2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

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DNA Solves

Instead it has been left to the SA to protect Caylee's rights AND her remains.

Then why does Jose Baez have control of the remains???:confused: It seems to me an accused murderer should have no say in the disposal of their victims remains, parent or not. I'd say her parental rights were terminated the moment she killed her daughter, JMO!
Baez did get responsibility for the remains. Obviously Casey signed that over to him.

IMO, no one on the defense side thought Casey would be there. The A's didn't have enough time to get there if they wanted to.
I expected KC.to give Baez responsibility.She may have figured the A's would bury her before the the defense was ready,also think there is a rift between KC. and family.I dont think KC. has approved of some things the A's have said.Whether she will give them any say in burial remains to be seen.The GP's have to be full up of KC and her deeds. You know, the straw! also think Baez is broke (as in courtcase),paying some from his own pocket.I could be wrong but I dont think the A's are responsible for KC's bills. ~~ dislike of Baez by A's..
My understanding of the hearing today is that the Judge sent request to the jail to force Casey to come to Court today after the hearing was already underway, because she failed to waive her right to attend in writing within 24 hours. It is also my understanding that she chose today to waive her right to attend any and all future pre-trial hearings.

So in regards to her parents not showing up today, even if they wanted to see their daughter there is no way they could have known she was going to be required to attend today by the Judge.

It is just beyond me how Baez could be SO STUPID as to not file that form. He has to be THE POSER OF THE YEAR !!!
I expected KC.to give Baez responsibility.She may have figured the A's would bury her before the the defense was ready,also think there is a rift between KC. and family.I dont think KC. has approved of some things the A's have said.Whether she will give them any say in burial remains to be seen.The GP's have to be full up of KC and her deeds. You know, the straw! also think Baez is broke (as in courtcase),paying some from his own pocket.I could be wrong but I dont think the A's are responsible for KC's bills. ~~ dislike of Baez by A's..

If the rumors are true about him collecting money from the videos and picture, and trying to sell an interview.... then we have exclusive coverage of the funeral? gag
Then why does Jose Baez have control of the remains???:confused: It seems to me an accused murderer should have no say in the disposal of their victims remains, parent or not. I'd say her parental rights were terminated the moment she killed her daughter, JMO!

Unfortunately, until she is convicted there is nothing anyone can do.
Head Line News was doing follow interviews. The reporter asked a question to his lawyer guest. He asked IF the A's are given full immunity, could Cindy get on the stand and say she killed Caylee by accident. The lawyer said YES and they could NOT charge her since she had been given immunity.
That blows.

STOP and put this child first.

Omg .. :/
Then why does Jose Baez have control of the remains???:confused: It seems to me an accused murderer should have no say in the disposal of their victims remains, parent or not. I'd say her parental rights were terminated the moment she killed her daughter, JMO!
Oh do I agree with you! This is the Law.KC. has not been proven guilty as yet.Rotten but true.She looked like one scared lady to me today,reality has set in..IMO
If the rumors are true about him collecting money from the videos and picture, and trying to sell an interview.... then we have exclusive coverage of the funeral? gag

Baez can't sell any of that. He would lose his license. I know he is stupid but surely not that stupid.
I would hope the judge also orders that the photos be imbedded with a copyright watermark that prevents another from saving the photo in any manner.

That too! I can see Jose selling them and blaming it on the Geek Squad!
I believe somewhere along the way, somewhere down the road these photos will get out- we shall see-
That wasn't my point. I have no idea what or if CA & GA have anything substantial to offer in terms of testimony that would affect KC adversely, but certainly JB & KC would know that. Additionally I meant that at some point when Caylee is buried, perhaps JB would cut GA & CA completely out of the loop, of course per KC's order's and possibly as a result of what team they decide to play on-------

JB, again not having a lot of experience, is not going to jeopardize his license.

Remember, he has an armful of attorneys who he confers with and assist him and if JB even thought to bring this idea up, they would cut him off at the knees.

I think CA&GA have been cut out of the loop.
Casey had a big smile and smirk on her face! :furious: I can't believe it.
Did you catch Baez tell the judge he wanted his expert to process the Anthony's DNA, finger prints, and swabs? :waits:
They are not allowed to process anything that would permanently alter the state of the evidence. If there is enough material left to be tested they can.

BC, representing the Anthony's. He also stated that they did not want the video/Cd's/Photos or other of the autopsy or crime scene shown to anyone other than the MA's, defense or SA. When the SA was arguing the motion, you could see that the Judge had a hunch that Baez is planing on selling these pictures. How sad. I am glad they did put some restriction's.
Server idea was a good one to, now they can keep track of all that access the discovery...
I also noticed when the judge asked Baez who would see the discovery he started naming some names, stuttered a little and ended with OTHER AS WELL WILL SEE THE PICTURES/VIDEO/CD'S/ AUTOPSY, I would let you know at THAT TIME.... Wish there was a transcript of today's hearing.

Bolded by me

I liked it when the judge said the SA's would have to be present in the viewing and or testing of any materials and they could not be destroyed by the testing.

I believe some of his "experts" have flown the coop on him.
Then why does Jose Baez have control of the remains???:confused: It seems to me an accused murderer should have no say in the disposal of their victims remains, parent or not. I'd say her parental rights were terminated the moment she killed her daughter, JMO!

You would not believe how much rights a convicted person has while in jail. In my state, a murder still retains legal custodial rights to their child. They give by way of the courts, physical custody to another, but they retain legal custody.
No, they aren't prohibited from watching the hearings or attending.

Only when the trial starts will they be kept in a room (separate rooms) until they are called to testify. Then they can enter the court room and observe at least that is how it is done in my county.

TY for the answer. Appreciate that. So, I guess they may attend in the future.
If the rumors are true about him collecting money from the videos and picture, and trying to sell an interview.... then we have exclusive coverage of the funeral? gag
I dont have any real Law knowledge but the way it is going,we might see the funeral.Now I'm wondering (just a thought) if he waits til after the trial for burial,KC is convicted,could he turn his burial rights over to the State. I dont know.
She can tell Baez what she wants done and control funeral choices if he has power. We know Cindy doesn't listen to her. I still would like to think G/C will be given control after the state's reports are done, but the more I think about how much control it leave Casey with I am not so sure.

She will be forced to turn the remains over to GA & CA. She has no way to pay for a funeral.
So why was BC there? I guess since I was not here, I missed it.

He asked, and was allowed, to speak about the A's thoughts in regards to the images. He stated that they wished for both state and defense to have all necessary access, but that they wanted any possible restrictions to prevent 'middle people' from having any sort of access.
Speaking of which.... Where is Linda K. Baden? Is she still in, anyone know?

When he could not give the names in court, my ears perked up because it sounded to me some are not still on board and he did not want to exclude them by naming names until he got replacements.

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