2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wouldn't KC have to give JB responsibility for Caylees remains in order for the defense experts to do the "second autopsy"? Or, could she have signed over responsibility to Dr. Spitz?
I think BConway texted them fast & furiously not to attend. It might have been a real show-down, or a tearfest.

Maybe next time?

Casey killed their grandchild and then signed over her rights to Baez who we know they don't like or trust. Maybe they didn't want to be there. And I am aware that they could watch it from home but once you are on the witness list are you allowed to attend these hearings?
I was asking about that even before Caylee was found. I really was hoping once DCS stepped in someone would be appointed. I even sent a few emails to some in Florida and never got a response. This family obviously has had issues since day one. I to blame Cindy for not reporting Caylee missing. George said in his statement that Cindy was the primary Care Giver for Caylee and so did Lee. But as alway, nobody stepped in and DCS just walked away. There job is to keep children with the parents missing or not...IMO

Just wrong. Just plain disgusting STILL not one in that family OR any agency is stepping in.

She has been murdered, by her own mother, then to make matters worse no one demands to physically see or hear her voice for over a month (well over if they thought it was June 8th-9th since last time)???

If the state attorney didn't bring the potential sale of post-mortem pics to the attention of the judge--who knows what would've become of them!


And WHEN? After defendant fills her pocketbook? To pay for her defense???:furious:

This case just makes me Heartsick.
Head Line News was doing follow interviews. The reporter asked a question to his lawyer guest. He asked IF the A's are given full immunity, could Cindy get on the stand and say she killed Caylee by accident. The lawyer said YES and they could NOT charge her since she had been given immunity.
That blows.

STOP and put this child first.
Yes, as awful as that is - it is true. That is why I don't believe ANYONE (A's) will be granted any type of immunity - for that reason.
We don't know that for sure. We don't even know if the A's were within driving distance when the announcement was made that KC was going to be brought in.

WESH 2 News reporter positioned outside the A' home this afternoon reported on the 5 pm news that the A's were home during the hearing. An unknown woman dropped off a box on their porch, GA came out and got it, reporter asked him questions and he just went back inside. LA's car was at the house all afternoon as well.

I'll put up a link when it becomes available (WESH 2 5pm news)
Wouldn't KC have to give JB responsibility for Caylees remains in order for the defense experts to do the "second autopsy"? Or, could she have signed over responsibility to Dr. Spitz?

She would have just signed her permission for the 2nd autopsy.
Head Line News was doing follow interviews. The reporter asked a question to his lawyer guest. He asked IF the A's are given full immunity, could Cindy get on the stand and say she killed Caylee by accident. The lawyer said YES and they could NOT charge her since she had been given immunity.
That blows.

STOP and put this child first.

But the problem remains--the car. The "nanny" lies. The car. More lies. The car............

If anyone in this case were to receive any passes, I believe the entire community would explode!

Yes, as awful as that is - it is true. That is why I don't believe ANYONE (A's) will be granted any type of immunity - for that reason.

They would never get an open ended immunity deal like that, they will have to outline what they are asking for immunity from and then there would be stipulations added on.
Wouldn't KC have to give JB responsibility for Caylees remains in order for the defense experts to do the "second autopsy"? Or, could she have signed over responsibility to Dr. Spitz?

No. She clearly gave authorization to JB for burial and any autopsy prior to it.

JB was no doubt waiting until after today to actually make arrangements because he knew he was going to let the news out during the proceedings.
There isn't one because she is deceased. There is no probate issues for someone to watch over. We may not like it, but at the point of being deceased it becomes about who has rights to the remains. Casey is next of kin until convicted. Our family went through this and I have seen two other posters say the same thing. Their family member was killed by the next of kin and we all had to work with that person to get the body released. It is a nightmare to go through.

I am so sorry you had to go through that. :blowkiss:
I am beginning to think there is a major division in the A camp. Baez having custody of her remains re-enforces that feeling. Wonder who will be the first under the bus?

The A's atty (BC) was more on the side of the state then JB re: release of photos to defense team..He was speaking to the judge for the A's & my guess is nothing's changed between the 2 camps since back in Aug. when they all dissed him to LE & FBI.
Can someone please help me to understand this, if JB has been given responsibility for Caylee's remains, isn't there a conflict in regards to GA & CA offering up testimony for the state? (of course as we know, only if granted immunity) Couldn't JB in a sense hold Caylee's remains hostage, not in an overt way, I don't think that he'd be stupid enough to come right out and say it like that but implied and understood regardless, that if the A's testify they don't get Caylee's remains or get to provide a funeral service for her - Any thoughts on this?
Because CASEY needs those remains for her defense. She also has the need to ALWAYS have the control. Part of me wonders if she isn't still jealous of her daughter.Even in death, it's my opinion she doesn't want Caylee to get more attention than her.

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one - she was very jealous of Caylee, we knew that - is she still jealous? I think we'll have to wait for trial to see more facial expressions and body language
Can someone please help me to understand this, if JB has been given responsibility for Caylee's remains, isn't there a conflict in regards to GA & CA offering up testimony for the state? (of course as we know, only if granted immunity) Couldn't JB in a sense hold Caylee's remains hostage, not in an overt way, I don't think that he'd be stupid enough to come right out and say it like that but implied and understood regardless, that if the A's testify they don't get Caylee's remains or get to provide a funeral service for her - Any thoughts on this?

If that is the case and it's found out and reported - JB will not only be disbarred he'll end up behind bars also - does anyone think that JB would risk that? Or smart enough to do that?
And the fact that the A's weren't in court today just to see her. They had plenty of time to get there I would think.

My understanding of the hearing today is that the Judge sent request to the jail to force Casey to come to Court today after the hearing was already underway, because she failed to waive her right to attend in writing within 24 hours. It is also my understanding that she chose today to waive her right to attend any and all future pre-trial hearings.

So in regards to her parents not showing up today, even if they wanted to see their daughter there is no way they could have known she was going to be required to attend today by the Judge.
Casey killed their grandchild and then signed over her rights to Baez who we know they don't like or trust. Maybe they didn't want to be there. And I am aware that they could watch it from home but once you are on the witness list are you allowed to attend these hearings?

I have to admit, this is the second time I feel sympathy for the grandparents....

They need to give little Caylee back some dignity and lay her to rest, but have no say. Again, Casey takes all the control. She took her away and now gets to USE her some more in her own defense......this is evil.
Casey killed their grandchild and then signed over her rights to Baez who we know they don't like or trust. Maybe they didn't want to be there. And I am aware that they could watch it from home but once you are on the witness list are you allowed to attend these hearings?

Great question. I don't know the answer, but I hope someone else does.
Casey had a big smile and smirk on her face! :furious: I can't believe it.
Did you catch Baez tell the judge he wanted his expert to process the Anthony's DNA, finger prints, and swabs? :waits:
They are not allowed to process anything that would permanently alter the state of the evidence. If there is enough material left to be tested they can.

BC, representing the Anthony's. He also stated that they did not want the video/Cd's/Photos or other of the autopsy or crime scene shown to anyone other than the MA's, defense or SA. When the SA was arguing the motion, you could see that the Judge had a hunch that Baez is planing on selling these pictures. How sad. I am glad they did put some restriction's.
Server idea was a good one to, now they can keep track of all that access the discovery...
I also noticed when the judge asked Baez who would see the discovery he started naming some names, stuttered a little and ended with OTHER AS WELL WILL SEE THE PICTURES/VIDEO/CD'S/ AUTOPSY, I would let you know at THAT TIME.... Wish there was a transcript of today's hearing.

The IT person that sets up the secure server or loads them had better sign a waiver if they got "sold" he could blame it on the server admin. What I wouldn't do to be Baez's IT person. I would make DURN sure that baby was set up with IPSEC policies and SSL certs. I hope the judge has an outside IT consulting firm check the security of that server!!!
WESH 2 News reporter positioned outside the A' home this afternoon reported on the 5 pm news that the A's were home during the hearing. An unknown woman dropped off a box on their porch, GA came out and got it, reporter asked him questions and he just went back inside. LA's car was at the house all afternoon as well.

I'll put up a link when it becomes available (WESH 2 5pm news)

There may be many reasons for them not going. Who knows what they are.
If that is the case and it's found out and reported - JB will not only be disbarred he'll end up behind bars also - does anyone think that JB would risk that? Or smart enough to do that?

Oh I certainly don't think that he'd be dumb enough to say anything that could, without a doubt, prove that was/were his intention(s) but covertly, such as holding Caylee's remains until he sees what direction GA & CA are going in, etc,...

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