in to find three cleaners mopping up blood stains.
I can just imagine the scene. Poor cleaners. Must have been scary, both the situation (especially if they were non-fluent in English or immigrants or similar) and the thoughts later, when they were made aware of the situation.

So many bystanders getting hurt, so many people dragged into this mess. Just crazy.
Meth comes to mind. Anabolic steroids also. Some of the photos show this guy jacked (with non natural appearance) so he may have only started using steroids recently. They have a whole plethora of mental side effects that can go with them. If using meth also which many steroid users in Australia do, it's no surprise he didn't sleep for a week, and carried out such a hideous act.
I don't think meth plays into this scenario. I think the public would have had some idea by now. I think steroids is a possibility- he is very "jacked," up. The irrational behaviour, lack of sleep and especially lack of insight may lead into the erratic decisions.
I've had the misfortune of having loved ones and neighbours face addiction to ice. It's insidious, and I've lost count the number of times I've had NSWpol over. The neighbour's son and my family member (x2), are gaunt, missing teeth, scarring etc. The alleged perp doesn't have that appearance.

I don't think meth plays into this scenario. I think the public would have had some idea by now. I think steroids is a possibility- he is very "jacked," up. The irrational behaviour, lack of sleep and especially lack of insight may lead into the erratic decisions.
I've had the misfortune of having loved ones and neighbours face addiction to ice. It's insidious, and I've lost count the number of times I've had NSWpol over. The neighbour's son and my family member (x2), are gaunt, missing teeth, scarring etc. The alleged perp doesn't have that appearance.

Sorry to hear you have those experiences, meth / ice is insidious - however it takes a while before the physical appearance presents.

Having said that, I agree with you, and if he was on anything, I’d similarly suggest it more likely to be anabolic steroids. We know they can cause ‘roid rage’ (triggers the testosterone & makes them think they’re king of the castle & bullet proof ! )

However, I think that’s more ‘spur of the moment’ ( or many triggered moments! ) but don’t think they contribute to premeditated murder ( I’m no steroid / forensic expert so someone please tell me )

IMO, BLC was fuelled by his own state of disillusion (his right to intrude on celebrities, his ‘possibly staged’ high flying life style, the reason why people didn’t know he was a cop etc) but overarching all that is / was his sense of entitlement. … entitled to possess Jesse’s keys, to access his home, tamper with his phone, damage his car, to have Jesse feeling concerned & unsafe .. .. that’s a dangerous & calculating excuse for a human being.

All just my opinion in a dreadfully sad situation, on so many levels.
Sorry to hear you have those experiences, meth / ice is insidious - however it takes a while before the physical appearance presents.

Having said that, I agree with you, and if he was on anything, I’d similarly suggest it more likely to be anabolic steroids. We know they can cause ‘roid rage’ (triggers the testosterone & makes them think they’re king of the castle & bullet proof ! )

However, I think that’s more ‘spur of the moment’ ( or many triggered moments! ) but don’t think they contribute to premeditated murder ( I’m no steroid / forensic expert so someone please tell me )

IMO, BLC was fuelled by his own state of disillusion (his right to intrude on celebrities, his ‘possibly staged’ high flying life style, the reason why people didn’t know he was a cop etc) but overarching all that is / was his sense of entitlement. … entitled to possess Jesse’s keys, to access his home, tamper with his phone, damage his car, to have Jesse feeling concerned & unsafe .. .. that’s a dangerous & calculating excuse for a human being.

All just my opinion in a dreadfully sad situation, on so many levels.
From the information that’s has been released I gather BLC had a different relationship with Jesse’s “celebrity status” he was able to possess part of it. Unlike all the other celebrities he chased Jesse wasn’t protected by security while going out, he lived in a share house, he allegedly initially consented to intimacy with BLC and interacted with him, so BLC had access to something that was previously out of reach. Obsession came to life in reality and subsequently he was rejected by that… The text message JB drafted with his friend to show his boundaries to BLC and distance himself was very telling; it was very carefully worded and seemingly was either trying to be sensitive towards BLC or was aware of the potential escalation in BLC behavior or both??? IMO
For two surfboard covers to be in the backyard means he went back again to terrace in the day on Monday. also it was said he caught an uber from brown st to airport on Monday night....have to wait to hopefully get more clarity with the details..also looks like he got dropped off in the morning before murders, so no get away car and must have caught an uber after then somehow turning up at Miranda to buy 2nd surfboard bag. He must have been catching ubers back and forth to the scene all day.


I'll just try & add stuff we don't already know.

  • A "routine" audit found that BLC's gun was missing from a police gun safe a day after the murder, only for it to be returned two days later with ammunition missing
  • A neighbour heard a gunshot plus a “faint, muffled … yell or a raised voice” about 9.40am on February 19.
  • Another neighbour heard an “extremely loud and quick bang” one minute later that caused them to “freak out” before they heard two more about 10 minutes later
  • Almost 15 minutes later, a call was made to triple-0 by Davies’ mobile phone where a male voice said “get out, off” before cutting out
  • Emergency operator made 2 attempts to call Luke's phone- both unanswered
  • Jesse had not been getting on with his housemates in the lead up to the alleged murders- he was messy & were "poised" to kick him out
  • At 5:40pm the housemates were exchanging messages on the topic
  • One of them spotted the surf bags & blue tarp & the beetroot looking stain- one housemate took a photo & sent it to the other
  • At 8pm the housemate who received the text returned home to look at the mess- “The housemate took three photographs of the surfboard bags … and prodded them with their finger,” the document said. “They stated that the bag felt lumpy, not like it had a surfboard inside.”
  • Housemates were stunned to learn of the truth as to what was in the bags
  • They took photos to say ‘look at the mess here’, it wouldn’t even cross a person’s mind that they could really be looking at something so sinister,” the source said.
  • “There’s such an extreme improbability of a body being in a surf bag that it’s not even a rational thought when normal people would be confronted with such a site,” another said.
  • on Feb 20th - 24hrs after the alleged murders - a text was sent from Jesse's phone
  • “Hi both. I’ve hired Air Tasker to come and collect my things. I’ve just got to get someone with a van for my bed but everything else is clear,” the text said.

    “I might be doing a road trip to Perth with mates on Thursday night, so should be flying back Sunday and will 100% have it out by then,” the text continued.
  • At 8:10pm the one of the housemates went to inspect the surf bags & they were gone ( Tuesday the 20th )
  • Inside a skip bin was : Five drawers from Mr Baird’s chest of drawers and bedside tables, Luke's bank and ID cards plus his Tag Heuer watch, heavily blood soaked doona and blood soaked clothing, a smashed mobile phone, car keys, plus a hi-vis vest inside a bag, which had a sticker on the front that read “Baird, Jesse”
  • at 11.30am, investigators found pre-hired cleaners, who had mopped half of Mr Baird’s bedroom floor, before being removed by detectives who began searching the scene
  • Police found : apparent blood staining within the premises and the courtyard, the chest of drawers and the bedside tables, which also had blood stains on them, blood “underneath the floorboards in the kitchen” and blood in Mr Baird’s bedroom, “A large blue bloodstained tarp was located beneath a trapdoor,”, a bullet hole in the kitchen floor. Underneath, police found the spent bullet and located a spent cartridge on top of a kitchen cupboard.
  • The blood was tested and matched that of Mr Baird
  • Ballistic comparison of the fired cartridge later matched for Lamarre-Condon’s police issued pistol
  • Police got to work tracing Lamarre-Condon, starting with his Uber account.
  • Uber records showed the 28-year-old cop left Mr Baird’s house to Sydney Airport at 9.20pm on the night of the alleged murder.
  • BLC hired white van from airport- used to dispose of the bodies & stuff into skip at Cronulla
  • Further evidence emerged on February 20 when a random audit of the firearms safe at the Youth Command unit showed Lamarre-Condon’s pistol “was not accounted for and was absent from its allocated ‘gun peg’
  • BLC called in sick on February 21 and 22 and told his bosses he had been “offered a position to undergo emergency elective surgery”
  • The gun had been returned to the station’s safe by February 22 at which point it was seized
  • ammunition from the gun “has not been located at this time” leaving detectives unable to “confirm if any rounds are missing”
  • By February 22, police were closing in on Lamarre-Condon and he knew it
  • She told police later “Lamarre-Condon explained that the van was full of blood and needed to clean it out,”
  • He asked if she had seen the news
  • She hadn't but checked news & saw a story about a police officer being a suspect in a double murder-
    “When Beau came back in, I said, ‘They f-king think it’s a police officer,’ the document said the woman told police. “Beau panicked again and said, ‘Show me the article’.

    “Beau hadn’t wanted to see the articles earlier because he said he wasn’t sure what was a dream and what was real because he hadn’t slept,” police will allege the woman said.
  • The woman told police that BLC allegedly said to her that he had driven to a rural location with another female before arriving at her Lambton home - “Beau said ‘This morning I was floating in a dam’,” the woman told police. “I don’t know if Beau was picturing this, or (if) it was something that he had done.”
  • The woman asked BLC what he meant - “Beau said, ‘I drove two and half hours away with a girl to a farm or the countryside’,” she asked if he meant near Goulburn - “He said, ‘I don’t know. There was a dam. The body wouldn’t sink’,”
  • The woman said BLC told her - “The girl panicked and wanted to go home” and that he “told her that was fair and that she was never here or part of this”, BLC told the woman - “drove the girl back home two and a half hours and then I drove back to the dam.”
  • BLC than told the woman - “I got it centre and I said to myself that I have to get this sorted and clean up my mess” “He said ‘I am me, but it’s not me’
  • On February 23, police spoke to the other woman who allegedly accompanied BLC to a rural property in Goulburn.
  • The woman told police BLC instructed her to get out of the van and open a gate where she waited while he drove to a dam
  • When he returned - the woman “noticed that a blue tarp that had been covering ‘things’ in the back of the van was now missing and the van was empty”
  • On February 23, Lamarre-Condon surrendered himself at Bondi Police Station before he was charged with two counts of murder
Last edited:
  • Jesse had not been getting on with his housemates in the lead up to the alleged murders- he was messy & were "poised" to kick him out
  • At 5:40pm the housemates were exchanging messages on the topic
  • One of them spotted the surf bags & blue tarp & the beetroot looking stain- one housemate took a photo & sent it to the other
  • At 8pm the housemate who received the text returned home to look at the mess- “The housemate took three photographs of the surfboard bags … and prodded them with their finger,” the document said. “They stated that the bag felt lumpy, not like it had a surfboard inside.”
  • Housemates were stunned to learn of the truth as to what was in the bags

  • At 8:10pm the one of the housemates went to inspect the surf bags & they were gone
Umm... BBM. That correct? I mean, wow, if it is correct... wow.
So was the story BLC told his employer about having abdominal surgery on Tuesday true or just meant to throw off investigators? I have not seen it confirmed or denied. One would think that a hospital or surgery center would have been contacted for comment.
Mental health unit at long bay jail to, he might try to use mental health as a defence as he hasn't got many options. But I don't think that is going to work out.

The defence has a tough job proving the defendant's mental health issues with expert testimony. However, there's a problem because recent police force qualification tests show no such evidence.

The challenge lies in details not covered by law. Even though the accused is clearly dealing with serious mental issues, the standard psychiatric guide doesn't quite capture it. Even if psychopathy is confirmed, it will not legally qualify as insanity, making the defence rather difficult. MOO.
So was the story BLC told his employer about having abdominal surgery on Tuesday true or just meant to throw off investigators? I have not seen it confirmed or denied. One would think that a hospital or surgery center would have been contacted for comment.
I don't think it's been confirmed, probably a lie IMO

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