2008.07.28 Lee A. Interview

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Does anyone feel like Lee could possibly be working with LE? I know people have very mixed feelings about Lee, but his official statements and initial audio with Casey indicate he sees through her lies and has little patience for them. He seems to have few qualms about supplying damning evidence against her. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I wonder if he's working on the inside? Does anyone think so?
LP did say on NG tonight that LE did ask various folks related to this case to try to get Casey into thier confidence and more or less gather info for them.
Cindy, George and Lee are all victims here. I feel so bad for them.

There's an important lesson to learn from this tragedy: Just because people are not likeable, especially in how the media portrays them, does NOT mean that they are guilty of anything.
Reading those transcripts is all good, but hearing the voices and audio is much better. Later when the audio is released of this interview with Lee, you'll see he was not laughing about the situation, he was laughing at how stupid his sister is to think anybody believed her. That's my take on that whole interview.....but go ahead and attack away:bang:
Cindy, George and Lee are all victims here. I feel so bad for them.

There's an important lesson to learn from this tragedy: Just because people are not likeable, especially in how the media portrays them, does NOT mean that they are guilty of anything.

Glad someone here agrees with me.

Am I the only one wondering whether TonE possibly did some work on Casey's computer before Lee got it? I assume KC did not get a warning from Amy or have time to do it, and I don't buy the virus explanation.
Am I the only one wondering whether TonE possibly did some work on Casey's computer before Lee got it? I assume KC did not get a warning from Amy or have time to do it, and I don't buy the virus explanation.

Where did the TonE come from? Isn't it Tony?
Am I the only one wondering whether TonE possibly did some work on Casey's computer before Lee got it? I assume KC did not get a warning from Amy or have time to do it, and I don't buy the virus explanation.
It is my understanding that whatever was done to or on that computer, that a forensic specialist can retrieve it.
Cindy, George and Lee are all victims here. I feel so bad for them.

There's an important lesson to learn from this tragedy: Just because people are not likeable, especially in how the media portrays them, does NOT mean that they are guilty of anything.
There is a big difference of being not likeable and being liars, isn't there?! It isn't how the media is portraying them...it is their own words which are betraying them. The media isn't spinning it. They are when they tell different stories and make things up only to catch themselves up later. So yes...it does mean they are guilty of something. Innocent victims do not have any reason to lie. The truth is the truth no matter how many times you tell it.
Am I the only one wondering whether TonE possibly did some work on Casey's computer before Lee got it? I assume KC did not get a warning from Amy or have time to do it, and I don't buy the virus explanation.

I wondered exactly the same thing about Lee...He's the one who seems to have extensive computer skills...JMO
Am I the only one wondering whether TonE possibly did some work on Casey's computer before Lee got it? I assume KC did not get a warning from Amy or have time to do it, and I don't buy the virus explanation.

Casey had deleted photos of Caylee, MySpace postings, Emails - why wouldn't she do something to her computer? I think Tony was clueless about what was going on. The good news is that it is actually very easy for a computer specialist to retrieve everything she deleted - she's obviously not too sharp about computers.
In AL and AH's statements indicate that Casey was on the couch using her laptop at AL's apt when Cindy arrives to take her home. Presumably, Casey left her laptop where she was sitting. Then Lee arrives later that night to retrieve her things--
Lee Interview (pdf pg#54-5 and bulk doc pg#1478-9)
Casey's laptop is now sitting plugged-in at the kitchen counter, appears blue-screened and seems to have been data swiped. Did Casey attempt to scrub her hard drive the instant Cindy and AH arrived? Did Lee do something to the computer during the hour+ time he took to retrieve Casey's things? Did AL do something to the computer-- did Casey set him up to run the program for her? What do people think?

The computer issue really stood out for me. There's basically no way to truly clean a hard drive-- and even if the person was really super computer savvy and succeeded in removing a lot of data, experts will be able to tell when the terminal dump was initiated. Given the hours that passed between Casey leaving AL's apt and Lee returning for the computer, I think LE has to know who tried to clean it.

Perhaps related, perhaps not--
Does anyone feel like Lee could possibly be working with LE? I know people have very mixed feelings about Lee, but his official statements and initial audio with Casey indicate he sees through her lies and has little patience for them. He seems to have few qualms about supplying damning evidence against her. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I wonder if he's working on the inside? Does anyone think so?

I am so far behind on reading that I missed this before I posted on this topic. It struck me as really odd and I'm really wondering about whether or not TonE tried to wipe it, and if so, why? But you are right, LE would know who has done it by now & when. Probably on some of those pages that we are still missing!
There is a big difference of being not likeable and being liars, isn't there?! It isn't how the media is portraying them...it is their own words which are betraying them. The media isn't spinning it. They are when they tell different stories and make things up only to catch themselves up later. So yes...it does mean they are guilty of something. Innocent victims do not have any reason to lie. The truth is the truth no matter how many times you tell it.

OMG, you said that so well. I agree with you. What they said 'then' and 'now' is INCONSISTENT. Thanks, I feel better now :)
I can hardly read anymore tonight! The short posts are about all I can handle after trying to make it through those pages. I have a long way to go....ugh.
Back to the begging of the interview. CA burst in room and says "what have you done?" Then CA plants the seed and asks the question "who took her?" KC never said anyone took her before she asked the question, she just said she had not seen her. I think based on CA question, KC ran with the whole ZFG story.

Why was Lee allowed to gloss over the fight that occured between Cindy and Casey after Cindy asked "who took her?"

Lee told the interviewer this question kicked off a fight between them about history or things that had happened in the past. The interviewer just accepts this answer and does ask any follow-up questions! For all we know hidden in this "history" or "past" fight is a rock solid motive! WTF?!

And I feel jiped, I was promised about 591 pages. All I got was 317! Grrrrr. :(
There must be other interviews we are not privy to which occurred before these and why they keep going back to reference certain numbers and points. I guess LE still has those.

The text messages and other things are missing from these documents and probably what is on those pages. Of course, the things I truly wanted to see!! Where ARE they?? We are the public!!
Wonder why Casey's puter was suddenly attacked by a 'VIRUS'??

Mass deletion of 'FILES'??

blue screen of death...lol
Just a few tidbits on the laptop. If it was "blue screened" as LA said, it could have been many different things. First of all, it probably could have been repaired with out major damage, meaning files and history can be retrieved. Secondly, if CA was out there prior there deleting random files, which could have also caused the BSOD (blue screen of death), its still doubtful that the laptop was a total loss... could be registry problems... but I've seen a completely toasted registry, HD, you name it recovered. So I am sure that the forensic guys have some information as to what was on there.

Also - thoughts on Yahoo! email deletion. I am sure Yahoo backs up their stuff pretty regularly. I am not privy to how long they keep their information or how redundant their system is for failover, etc. But you have to wonder what was on there prior to the 15th. Same with MySpace. I am sure LE has already asked these things.

Further more - internet connectivity. Lets say she was using TLz wireless internet connection while hanging at the appt. I am sure the ISP can also be questioned for sites, usage, etc. Again, not sure how long they are required to keep traffic information and how granular (account, etc) but man wouldnt I love to dig through that heap of IPs.

Sorry - just totally geeked out and didn't add anything but geekiness. Just some random thoughts on the whole laptop, emails, website history.

Here's a rapidly thrown together summary of the Lee interview. Pls excuse and/or let me know of any errors!

The doll found in the car was Caylee’s favorite baby doll (named mama) - that Cindy said Caylee wouldn’t have gone anywhere without- would have thrown a fit! Sooo SAD!

Link: http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0923/17540065.pdf
The interview took place about 2 weeks after all hell broke loose w/the phone call to 911 on 7/15. He was extremely cooperative –providing Law Enforcement (LE) w/his notes and timeline that he’d been putting together – trying to untangle what happened when Casey and Caylee had been MIA from the Anthony home since 6/15. He doesn’t live at home so all he knew was that Casey had been staying away from home for the past few weeks- which was unprecedented - for the first time ever. She had always lived at home and now she’d moved out w/Caylee and was not letting Cindy or anyone speak w/Caylee. He said she would give people the runaround and say she was asleep or at the nanny’s or she didn’t want to upset her etc.

But the interview starts the night of the 911 call- July 15, his dad calls and says I’m worried about your mom- pls go check on her. Lee gets there in 5mins and sees Casey’s car in garage and no one else– horrific smells fills the garage– he calls his mom who pulls up momentarily w/Casey- he can tell they’ve been fighting.

Cindy wants to see Caylee and threatens Casey w/calling the police about stolen money and the car (bc the car is in George and Cindy’s name). Casey is still being stubborn and says go ahead- refers to herself as a spiteful . Apparently Cindy called Casey that earlier bc Casey keeps bringing it up. So you’ve heard the call- Casey breaks down and says she’s missing and has been for 31 days . Its seems the confusion over the original missing date of June 9th was just an error (as I suspected) from Cindy being hysterical and exaggerating how long its been since she’s seen Caylee. Casey keeps hearing her repeat that date and everyone kind of assumes Cindy would know and that must be the right date.

It seems Casey may have actually thought that she could just say- she’s my child and she’s safe, I don’t have to show her to you! Because Lee said- play it out- when the cops get here they’re going to make you take us to Caylee just like mom would – and Casey gives him a horrified face! Mom’s first reaction when Casey finally admits she hasn’t seen Caylee for a month is “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Oh, he’s never in his life heard of Zanny the nanny – SHOCKING huh?

When Amy brought Cindy to Tony’s apt to retrieve Casey that night- Cindy told Tony “I hope you’re rich, bc she will take all of your money and leave you high and dry.” Tony has no idea what’s going on at this point as Cindy just snatched Casey up and leaves. She’s already found the car and when she found it w/that smell she was TERRIFIED that Casey and/or Caylee were dead in the trunk- I think they didn’t have a key to the trunk? (not sure)

The police are called- all of that’s been widely reported so I’m skipping ahead as they go through his “investigation” notes. He went and picked up Casey’s stuff from Tony’s apt- says he’s certain its too neatly packed for Casey to have done it- thinks Tony packed it up bc Tony also took Amy’s checkbook out of the bag, has it on his dresser and had called and told Amy she could retrieve it. This is the first Tony learns of Caylee being missing—from Amy. God bless Amy! If she hadn’t busted Casey for stealing those checks and led Cindy to where Casey had been staying…. who know when we would have learned of Caylee’s disappearance??

Lee brings all of Casey’s stuff back from Tony’s and dumps her things out in front of the cops in the family room- Casey’s wallet has over $100 in it which Cindy pockets (Casey’s stolen way more than that from her). The cop was out of the room for a bit so its unclear if Cindy or George took anything else from the bag- but basically they find some of Cindy’s credit cards and lots of receipts. There was some type of ID- Lee saw the officer “snatch it” when it was discovered behind Casey’s driver’s license—that’s interesting- I wonder what that was all about!? Lee said Casey has stolen from him and has been known to steal from others. The UNDERSTATEMENT of the year. That’s like, the Bush administration, has been known to undermine the constitution!!! Sorry- political rant leak. Anyway…

Lee recounts what he’s been told about the gas cans- which is kind of suspicious bc it sounds like George did not actually go into the car on (what we think is) 7/24- when he said he retrieved those stolen gas cans—he may not have even been close enough to the car to smell anything bc Casey was trying to block him. Is that cover up I smell? I hope not. He says that George is meticulous w/the cars- used to work at family dealership, Anthony Auto, and he was known to detail the inside and out often- on everyone’s car. Casey was trying to blame the smell on squirrels that had climbed into her engine and died. That just makes me want to cry. ☹

Some girl named Heather apparently “vouched” for Casey working on a contract basis for Universal through Kodak/Colorvision but it sounds very suspicious. I recently read somewhere (blog) that people found out Casey was working for an escort service w/Universal in the name, but as far as I know its complete speculation!! (Though I must admit I’ve wondered about the escort or exotic dancer angle– maybe she was dancing the day shift at a club bc apparently you don’t make much money on the day shift- ((I recently read the Diablo Cody (Juno scriptwriter) book about stripping- that’s how I know)). And we do know she certainly wasn’t making much money bc she had to steal from everyone to fund her desperate search for her daughter—Caylee- are you here at Fusian? Apparently Casey thought – hmmm -Maybe this girl is like a genie in a bottle and if I rub her the right way- Caylee (and Zanny the nanny) will magically appear- GRRR!

Casey, I think, thought she’d wiped the hard drive- it was acting like it had a virus and Lee couldn’t get on at first. When he did log into her yahoo mail account- she’d erased EVERYTHING sent or received before July 15th- there was nothing there- no spam no nothing. Also, on July 4th Casey deleted a lot of myspace postings all the way back to April 24th. So, that’s a really brief and (sorry) scattered summary of the interview w/Lee Anthony. Things just look worse and worse. I will summarize the Tony interview later.

Anyone else finally feel like we get the "fly on the wall" experience? Reading LA's statement and reading Cindy's comments were revealing. I laughed when I read that Cindy pocked the money she found in Casey's wallet!!! I mean, I guess you have to take your chuckles where you can find them. This whole case has just bummed me out in general.
I can hardly read anymore tonight! The short posts are about all I can handle after trying to make it through those pages. I have a long way to go....ugh.
I know, it's overwhelming. After reading whatever I can tonight I cannot see how murder charges won't be brought. It just keeps getting crazier and crazier. This is the most bizzare case I have followed...ever.
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