2008.07.16 / 2008.07.25 / 2008.10.27 / 2008.11.04 Ricardo M. Interviews

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Actually Cindy made it very clear in the FBI interview that she HAD been told the apartment was Zanny's but had since learned that it was not.

Argh! Not how I remember that part, but I'll take your word for it since I'm way too Cindy-ed out to listen to it again.
Argh! Not how I remember that part, but I'll take your word for it since I'm way too Cindy-ed out to listen to it again.
It isn't how I remember either and I agree...I am too "Cindy-ed" out to listen again or even read over anything she has said.

It is rather nice to be Cindy-free for the moment without her raving, lying, and spewing about those sightings of poor, innocent children they drug through the national media (the parents should now sue them).
In his 2 interviews with LE RM makes out like he and KC had a low key romance that ended amicably.
KC mentions in her texts to amy that her and ric have been having arguments and asks Amy not to mention any of it to Ric.

KC lied to him, cheated on him, stood him up, then rubbed it in his face by posting pictures online. And he's like, totally cool with that? C'mon!! I dont believe that anymore than I believe the zanny story.

Kc says (i know we cant really trust what she says) , but she tells amy that now that she has moved on with TonE ric wants her back, and wants to keep seeing her. (and they clearly did keep seeing each other).
I think that on the 22nd RM confronted her with her lies, and thats where the fighting starts.

3.47 pm - I officially have no respect for ricardo.itruely dont. I'm so sick of him thinking he's right about everything.he knows nothing about me or nor does he care.

4.03 pm we cant keep fighting. Yesterday carried over into today and I cant deal with him disrespecting me constantly. We cant talk to each other unless its in person.its ridiculous.

4.10 pm - I know him! I'm going to get it done and done right
4.12 pm -well if he calls me a again we cant be friends. I'm serious. I have never argued like this with someone outside my family and at least then it was..(
incomplete message)

I wonder if LE interviewed RMs neighbors to see if they remember hearing fighting going on at his place around that time?
And do we know if KC did actually have a bruised rib, and how it happened? The day she is texting amy about it she is at the docs with Caylee, and its just after a huge fight with ric that went through the night into that day. (per texts above)
And why did he delete the chloroform picture, when it came out that caylee was missing? how was he to know that the Chloroform played any role, or would be suspicious?
So now I'm suspicious. Anyone know what time he deleted the win her over pic on July 16th? His interview was 9.30 that night. I 'm curious to know if it was before or after LE arrived.
I have my own curiosity about Casey and Ricardo using the chloroform on Caylee due to how he "worded" something that he said in one of his interviews. He stated that Casey and Caylee spent nearly every night with him, and that by the time he would get home from work Caylee had already been "put to sleep". This is strange because of the fact that he deleted the chloro pic from his MySpace before there was any NEWS about possible chloroform connection so why did he DO that? and also because of the very language "put" to sleep. By what method did she "put" her to sleep? and was he well aware of the fact and that is EXACTLY why he deleted that pic?
I have pulled information from the interviews that makes mention of places that Casey was, who she was with, who she called or texted or any other information that may help place Casey at a location.…
Each of these is by the date or range of dates that where given by the interviewee, the content was paraphrased for space, on some entries I added additional detail and the location where that information can be found by document page, lines on that page and with whom the interview was done and on what date.
This is not all-inclusive to what was in each interview I only culled things that may help in determining various locations of Casey. .

Pulled from Ricardo M interview with LE on July 25, 2008

May 14 Ricardo, Troy B. and Casey had gone to Voyage [Club Voyage 17 West Pine Street Orlando Fl,] and Casey had 2 flat tires
Page 1285 Lines 22-25 & Page 1286 Lines 1-7 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008
May 29 Casey and Caylee stayed with Ricardo [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1286 Lines 20-21 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

May 30 Casey and Caylee stayed with Ricardo [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1286 Lines 23-23 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

May 31 Casey and Caylee did not stay overnight with Ricardo
Page 1287 Lines 1-5 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 6 Casey was suppose to come over for dinner, Amy H. might have been there also Ricardo M. was cooking at [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803] and it got later and later and then she told him she had to work the whole night. Saw photo’s on her Myspace of her at Fusion [Fusion Ultra Lounge at 875 Woodbury Orlando Fl] and she had said she had never been there and then admitted to me she had but her boss sent her there to spy on his daughter.
Page 1287 Lines 13-21 & Page 1288 Lines 1-16 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 7 Casey came over to Ricardo M.’s at 11:00PM with Caylee [232 N Glenwood Ave
Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1288 Lines 9-10 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 8 Casey and Caylee were at Ricardo M.’s until mid-morning [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1289 Lines 16-24 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 8 Ricardo M. has Sundays off so he was home [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803] the whole day and he spoke to Casey later on she was at home.
Page 1289 Lines 3-6 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 9 Casey & Caylee at Ricardo M.’s came over sometime in the evening stayed overnight. [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803].
Page 1289 Lines 10-25 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 10 Casey and Caylee were still there when Ricardo M. left for work [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1290 Lines 1-9 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 14-27 Ricardo heard from Casey twice he thinks, once was she called him on his cell phone and he had her call him back at work. Received a text message [no date give]
Page 1296 Lines 24-25 & Page 1297 Lines 1-12 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 11 Amy and Ricardo go to Voyage Casey does not go but she texted Ricardo [no time given] and told him she had to work. [Club Voyage 17 West Pine Street Orlando Fl,]
Page 1293 Lines 6-14 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 13 Casey called Ricardo about going to Fusion and her told her no.
Page 1293 Lines 24 –25 Page 1294 Lines 4-13 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 27 Casey sent Ricardo a Facebook message asking me what I was doing on the June 28
Page 1296 Lines 19-23 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 27 Ricardo informed Casey that they were going out no time given and she did not join them
Page 1297 Lines 20-22 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 28 Ricardo during the event downtown [?] with Will W. Amy H. Jeep ?. and JP C. texted Casey and she never responded
Page 1287 Lines 21-25 Page 1297 Lines 15-19 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

June 28-30 Ricardo did not have contact with Casey that he remembers.
Page 1297 Lines 1-4

July 1 Casey stayed at Ricardo M.’s was sleeping on the couch and that was the first night she had been there without Caylee. He left about 10:35AM [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1292 Lines 6-12 Page 1298 Lines 22-24 Page 1299 Lines 4-5 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 8 Casey texted Ricardo at the airport and he texted her back [no time given]
Page 1302 Line 5-19 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 8-15 Ricardo in P. Rico
Page 1302 Lines 20 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 14 or 15 Casey sent a text [Ricardo would have been in P. Rico] about who was picking them up at the airport.
Page 1305 Lines 4-5 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 15 Casey came to the airport. [No time given]
Page 1305 Lines 6-7 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Names from Ricardo M. Interview
John Philip C.
Amy H.
I find it somewhat "interesting" that according to RM, the last time he saw Caylee was the early morning on June 10th. KC and Caylee spent the night of June 9th with him. All the speculation that maybe KC was insinuating RM is Zani made me think of something. Isn't it strange, in relation to this, that both Cindy and KC started off saying that June 9th was the last time they saw Caylee, until the Father's Day video put an end to that???
In his 2 interviews with LE RM makes out like he and KC had a low key romance that ended amicably.
KC mentions in her texts to amy that her and ric have been having arguments and asks Amy not to mention any of it to Ric.

KC lied to him, cheated on him, stood him up, then rubbed it in his face by posting pictures online. And he's like, totally cool with that? C'mon!! I dont believe that anymore than I believe the zanny story.

Kc says (i know we cant really trust what she says) , but she tells amy that now that she has moved on with TonE ric wants her back, and wants to keep seeing her. (and they clearly did keep seeing each other).
I think that on the 22nd RM confronted her with her lies, and thats where the fighting starts.:confused:

3.47 pm - I officially have no respect for ricardo.itruely dont. I'm so sick of him thinking he's right about everything.he knows nothing about me or nor does he care.:confused:

4.03 pm we cant keep fighting. Yesterday carried over into today and I cant deal with him disrespecting me constantly. We cant talk to each other unless its in person.its ridiculous.

4.10 pm - I know him! I'm going to get it done and done right
4.12 pm -well if he calls me a again we cant be friends. I'm serious. I have never argued like this with someone outside my family and at least then it was..(
incomplete message)

I wonder if LE interviewed RMs neighbors to see if they remember hearing fighting going on at his place around that time?
And do we know if KC did actually have a bruised rib, and how it happened? The day she is texting amy about it she is at the docs with Caylee, and its just after a huge fight with ric that went through the night into that day. (per texts above)
And why did he delete the chloroform picture, when it came out that caylee was missing? how was he to know that the Chloroform played any role, or would be suspicious?
So now I'm suspicious. Anyone know what time he deleted the win her over pic on July 16th? His interview was 9.30 that night. I 'm curious to know if it was before or after LE arrived.

Just wondering, Where did you get these transcribed text messages from?? I have never seen them before>
Amen BeanE. I am kind of frustrated about the wild unsubstantiated theories on this and other threads with no basis of fact. They belong in the parking lot and rumor thread.

The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. KC killed Caylee and dumped her body. Been leading everyone on wild goose chase. CA taught her daughter well how to dodge and evade reality...

It is as simple as that.

ITA...The "It Was Anybody But Casey Did It" theories list everyone that has ever crossed her path and beyond. I have a feeling we'll see more of that before it gets better. :) There's a trial coming up ...hmmm..wonder if that has anything to do with the Cindy bandwagon?
Just wondering, Where did you get these transcribed text messages from?? I have never seen them before>

There were text messages available here on WS a long time ago. I don't know why certain threads and posts go away. I remember reading a text that KC sent AH that she and RM had sex last night and great sex again that morning. He had finally told her that he loved her but as far as she was concerned it was too late as she was moving on to Tony. I remember thinking "games, games, she's playing games with these guys". I swear I read this - wish I could link. Maybe Ric did not like the games? Possible, but I doubt it, unless he's capable of hurting a beautiful child:furious:
There were text messages available here on WS a long time ago. I don't know why certain threads and posts go away. I remember reading a text that KC sent AH that she and RM had sex last night and great sex again that morning. He had finally told her that he loved her but as far as she was concerned it was too late as she was moving on to Tony. I remember thinking "games, games, she's playing games with these guys". I swear I read this - wish I could link. Maybe Ric did not like the games? Possible, but I doubt it, unless he's capable of hurting a beautiful child:furious:

You mean these? black = Kc, pink= amy

9th May 9:47am- I stayed with ric last night. Some of the best sex we have ever had. And again thismorning. Either I', really weak or I'm falling for this kid. Neither is good.
10.03 am – i'm trying. Things just click between he and I. Last night it was a very emotional connection...besides physical....and it was the same way thismorning. He didnt smoke once the entire time. Maybe he's making an effort? I dont know.
10.07 am – yeah me too. Who knows?i just dont want to let my heart get too invested unless I know his is. He keeps saying he wants to see where things go. Oye.

10.17 am – glad you went out and had fun. You definitely needed it. We kn ow how that boy is with his emotions. At least he's trying...and if he keeps it up, there's room to hope. If he goes back to his regular routine then its a pretty easy decision.
10.26 am – haha. Yeah. Its always nice to feel like the sane one. You're right though.back and forth isnt easy. If we date again its either the long haul or theres no point.

27th May....

10.31 pm I almost feel bad because ric invited me over like 4 times. He decides now of all times...after I finally got closure with him to start showing me that he cares GRRR
- That bites hun. Just remember he does not want a relationship. He probably misses your friendship. Which he should. Just keep it in groups for now.
11.56pm - And I will. Its finally nice to know that he cares. Honestly...I'm completely over him
and that entire situation. I'm so glad! And...i just talked to tony for almost 2 hrs. He's worth getting to know, oddly enough.

2ND JUNE 2008

11.59pm- So is it more sad or funny that ric decides to finally spill his real feelings for me after hearing that I made out with tony? Stupid. So stupid. I couldnt wait for him forever and i'm truly glad that I didnt. Anyway...i can wait to hear your story from last night!

10TH JUNE 2008

6.46 pm- So rick and I are not friends anymore
- What happened?
6.57pm – He finally decided to tell me that he loves me...and unfortunately i'm not there with him anymore. I waited months for this to happen and now that it has I vcant say that he is the only guy I have feelings for. Its like I have to choose.he's throwing everything in my face .UGH
- That sucks hun. I'll call when I get off. I also have to get a new job. New management sucks. I'm thinking fri for jacks
6.59pm - He wants me to still date him knowing that i'm starting to like tony. I cant do that. I'm not that person.I respect him to much to do that

8.54pm I'm working all day tomorrow so I'm good for whatever day we can go up to jville.
- So I just got off. A friend gave me a ride so i'm back at the boys. Awake and in need of a chat?
9.06pm-Oye! Yeah we will definitely talk later

1ST JULY 2008 Tuesday

11.10am – Done deal . I'd like to see ric before he leaves

7TH JULY 2008

- hey , is there any way to get rics money by tom?
9.44pm – i'll check my account. Good call
-he asked so I passed it on.
9.56pm – I appreciate it. Ireally wish he could talk to me himself though.it is what it is
-he knows we talk a lot..
I am on Casey's facebook and before she deleted majority of her account I copied it and also keep a written notebook of the players post, I had to reinstall my operating system and forgot to transfer that file but I did have these written down on Ricardo:
Peter M. wrote on April 15,2008:"Yeah baby I'll take you.You're the only sight I wanna see. Glad ur single one month can't get here fast enough."
Then Ricardo replied:" Why wait a month Just fly down tonight,It's only been a day Jesus Fu?kcing Christ"
Sounded to me like Ricardo was keeping tabs on KC through her facebook account and wasnt to happy with her communications with Peter.
There is also a couple of comments from J.P. on Nov 8 & 11 2007 that kinda contradicts Amy H comment about JP not being involved or really liking KC either. Not sure whether to post them here since this thread is about Ricardo?
I am on Casey's facebook and before she deleted majority of her account I copied it and also keep a written notebook of the players post, I had to reinstall my operating system and forgot to transfer that file but I did have these written down on Ricardo:
Peter M. wrote on April 15,2008:"Yeah baby I'll take you.You're the only sight I wanna see. Glad ur single one month can't get here fast enough."
Then Ricardo replied:" Why wait a month Just fly down tonight,It's only been a day Jesus Fu?kcing Christ"
Sounded to me like Ricardo was keeping tabs on KC through her facebook account and wasnt to happy with her communications with Peter.
There is also a couple of comments from J.P. on Nov 8 & 11 2007 that kinda contradicts Amy H comment about JP not being involved or really liking KC either. Not sure whether to post them here since this thread is about Ricardo?

It would be very interesting to read her facebook communications, not sure which thread would be appropriate.
Can anyone summarize what is in these interviews? I cant play the WMA file at work. THANKS :)
the links aren't working for me :confused:
The links didn't work for me either so I saved them to the computer. Let me see if I can explain this, I am not great w/ computers...right click on the tape you want to listen to and click on "save as", another box will come up and you click on save, and another box will come up that shows the file being downloaded...when it is finished downloading click on open. Hope this works for you.
Can anyone summarize what is in these interviews? I cant play the WMA file at work. THANKS :)
I can try from what I have listened to. In the November interview, the last one, they question Ricardo about deleting some e-mails that he sent to the Globe, he tries to deny deleting this communication. The communication was about him selling some photos of Casey and or Caylee. I don't think it is confirmed that he ever sold any photos, in the interview.

In the other interviews, October I believe, Detectives question him about any drug use by Casey, Ricardo says he never knew her to use anything other than marijuana. Ricardo says that he remembers hearing about "Zanny the nanny" but, of course never met her. He also denies knowing about Casey ever giving Caylee any drugs to put her to sleep, although he does remember one time Casey jokingly said she should give Caylee something to put her to sleep, she was waiting on her to go to sleep, to come over to Ricardo's.Ricardo also said Casey was coming over and spending the night with Caylee around 4-5 nights per week at one point, they talked about Cindy's denial that this happened.

I may be missing something important, because right now my head is swimming with interviews, information overload
snipped for space.
Thanks Searchfortruth. Did RM say anything or was he asked anything about chloroform?
Yes he was asked what he knew about it, to include the picture on his computer. Ricardo stated that he had very little knowledge about Chloroform, only what he had seen in movies, etc..and that the pic on his computer was a joke, he thought it was funny. He also told Detectives that Casey had many opportunities to use his computer when he was not in the apt, his computer wasn't password protected. He had no knowledge of Casey ever using Chloroform or talking about it.
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