2008.07.28 Discuss Lee Interview

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I'm sad to admit that I've honestly wondered about that myself since this case has become what it has. I've even looked around, paranoid, at times, expecting a camera crew to come from around the corner :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Or we are part of some weird science experiment to see how involved ordinary people will become with a case that makes absolutely no sense. :)
I have not heard this tape yet and after reading this thread so far I don't believe there is enough caffeine in the morning to get me through it....who in the H talks like this? convey? puleaseeeee
frigging unreal.

and let me add my hat is off to every detective who had to work on this case...they deserve every dollar they make.

... and they (detectives) deserve even more than they make for putting up with this BS
this le department has to be genius's /and then with the rest of the witnesses lying at first because of the drugs/ I don't know how they've managed to untangle this crap. kudos I'm very impressed
Could someone potentially reach out to me, in either small or large communication, and convey the information, of the previous activities, of the person KC is now reaching out to, in this interview, between the other activities, that potentially, absolutely needs some attention, according to my gut.

(Anyone happen to have a link handy to Lee's previous jailhouse interview?)
this le department has to be genius's /and then with the rest of the witnesses lying at first because of the drugs/ I don't know how they've managed to untangle this crap. kudos I'm very impressed

LE and the FBI have certainly earned their pay on this one! Before it's all over we may need the Navajo codebreakers or the CIA's division that works on breaking the codes that the terrorists use when they communicate! The A's act so smug-but, remember , this was last summer! Alot has gone down since then-they don't act or look that way any more. Their plans with Kidfinders is virtually kaput since all the revelations have come out, darling KC is back to jail on a first degre murder charge pending trial, The world has seen them for what they are (even if we haven't totally figured it all out yet). It would be better for them if they were aliens (like out of "Third Rock From The Sun") and the mothership came to get them-cause life for them here on planet Earth ain't gonna be pretty, absolutely, most definetly!!:beamup::beamup::beamup::beamup::seeya: bu bye!!
Or we are part of some weird science experiment to see how involved ordinary people will become with a case that makes absolutely no sense. :)

My vote's with this theory!
It seems the most logical to me.

BTW ~ I had my lobotomy last night.
HOLD ON! Everyone needs to SLOW DOWN! Didn't you see the videos of the visits with GA and CA? CA told us the clue of all clues:

"THEY think we are speaking in code! HA HA!" The family had a big laugh over us thinking this is code!

So, this whole video must be the way they have been talking to each other since DAY ONE!

The more I listen to them (all of the A's) I've been thinking that also. Their way of getting back at people like us (internet sleuths) As arrogant as they all are it wouldn't surprise me one bit, if it wasn't so pathetic. Sickos. Poor little Caylee.
I like the way when LA ask her about the 904 #, and then he states he has all the 904 numbers from her phone. KC says you only have the ones from my current phone, and he states KC I have all your phone records, and she says Oh Sh%t! and you can tell she gets a little nervous.
IMO this is what they are trying to say and hoping that people won't understand.


LA: Right now we feel the previous script has changed.

KC: Yeah

LA: And you know, we have been acting in accordance with the previous script. But now that the story has changed we may have to change how we act.

KC: Mmhum yeah.

LA: What I am looking for from you is some sense of how the story has changed, and the direction that we need to go in now. If people or areas change you need to let us know.

KC: Yeah

LA: We know that there are only so many things that you can do from in there, and we want to be able to do whatever needs to be done on the outside.

KC: Yeah exactly


KC: Yeah that makes perfect sense.

The way I am reading this, I think this was LA saying that he/they needed to know how the story was changing so that they could change what they did. The only thing is, is he meaning so that he could continue to "investigate" according to story that KC previously told or is this LA telling KC that they want to know so that they could hide evidence etc.?

I have no idea what this means. How do they understand each other. I came to this thread hoping someone could simply say "oh they're talking about the missing phone" or Lee's saying "Yes Casey I understand fully. you want me to tell the police you did it and would like to confess" :behindbar lol
But no, I can't even read this thread because it gives me a migraine. I'll just skip the jailhouse visit threads. No offense.
I'm sure the detectives listening asked the same question. Lee is clueless that Casey is laughing at him.

Not only is she laughing AT him in the video but she has no idea what he is talking about. She just agrees with him and laughs.

This may explain why Lee is out of the picture, maybe his head exploded from trying to be a detective.

His detective voice in this video is quite annoying, combined with her giggles, impossible for me to watch.
Not only is she laughing AT him in the video but she has no idea what he is talking about. She just agrees with him and laughs.

This may explain why Lee is out of the picture, maybe his head exploded from trying to be a detective.

His detective voice in this video is quite annoying, combined with her giggles, impossible for me to watch.

:clap::clap::clap: I was laughing during the video. You can clearly tell KC has no clue what LA is saying.

I'm not certain what thread it was in, but people mentioned LA and KC were flirting. I'm not sure if LA was flirting with KC, but she definitely was with him. Yuck!
:clap::clap::clap: I was laughing during the video. You can clearly tell KC has no clue what LA is saying.

I'm not certain what thread it was in, but people mentioned LA and KC were flirting. I'm not sure if LA was flirting with KC, but she definitely was with him. Yuck!

It seemed like they were strangers awkwardly nervously laughing at least on KC's part.

Lee is all business sherlock holmes - KC almost thinks he is cute and is totally playing into his game. But he loses her and she doens't really know what he is talkign about.
We have so many rabbit holes around here that people jump down looking for the meaning of hidden codes or clues or the grain of truth in the lies. I just came here from another thread where people are trying to find map locations because they believe Casey said there are hidden clues in her passwords.

The Anthonys all tend to talk like aliens from outer space because they try to sound more educated or intelligent by using words and phrases that really aren't in their vocabularies. Lee and Casey seem to be the worst for this convoluted nonsense speech.

Do a Google search for Mrs. Malaprop.

You know, if you start out with a faulty premise, such as there are hidden clues or people are speaking in a code that you just need to decode to understand, everything following from that premise is going to be wrong.
Could someone potentially reach out to me, in either small or large communication, and convey the information, of the previous activities, of the person KC is now reaching out to, in this interview, between the other activities, that potentially, absolutely needs some attention, according to my gut.

(Anyone happen to have a link handy to Lee's previous jailhouse interview?)

Ya think the A's have watched this crap and see what we see?
I haven't listened to this interview yet but I did listen to GA & CA plus what I heard on NG last nite. Some things that really struck me is how KC spins her lies to the point I wonder if she knows how to speak normally..Now there's a word we don't use very often in this case. One thing that really surprised me or not is that no one has given her the speech..You know the one where you say, look missy, this isn't a situation where mommy and daddy can save you..WELCOME..to the real world! KC is waiting to get out of this mess..crying like a little ten year old thats homesick..She doesn't GET IT...Waiting for KC to hit the wall..As long as the A's choose to treat her like the little princess she's not, they will never learn what really happened to Caylee..They have created their own nightmare and now they have to deal with it..So sad..
I'm going out on a limb here...but maybe just a wee tiny little bit....

It's almost like she has him looking for something. And I don't think its a missing child.

Can Jose really give them unmonitored written messages?

I dont post very often, but I have to say I think you are absolutely right. What I think KC is having LA look for is the infamous "blackjack" cell phone, which I am convinced was used for her dirty little secret life working for "Universal", which I think is code for a place Casey used to hang out and do god knows what.....the reason I believe this is from a transcript of the visit between KC and LA...see below:

LEE: Would she have been programmed in your cell phone?

CASEY: She was, programmed into that other phone that we need to find a way to recover. I mean I don’t know…

LEE: Help me with that actually. You said that you referred to it as you ‘black jack’?

CASEY: Yeah, it was a Black Jack. I’d only had it for probably a week, a week and half. It didn’t keep its charge so that’s why I started using that other phone.

LEE: So on the Black Jack, do you remember the phone number that the Black Jack was associated with?

CASEY: It was my same number; I just swapped the SIM card back and forth.

LEE: Ok, um…Here’s how these things work Casey, the contact information, the contact stuff is on your SIM card, so if you switched it back and forth.

CASEY: It doesn’t always save to the SIM card. You can sometimes save things to the SIM card or save it specifically to the phone, it just depends on the way the phone’s set up I thought about that too. The phone that I was currently using, the one I guess that the police still have, or you guys have it, I had set it up after the fact to just save things to my SIM card but you can also save it to just the phone or to the SIM card and the phone so there’s copy’s on both

LEE: So this Black Jack where did you, you said that you reported it missing, give me the information so I can find this phone.

CASEY: I had it (TALKING TO SOMEONE OFF THE PHONE : yes sir, is he ok. Can you ask him to stay there couple of minutes, because we only have…ok thank you). Um Jose’s actually here. Um. (Expletive), ok the last time I know I had it for certain I was up at Universal.
LEE: For work, or for otherwise?

I was in through the park talking to just a couple of mutual friends of….

LEE: So you were up there for fun or whatever?

CASEY: It wasn’t necessarily fun, but yes not through work at that moment…
LEE: I’ve got you, ok, I understand.

CASEY: I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it.

LEE: Where did you get this phone from? Like how was it provided to you?

CASEY: Through the AT&T Store, god, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is.
LEE: Was this a phone, is this another personal cell phone of yours?


LEE: Ok, so tell me. So if you lost the physical phone itself, aside from searching for it, how would you go about finding this? How should I go about finding your phone?

CASEY: I don’t know. That’s the thing. I mean. I knew specifically where it was, I mean my last recollection of me having it was at Universal, but I knew that I had also been at Jay Blanchard Park and I could have potentially had it there with me too. I don’t know if you guys have checked through like some of the bags and stuff that I have at the house with me, if it was in one of those purses but I know I kept everything that I had kind of centralized at Tony’s.

LEE: Case, if you had your Black Jack with you and you lost your Black Jack, but you still have your SIM card in your other phone, I’m trying just to figure out why, you wouldn’t lose both, you know what I mean?

CASEY: Well that’s the thing, if it fell out of my bag, if it fell out of my pocket. It’s a decent size phone, almost the size of the phone that you have now. It could have easily fallen out of my purse.

To me it sounds as if LA knows what or where "Universal" is and what she would be doing there and she needs him to find that phone before anyone else does. By this point he ALREADY knows she hasnt worked in two years but still asks her if she was at Universal for WORK ! ! In the conversation that leads up to this clip I posted, it seems she uses this phone for "work", and the only kind of work I can think would be like an 800 line phone sex person.....this girl seemed to have been on the phone 24 hours a day....it would be an easy job for her considering what we know now.

IMO she lost that found when she was moving Caylee from point A to point B...yes I think she was moved more than one time.

OK..gotta get logged back into work....
I watched about 10 minutes and couldn't take it.

But the question I have is - did he begin the conversation with HEY PRINCESS.

What is up with these people??

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