2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

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George stated that he does not like Baez. It's becoming more and more clear, IMO, why he feels that way.

I think one of the reasons KC is not in court is because JB wants it that way.She cant see him bungling and he retains complete control.Almost like a domestic abuse situation.The perp will charm the victim,isolate them from their family and all that's going on socially.They want complete control.
If Baez is truly in charge of the remains (which seems very odd to me) and is then charged with carrying out the funeral arrangements, etc., seems to me he could sell video and photo rights to the highest bidder. Thus, recouping some of the money he isn't making from his client Casey. I am getting the feeling that the parents are being cut out of this for some odd reason.

I'm trying to understand this too. Maybe Baez has physical custody of Caylee's remains, while Casey has legal custody. And George and Cindy have... squat.

I hope some of the legal people drop by this thread to explain and clarify.

I think I am beginning to understand why the delay with Caylee's funeral.
Wasnt that Linda Baden speaking in the courtroom today at the hearing- think she had a black suit on or am I seeing things?

I watched both hearings and didn't see Linda there. The SA has blonde hair about the same length and similar style. She was wearing a black suit. I can't think of her name. But that's probably who you saw speaking.
Wasnt that Linda Baden speaking in the courtroom today at the hearing- think she had a black suit on or am I seeing things?

That was a prosecuting attorney. If you notice she was not a Baez table.
ok thanks- thats who I saw then- the SA lady- that had the black suit- from where I sit here and to where the distance the tv is, is far and didnt have glasses on- all I seen was the blonde hair and the build- thanks for clarifying
I watched both hearings and didn't see Linda there. The SA has blonde hair about the same length and similar style. She was wearing a black suit. I can't think of her name. But that's probably who you saw speaking.

Linda D-B is who you saw and she is the assigned SA to the case for the prosecution.

JBean? Can I post her full name as part of the SA team?
Ditto and how many hearings of these have we sat throught where we heard the same things....we don't have it...not in our control....feel free to come in and copy.....Baez wants everything done for him. And he didn't even stand at least one time while speaking to the judge. That is law101. Geeze.

Apparently, JB never watched Judge Judy, either....He was standing there with his hands in his pockets for quite a while.....Judy would have blasted him! LOL
If JB is responsible for the remains, couldn't he theoretically go to the funeral home tomorrow and take pictures to sell or put into a book at some point? The rulings today only applied to the pictures and everything in evidence, but none of that would apply to the remains JB apparently now has custody of at the funeral home would it? Technically, Casey could tell him to sell the whole box to the highest bidder couldn't she?
Watching the tapes now (thanks again, FloridaKatz!). JB already stating his own defense for the future if the photos get out.
(not verbatim)

"Uh, someone could break into my office. I can't ensure that won't happen."
"Uh, someone else might leak them. Other agencies have photos, too."
I think one of the reasons KC is not in court is because JB wants it that way.She cant see him bungling and he retains complete control.Almost like a domestic abuse situation.The perp will charm the victim,isolate them from their family and all that's going on socially.They want complete control.

I don't know what to think but I'm beginning to get that same impression. On the other hand, Casey is no shrinking violet. She's angry that George and Cindy aren't making this all better for her, I can easily see her doing everything she can to spite them, including refusing to see them and giving JB control of Caylee's remains.

I expect the A's will continue to support Casey publicly, but I don't think thier hearts will be in it.
No- couldnt tell what table the lady with the black suit was at, at the distance I am sitting from the tv- was too lazy to get up and get my glasses-tv is blurry for me from here- but I did get up and go to tv set to see what Casey looked like at one point- and then came back and sat down-
ITA! Not sure who will be first, but they had better scoot over and make room for the other.

The fact that JB is so desparate to get the DNA & fingerprint info sets off my hinky meter something terrible....I think he plans on making GA, CA, & LA all bus fodder in some way....still part of SODDI strategy?
If JB is responsible for the remains, couldn't he theoretically go to the funeral home tomorrow and take pictures to sell or put into a book at some point? The rulings today only applied to the pictures and everything in evidence, but none of that would apply to the remains JB apparently now has custody of at the funeral home would it? Technically, Casey could tell him to sell the whole box to the highest bidder couldn't she?

IIRC, while JB was arguing the motion regarding the release of the photos, he stated he did not want these photos to be disseminated as well. He also brought up the points that he had the opportunity to take photos but he would not release them to anyone. He definitely stated he would protect the SA photos as well as he would protect the ones taken by the defense.
Personally...I thought she looked terrific. She looked well rested to me...not anything like I would imagine a falsely accused, loving mother grieving the death of her baby! Her nose looked exactly the same as it always has to me. The camera was on a bad angle for her and without the make-up to do her eyes way up to distract from it.

The best way I can describe her demeanor ....detached as she tried and failed to looked engaged.


JBeaner....that wasn't soooo "bad"....right?

And she had a nice smile today too!


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Casey is still legally next-of-kin, and since she's in jail, she's apparently left the handling of Caylee's remains in the hands of JB. I'm not suggesting something improper, but he is her current closest relationship and is in charge of her defense. She will do what benefits her, not what her parents want. I was surprised that JB said several of his experts have already viewed the remains or the defense pictures of them. They won't let them go until the defense is "done" with them.
Maybe I missed this in the thread.....sorry in advance if I did...


Does the approval of these motions for things to be turned over mean WE (the very clever websleuthers) will get a new doc dump soon???? I love doc dump days!
I obviously misread this comment when I heard it. When JB said he had "responsibility" for Caylee's remains, I took that figuratively...not that he had literal responsibility over the remains...more of a moral and ethical responsibility to be sure that nothing happened to them or that the got into the wrong hands.

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying that this is how I took his comment when I heard it live.

I don't know about the figurative aspect, jose is an odd bird but I think it would be unusual for a lawyer to say something like that in court unless he meant it literally. JMO

The very idea that this man would take custody of Caylee is beyond suspicious, I doubt anyone can find a case in which a defendant did the same thing, unless that person had no family.

It looks to me like casey anthony has just denied her family the right to even plan a funeral.....what a cold callous thing to do...assuming that she did. Something isn't right here, jose and casey act like they are lovers or something, this guy is crossing professional boundaries. Creepy.
George stated that he does not like Baez. It's becoming more and more clear, IMO, why he feels that way.

Hi Chilly
Didn't George say that in this LE interview back in July(early August)?
I wouldn't be surprised if he has done a 360 on his previous opinion and now likes Baez and thinks he's doing a great job.
Just like he told LE one thing about the decomp smell and then on LKL said the opposite it really was pizza.
He doesn't seem to know which way to swing :rolleyes:
So a possible stranger to Casey up until July is handling her babies funeral instead of family.....unreal!!!

Might as well just go toss them out in the ocean............when you have tossed her little full body in a garbage bag to rot - what difference would it make now to her?

BTW............I sure did not like the way Baez looked at her, nor the way she looked at him.

IMO, something more than a professional relationship there.

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