2008.07.28 Discuss Lee Interview

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HOLD ON! Everyone needs to SLOW DOWN! Didn't you see the videos of the visits with GA and CA? CA told us the clue of all clues:

"THEY think we are speaking in code! HA HA!" The family had a big laugh over us thinking this is code!

So, this whole video must be the way they have been talking to each other since DAY ONE!


Great catch! :D
I think it was the great Yellow Dog who used the word "cahoots"....great word and very appropriate.

I was unable to make it through this interview, in it's entirety, as I found it not only long and drown out, like some horrible movie that I just paid Netflix for and want to send it back, but also the code talk between the two. Just utterly useless to me and irks me more....

it reminds me of a movie my husband and i rented a long time ago..i can't remember what the description on the back of the movie was but remember it sounding like a good movie..we get home, start watching it and it's just two dudes sitting on a park bench talking about basically nothing in a "round about way" (like KC and LA)..we kept watching it because we figured there had to be more, but nope..just one and a half hours of two dudes sitting on a park bench, their lips moving but saying nothing coherent. (like KC and LA)

after if was over we just looked at each other like, the hell? (like after watching KC and LA)

There was 'timer55' which was supposed to be a countdown of 55 days from when Caylee went missing to her birthday when she would have to finally produce her to the family.

It was also 55 days from the date she switched to that password to the day of her planned trip to Puerto Rico which she was all hyped about at the time.
I've never actually had the displeasure of listening to the conversation of two people so filled with self-importance. Two peas in a pod, wheel spinners, yack yack yack and not a darn thing said. I imagine my head would literally explode if I had the misfortune to hear all four Anthony's in conversation together!

This was like watching and listening to two children play at being adults. I'm embarassed for them at the amount of ignorance collectively between them. Egads! While I'm in that vein... I think a very practical use of Miss Anthony's time behind bars right now would be to study the dictionary. I couldn't help but notice several misused words. I believe she used the word "discerned" when she probably was looking for "disconcerted". And near the end of one of the Lee vids she unfortunately says that (paraphrasing somewhat) 'anyone with information should come forward without haste.' What an error to make! :rolleyes:

As for thinking they were speaking in code - I think they felt important by the thought of such a thing. With the info available publicly and the knowledge of the players in this case it's easily decipherable what pitiful bit of coding they did. Truly I'm astonished at how much smarter than LE they feel they are!! :crazy: No, there's no code. Only ignorance and bull.

I would like to publicly state at this time that I have most definitely given my utmost attention to this potentially damaging video. Specifically, I have possibly experienced a change in attitude. Obviously, it has made me a not-so-nice person. On another level, it has actually made me feel like reaching out and placing my hand through an innocent device near to the situation. I feel in my gut, I may do great harm, seriously, I must control myself. In my head, I feel that it is close and , I have a gut feeling, that I would hurt my greatest, possibly, my most dearly cherished possession. This is one of the components I know I can trust for sure.

Exactly, why I feel like doing this is beyond me. In my head, I know it is close but I must literally stop myself from reaching out.. I, absolutely, do not want, and never have had such a strong urge to do harm. Seriously, I regrettably, am not able to control the urge to destroy the video screen.

I will let you know if I get a gut feeling and get any new information that leads me down a different path, I will notify you immediately, absolutely.

Please relate this to the media ASAP and tell them "If any of you have any ideas, please come forward, without haste".

I Love you guys, honestly.
I've never actually had the displeasure of listening to the conversation of two people so filled with self-importance. Two peas in a pod, wheel spinners, yack yack yack and not a darn thing said. I imagine my head would literally explode if I had the misfortune to hear all four Anthony's in conversation together!

This was like watching and listening to two children play at being adults. I'm embarassed for them at the amount of ignorance collectively between them. Egads! While I'm in that vein... I think a very practical use of Miss Anthony's time behind bars right now would be to study the dictionary. I couldn't help but notice several misused words. I believe she used the word "discerned" when she probably was looking for "disconcerted". And near the end of one of the Lee vids she unfortunately says that (paraphrasing somewhat) 'anyone with information should come forward without haste.' What an error to make! :rolleyes:

As for thinking they were speaking in code - I think they felt important by the thought of such a thing. With the info available publicly and the knowledge of the players in this case it's easily decipherable what pitiful bit of coding they did. Truly I'm astonished at how much smarter than LE they feel they are!! :crazy: No, there's no code. Only ignorance and bull.


ITA! Their conversations are cringe inducing. I too feel embarassed for them. An entire book could be written on Aspeak or Anthonyisms. (Proceeds to go to TES)

They all try SO hard to sound intelligent, that they forget how to just speak normally. Ironically, they make simple errors. Such as botching up common phrases. Tonight I heard KC mess-up the classic "15 minutes of fame" line by stating something like "People are just looking for their 2 minutes of fame." The other night I heard GA say something while making "air quotations" with his hands and said "quote. quote." rather than "quote. unquote."

On another note. Is it just me or does CA often mistakenly call Casey "Caylee" and vice-versa?
I finally figured it all out. Aliens from mars and now they are stranded here on earth. The mother ship left without warning and we are stuck with them.
Either that or this is some kind of badly written reality show written by idiots.
I could not watch the whole "conversation." Gibberish, nothing but gibberish. Oh and a HUGE waste.
It's strange and mind boggling. I wonder what conversations at the dinner table were like? I wonder if Lee's gf was ever reduced to tears halfway through dinner from not being able to figure out what the heck this family was talking about!
Why? Just 'cause they say something like "You can specifically pass the bread and absolutely pass the butter too so I can, at the same time, eat it?"

Good Lord . . . this takes practice I tell you!
I had to give up on the Lee video's I couldn't hear them, Kudo's to those who sat through them!
I finally figured it all out. Aliens from mars and now they are stranded here on earth. The mother ship left without warning and we are stuck with them.
Either that or this is some kind of badly written reality show written by idiots.
I could not watch the whole "conversation." Gibberish, nothing but gibberish. Oh and a HUGE waste.

Maybe cocoamom could use her NASA connections to help the A's return to their alien planet. Bu-bye! (Don't let the air-lock hitcha in the *advertiser censored**)
Is this the video that's between the other videos but not the two that aren't the ones that we know are from the day that wasn't the day that the two people who weren't there didn't see?

OMG I laughed my ... off reading this...(admittedly, after reading it four times and not understanding a word of it).

Thanks, Chilly!! Although you made it tough for a Fur'Ner :crazy: to read it...

this was hilarious. It typefies the entire case. After you read it you're like "What?"
Why? Just 'cause they say something like "You can specifically pass the bread and absolutely pass the butter too so I can, at the same time, eat it?"

Good Lord . . . this takes practice I tell you!

You know, you're asking me about this now, and Mom asked me this question earlier, and then my shrink brought it up and I was telling her, and then I even discussed this topic with my Lawyer after lying on my bunk and thinking about it, and I tell you, my gut tells me, that honestly, bread and butter SHOULD be close. A slice of a baked composite flour, water and yeast without a solidified milk fat is a Waste. Huge Waste.
I would like to publicly state at this time that I have most definitely given my utmost attention to this potentially damaging video. Specifically, I have possibly experienced a change in attitude. Obviously, it has made me a not-so-nice person. On another level, it has actually made me feel like reaching out and placing my hand through an innocent device near to the situation. I feel in my gut, I may do great harm, seriously, I must control myself. In my head, I feel that it is close and , I have a gut feeling, that I would hurt my greatest, possibly, my most dearly cherished possession. This is one of the components I know I can trust for sure.

Exactly, why I feel like doing this is beyond me. In my head, I know it is close but I must literally stop myself from reaching out.. I, absolutely, do not want, and never have had such a strong urge to do harm. Seriously, I regrettably, am not able to control the urge to destroy the video screen.

I will let you know if I get a gut feeling and get any new information that leads me down a different path, I will notify you immediately, absolutely.

Please relate this to the media ASAP and tell them "If any of you have any ideas, please come forward, without haste".

I Love you guys, honestly.



Did anyone else find Casey's giggles quite disturbing during this interview?

Sometimes people do that sort of thing when they see an old lover. Someone they haven't seen in a long time, or someone that they were truly attracted to but it never quite worked out. The first love syndrome. We always seem to have those feelings towards the first person we were in love with.

I hate to say, but I get the feeling from watching her, that it is almost as if Lee was her first true love. At least from the way she act around her so called "marketing genius" astute brother. Yeah, the same guy who got his butt kicked by a sign.
I think Lee was trying to say that the ZFG story hasn't been working so they have to follow a new story line with new people, new kidnappers, etc. I think at the end of the conversation he was explaining why he was asking all the strange "coded" questions about who could be involved (which I don't think had anything to do with getting leads on how to find Caylee). I think his questions were meant to give him an idea of who would make a more believable suspect, realizing now that giving out false names, places, and dates as originally planned wasn't going to work. I think what he means when he says "based on what I know right now, based on what has been conveyed to me" is what he knows now about how an investigation is conducted. He now knows that KC's defense depends on verifiable data. Lee actually said to KC in another conversation something about how LE takes everything literally (down to exactly how you spell a name) and if the information given to LE immediately proves false, they don't take it in other directions. In other words, LE isn't going to use KC's testimony as clues as they previously hoped, so now Lee wants to use her cell phone records, actual events, and real people to come up with a new story line that can somehow tie into the old story line. He tells her the rules have changed, he's picking up where she left off, and somehow they need to stay on track with eachother.

Whether Lee helped her in her original story or if he is a part of the disposal/cover-up isn't clear. I think when Lee says, "you have to know that everything has changed from you know, a month ago" really makes it sound like he was in on this from the beginning.

Good post.
My first take on Lee's questions were that he was trying to figure out who the "two" people were that kc told about Caylee's kidnapping. He also was trying to tie this in to the time the "event" occurred. With that in mind, there were only three people she "spoke" with on the phone that day.

1. Tony L.
2. Amy H.
3. Jesse G.

He eliminates TL right away by questioning kc about the longest texting and calling. He asked her if he can eliminate one of the three by who you texted the most and called the most; she agreed.....he eliminates TL

Lee may now believe that Amy and Jesse are "Jeff and Juliett", the two people that kc allegedly told about the kidnapping. :twocents:
Sometimes people do that sort of thing when they see an old lover. Someone they haven't seen in a long time, or someone that they were truly attracted to but it never quite worked out. The first love syndrome. We always seem to have those feelings towards the first person we were in love with.

I hate to say, but I get the feeling from watching her, that it is almost as if Lee was her first true love. At least from the way she act around her so called "marketing genius" astute brother. Yeah, the same guy who got his butt kicked by a sign.

I have to say that when watching the tapes I got a completely different sense from Casey's giggles. She seemed really, really nervous. Too quick to smile, laugh, and agree with him. Trying too hard to look like she's "on the same page" with him and really trying to be helpful. She seemes to pounce on any little thing he says that makes it sound like he's buying her story. I am (at this point) still willing to consider that he may have been trying to trick her into trusting him so she might cough up some relevant information. I am also willing to admit that I may be wrong - time will tell!
totally/exactly/absolutely/potentially/ understandable/most definately/on the money /what so ever. And that wasnt even the code part. I need an aspirin.
It seems to me that if you're discussing the truth and there's nothing to hide, why the code?!? Why not just say: "Hey, the ZG thing isn't checking out? Are you sure that's her name? What are other leads we can follow? Any more information?" Asking those questions would be normal if you're really trying to help someone out. Obviously Lee is in on something... JMHO.

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