2008.07.17 Maria K. Interview (Clint's girlfriend)

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Something struck me while reading this interview -- it just became more real how KC lives and lies from moment to moment, making thinks up as she goes along. In addition she seems to lie with no stress or discomfort. Tony had made it very clear in his interviews that KC was not what he considered "moved in". The story about the parents giving her the house was simply a explanation for why she needed to stay at Tony's. Perhaps, given that she was being so nice by cooking, cleaning, and making herself so available to Tony, she was hoping against hope that he would ask her to move in.
I just can't believe not one person ever picked Casey up from work, or met her work friends, met her after work..or even ever asked her how she can work and be at the apartment all the time. How on earth do you leave your 2 year old alone to go in the bedroom with your boyfriend? You leave her alone with people she just met??

If you read or watch the details of KC's relations with others you will note that KC by nature and habit was very very careful to keep all of her friends and aquaintances very compartmentalized and seperate. Each with a wildly diferent story about KC. It's that same straight line mentality that allows her to simply drive straight past any questions in peoples minds. This is also where some of the weirder rumors from this whole case come from. The outlandish stories she would tell just one person. ie Dad abused her, Lee wanted sex with her, Mom and dad giving her the house, Zanny took Caylee, Zanny even exists. Some of these still seem to exist in the public arena as fact even when we know that absolutely everything out of KC's mouth is a lie. For example CA trying to strangle KC during the June 15th arguement. Where did that originate from? Does it not track back to a story told by KC to a friend or relative?

About the only ones who would have been in a position to start asking questions were those that did deal with her the most. ie the A's and possibly JG and his family. It is obvious that the Grunds had figured out alot of who and what she was, although I dont think they could have reasonably percieved the current danger to Caylee. The A's should have been asking more questions. everyone else would simply have never given much thought to the lies KC would tell as a matter of course.

As far as why so few of Tony's friends seemed concerned about KC's mothering skills. Most of the friends were male college students. 21 or so. Unless those boys had direct and regular contact with very young children (sibblings nieces nephews etc) it is not unreasonable that they have not yet formed an actual mental opinion or ability to judge parenting. Short of actual and clearly apparent physical abuse it just simply would not be noticed by them. Now a female of that age will be much more likely to have the closer experiences with child care and more prone to pick up on parenting issues, hence Maria noticing and comenting about this sort of thing, while the boys remain clueless.
$400 a week! What more proof do you need that there never was a nanny? KC did not work, so there was no need for a nanny. She didn't work so there was no $400 per week for a nanny.

Maria didn't think she had any information that was really helpful. Little did she know! Bet if this goes to trial, LE will use this tidbit in testimony. As should ZG's attorneys in the civil suit!
$400 a week! What more proof do you need that there never was a nanny? KC did not work, so there was no need for a nanny. She didn't work so there was no $400 per week for a nanny.

Maria didn't think she had any information that was really helpful. Little did she know! Bet if this goes to trial, LE will use this tidbit in testimony. As should ZG's attorneys in the civil suit!

She would have to have been making at least $15/hour to be taking home $400 a week to give the nanny and that would leave her NO money for anything else. It wouldn't make any sense to even work. I know she didn't work but didn't anyone else question that?
Bumping-Nanny lies, insight into KC's care (or lack of) for Caylee...hopefully can find a working audio link.
Thanks for bumping this, I'm about to go back and read the interview again after all this time. Just wanted to chime in first, though, that the original links are no longer working, so I found the interview over at docstoc

But before I go read... $400/week? Wow. My friend has been babysitting other people's children for 20 years. I TOLD HER she was shortchanging herself at $3/hour! wow.

ETA, here's an audio but there's no identification verification at the start, don't know who's channel this is.
I found it interesting that Casey mentioned to Maria that she paid the nanny $400 per week. I know there was no nanny, but it is a line of questioning I wished LE had asked Casey. How much did you pay the nanny? How was the payment made, how often she was paid, etc.

She doesn't even know what a babysitter would cost because she's never had to pay one. Imagine the salary she would have to be making to afford that much money for one child.
She doesn't even know what a babysitter would cost because she's never had to pay one. Imagine the salary she would have to be making to afford that much money for one child.

I know daycare is expensive. My boss's daughter is having a baby soon, and she was devastated to find out that newborn daycare costs 700 bucks a month. I wouldn't think a nanny, unless it's a family member willing to forgo being paid, would be much less. No way in hell Casey had money to pay a nanny or babysitter. That was a total and complete lie.

I sometimes think Cindy had to accept Casey's lies because the alternative was too horrible for her to contemplate.
I know daycare is expensive. My boss's daughter is having a baby soon, and she was devastated to find out that newborn daycare costs 700 bucks a month. I wouldn't think a nanny, unless it's a family member willing to forgo being paid, would be much less. No way in hell Casey had money to pay a nanny or babysitter. That was a total and complete lie.

I sometimes think Cindy had to accept Casey's lies because the alternative was too horrible for her to contemplate.

Daycare is one of the many reasons I sent my daughter to private school-Prior to her school years, I was paying anywhere from $120-$170 per week-Once she was in school, the daycare offered $90.00 per week, but tuition at a Catholic Elementary was $350.00 per month with free before and after care-When the schools do charge for "extended day", it is something like $20.00 per week, so I paid the same to send her to private school as I would have to send her to public school yet pay the $90.00-$120 for before/after school daycare.
BTW, I would have preferred a nanny to daycare services, I am a SAHM now-But I never would have paid $400.00 per week. At $55,000 per year, that would eat up half of your salary.
Can someone help me out with this? What was her name?

Are we sure this was in Casey's car? When exactly was she in Casey's car?

Thanks in advance. I want to go back and read her depo/interview.
Can someone help me out with this? What was her name?

Are we sure this was in Casey's car? When exactly was she in Casey's car?

I believe it was MariaK. IIRC, no one specified when she was in the car.
It was the pretty girl with the glasses.. I know, such a help I am. She said that she was in the car she thought on the 16th of June but I'm sure when Tony got on the stand he corrected her & said it was the beginning of June. Ofcourse Baez chose to shut that out & hope the jury didn't hear Tony correct the date.
It was before Caylee's death. I think this could be touched on by State tomorrow.
It was Maria Kissh. She was not on the stand long, and there is not a thread for her in the witness testimony.

On another site I found a summary of her testimony which says she said she & Clint House, TL, and ICA all went out to eat to McDonald's or something around 6/21.

Later, TL corrected that date and said it was 6/4.

I think tomorrow I will go listen to her testimony again and make a post for the testimony threads since she has become one of the important figures even though her testimony was short.
It is quite interesting that a passanger in the car would not smell any odor at all.
However, I've been told by LE officials that a decomposing body really starts to release its foul odor the more it is moved around. If ICA was lifting the body in and out of the car, or moving it inside the trunk, the more pronounced the smell might be.

Well, something to think about.

It is quite interesting that a passanger in the car would not smell any odor at all.
However, I've been told by LE officials that a decomposing body really starts to release its foul odor the more it is moved around. If ICA was lifting the body in and out of the car, or moving it inside the trunk, the more pronounced the smell might be.

Well, something to think about.


Baez was using his nifty board to show who smelled the car odor and who did not.Does that mean because some didn't smell the odor it never existed?
It was before because she helped Caylee tie her shoes and was concerned that Caylee was alone on the deck

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