2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

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I agree with this. I think once the pregnancy was accepted as inevitable, the baby was to be 'Project Anthony', a joint family venture but with CA as 'Managing Director' and 'Main Momma' and KC as 'Apprentice Momma'. The problem was, CA enjoyed her role far too much, and wasn't happy about letting the apprentice take control.

I'm not surprised that the lack of knowledge of Caylee's father didn't seem to bother CA, or the fact that there were no child support payments to help with the financial cost of raising Caylee, since having a contributing and involved father on the scene would have meant that he would have had a say in Caylee's upbringing and I don't think CA would have liked that at all. I assume that during the time that JG was believed to be the father she probably had no choice but to let him be involved, but I'm betting that her manner towards him probably changed after he had the paternity test done.

I also wouldn't be surprised if CA had something to do with KC giving up her job at Universal. I can see CA telling KC that her place was at home being mom to Caylee (at least while 'Head Mom' was at work) and that she didn't need to work.....CA would provide for them both....a perfect position of control. It was CA who showered Caylee with enough toys and clothes for 10 children, and CA who pampered and indulged her, over-riding KC on bedtime rules and probably many other efforts she may have made to be Caylee's 'real' Mom. It's no wonder to me that Caylee grew to favour CA over KC, or that it seems that KC may not have had the bond with Caylee that we might expect. I don't think she was given the chance.

I suppose when KC had Caylee to herself during the day she had some sort of freedom to go out and about and do things her way, but I imagine evenings and weekends were probably often a constant and tense battle of wills and it's likely that KC suffered many a painful moment when CA scored over KC and Caylee gave her affection to the indulgent 'parent' as children are apt to do.

If this was actually what things were like at Casa A's, I can see that a fake job would be an ideal way of avoiding some of the conflict, especially if the 'job' was flexible and sometimes involved evening and weekend 'working'!

Unfortunately this didn't work for KC either, because if she was out without Caylee she was a bad and irresponsible mother who was taking advantage of CA, but if she took Caylee with her, CA was phoning her all the time, wanting to know where she was, what she was doing and when she was bringing Caylee home. It's understandable that given the domestic situation, CA had a right to some basic information about KC's movements, when they would be home etc, and KC had an obligation of respect and consideration in return, but it seems that CA just couldn't let go and allow KC to be the adult true parent of Caylee that she was.

WOW! Thanks for laying this out in my brain. This also fits in with where, I think "the nanny" really came from. KC was Caylee's "nanny" from birth. The Nanny story was building for 2 years. She was finally fully born on July 15th 2008.

See, I think KC had a ZG id and was going to kill CA--GA and maybe Caylee and leave Fl with a new id----> ZG. But the timing was all wrong---she got so mad at CA that she killed Caylee (only accident was that she did it before she could go along with her plan). So she sat on thangs and was either waiting on a chance to do the rest of her plans. She was in hiding. I think if she had one more day she would have disappeared.

But CA caught her and when she and LA were in the bedroom and LA said,
what are you going to say when LE says----"Ms A. where is your child" (or something like that) and he even said it was like a light bulb going off in her head. At that moment, KC's brain was scrambling putting ZG/Nanny into place---> birth of the kidnapper. Member she is a fast thinker. I can see her folding this all together.

OK. This case has so made me crazy.
CA knew precisely when she last saw Caylee, IMO.
  • She's a nurse. Nurses are trained to note dates and times. It's been true of every nurse I've ever known, and I've known quite a few.
  • Even in her position as an administrator, she had to be conscious of dates.
  • She hadn't seen Caylee in a month when she made that statement. It's not as though she was asked to recall a date on the spur of the moment. We know from her MS post that by July 3rd, she was quite concerned. I'm sure she had reviewed all of the events over and over in her mind a million times and knew the day, date, hour and minute when she last saw Caylee.
The date discrepancy has been discussed since the beginning. Some of us came to the conclusion that CA might've lied to prevent her parents from becoming involved. She knew that if she said June 15th, LE would ask her to recall the events of that day, which would mean telling them about the nursing home visit, and she was adamantly opposed to LE talking to her parents. (Remember how she threatened not to cooperate if YM questioned her father?) In the beginning it might've seemed inconsequential to her, a little white lie that would protect her parents. After all, except for that one day she spent with Caylee, the last time she saw her was about a week earlier.

GA and LA might've been telling the truth. GA got with the game later and changed his story to June 16th. I think SP went along to protect CA. She e-mailed her sister about the FD visit. I'm pretty sure she knew the date. That's my take, FWIW. As for the tart mom, I'm not sure why she lied. Was she just confused? She sure had the 31 days down. If anyone has a theory on why she gave the wrong date, please share.

Sorry, Mods, for being OT.

Sometimes "OT" is bringing a conclusion together.

Anyway, I think the wrong date is because the A's had time before the cops got there to put a half-a$$ story together and it was probably mentioned as they were doing it and maybe the freshest date in their brains.
Lol! No need to feel foolish! There has been so much info released that it is hard to keep up with. IIRC, there were some texts back and forth, as well as a few short calls, and some unanswered calls. I was speaking to the content of any contact between the 2. I mean, when CA would text or call KC, even if she just left a voicemail, how did that contact go? Did she say "Hey, baby? How's it going? I sure do miss you and the baby! Why don't ya'll come by the house this Saturday and I'll make your favorite! Chili! Love ya, Mom" Or was it more like "I do not know where you are or what you are doing! If you do not bring Caylee by to see me RIGHT NOW I'm going to pack your stuff in a garbage bag and leave it by the side of the road!" Since it seems that CA is a control freak, I can't imagine that she wasn't a bit forceful when she did have contact with KC. And the longer KC refused to "mind" her, the madder she got.

I remember someone saying in a LE interview that (during the June 16-July 16 period) KC had told CA on at least one occasion, to meet her somewhere (one time it was the Universal parking lot iirc) so she could get or see (? not sure) Caylee. But while CA was waiting there, KC was at the Anthony house, getting whatever she needed. She then called CA and said 'Sorry, something came up, cant meet you'. (sorry, no link, but it probably was a Fall docdump, seems a while back).

I think that Cindy was completely freaked out when Casey did not come home with Caylee. We have heard repeatedly (although Cindy denied it) that it was Cindy's habit to call and ask/make Casey come home when she was out at night with Caylee (see RM for one example). I think that as the days clicked by with no Caylee that Cindy and George BOTH were starting to put 2 and 2 together but perhaps their minds would not allow it to add up to 4. They were hearing these long, involved tales about Zani, Sam, Jeff, his kids, Jacksonville, and so on. George could have told Cindy that Casey was not in Jacksonville immediately when he found her at the house on the 24th and confronted her about the gas cans. They allegedly tried to get Lee to go and find her after futile attempts to meet Casey up at Universal. [Allegedly Casey stood up her mother but it looks like she went to Hopespring instead and raided the house.] Casey allegedly ran from Lee when she heard he was on the way to the club she was at on July 3. I think an exasperated Cindy took to the Internet and, knowing something was terribly wrong, wrote that missive "My Caylee is MISSING".

Her pings show that almost every day that Cindy went to work and George went to work Casey would go to the home and "do stuff". I don't know if she got clothes, food, a shower, stole money or what. I think Cindy and George knew this on a certain level because Cindy told Casey's old friend down the street that she KNEW Casey was coming home and getting stuff but not getting anything for Caylee. 2 and 2 were adding up.

Why is telling the truth being considered throwing someone under the bus? It just galls me.

Lots of great points.

I personally don't think CA had a clue, when she picked up KC from TL's. I can't imagine warning someone about my daughter taking him for all the money he has (or whatever her words to Tony were), if I thought she knew my grandaughter was missing and/or dead. I'd be saying "Hope you don't mind visiting her in jail"..

I also think CA's myspace post was just a huge guilt trip from CA to KC taking away Caylee, and not letting CA see her for weeks. That's all it sounds like to me.


I agree with this. I think once the pregnancy was accepted as inevitable, the baby was to be 'Project Anthony', a joint family venture

I'm not surprised that the lack of knowledge of Caylee's father didn't seem to bother CA, or the fact that there were no child support payments to help with the financial cost of raising Caylee, since having a contributing and involved father on the scene would have meant that he would have had a say in Caylee's upbringing and I don't think CA would have liked that at all. I assume that during the time that JG was believed to be the father she probably had no choice but to let him be involved, but I'm betting that her manner towards him probably changed after he had the paternity test done.


ITA with the above.

Two other comments for this thread:
1. We know GA hid things from CA. Has CA hid things from GA? I don't recall.
2. SOMEONE besides KC cleaned that car. I just do not believe that KC, who tossed her baby mere feet from the street around the corner of her house, would spend hours cleaning up her trunk. And that fact that they've only found a few hairs, and afaik the "stain" hasn't amounted to anything, tells me someone spent a lot of time cleaning. (And the fact that LE took the vacs). I don't believe CA would do that prior to knowing where KC was. If she did it after, it's because of something KC told her. In my opinion.
This old thread has been closed--but I hoped we might discuss Cindy's myspace note again. It is very telling about how CA felt on 7/3/08. She was worried and mad (specifically "distraught, with a sad icon).

We know that CA is not visiting KC in jail and that KC is not accepting visits. We know that CA has finally (apparently) shut down her "campaign" to show KC and the world how much we have it all wrong about KC. Aside from going to hearings, the campaign has fallen silent.

My question (if I am permitted to ask it) is when CA wrote this--why did CA use the word "jealousy"? "Jealousy has taken her away". Why would a relatively attractive 23 year old daughter be "jealous" of her 50 year old mother? How does that follow? Can you give me your take (based on facts that you now know) on why CA used that word...."jealousy"?

This note seems to be very important and I am hoping we can discuss based on facts. I do not know any 23 year olds that are "jealous" of their parents in any way.

I think the "jealousy" refers to KC's alleged feeling that Caylee loved CA more than her. We now know that CA took over Caylee's second birthday party and that Caylee went to her before her own mother. SP even made reference to it in her interview, IIRC.
This old thread has been closed--but I hoped we might discuss Cindy's myspace note again. It is very telling about how CA felt on 7/3/08. She was worried and mad (specifically "distraught, with a sad icon).

We know that CA is not visiting KC in jail and that KC is not accepting visits. We know that CA has finally (apparently) shut down her "campaign" to show KC and the world how much we have it all wrong about KC. Aside from going to hearings, the campaign has fallen silent and the A's house is in foreclosure.

My question (if I am permitted to ask it) is why did CA use the word "jealousy"? "Jealousy has taken her away". Why would a relatively attractive 23 year old daughter be "jealous" of her 50 year old mother? How does that follow? Can you give me your take (based on facts that you now know) on why CA used that word...."jealousy"?


I believe CA was more like a mom to Caylee than KC, and KC resented her for that. Sometimes, people don't need to tell you they are jealous of you with words. Knowing KC she most likely gave CA dirty looks or said things like Caylee is my daughter not yours to her mother. CA probably responded by saying well stay home, and take care of her instead of going out with your friends. I guess this was going on daily in this house with these two battling for Caylee's love.
I think the "jealousy" refers to KC's alleged feeling that Caylee loved CA more than her. We now know that CA took over Caylee's second birthday party and that Caylee went to her before her own mother. SP even made reference to it in her interview, IIRC.

So, conversely, KC sought to have anyone take care of Caylee any chance she got...all the while being "jealous"-? It sort of doesn't make sense. If KC wanted to be more free and CA was happy to take care of Caylee--what was the problem???

I don't have any children, so I have perhaps a challenge to get my head around this. I have had pets (not meaning in any way to minimize the situation) --and I can remember a pang of jealously if my pet seemed to warm up to someone "more" than me. I seriously doubt I would have ever felt like killing my pet even if this "jealously" escalated in any major way. It is a hard concept to accept.
So, conversely, KC sought to have anyone take care of Caylee any chance she got...all the while being "jealous"-? It sort of doesn't make sense. If KC wanted to be more free and CA was happy to take care of Caylee--what caused the "jealously"?
Some people are just like that- very warped in their logic, like an abuser,
"If I can't have you, noone can" mentality, or the battered wife who is in great pain, yet believes she deserves it, stays with the man when she's given opportunity to leave, and won't prosecute him because, "he's a good man".
Casey wasn't willing to take care of Caylee more than a photo op, yet she didn't want anyone else, especially her mother getting the accolades for doing it.
So, conversely, KC sought to have anyone take care of Caylee any chance she got...all the while being "jealous"-? It sort of doesn't make sense. If KC wanted to be more free and CA was happy to take care of Caylee--what caused the "jealously"?

I think CA wanted KC to depend on her, so she could throw it in her face later sorta like ammo. When KC would let others watch Caylee it was a slap in CA face, because CA liked being a bully, and beating KC down every minute she could. So, when KC didn't give CA ammo it created another arguement between them. These two knew how to push each other buttons, and in the end CA pushed KC right out the door. CA should have been a good mother first. Letting KC get away with stealing, and lying all her life was not good mothering. It's like garbage in-garbage out. You end up with a lying thief who murdered her daughter, because she thought she could get away with it. And who was the one who put KC in jail....her mother with that 911 call to LE. It was the final blow to the CA, and KC battle. The fighting is over for these two, and now they both will suffer the rest of their lives for what could have been.
Only someone with a heart of stone could condemn jealousy in that poor pretty girl, arrested on a *advertiser censored** whim, who needed her boyfriend's phone number but no one would help her because all anyone cared about was finding Caylee. When I think of how they wasted her time, hugely wasted it, the pain I feel for her is almost unbearable.

*gets deposed by defense*
Saying as much about this case in as few words as possible in response to this simple question, IMHO...

Everthing about these two about control. In this instance, jealousy over who had control of Caylee. :(

...and by extension control over the mother-daughter relationship between Cindy and Casey. :furious:
It's a so sad that Caylee was not given up for adoption. She would be with a loving family playing right now instead of being worn as jewelry. It sickens me when I think of wearing your grandchild's ashes around your neck.
It's strange that CA would write "where did she go"? "Who is now watching out for the little angel"? CA was told by KC that ZFG was watching Caylee, and we all know she had ZFG phone number, and address because CA said, KC gave it to her...right?
So, conversely, KC sought to have anyone take care of Caylee any chance she got...all the while being "jealous"-? It sort of doesn't make sense. If KC wanted to be more free and CA was happy to take care of Caylee--what was the problem???

I don't have any children, so I have perhaps a challenge to get my head around this. I have had pets (not meaning in any way to minimize the situation) --and I can remember a pang of jealously if my pet seemed to warm up to someone "more" than me. I seriously doubt I would have ever felt like killing my pet even if this "jealously" escalated in any major way. It is a hard concept to accept.

I think this is deeply rooted in an extremely dysfunctional relationship between KC and CA. I never forgot how SP said, "She hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." That sent shivers down my spine. Anything CA does is abhorrent to KC, IMO. I agree with previous posters who said it was about control and their malignant narcissism. Each one battling over Caylee's affections. How pathetic.
thank you mods for merging my topic--I searched, I promise, I did! (But I didn't come up with this thread!

Seems to me that these two (KC and CA) just used Caylee as a pawn and thoroughly hated each other. The "mother of the year" thing that comes later is to protect CA's rep!
I just wonder why CA didn't try harder to find Caylee--was it because she didn't want to make KC "mad"????
thank you mods for merging my topic--I searched, I promise, I did! (But I didn't come up with this thread!

Seems to me that these two (KC and CA) just used Caylee as a pawn and thoroughly hated each other. The "mother of the year" thing that comes later is to protect CA's rep!
I just wonder why CA didn't try harder to find Caylee--was it because she didn't want to make KC "mad"????

Why search for answer when you already have it?
Duelling Narcissists.

They wanted it all, all the attention, all the love, all the control, all the kudos -- take everything, give nothing. There was no adult, just two kids fighting as if they were jealous twins.

Caylee just became a pawn to be fought over and used as desired then tossed to one side. Like kids who fight over a toy when it is the focus of attention and discarded once they move onto something else to fight over.

KC invested nothing but wanted everything ... her way, her schedule. Extremely selfish and combative. Give me what I want, when I want or......... Spite. Escalating.... out of control. No boundaries.
It's now painfully obvious that CA was jealous of KC for giving birth to Caylee in more ways than one.

Now, we don't know much of CA's childhood or early adult life, but from her brothers pov, KC was more of the "social butterfly" than CA was at a youthful age. KC may not have had any true friends, but she did develop a very extensive social life with many coming and going acquaintances. Something that CA may not have had.

When CA was 20, having a child out of wedlock was frowned up. But for KC to do it, it's viewed as status in some groups. The younger the mother, the better they think they are. Extended families more than likely are given the roles of "mothers" by the birth mothers with approval.

With CA, she wanted that perceived role of "Mother" to Caylee more than she wanted KC and let KC know it every chance she had. No doubt, KC was exposed to it on a daily basis based on what negative behaviors CA/GA have displayed in public since July 16, 08. CA didn't "love" Caylee as we love our children and grandchildren. Caylee was a means of "sticking it" to KC/GA. CA will beg, borrow or steal to get her. And she did just this with the post. :sick:

Still, given all of this, I continue to believe the My Cayleee is Missing post was and is all a front and the beginning of the coverup for Caylee's murder by KC. CA knew, GA knew, LA knew. CA had and has to do everything to keep her ego and public image pure and intact. :furious:
I think the statement whos watching over the little angel now shows that cindy knew that casey was not mother of the year. I think it means that Caylee was not in the hands of a responsible loving mother. I would probe that statement with her given the chance especially after all of her public statements proclaiming what a loving caring mother Casey was. MOO.

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