2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

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OK! Hope all ya'll are satisfied. Call me CA if you wanna cuz this is ya'll's fault. Just can't decide which way to turn here. Soooooooo confused.

I am gitting the hint here that maybe there is a "huge" cover up. I am gittin the hint that the A's knew more way earlier and the rest of the story is made up. Can't figure out at what point the cover up really started. Wasn't July 15th tho.

I have been sliding towards this from reading here and there---reading post with theories but only tease us with puttin bits out.

Theonly1 please---please---please, just tell me----please. What do you think is goin on? What is your theory? Who do you think did it? Where?
When I read Cindy's My Space entry, the first thing that jumps out at me is the difference between what she is saying here and what she tries to say later to LE, "I talked to Casey everyday, everyday we communicated". This does not sound like a mother that has been communicating with her daughter everyday.

Exactly, both She and GA LIED about the constant text messages and phone calls. CA had no idea where KC and Caylee were, neither did GA. SO much so that LEE tried to catch her at a club he heard she was going to in order to speak to her, but KC found out and split.

The A's especially CA lie in order to make themselves seem like GOOD PEOPLE.
I don't think Cindy felt that Caylee was dead as of July 3rd.

When I first saw Cindy's July 3rd MySpace message, I thought her comments were directed to the fact that Caylee was missing from Cindy's life and home, not missing as in lost/kidnapped. Cindy alludes to the tense relationship between her and Casey, and says Caylee was taken away from her because of jealousy. Cindy goes on to exempt herself from any blame and played the role of a martyr saying "after all I did, and this is what I get." I think at this point Cindy believes Casey is punishing her by withholding Caylee from her.

I think that on July 15th, when Cindy first heard the "ZFG kidnapped Caylee" story, she really believed it and in a panic and with no further thought, made that third 911 call.

I think the next day, July 16th, when Cindy learned that Casey had been arrested and that LE had shown that everything Casey told them was a lie............that's when she realized that Caylee was dead.
I don't think Cindy felt that Caylee was dead as of July 3rd.

When I first saw Cindy's July 3rd MySpace message, I thought her comments were directed to the fact that Caylee was missing from Cindy's life and home, not missing as in lost/kidnapped. Cindy alludes to the tense relationship between her and Casey, and says Caylee was taken away from her because of jealousy. Cindy goes on to exempt herself from any blame and played the role of a martyr saying "after all I did, and this is what I get." I think at this point Cindy believes Casey is punishing her by withholding Caylee from her.

I think that on July 15th, when Cindy first heard the "ZFG kidnapped Caylee" story, she really believed it and in a panic and with no further thought, made that third 911 call.

I think the next day, July 16th, when Cindy learned that Casey had been arrested and that LE had shown that everything Casey told them was a lie............that's when she realized that Caylee was dead.

ITA. If CA had thought Caylee was in danger, she wouldn't have been talking to Tony about how KC would take every dime of his, she would have been grilling him about Caylee. She was totally PO'd at KC's irresponsible behavior, her stealing, her disrespect, and that she was "keeping" Caylee from Cindy. I think she fully expected to either see Caylee at Tony's with KC, or leave there to pick her up somewhere.
I keep remembering SP's words "If she didn't believe KC, then Caylee was dead". But in the beginning, no, I don't think the thought had ever crossed her mind that her daughter had murdered her granddaughter.
Can someone tell me, did CA have her own MySpace page or was this posted on KC's? Also, if it was CA's page of her own, do we know when she created her page? Thanks
Can someone tell me, did CA have her own MySpace page or was this posted on KC's? Also, if it was CA's page of her own, do we know when she created her page? Thanks

It was on CA's own Myspace page, but I don't know when she created it.
I have been sliding towards this from reading here and there---reading post with theories but only tease us with puttin bits out.

Theonly1 please---please---please, just tell me----please. What do you think is goin on? What is your theory? Who do you think did it? Where?

The following observations and opinions are mine:

Me? Background: I think that Casey was enabled her entire lifetime--full stop. I cannot explain it any better than some of the psychology-based posts made by other WSers. Further, I think that Caylee was used as a pawn between the two women. I think that Casey (mentally) had it difficult growing up and was taught many of the negative and dysfunctional traits we see exhibited. Further, I see in Casey traits of a sociopath too but I am not a psychologist.

I also think humans are formed by both nature and nuture. I think it was Casey's "nature" to be much of the way she is [insert whatever label you think she is: sociopath/narcissist or whatever] and that many avenues of positive and/or negative reinforcement either were not attempted or did not work. Also, I think that the entire Anthony "clan" was well-aware of Casey's dysfunction (as we have seen testimony from two different people of Cindy BLATANTLY spelling it out to Casey's boyfriends about her shortcomings and one of Casey's friends recalled Cin calling her a sociopath). I view the A household simply as "dysfunction junction"--my opinion.

Having said all this, I think there was a fight that went down on Father's Day. We've all heard the rumor. Jesse G. even allegedly asked Casey where was Caylee at one point IN LIGHT OF THE FACT there had been some squabbling at the A family home. More that has come to light regarding the fight:

1. It was Father's Day yet we have not heard that Casey spent any time with George or GGPA (instead was it spent with TonE).
2. CAYLEE was taken to Mt. Dora for the festivities and Casey did not go (was not invited or whatnot).
3. Neighbors allegedly heard a fight I believe that weekend.
4. Lee told someone (I don't recall which witness, I think there were two people he told) that there was a fight.
5. Casey told one of her Myspace buddies there was a "DRRAMMMA" 9 days before (which turns out to be Father's Day).
6. Casey never went back to the house when CINDY was there until the day Cindy essentially drug her home.
7. ...and so on.

We know that custody was something that had been discussed/threatened in the past (maybe on Father's Day too). For example, Cindy had the discussions with her co-workers before Caylee went missing regarding custody. Cindy had told her own mother about possibly going for custody and recounted her talks with the therapist. We hear from GGMA Plesea that Cin could not bear to kick Casey out. Then when you hear on the 911 tapes (between the calls when the tape was still running) Cindy talk about playing hardball with Casey and going for custody. Custody was not a "new issue" or "new topic" in my opinion.

What I'm getting at is there IN MY OPINION was a very nasty undercurrent going on in the A family household.

I have heard enough information that there was a fight on Father's Day and that Cindy likely believes Casey "up and left" with Caylee either that very night or the next morning. I used to think it was that VERY NIGHT but once we saw what clothes were with the little bones (not the outfit from Father's Day) and coupled with the phone records pinging from Hopespring (or near Hopespring). I think that Casey shut herself in her room (or Caylee's room) with Caylee and texted and phoned the night away. TonE would not allow Caylee to come over (my opinion) and Casey bided her time until the afternoon of the next day. I surmise Caylee was killed in her bedroom because items from the house were used in her disposal and she was not disposed of with her shoes.

Cindy has said that she "heard them breathing" through the door the next morning [Which is a very weird statement to make in my opinion] and George claimed he saw them that day (giving the Police a very detailed description of the clothes both Casey and Caylee wore). Caylee was not found wearing that outfit. Neither was Casey wearing said outfit when she was videotaped with TonE at the Blockbuster that night.

I think that Cindy was completely freaked out when Casey did not come home with Caylee. We have heard repeatedly (although Cindy denied it) that it was Cindy's habit to call and ask/make Casey come home when she was out at night with Caylee (see RM for one example). I think that as the days clicked by with no Caylee that Cindy and George BOTH were starting to put 2 and 2 together but perhaps their minds would not allow it to add up to 4. They were hearing these long, involved tales about Zani, Sam, Jeff, his kids, Jacksonville, and so on. George could have told Cindy that Casey was not in Jacksonville immediately when he found her at the house on the 24th and confronted her about the gas cans. They allegedly tried to get Lee to go and find her after futile attempts to meet Casey up at Universal. [Allegedly Casey stood up her mother but it looks like she went to Hopespring instead and raided the house.] Casey allegedly ran from Lee when she heard he was on the way to the club she was at on July 3. I think an exasperated Cindy took to the Internet and, knowing something was terribly wrong, wrote that missive "My Caylee is MISSING".

Her pings show that almost every day that Cindy went to work and George went to work Casey would go to the home and "do stuff". I don't know if she got clothes, food, a shower, stole money or what. I think Cindy and George knew this on a certain level because Cindy told Casey's old friend down the street that she KNEW Casey was coming home and getting stuff but not getting anything for Caylee. 2 and 2 were adding up.

Once we get to the drama with the Sunfire I think logic was telling them there was a REAL PROBLEM, a serious problem. Their noses and their memories in their past job experiences were likely telling them both -- DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK--THERE WAS A DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK. The sunfire was registered in their name so...we cannot have a damn dead body in the trunk. In my opinion, the car was cleaned. Maybe they were not sure it was CAYLEE but I think on some level they knew it was likely a HUMAN body. It also interesting that she had to say on the 911 call that the car had been "stolen" because you don't want a murder pinned on you if you are the owner of a car found to have been roaming around O-Town with human decomp in it.

Cindy calls Amy H. and tells her she MUST get ahold of Casey, or the police may be getting involved. Over what? A box of pizza? She had not ever called the cops on Casey before (reference Lee saying "Mom has never called the cops on you before...") for stealing, was she really gonna turn Casey in on a car she'd never reported stolen and that Casey drove every day? I say "nope". I think she knew something was TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY wrong.

Her heart was hoping Caylee was not dead and she was playing this chessgame for her life. But I think her BRAIN knew--she even had an excited utterance, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." She KNEW it on many levels but she was in denial.

I think the denial ended once Lee got Casey to "reach out" and "open up" and Cindy whirled on her and said, "What did you do?" or "What have you done?" We've heard from the recent depos how allegedly both GA and CA feel they've thrown Casey "under the bus".

At this very point, I think they KNEW. I think it defies my logic for them not to have known past this very point...

My opinion on this is no more important that anyone elses and may be wholly incorrect. Sorry for the War and Peace but you asked for it...

Just one reason I think the enabling continues (and I won't do a mega-list here) is because even now the concept of "who threw Casey under the bus" is being discussed. Why is telling the truth being considered throwing someone under the bus? It just galls me.

Thanks so very much for laying that out. Thats just about on the same lines of my thoughts on this. There are a few more details that I have thought. I certainly think they "KNEW" all along. I know they knew it when they picked up the car.

I also think KC killed Caylee-----not accident. I also think she will throw anybody who gets in her way, under the bus. She will pull anybody in and if she can't get out of it then she won't go down by herself.
I also think KC killed Caylee-----not accident. I also think she will throw anybody who gets in her way, under the bus. She will pull anybody in and if she can't get out of it then she won't go down by herself.

I agree that she won't go down by herself. I don't think ImagiNanny is going to work either. Who better to pin this on but one of the people last seen with Caylee?
The following observations and opinions are mine:

Me? Background: I think that Casey was enabled her entire lifetime--full stop. I cannot explain it any better than some of the psychology-based posts made by other WSers. Further, I think that Caylee was used as a pawn between the two women. I think that Casey (mentally) had it difficult growing up and was taught many of the negative and dysfunctional traits we see exhibited. Further, I see in Casey traits of a sociopath too but I am not a psychologist.

I also think humans are formed by both nature and nuture. I think it was Casey's "nature" to be much of the way she is [insert whatever label you think she is: sociopath/narcissist or whatever] and that many avenues of positive and/or negative reinforcement either were not attempted or did not work. Also, I think that the entire Anthony "clan" was well-aware of Casey's dysfunction (as we have seen testimony from two different people of Cindy BLATANTLY spelling it out to Casey's boyfriends about her shortcomings and one of Casey's friends recalled Cin calling her a sociopath). I view the A household simply as "dysfunction junction"--my opinion.

Having said all this, I think there was a fight that went down on Father's Day. We've all heard the rumor. Jesse G. even allegedly asked Casey where was Caylee at one point IN LIGHT OF THE FACT there had been some squabbling at the A family home. More that has come to light regarding the fight:

1. It was Father's Day yet we have not heard that Casey spent any time with George or GGPA (instead was it spent with TonE).
2. CAYLEE was taken to Mt. Dora for the festivities and Casey did not go (was not invited or whatnot).
3. Neighbors allegedly heard a fight I believe that weekend.
4. Lee told someone (I don't recall which witness, I think there were two people he told) that there was a fight.
5. Casey told one of her Myspace buddies there was a "DRRAMMMA" 9 days before (which turns out to be Father's Day).
6. Casey never went back to the house when CINDY was there until the day Cindy essentially drug her home.
7. ...and so on.

We know that custody was something that had been discussed/threatened in the past (maybe on Father's Day too). For example, Cindy had the discussions with her co-workers before Caylee went missing regarding custody. Cindy had told her own mother about possibly going for custody and recounted her talks with the therapist. We hear from GGMA Plesea that Cin could not bear to kick Casey out. Then when you hear on the 911 tapes (between the calls when the tape was still running) Cindy talk about playing hardball with Casey and going for custody. Custody was not a "new issue" or "new topic" in my opinion.

What I'm getting at is there IN MY OPINION was a very nasty undercurrent going on in the A family household.

I have heard enough information that there was a fight on Father's Day and that Cindy likely believes Casey "up and left" with Caylee either that very night or the next morning. I used to think it was that VERY NIGHT but once we saw what clothes were with the little bones (not the outfit from Father's Day) and coupled with the phone records pinging from Hopespring (or near Hopespring). I think that Casey shut herself in her room (or Caylee's room) with Caylee and texted and phoned the night away. TonE would not allow Caylee to come over (my opinion) and Casey bided her time until the afternoon of the next day. I surmise Caylee was killed in her bedroom because items from the house were used in her disposal and she was not disposed of with her shoes.

Cindy has said that she "heard them breathing" through the door the next morning [Which is a very weird statement to make in my opinion] and George claimed he saw them that day (giving the Police a very detailed description of the clothes both Casey and Caylee wore). Caylee was not found wearing that outfit. Neither was Casey wearing said outfit when she was videotaped with TonE at the Blockbuster that night.

I think that Cindy was completely freaked out when Casey did not come home with Caylee. We have heard repeatedly (although Cindy denied it) that it was Cindy's habit to call and ask/make Casey come home when she was out at night with Caylee (see RM for one example). I think that as the days clicked by with no Caylee that Cindy and George BOTH were starting to put 2 and 2 together but perhaps their minds would not allow it to add up to 4. They were hearing these long, involved tales about Zani, Sam, Jeff, his kids, Jacksonville, and so on. George could have told Cindy that Casey was not in Jacksonville immediately when he found her at the house on the 24th and confronted her about the gas cans. They allegedly tried to get Lee to go and find her after futile attempts to meet Casey up at Universal. [Allegedly Casey stood up her mother but it looks like she went to Hopespring instead and raided the house.] Casey allegedly ran from Lee when she heard he was on the way to the club she was at on July 3. I think an exasperated Cindy took to the Internet and, knowing something was terribly wrong, wrote that missive "My Caylee is MISSING".

Her pings show that almost every day that Cindy went to work and George went to work Casey would go to the home and "do stuff". I don't know if she got clothes, food, a shower, stole money or what. I think Cindy and George knew this on a certain level because Cindy told Casey's old friend down the street that she KNEW Casey was coming home and getting stuff but not getting anything for Caylee. 2 and 2 were adding up.

Once we get to the drama with the Sunfire I think logic was telling them there was a REAL PROBLEM, a serious problem. Their noses and their memories in their past job experiences were likely telling them both -- DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK--THERE WAS A DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK. The sunfire was registered in their name so...we cannot have a damn dead body in the trunk. In my opinion, the car was cleaned. Maybe they were not sure it was CAYLEE but I think on some level they knew it was likely a HUMAN body. It also interesting that she had to say on the 911 call that the car had been "stolen" because you don't want a murder pinned on you if you are the owner of a car found to have been roaming around O-Town with human decomp in it.

Cindy calls Amy H. and tells her she MUST get ahold of Casey, or the police may be getting involved. Over what? A box of pizza? She had not ever called the cops on Casey before (reference Lee saying "Mom has never called the cops on you before...") for stealing, was she really gonna turn Casey in on a car she'd never reported stolen and that Casey drove every day? I say "nope". I think she knew something was TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY wrong.

Her heart was hoping Caylee was not dead and she was playing this chessgame for her life. But I think her BRAIN knew--she even had an excited utterance, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." She KNEW it on many levels but she was in denial.

I think the denial ended once Lee got Casey to "reach out" and "open up" and Cindy whirled on her and said, "What did you do?" or "What have you done?" We've heard from the recent depos how allegedly both GA and CA feel they've thrown Casey "under the bus".

At this very point, I think they KNEW. I think it defies my logic for them not to have known past this very point...

My opinion on this is no more important that anyone elses and may be wholly incorrect. Sorry for the War and Peace but you asked for it...

Just one reason I think the enabling continues (and I won't do a mega-list here) is because even now the concept of "who threw Casey under the bus" is being discussed. Why is telling the truth being considered throwing someone under the bus? It just galls me.

Couldn't possibly snip this post. Besides it was so good it deserved to be repeated. Excellent, logical summation! :dance::dance:
It was on CA's own Myspace page, but I don't know when she created it.

IIRC. LA helped CA create the MySpace to get that message out. Obviously July 4 and both still being missing, as well as the games of arranging meetings and then KC not turning up and sneaking into the house instead were reaching a crisis point with CA.
IIRC. LA helped CA create the MySpace to get that message out. Obviously July 4 and both still being missing, as well as the games of arranging meetings and then KC not turning up and sneaking into the house instead were reaching a crisis point with CA.

Yes. And at some point, I'm unsure of the exact dates so I didn't put it in my War & Peace post above, Cindy and George searched the backyard for Caylee, I believe AFTER GA noticed some disturbed earth. We've heard they did heavy yard work on the July 4 weekend. CA and/or GA also mention that they thought about the possibility of an accident when they noticed the pool ladder had been left up.
Yes. And at some point, I'm unsure of the exact dates so I didn't put it in my War & Peace post above, Cindy and George searched the backyard for Caylee, I believe AFTER GA noticed some disturbed earth. We've heard they did heavy yard work on the July 4 weekend. CA and/or GA also mention that they thought about the possibility of an accident when they noticed the pool ladder had been left up.

I always wondered about that yard work. The fact that CA kept pointing it out bothered me.
The following observations and opinions are mine:

Me? Background: I think that Casey was enabled her entire lifetime--full stop. I cannot explain it any better than some of the psychology-based posts made by other WSers. Further, I think that Caylee was used as a pawn between the two women. I think that Casey (mentally) had it difficult growing up and was taught many of the negative and dysfunctional traits we see exhibited. Further, I see in Casey traits of a sociopath too but I am not a psychologist.

I also think humans are formed by both nature and nuture. I think it was Casey's "nature" to be much of the way she is [insert whatever label you think she is: sociopath/narcissist or whatever] and that many avenues of positive and/or negative reinforcement either were not attempted or did not work. Also, I think that the entire Anthony "clan" was well-aware of Casey's dysfunction (as we have seen testimony from two different people of Cindy BLATANTLY spelling it out to Casey's boyfriends about her shortcomings and one of Casey's friends recalled Cin calling her a sociopath). I view the A household simply as "dysfunction junction"--my opinion.

Having said all this, I think there was a fight that went down on Father's Day. We've all heard the rumor. Jesse G. even allegedly asked Casey where was Caylee at one point IN LIGHT OF THE FACT there had been some squabbling at the A family home. More that has come to light regarding the fight:

1. It was Father's Day yet we have not heard that Casey spent any time with George or GGPA (instead was it spent with TonE).
2. CAYLEE was taken to Mt. Dora for the festivities and Casey did not go (was not invited or whatnot).
3. Neighbors allegedly heard a fight I believe that weekend.
4. Lee told someone (I don't recall which witness, I think there were two people he told) that there was a fight.
5. Casey told one of her Myspace buddies there was a "DRRAMMMA" 9 days before (which turns out to be Father's Day).
6. Casey never went back to the house when CINDY was there until the day Cindy essentially drug her home.
7. ...and so on.

We know that custody was something that had been discussed/threatened in the past (maybe on Father's Day too). For example, Cindy had the discussions with her co-workers before Caylee went missing regarding custody. Cindy had told her own mother about possibly going for custody and recounted her talks with the therapist. We hear from GGMA Plesea that Cin could not bear to kick Casey out. Then when you hear on the 911 tapes (between the calls when the tape was still running) Cindy talk about playing hardball with Casey and going for custody. Custody was not a "new issue" or "new topic" in my opinion.

What I'm getting at is there IN MY OPINION was a very nasty undercurrent going on in the A family household.

I have heard enough information that there was a fight on Father's Day and that Cindy likely believes Casey "up and left" with Caylee either that very night or the next morning. I used to think it was that VERY NIGHT but once we saw what clothes were with the little bones (not the outfit from Father's Day) and coupled with the phone records pinging from Hopespring (or near Hopespring). I think that Casey shut herself in her room (or Caylee's room) with Caylee and texted and phoned the night away. TonE would not allow Caylee to come over (my opinion) and Casey bided her time until the afternoon of the next day. I surmise Caylee was killed in her bedroom because items from the house were used in her disposal and she was not disposed of with her shoes.

Cindy has said that she "heard them breathing" through the door the next morning [Which is a very weird statement to make in my opinion] and George claimed he saw them that day (giving the Police a very detailed description of the clothes both Casey and Caylee wore). Caylee was not found wearing that outfit. Neither was Casey wearing said outfit when she was videotaped with TonE at the Blockbuster that night.

I think that Cindy was completely freaked out when Casey did not come home with Caylee. We have heard repeatedly (although Cindy denied it) that it was Cindy's habit to call and ask/make Casey come home when she was out at night with Caylee (see RM for one example). I think that as the days clicked by with no Caylee that Cindy and George BOTH were starting to put 2 and 2 together but perhaps their minds would not allow it to add up to 4. They were hearing these long, involved tales about Zani, Sam, Jeff, his kids, Jacksonville, and so on. George could have told Cindy that Casey was not in Jacksonville immediately when he found her at the house on the 24th and confronted her about the gas cans. They allegedly tried to get Lee to go and find her after futile attempts to meet Casey up at Universal. [Allegedly Casey stood up her mother but it looks like she went to Hopespring instead and raided the house.] Casey allegedly ran from Lee when she heard he was on the way to the club she was at on July 3. I think an exasperated Cindy took to the Internet and, knowing something was terribly wrong, wrote that missive "My Caylee is MISSING".

Her pings show that almost every day that Cindy went to work and George went to work Casey would go to the home and "do stuff". I don't know if she got clothes, food, a shower, stole money or what. I think Cindy and George knew this on a certain level because Cindy told Casey's old friend down the street that she KNEW Casey was coming home and getting stuff but not getting anything for Caylee. 2 and 2 were adding up.

Once we get to the drama with the Sunfire I think logic was telling them there was a REAL PROBLEM, a serious problem. Their noses and their memories in their past job experiences were likely telling them both -- DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK--THERE WAS A DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK. The sunfire was registered in their name so...we cannot have a damn dead body in the trunk. In my opinion, the car was cleaned. Maybe they were not sure it was CAYLEE but I think on some level they knew it was likely a HUMAN body. It also interesting that she had to say on the 911 call that the car had been "stolen" because you don't want a murder pinned on you if you are the owner of a car found to have been roaming around O-Town with human decomp in it.

Cindy calls Amy H. and tells her she MUST get ahold of Casey, or the police may be getting involved. Over what? A box of pizza? She had not ever called the cops on Casey before (reference Lee saying "Mom has never called the cops on you before...") for stealing, was she really gonna turn Casey in on a car she'd never reported stolen and that Casey drove every day? I say "nope". I think she knew something was TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY wrong.

Her heart was hoping Caylee was not dead and she was playing this chessgame for her life. But I think her BRAIN knew--she even had an excited utterance, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." She KNEW it on many levels but she was in denial.

I think the denial ended once Lee got Casey to "reach out" and "open up" and Cindy whirled on her and said, "What did you do?" or "What have you done?" We've heard from the recent depos how allegedly both GA and CA feel they've thrown Casey "under the bus".

At this very point, I think they KNEW. I think it defies my logic for them not to have known past this very point...

My opinion on this is no more important that anyone elses and may be wholly incorrect. Sorry for the War and Peace but you asked for it...

Just one reason I think the enabling continues (and I won't do a mega-list here) is because even now the concept of "who threw Casey under the bus" is being discussed. Why is telling the truth being considered throwing someone under the bus? It just galls me.


Perfect summary of exactly what I believe happened and most of the reasons why are here also!!
This is one of the best case posts I have seen.l

Thank you TheOnly1

When you read through the events of June/July 2008 you don't really need the forensics, the actions and statements from CA, GA and, KC with friends are compelling and convincing. This is truly an amazing case and dysfunctional family. This is all about mutual and escalating spite together with a control power struggle between KC and CA over Caylee. The result is very sad but not surprising. CA cannot stop the enabling but KC needed to be stopped. Too late.

ETA: KC even admitted it herself when she had the July 15 chat with LA, maybe this should have happened a long time ago.
The following observations and opinions are mine:

Me? Background: I think that Casey was enabled her entire lifetime--full stop. I cannot explain it any better than some of the psychology-based posts made by other WSers. Further, I think that Caylee was used as a pawn between the two women. I think that Casey (mentally) had it difficult growing up and was taught many of the negative and dysfunctional traits we see exhibited. Further, I see in Casey traits of a sociopath too but I am not a psychologist.

I also think humans are formed by both nature and nuture. I think it was Casey's "nature" to be much of the way she is [insert whatever label you think she is: sociopath/narcissist or whatever] and that many avenues of positive and/or negative reinforcement either were not attempted or did not work. Also, I think that the entire Anthony "clan" was well-aware of Casey's dysfunction (as we have seen testimony from two different people of Cindy BLATANTLY spelling it out to Casey's boyfriends about her shortcomings and one of Casey's friends recalled Cin calling her a sociopath). I view the A household simply as "dysfunction junction"--my opinion.

Having said all this, I think there was a fight that went down on Father's Day. We've all heard the rumor. Jesse G. even allegedly asked Casey where was Caylee at one point IN LIGHT OF THE FACT there had been some squabbling at the A family home. More that has come to light regarding the fight:

1. It was Father's Day yet we have not heard that Casey spent any time with George or GGPA (instead was it spent with TonE).
2. CAYLEE was taken to Mt. Dora for the festivities and Casey did not go (was not invited or whatnot).
3. Neighbors allegedly heard a fight I believe that weekend.
4. Lee told someone (I don't recall which witness, I think there were two people he told) that there was a fight.
5. Casey told one of her Myspace buddies there was a "DRRAMMMA" 9 days before (which turns out to be Father's Day).
6. Casey never went back to the house when CINDY was there until the day Cindy essentially drug her home.
7. ...and so on.

We know that custody was something that had been discussed/threatened in the past (maybe on Father's Day too). For example, Cindy had the discussions with her co-workers before Caylee went missing regarding custody. Cindy had told her own mother about possibly going for custody and recounted her talks with the therapist. We hear from GGMA Plesea that Cin could not bear to kick Casey out. Then when you hear on the 911 tapes (between the calls when the tape was still running) Cindy talk about playing hardball with Casey and going for custody. Custody was not a "new issue" or "new topic" in my opinion.

What I'm getting at is there IN MY OPINION was a very nasty undercurrent going on in the A family household.

I have heard enough information that there was a fight on Father's Day and that Cindy likely believes Casey "up and left" with Caylee either that very night or the next morning. I used to think it was that VERY NIGHT but once we saw what clothes were with the little bones (not the outfit from Father's Day) and coupled with the phone records pinging from Hopespring (or near Hopespring). I think that Casey shut herself in her room (or Caylee's room) with Caylee and texted and phoned the night away. TonE would not allow Caylee to come over (my opinion) and Casey bided her time until the afternoon of the next day. I surmise Caylee was killed in her bedroom because items from the house were used in her disposal and she was not disposed of with her shoes.

Cindy has said that she "heard them breathing" through the door the next morning [Which is a very weird statement to make in my opinion] and George claimed he saw them that day (giving the Police a very detailed description of the clothes both Casey and Caylee wore). Caylee was not found wearing that outfit. Neither was Casey wearing said outfit when she was videotaped with TonE at the Blockbuster that night.

I think that Cindy was completely freaked out when Casey did not come home with Caylee. We have heard repeatedly (although Cindy denied it) that it was Cindy's habit to call and ask/make Casey come home when she was out at night with Caylee (see RM for one example). I think that as the days clicked by with no Caylee that Cindy and George BOTH were starting to put 2 and 2 together but perhaps their minds would not allow it to add up to 4. They were hearing these long, involved tales about Zani, Sam, Jeff, his kids, Jacksonville, and so on. George could have told Cindy that Casey was not in Jacksonville immediately when he found her at the house on the 24th and confronted her about the gas cans. They allegedly tried to get Lee to go and find her after futile attempts to meet Casey up at Universal. [Allegedly Casey stood up her mother but it looks like she went to Hopespring instead and raided the house.] Casey allegedly ran from Lee when she heard he was on the way to the club she was at on July 3. I think an exasperated Cindy took to the Internet and, knowing something was terribly wrong, wrote that missive "My Caylee is MISSING".

Her pings show that almost every day that Cindy went to work and George went to work Casey would go to the home and "do stuff". I don't know if she got clothes, food, a shower, stole money or what. I think Cindy and George knew this on a certain level because Cindy told Casey's old friend down the street that she KNEW Casey was coming home and getting stuff but not getting anything for Caylee. 2 and 2 were adding up.

Once we get to the drama with the Sunfire I think logic was telling them there was a REAL PROBLEM, a serious problem. Their noses and their memories in their past job experiences were likely telling them both -- DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK--THERE WAS A DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK. The sunfire was registered in their name so...we cannot have a damn dead body in the trunk. In my opinion, the car was cleaned. Maybe they were not sure it was CAYLEE but I think on some level they knew it was likely a HUMAN body. It also interesting that she had to say on the 911 call that the car had been "stolen" because you don't want a murder pinned on you if you are the owner of a car found to have been roaming around O-Town with human decomp in it.

Cindy calls Amy H. and tells her she MUST get ahold of Casey, or the police may be getting involved. Over what? A box of pizza? She had not ever called the cops on Casey before (reference Lee saying "Mom has never called the cops on you before...") for stealing, was she really gonna turn Casey in on a car she'd never reported stolen and that Casey drove every day? I say "nope". I think she knew something was TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY wrong.

Her heart was hoping Caylee was not dead and she was playing this chessgame for her life. But I think her BRAIN knew--she even had an excited utterance, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." She KNEW it on many levels but she was in denial.

I think the denial ended once Lee got Casey to "reach out" and "open up" and Cindy whirled on her and said, "What did you do?" or "What have you done?" We've heard from the recent depos how allegedly both GA and CA feel they've thrown Casey "under the bus".

At this very point, I think they KNEW. I think it defies my logic for them not to have known past this very point...

My opinion on this is no more important that anyone elses and may be wholly incorrect. Sorry for the War and Peace but you asked for it...

Just one reason I think the enabling continues (and I won't do a mega-list here) is because even now the concept of "who threw Casey under the bus" is being discussed. Why is telling the truth being considered throwing someone under the bus? It just galls me.

I agree with the vast majority of your analysis, except...I don't think CA thought it was Caylee's body that had been in the trunk. She knew KC had gotten mixed up in something, something bad, but never had an inkling that it could be that Caylee was dead. She probably thought that KC ditched her somewhere, was in trouble, couldn't face the folks. I try to put myself in her frame of mind considering the circumstances. Daughter disrespecting me, stealing, is confronted, leaves but still comes home to raid fridge when no one is at home. Her car is abandoned, decomp smell in trunk,I wouldn't have assumed it was my granddaughter. According to all reports, even though KC was an irresponsible, difficult, self centered young woman, there had never been any indicators that she'd been an abusive mother. No, I think Cindy knew someone's dead body had been in the trunk, but never thought it could have been Caylee.
When I read Cindy's My Space entry, the first thing that jumps out at me is the difference between what she is saying here and what she tries to say later to LE, "I talked to Casey everyday, everyday we communicated". This does not sound like a mother that has been communicating with her daughter everyday.

This struck me as very odd too, when Cindy's interview first came out. Of course, the SA will be able to impeach the statements that they communicated every day with cell phone and text records. I did not go thru all the cell phone/text records myself, but did see most of them, and I do not remember seeing any texts/calls to or from Cindy on the released information. Did anyone else see calls and/or texts during June 16-July15 to/from Cindy?
I agree with the vast majority of your analysis, except...I don't think CA thought it was Caylee's body that had been in the trunk. She knew KC had gotten mixed up in something, something bad, but never had an inkling that it could be that Caylee was dead. She probably thought that KC ditched her somewhere, was in trouble, couldn't face the folks. I try to put myself in her frame of mind considering the circumstances. Daughter disrespecting me, stealing, is confronted, leaves but still comes home to raid fridge when no one is at home. Her car is abandoned, decomp smell in trunk,I wouldn't have assumed it was my granddaughter. According to all reports, even though KC was an irresponsible, difficult, self centered young woman, there had never been any indicators that she'd been an abusive mother. No, I think Cindy knew someone's dead body had been in the trunk, but never thought it could have been Caylee.

I am anxiously awaiting the trial in hopes that the truth comes out because I have no window into the A's souls to see what they were feeling and thinking at each particular moment. All I can do is look at the situation, their actions and inactions, statements to others, to come up with an good idea of what was going on. I think her July 3rd Myspace posting was VERY, VERY telling.

You could be totally correct. So, let's assume that you're last statement is spot on: "I think Cindy knew someone's dead body had been in the trunk, but never thought it could have been Caylee." Wouldn't that have been the HIGHEST LEVEL OF ENABLING POSSIBLE to think there's a been a dead body in the trunk of the car your daughter (and only your daugther) drove and not directing police to the smell, the stain, etc? In this scenario, if Caylee had been at home would they have still called the police?

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