2008.07.28 Discuss Lee Interview

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There are no clues in her passwords, there are no clues anywhere. Casey is probably laughing her fanny off at the way her family is so willing to believe her crazy lies. She agrees with anything they ask her:

"Casey, once when you were home I noticed you used 8 squares of toilet paper to wipe your butt, is that a clue?"

"Why yes, it is, but I can't talk about it."

And then Lee and half of the folks here at WS make themselves crazy trying to figure out what it means.

My guess is that it was a moment when her privacy was again violated, if they counted the squares. Or perhaps it was just a small . ......uh.......yanno.
There are no clues in her passwords, there are no clues anywhere. Casey is probably laughing her fanny off at the way her family is so willing to believe her crazy lies. She agrees with anything they ask her:

"Casey, once when you were home I noticed you used 8 squares of toilet paper to wipe your butt, is that a clue?"

"Why yes, it is, but I can't talk about it."

And then Lee and half of the folks here at WS make themselves crazy trying to figure out what it means.

Believe it or not Chilly, I totally agree with you here! :)
Yep it could have been I wasn't sure about the numbers part (I should have stated that). Rico probably stands for ricardo so I'm sure she's throwing him right under that bus with AL, JG, AH (since the passwords contained clues).

When she confirmed for Lee that there were clues in the passwords (Rico, Cays, 234, etc) I didn't know if Rico might mean Ricardo, Puerto Rico, or Rico Act.

(guess it could even mean Uncle R now that I think of it. Hope not. Don't even get me started on Uncle R, I think his behavior toward CA and all her family going back years sounds just appalling. Could you believe the way he treated them when he thought Casey was pregnant (at his wedding, when KC was a teenager.) Or the emails to Cindy after Caylee's disappearance. Unbelievable. (the Nov or Dec document dump, set 10. Sorry, back to topic.)
Hi all! Keep up the great work! Not sure if this has been discussed, if so, please forgive me.

IIRC, I have a question about one of LA's jail visits in regards to KC's MySpace and Facebook account passwords. They had a quick discussion on her passwords and he asked if there were clues within them and she responded yes. Does this mean premediation of Caylee's life, Zannie's identity, or what? I was taken back when I heard that. Why would she use clues in her passwords?? Did she change them leaving passwords in between her jail time visits? If so, why not leave a note with the information. All I can see from these videos are information they are trying to set the stage for her with the questions they ask. LA's videos are lecturing KC on the do's and don'ts. I am so confused by her and her family. Thanks! ;-)

My impression was that she was telling Lee at least one of the passwords was a clue to who might know something or might even be involved, or where Caylee could be. In other words, look into these things or these people.

Then there was the other weird thing about her password for the home computer being changed since the last time she used it, Lee not being able to get in. I tended to believe there really could be something to this (regarding JG having gotten on the computer there at their house which they had mentioned in the interviews), she seemed much more "real" and surprised in her reaction on this point than usual.
It amazes me how she worries about a small detail (which wouldn't have made any difference if she hadn't brought attention to it) when there are HUGE gaping holes in her story! She truly believes she's going to get away with this, at least she did at the time. She can't understand why the real world is not treating her like her family has all these years, and it makes her mad and sad. LE aren't listening to her, they're twisting her words, they're actually lying about what she has said and done. And then there's the media-evil people-not interested in the truth!! Wwaaaa!!! Mommy, Daddy- I want to come home!!!!
Guess what KC-CAYLEE does too!!! And that ain't gonna happen either!:furious:

Great Post! Casey totally lives in her self absorbed world. Her interest in the interviews concerning Caylee ..is well,.underwhelmimg....OK..make that nonexistant...:furious:
See, I feel that she really DIDN'T want to go on that trip, but she really wanted all of THEM to go on that trip. I think the whole PR trip was her idea. She knew damn well she didn't have the money to go on any such trip, but she did have a facade she needed to maintain. "Let's all go to PR!!!!" Plans everything out, including flights, possible activities, texts about what she's gonna buy for the trip and take with her. Should she shave/wax, blah, blah, blah. She's a thief. What better opportunity to steal from her nearest and dearest, than while they're all out of the states, in Puerto Rico?

She didn't want to move into any house/apt. with Amy (many stories made up as to why the house/apts. couldn't be viewed.) She didn't want to go with Amy to Jacksonville to buy a new car (dad had mini-stroke, on the way to the hospital, he gave us all a big scare, but now all is well.) She didn't want to go over to T.Rusciano's house for sex/hanging out (the nanny is delayed, driving back, had to stop at her sister's, had to stop to pick up her dog, traffic is a log-jam, waiting on Mom 'cause she owes me, Mom now can't move her neck, etc. bull**** stories.) She didn't want to really meet up with WW after he kept asking when they could get together, etc. (text, text, text, to keep him at arm's length.)

She was all about Casey, and Casey alone. If you didn't further her cause, you were "a Waste, a HUGE WASTE!"

the weirdest thing to me about that Puerto Rico trip was the friends all flying on different flights. Why? I mean they were departing from the same house. They could easily have flown together instead, maybe Ricardo was going on a different date for some reason due to his returning from Boston or whatever it was, but the rest of them? Why not go together? And why have KC schedule it for everyone?
LA prompts her into confirming that ZG could be found near one of two friends in a known apartment location. Im going back to rewatch but has anyone else caught how LA and CA are communicating? LA was the first to get KC stuff at TL apartment befor LE. LA has to know more than what we have seen.

I think he probably does, too. To me, she seems more "real" in the codetalk with Lee than in the other conversations with her parents, etc.
the weirdest thing to me about that Puerto Rico trip was the friends all flying on different flights. Why? I mean they were departing from the same house. They could easily have flown together instead, maybe Ricardo was going on a different date for some reason due to his returning from Boston or whatever it was, but the rest of them? Why not go together?

Because they all had different obligations/work or were already out of town, so they couldn't make the same flight.
Because they all had different obligations/work or were already out of town, so they couldn't make the same flight.

Seems much more likely that friends of that age would prefer to just arrange to go together, wait around the hour or day or whatever and just go at the same time, since it was a trip together as friends (except for RM who was returning from the other trip maybe.) So much simpler and more fun than all the separate trips to the airport, separate flights, having to wait around for each other at the other end, pick everyone up, etc. Especially since they were mostly all leaving from the same apartment and everything.
See, I feel that she really DIDN'T want to go on that trip, but she really wanted all of THEM to go on that trip. I think the whole PR trip was her idea. She knew damn well she didn't have the money to go on any such trip, but she did have a facade she needed to maintain. "Let's all go to PR!!!!" Plans everything out, including flights, possible activities, texts about what she's gonna buy for the trip and take with her. Should she shave/wax, blah, blah, blah. She's a thief. What better opportunity to steal from her nearest and dearest, than while they're all out of the states, in Puerto Rico?

She didn't want to move into any house/apt. with Amy (many stories made up as to why the house/apts. couldn't be viewed.) She didn't want to go with Amy to Jacksonville to buy a new car (dad had mini-stroke, on the way to the hospital, he gave us all a big scare, but now all is well.) She didn't want to go over to T.Rusciano's house for sex/hanging out (the nanny is delayed, driving back, had to stop at her sister's, had to stop to pick up her dog, traffic is a log-jam, waiting on Mom 'cause she owes me, Mom now can't move her neck, etc. bull**** stories.) She didn't want to really meet up with WW after he kept asking when they could get together, etc. (text, text, text, to keep him at arm's length.)

She was all about Casey, and Casey alone. If you didn't further her cause, you were "a Waste, a HUGE WASTE!"

I agree! I think the only reason she continued the charade was in case she needed them for "back-up".
If someone is using frequent flier miles or if there very few cheap seats left on a flight, you end up taking different flights so everyone can pay as little as possible. I see it as a sign of youth flexibility and being strapped for cash.

the weirdest thing to me about that Puerto Rico trip was the friends all flying on different flights. Why? I mean they were departing from the same house. They could easily have flown together instead, maybe Ricardo was going on a different date for some reason due to his returning from Boston or whatever it was, but the rest of them? Why not go together? And why have KC schedule it for everyone?
since they were all leaving from the same place and were going to the same place (one of JP's places in Puerto Rico, whether his own apartment there or his family home, most likely one of those addresses in Aguadilla, PR.) Does anyone know what flights they actually took, did they take regular commercial flights or did they fly through JP's Dad's company, I don't know if that freight shipping company he's a VP for runs their own planes out of Orlando or not. Presumably they all took regular commercial flights, though I don't remember the details of what airlines, etc.
If someone is using frequent flier miles or if there very few cheap seats left on a flight, you end up taking different flights so everyone can pay as little as possible. I see it as a sign of youth flexibility and being strapped for cash.

Could be, Alexis! Although when I was 22 I would have been more interested in flying with my friends, I wouldn't have wanted to go a half-day or day ahead of them, it would have just meant hanging around wasting time at the other end to find everyone, especially whoever I was staying with. When you're older you don't mind flying separately. Seems like you could get 3 or 4 tickets together on Priceline in June easily enough, but you never know. That could be true about the frequent flier miles.

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