2008.07.15 Revisiting the 911 Calls

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Cindy was trying to impress upon KC that she would do whatever it took to get her to take her to Caylee. At that point, she realized KC had been lying to her, wasn't where she'd said she was, so Cindy had decided that she was through playing hide the baby. She probably thought KC would cave if she took her to the police station and produce Caylee. I really believe she didn't know that it was too late and KC couldn't produce Caylee, at least not in a form that would make Cindy happy. The police station was closed so Cindy went home, no doubt threatening to call the police again all the way if KC didn't take her to Caylee. Wonder what KC was thinking when they drove close to where she'd dumped the body. She was probably hoping that Cindy would give her another chance, another day, so that she could take off, some how, some way. This one's not much of a planner. Trapped in the house with Cindy, with the police definitely on the table, talking to Lee, she knew she had to come up with something else because her 'one more day' was probably not going to happen. Did she tell Lee? God, I hope not. I hope families don't really protect the murderers of little children. Did Cindy know? I don't think so. KC had probably been toying with a kidnapping story over at Tony's, knowing someday she'd have to explain something to someone, but she's completely disorganized and not the most complete sandwich in the basket, and she didn't have a really good story put together yet, even after she'd known for a month she might need one. She went with it anyway. What else could she do? If Mommy found out what really happend, she'd lose Mommy forever. She hated Mommy, and in a way what happened will make Mommy pay, and Mommy deserves that. What happened was really Mommy's fault any way, so it's kind of 'justice' for Mommy, but it would be the worst thing in the world to lose Mommy, so can Mommy can NEVER know. Just talk, talk and look good, sound confident. The cops are guys, right? Might work. Always did before.

excellent post!
It never made sense to me why she would say KC stole her car. It's pretty obvious the car may be in Cindy's name, but it was for KC's use.

Could this be her reason for the money theft? Most likely the entire A clan was at home - everyone is ganging up on Casey - the car reeks - Cindy knows about the money theft, hearing it from her brother and checking their accounts (because if you remember George said in the FBI interviews that he and Cindy found out that week that Casey made phantom deposits - forged deposit slips - into the account and took money out instead) then the car gets towed, George brings it home - Car smells

Cindy drags Casey home - no Caylee - Cindy tired of hearing that Caylee is with this nanny she has never seen - so bluffs Casey into talking - calls LE first call - car theft (because of the tow) and money theft - then calls again because LE hasn't come out - NOW all these calls Casey knows the jig is up and has the line of the kidnapping (actually could have been an afterthought which took a life of it's own at that point)

Begs for one more day because Casey needs to get her ducks in order - Cindy in a panic calls 911 the 3 rd time - Caylee is gone
Could this be her reason for the money theft? Most likely the entire A clan was at home - everyone is ganging up on Casey - the car reeks - Cindy knows about the money theft, hearing it from her brother and checking their accounts (because if you remember George said in the FBI interviews that he and Cindy found out that week that Casey made phantom deposits - forged deposit slips - into the account and took money out instead) then the car gets towed, George brings it home - Car smells

Cindy drags Casey home - no Caylee - Cindy tired of hearing that Caylee is with this nanny she has never seen - so bluffs Casey into talking - calls LE first call - car theft (because of the tow) and money theft - then calls again because LE hasn't come out - NOW all these calls Casey knows the jig is up and has the line of the kidnapping (actually could have been an afterthought which took a life of it's own at that point)

Begs for one more day because Casey needs to get her ducks in order - Cindy in a panic calls 911 the 3 rd time - Caylee is gone
This is exactly what I think happened.
We do have an entire thread devoted to this topic if you would like to discuss.

cool thx. must have been from before i came on to the ws scene. :)
will go and try to find it.
whoa! :eek: are these all calls the anthony family made?
i'm confused though. all the 911 calls we were talking about are 15/7... so how come they reported the car stolen on 26/6 ??? (this is new to me!)

and what's with the burglary call on 24/6.


See, I saw that awhile ago, and it DOES say 2006, but it is stuck in the 2008 calls.
The first call was made in anger over the daughter taking car/money. I would not consider that an emergency 911 call. Normally I would think press charges at the police station on Monday. Nothing was mentioned about a missing child in the first call.

Also, Cindy tells the dispatcher in the first call she will go home and call again to settle whether this is OCSD or OPD.
I don't think you can fairly start counting down on LE showing up until the second call.
Lee going to collect KCs stuff has always set off my hinky meter. Did he crash her computer? Did he get rid of anything for her? I believe a lot more was said in that bedroom than what Lee reported.
I think CA is perfectly capable of operating on two different wavelengths at the same time....Even if consiously she was simply originally just really pissed off at KC because of the cost of getting the car from impound, compounded by her anger at finding out that KC was AGAIN lying, about being out of town with the fantasy Jeff, and withholding Caylee from her, she may have subconsiously gone in to a "what if" mode, due to the comments by GA about the smell in the car, etc. She may have felt she was simply cleaning up another mess left by KC, by cleaning the car, washing pants, etc., but somewhere deep in her mind she had to know she was destroying possible evidence ..... perhaps it was a "if I get rid of this stuff, we can pretend it never existed" type of thing. I think all that happened before she found AH's # in the car, called AH and tracked down KC. I think she knew on some level that something was seriously wrong, but did not want to face it. So she tried to just get KC to produce Caylee, so she'd know the other possibilities lurking deep in her mind were not true. Hence the threat of the police with the initial stop at the closed sub station and 1st calls. KC knew her mother wouldn't really press charges about the car, or stolen $. LA's attempt to get to KC with the reality of the police showing scenerio he played pushed KC over the edge, made her realize she had to have some story to tell the cops, couldn't tell the truth, and CA bursting in with "Who has her?" gave KC an out. I think the 3rd call was CA truly frantic, thinking the baby was kidnapped, but the "car smell" thing was a subconscious slip on her part, the part of her that knew there was a more, very serious story behind KC's lies about being out of town, etc. She later justified the statement as hyperbole to get the cops out there quicker, people will tell themselves all kinds of lies to avoid facing the painful truth. I think there are so many levels in every complex human being, especially quite dysfunctional ones like the A's, that it's almost impossible to track their thinking, this is JMO.
See, I saw that awhile ago, and it DOES say 2006, but it is stuck in the 2008 calls.

wow i didnt realize it was 2006. good eye. just assumed 2008 since it was sandwiched between 2008 calls.

read other thread and now i see that the burg call was gas cans. forgot GA called bout that.

thx all.
Cindy was trying to impress upon KC that she would do whatever it took to get her to take her to Caylee. At that point, she realized KC had been lying to her, wasn't where she'd said she was, so Cindy had decided that she was through playing hide the baby. She probably thought KC would cave if she took her to the police station and produce Caylee. I really believe she didn't know that it was too late and KC couldn't produce Caylee, at least not in a form that would make Cindy happy. The police station was closed so Cindy went home, no doubt threatening to call the police again all the way if KC didn't take her to Caylee. Wonder what KC was thinking when they drove close to where she'd dumped the body. She was probably hoping that Cindy would give her another chance, another day, so that she could take off, some how, some way. This one's not much of a planner. Trapped in the house with Cindy, with the police definitely on the table, talking to Lee, she knew she had to come up with something else because her 'one more day' was probably not going to happen. Did she tell Lee? God, I hope not. I hope families don't really protect the murderers of little children. Did Cindy know? I don't think so. KC had probably been toying with a kidnapping story over at Tony's, knowing someday she'd have to explain something to someone, but she's completely disorganized and not the most complete sandwich in the basket, and she didn't have a really good story put together yet, even after she'd known for a month she might need one. She went with it anyway. What else could she do? If Mommy found out what really happend, she'd lose Mommy forever. She hated Mommy, and in a way what happened will make Mommy pay, and Mommy deserves that. What happened was really Mommy's fault any way, so it's kind of 'justice' for Mommy, but it would be the worst thing in the world to lose Mommy, so can Mommy can NEVER know. Just talk, talk and look good, sound confident. The cops are guys, right? Might work. Always did before.


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