2008.06.16 The girls and the "backpacks"

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I'm confused about why Cindy wanted Casey arrested for Grand Theft Auto if they obviousy saw her leave in the car and "knew" she would be using it on her "vacation". Also, it seems as if she used it regularly. Is it because they assumed she had abandoned it after getting back from vacation and getting it back from the tow yard? Wasn't the car at the house when Cindy made that particular phone call? Whassup with that?

It was all about control by Cindy to get Casey to talk about where Caylee is etc. Cindy figures, I'll call the cops, tell them you stole the car and money in hope Casey would talk.

YUP, the car was at the house the day Cindy made that phone call.
I'm confused about why Cindy wanted Casey arrested for Grand Theft Auto if they obviousy saw her leave in the car and "knew" she would be using it on her "vacation". Also, it seems as if she used it regularly. Is it because they assumed she had abandoned it after getting back from vacation and getting it back from the tow yard? Wasn't the car at the house when Cindy made that particular phone call? Whassup with that?

I think she had just tripped over Lee's Xbox game Grand Theft Auto when she called the police. :woohoo:
JMO, but Cindy's actions prior to July 16 showed she was still in "anger mode" with Casey, after the blow out on the 15th of June. She's pi--ed as hell at her daughter and will chum up any charges just to get a rise out of her, make her life miserable. The fight that began on June 15th went on and on... Then, after the 911 calls, the mood changes. The mood changes because Cindy, Lee and George found out the truth and can no longer protect their granddaughter, who is deceased, and are left to protect their daughter. No fight, no stolen gas cans, no problems here whatsoever. Hmmm
I think she had just tripped over Lee's Xbox game Grand Theft Auto when she called the police. :woohoo:

LOL---If the prize(finding Caylee) wasn't so serious, I actually thought that this whole fiasco seems a little like those reality games where you role play, set your scenario,etc. and have input from other gamers, this family is past doing what is normal it seems.
I totally agree with you original poster. Also if the fight (they wont disclose) was about Casey taking care of Caylee better and getting a JOB, then why do they (Grandparents) says they left like any other day (like Casey was going to work, when she did not work?). They all lie sooo bad, its not even funny!
He said it was the 24th, and she said she said she was "just stopping in to get some clothes, I've gotta go back to work." He asked where's Caylee and she stated, "With Zani". He said he asked "When are you guys coming back home?" and she said "We will either be home late tonight or early the next day". So he then says "Ok, have you been talking to mom" and she said "I talk to mom everyday" and he said "I know but did you talk to mom today?" and he said she sort of hesitated and then said "yeah" and THEN she said "Oh by the way, it's a shame what happened in the shed", and right there CINDY interjects, "Yeah, cause I had called her and talked to her about it"
I find it strange how George embelishes on the exit of Casey and Caylee on the 15th (some MONTH prior) with lots of hugs and kisses. ????? Are you kidding me GA? I don't remember what I wore, what I watched on TV, who came over, UNLESS IT WAS A SIGNIFICANT EVENT. So George, you remember this exit, because it was the morning after the BLOW OUT fight and THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER. You don't remember it like it was any other day. You'd have to be super-f-ing-human. And YOU'RE NOT.
So, on the 24th of June-they KNEW that Casey was not:

in some other town ON VACATION
having NOT seen her since the 16th of June-
George's reaction was kind of "vanilla" flavored, in that he did not show MORE concern at that moment for where Caylee was IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY when her mom was AT HOME...

and considering the HUGE fight they had on the 15th-NOTHING about this story JIVES...I doubt she was even AT the house on the 24th. That has been an invention to cover SOMETHING...imo
I do not remember what my child had on YESTERDAY (of course I have 6 so it is a LOT to remember)...I do not believe George saw them on the 16th AT ALL. I believe she left with Caylee on the 15th and they have never seen Caylee again, and they KNOW that and are making this all up as they go along as a "smoke screen" for what they are attempting to HIDE from the public and LE view...

I believe the only time Casey returned to that house was when she borrowed the shovel...and if she had NEEDED clothes she would have gotten them THEN...
I totally agree with you original poster. Also if the fight (they wont disclose) was about Casey taking care of Caylee better and getting a JOB, then why do they (Grandparents) says they left like any other day (like Casey was going to work, when she did not work?). They all lie sooo bad, its not even funny!

Because they so do not want any discussion about that big fight?
So, George finds the gas cans on the 24th - but saw Casey only. So, day 9 of the 31 days missing, and days prior to picking up a stinky car...He either saw the body and he and Casey did something about it, hid it from Mom, or the body is gone, but the stench is overwhleming, so get the chloroform.

I wonder if the search on the computer for chloroform was around the time Casey came back with the gas cans. This is around the time that George jumped into action.
Now, its between Casey and George.

Casey has something on George and George has something on Casey. Lee and Cindy find out and go on LOCKDOWN. JMO of course.!
Because they so do not want any discussion about that big fight?

So what if a family has a big fight. I'm wondering what was SAID, what the neighbor could have possibly overheard, like Casey threatening to do something to Caylee and Cindy sticking to her hard *advertiser censored* guns...

Every family fights. Why do they think they need to look like the flipping Cleavers?

I agree that all families fight, heck, in MY family we have had some BIG ONES that were likely overheard by neighbors...BUT, at the end of MOST families fighting, there is not a missing child, a dead body decomposing in a trunk, chloroform searches on a computer and twenty thousand lies AFTER the fact. I think that fight is WHY Casey left with Caylee, and I KNOW there have been lies told by the family since then to cover it. The day after a huge knock down drag out is not usually referred to as "a normal day just like any other"...usually the mood on that day would be subdued-if MY family is any indication.
Also, did George stick around (24th) and SEE Casey get clothes for her and Caylee? Did they NOTICE any of Caylee's clothes missing THEN that were not taken initially when they left?
He said it was the 24th, and she said she said she was "just stopping in to get some clothes, I've gotta go back to work." He asked where's Caylee and she stated, "With Zani". He said he asked "When are you guys coming back home?" and she said "We will either be home late tonight or early the next day". So he then says "Ok, have you been talking to mom" and she said "I talk to mom everyday" and he said "I know but did you talk to mom today?" and he said she sort of hesitated and then said "yeah" and THEN she said "Oh by the way, it's a shame what happened in the shed", and right there CINDY interjects, "Yeah, cause I had called her and talked to her about it"
I think the entire month Cindy had been trying to talk to Caylee, get Casey to bring Caylee back and when that didn't work she told her about the missing gas cans and that George had filed a police report, Casey got scared and brought the cans back to get that threat out from over her head. Having a police report actually filed might have scared her. She does behave like a teenager who is in trouble and thinks a minor fix to the immediate problem would buy her more time.
I have come to the conclusion that there is virtually no way to know what really happened. It is clear that the family has some secrets and they are willing to keep them hidden at all costs, even if that means NEVER bringing Caylee home. It is my opinion/observation if these secrets belonged only to KC a lot more would be known about the circumstances surrounding the disappearence. However, it is clear to me that other people in the family have something to hide.

We all know there was a fight and we can assume just based on the history that we do know that there have been a whole lot more than just one. If we could sit down with their closest neighbors I am sure we might learn a few things. I am no psychic but I do have a background in family relations and counseling and I would venture to guess that Caylee became the center of their arguments a good portion of the time. KC didnt want her daughter or the responsibility that came with having her, but she did want to show off a beautiful child and appear like a good parent if it meant impressing others. She didnt want her parents having Caylee either because that would mean that she would be their baby and get everything that KC would get if she wasnt around.

It was a constant point of contention and a double edged sword for GA and CA. George I can imagine couldnt stand it, if it were up to him he would have kicked her out on her behind a long time ago. However, Cindy couldnt allow that, she needs to be in control and having KC and Caylee around provided ample opportunity for that. KC was angry and despised her mom and dad, and that argument on fathers day weekend helped her reach the final stages of resentment she needed to break free. She had thought about it for months and had tried to find men who lived in different states, she did find one and that is when she realized that she didnt necesarily need her parents. I believe that in the early stages of KC's plans she intended to take Caylee with her but after she met Tony and started living the high life again, Caylee was the least of her priorities. In fact she realized just how impossible it would be to live that life and have to care for a child 100% of the time. Besides how many times can you leave a child to sleep in the car before an accident happens.

One thing that makes me the most angry in all of this is how people have said over and over that KC was a good mother. This is coming from people who didnt see something wrong with her allowing a two year old to sleep on the couch while she partied, smoked pot, and hung all over men all night. They also said this while not thinking it strange that Caylee was virtually never with her. I have three children and I can count the number of nights I have slept in a house without them on one hand. I think the question of whether KC was a good mother has been so unfairly assumed.

People on here see her in pictures and comment that they see she loved her, what went wrong, blah blah blah.... that im not buying. If I only had to see my child once in a while and someone was always tending to their needs for me it would be fairly easy in my opinion to be at ease. Its like being the grandparent when they get too difficult send them home. KC had never really spent much if any time with Caylee alone until she took off with her. She didnt plan on going back and once she got out of the house she knew there was no way she wanted to be a mom.

Caylee was KC's kid sister she was cute and fun when it was convenient! KC I am sure had used sleeping pills or possibly cloroform to put caylee to sleep quickly and I feel she knew giving too much would kill her. With KC's sick mind she can live with it being an accident so she organized it as if it were one. I doubt that Caylee drowned simply because after she left on the 16th someone would have noticed her randomly swimming in the pool. KC held off telling anyone and would have continued holding off info about Caylee as long as possible for two reasons. One she knows a body decomposes and she knows that there is little you can determine in bones, and two she just didnt want to deal with it. Since when has caycee ever dealt with anything, she has never had to and even now facing the possibility of life in prison she has people catering to her. She is now a princess and the whole world has their eyes on her.

That little girls backpack is somewhere and when you find it you will find her.

this is JMO

Your experience in family relations show. Many people ask.. how could she kill her child... you hit the nail on the head several times when you stated that Casey treated Caylee like a "LITTLE SISTER." Many people as..why didn't she just give Caylee to her mom if she did not want the responsiblity...BECAUSE SHE DID NOT WANT HER MOM TO HAVE HER.
On June 24th is when the police came to the house to look at the shed, take the report and dust for fingerprints. This was done ~10:00AM.

Later that day, Casey shows up, gas cans found etc., etc.

IMO, this was a ruse to set the balance of the next couple of days.

The 22nd kept sticking in my mind, so I looked up the police report. In the police report it states the buglary of the gas cans took place between June 22nd approximately 1800 and 1000 hours on 6/24.
The 22nd kept sticking in my mind, so I looked up the police report. In the police report it states the buglary of the gas cans took place between June 22nd approximately 1800 and 1000 hours on 6/24.

In the top portion of the Incident Report it says June 23rd 18:00 hours to June 24th 1000 hours

However in the narrative report it says June 22nd 1800 hours to June 24 1000 hours.

I found that very strange!
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