2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Instead it has been left to the SA to protect Caylee's rights AND her remains.


I was asking about that even before Caylee was found. I really was hoping once DCS stepped in someone would be appointed. I even sent a few emails to some in Florida and never got a response. This family obviously has had issues since day one. I to blame Cindy for not reporting Caylee missing. George said in his statement that Cindy was the primary Care Giver for Caylee and so did Lee. But as alway, nobody stepped in and DCS just walked away. There job is to keep children with the parents missing or not...IMO
Knowing him and his use (or misuse) of the english language, its probably along the same lines of "give me my distance". I don't know how he would get responsibility though.

And repeating myself from the previous thread....I still cannot believe that George & Cindy didn't show...no matter what they may or may not have been told. I can't believe they didn't show just to get a glimpse. That blows me away.

Ditto on the A's not showing. I saw everyone and their dog texting once they found out KC would be brought there. Then notified of 30-45 minutes. Even the A's attorney was texting. I'm guessing not showing to see their daughter says a lot...

The A's not receiving custody of their granddaughters remains says a lot...
Knowing him and his use (or misuse) of the english language, its probably along the same lines of "give me my distance". I don't know how he would get responsibility though.

And repeating myself from the previous thread....I still cannot believe that George & Cindy didn't show...no matter what they may or may not have been told. I can't believe they didn't show just to get a glimpse. That blows me away.

Baez did get responsibility for the remains. Obviously Casey signed that over to him.

IMO, no one on the defense side thought Casey would be there. The A's didn't have enough time to get there if they wanted to.
Baez did get responsibility for the remains. Obviously Casey signed that over to him.

IMO, no one on the defense side thought Casey would be there. The A's didn't have enough time to get there if they wanted to.

Sure they did
Wow...I didn't know the accused murderer had a right to do that over the rights of an innocent victim (Caylee) even if they are related. Like LinasK said what about a guardian ad litem?

There isn't one because she is deceased. There is no probate issues for someone to watch over. We may not like it, but at the point of being deceased it becomes about who has rights to the remains. Casey is next of kin until convicted. Our family went through this and I have seen two other posters say the same thing. Their family member was killed by the next of kin and we all had to work with that person to get the body released. It is a nightmare to go through.
Well, since JB is "retained", he is supposed to pay for these things. He is jumping the gun a bit, some of the things he asked for are not yet completed by the State experts, Feds, and whomever else are involved. He will recieve them in due time, just through the Discovery process. Just not right this minute. He still has to pay for all copies, unless he has managed to get a "Court appointed" status in some way.

Adding, I have never seen Motion to Compel used in a murder trial, just the Discovery Motions. Maybe things are titled differently in FL. Or maybe JB is a newbie and tries to cover all areas of law. Just a thought.

It seems like he does this over and over. I think after a month or so he gets bored or something and wants to see himself talk on tv to see how big and important he is because it seems like the same dog and pony show each time he does this. And.....more importantly, I believe he's lazy, cheap and wants everyone else to do his work for him. Incredible. I really like the woman SA. She knows her stuff and makes him look even more incompetent without it looking intentional.
Baez did get responsibility for the remains. Obviously Casey signed that over to him.

IMO, no one on the defense side thought Casey would be there. The A's didn't have enough time to get there if they wanted to.

If that was my daughter I would be at every hearing they had.
Still Uploading all the videos from today's 1:30 hearing on YouTube. Will post links when ready.
I've copied and pasted, with my comments in red. Thanks, DotsEyes.

Originally Posted by DotsEyes http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3143101#post3143101http://www.websleuths.com/forums/ima...s/viewpost.gif
Motions to Compel:

Kronks unedited 911, etc., calls. Granted.
Crime scene photos. Granted - 10 days to produce.
With restrictions. State is supposed to sort through these and decide what photos they want the restrictions on.
Items from crime scene. Granted. 30 days to produce.
According to state, ME just recently released some of these items.
Investigation reports on all ZG's. Denied. State produces all they have.
Baez was also told he was more than free to do depositions on any of these ZG's he was interested in. This seemed to be a recurring theme.
DNA reports on GA,CA,LA. Granted. 30 days to produce.
Supposedly, FBI currently has the buccal swabs.
Fingerprints of GA,CA, LA. Denied without prejudice. FBI or Sheriff has them.
Timeline caendar of LE with AL. Granted. 15 days to produce.
This seems to have been brought up before. State says they can't make copy, as it is too big, and defense was supposed to come look at it and take notes or find some way to get the info from it they wanted. Baez agreed to go and take pics of it. Baez could also depose AL.
Hair for testing and all reports. Granted. 20 days to produce. No destructive testing.
State says FBI still has this.
Maps of LE searches. Granted. State has 10 days to look for them.
There was some conversation on this. State said motion asked for maps of every search conducted, and felt defense actually wanted info on the previous searches done on the area remains were subsequently found at. Baez agreed that was what he wanted. State said they also wanted this info, and they would get it, and share it with defense. Since all were agreeable, this motion was granted.
Release of 8/14 video visit of CA and GA. Granted. 10 days to produce.
Defense stated this was not released to them with the other visitation videos, and also not released to the media. State claimed it should have been, and said they would look into it and get it released.
Release of LE interviews with GA,CA,LA made after 7/16 and before 7/30. Granted.
There was some question on where and when these interviews took place. Baez claims references were made to them in visitations with Casey by family, and family told Baez they were conducted in interview room settings. It seemed (to me) undetermined if they were video/audio taped, and State was going to look into it.
Subpoena duces tecum to TES. No action taken.
State argued TES was private entity, Baez argued since they worked closely with LE and were given money by LE, they were working for the state. It was decided for Baez to simply ask Tim Miller for them, and if unsuccessful, to try and get a subpoena. It was brought up by the state defense seemed to be asking for personal info about the individual searchers, and state didn't think they were entitled to that info.
Crime scene photos and reports from car. Granted. 30 days to produce.
I got the impression defense had the photos from the car, and what they wanted was the reports by the techs. State said techs were not required to do reports, but they usually did as a matter of courtesy. State said reports were finished and waiting on approval from a supervisor when the remains were found, and additional information was now being added to the reports. State said they could try to get the reports handed over as incomplete, or Baez could do depositions on the techs, and ask for the reports himself. I can't remember what was decided on this one.
Search warrant affidavits of 12/11 and 12/20. Granted. 10 days to produce.
Polygraph results.Deferred pending memos of law as to discoverability.
Defense has been offered a list of persons who took polygraphs. Baez says that does him no good. It was debated on whether defense was entitled to the Q&A of the polygraphs.

It was also pointed out on the items obtained/produced from the discovery of remains, it has not even been 30 days yet. My impression was these things would be naturally turned over in a reasonable time frame, and Baez was jumping the gun on filing motions over them so soon.

All this is just my interpretation of what I watched.

Excellent job, Lanie.

The addition of the other info we heard clarifies the 'why's & wherefores' more clearly on each motion.
Do they teach a class on how to escape doing their jobs by using the prosecution's hard work instead? If I were the SA's Office...I would ask the judge to make him pay for those tips he never picked up!

I seriously would send him a bill...because isn't the $900 some dollars that he owes for the tips he DID pick up, all the tips --psychic and all?? So he's past due on that, I would take him to collection and put it on his credit report. For real!!
Casey had to have authorized it. Jose stated in court he was made responsible for Caylee's remains. Heard it with my own ears.

I don't understand that. What does that mean, that only he can authorize how, when, where, Caylee is to be laid to rest? If this is a situation where KC has refused to give her family the right to claim & bury Caylee, I am sure they will each be asked about what they understood the reasons for that when they testify.

I wanna know, from JB, what exactly it means!
Sure they did

We don't know that for sure. We don't even know if the A's were within driving distance when the announcement was made that KC was going to be brought in.
Sure they did

Yep, plenty of time for them to get there if they wanted to. All they had to do is hop on the 408, go west a few miles, hop off in downtown Orlando, park the car and walk in. Plenty of time to get in there and sit down before they brought KC in. They just chose not to go.
Baez did get responsibility for the remains. Obviously Casey signed that over to him.

IMO, no one on the defense side thought Casey would be there. The A's didn't have enough time to get there if they wanted to.

I don't know how far they live...but even here in Big D, I can travel pretty danged far in 45 minutes. And they knew there was a hearing....I'm sure they were paying attention to that or even watching already.
I really thought CA and GA would show. Guess BC texted and told them DO NOT come down here - probably told them to watch on computer (or TV) just like we did. I kept wondering the whole time if KC could "feel" the millions of eyes on her. I sure hope so and it seemed that she was very conscious of the camera and NOT looking at it.

JB having responsibility of Caylee is news to me. This HAS to have caused a rift between all involved and explains now why there has been no funeral plans made.

Can't wait for NG tonight - this has really been a "bombshell" day for sure.
I too heard him say he had 'received responsibility' for Caylee's remains or something along those lines. I wondered what he meant. Isn't that sort of a conflict of interests? Since he's defending the person accused of murdering Caylee?

I thought he said he was given the legal responsibility for the remains, then he continued to ramble on about the photos and how he did not want the disseminated to just anyone.

No, it isn't a conflict of interest. KC can appoint anyone she wants to take care of her affairs.

Personally I am glad the A's are not going to be responsible for it. JB, being an officer of the court and not willing to stick his neck out too far to get sanctions, will make sure the Caylee is honored respectfully.
Yep, plenty of time for them to get there if they wanted to. All they had to do is hop on the 408, go west a few miles, hop off in downtown Orlando, park the car and walk in. Plenty of time to get in there and sit down before they brought KC in. They just chose not to go.

I think BConway texted them fast & furiously not to attend. It might have been a real show-down, or a tearfest.

Maybe next time?
I thought it was very direct how Judge Strickland even mentioned someone had made $200,000 from photos of Caylee when she was alive. And it seemed he was looking at JB when he was saying it. I still want to know who has made money from this little girl.
Head Line News was doing follow interviews. The reporter asked a question to his lawyer guest. He asked IF the A's are given full immunity, could Cindy get on the stand and say she killed Caylee by accident. The lawyer said YES and they could NOT charge her since she had been given immunity.
That blows.

STOP and put this child first.

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