2008.07.28 Lee A. Interview

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There are plenty of people that have missing loved ones who speak out. I agree you have to watch your words, but coming from the heart and saying things like please bring our loved one home. Help us by doing this or that. Instead of trying to prove things, and getting angry for people searching and all the things that has happened in this case. They used the media at first and then they turned on it when it did not go with what they want to believe. My heart hurts for them it does. I believe Cindy loved Caylee with all her heart, and I am sure as each day goes by her heart grows even more heavy. I never want to be in her shoes. I am not saying you are wrong at all, but they could have used the media to benefit them.

You're right. Natalee's mom, Beth, had terrible things said about her and her family, including Natalee, yet she has handled it with grace and dignity. The difference in the two is like day and night.
cooperated fully? in what way?

I heard LE say that several times, but not in the past couple of weeks. I assume they mean that they have given their statements and answered questions.
I would agree except for the ZG thing. She must have known somehow that ZG was at Sawgrass and was saving her name to use for something. I think she had 31 days to come up with a nanny to blame things on. She didn't just pull ZG's name out of the air. She knew that name and it's closeness to Zani and was ready to use it.

Your thought pattern makes me wonder if ZG has checked her credit recently. I wonder if she has any new credit cards that she did not apply for, or receive.
I think LA was very honest in his interview..he seemed to be genuinely confused as to what could have happened to Caylee, and was put in the position of mediator between his mom and sister. I suspect that wasnt new to him..
After listening to the interviews, Im convinced the A's were not involved in whatever happened to Caylee and I really dont think they know what happened right now.
I think Lee has had a plan all along about how to get information from KC. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't trying to stay in her trust and make her think he totally believed everything she said once it became clear there was something off so that she would perhaps one day tell him what really happened.

In the interview it's clear he has already done some sleuth work on his own and came forward with it to LE with a very cooperative attitude. He might not believe KC murdered Caylee, but he knows that KC knows more than she is letting on and that she is lying.

I know that the high-five Lee and KC did reflected badly on him, but, again, we don't know his motives for anything he is currently doing or how he is relating to his sister generally.

ITA- Lee's interview only further proves to me that the family has thought the worst from the get go. A part of them may still hold onto hope, but I believe they are using reverse psychology. They know Casey holds the key. They know how she ticks and if they don't play their cards right, they may never learn what happened to Caylee.

Sure, it's easy to say "if it was my kid I'd shake it out of her, beat it out of her, reject her, kick her out, throw her to the dogs, etc." Sounds good, but maybe not so realistic when you consider who and WHAT they are dealing with. ATtacking and rejecting a sociopath usually has catastrophic consequences. If you hurt them, they will make you suffer for it 10 fold.

Think about it... Cindy confronted Casey on Father's Day, allegedly had her hands around Casey's throat about stealing Gramps' money... and Caylee hasn't been seen since. :(
Lee A. Interview Only 7/29/08

Pages 26 - 29 the discussion about the receipts being given to JB. Does this bother anyone else? This is the 3rd time I've mentioned this and no one else seems bothered by it, but me. So I guess this is the last time I'll mention it.

Bothers me catherine. I do not know a lot about law, but if it is something that does not look good for Casey does JB have to hand it over?
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

This stuck with me for a long time last night. One of those nights where after reading this huge document I couldn't turn off my brain.
To me it almost sounds like she wants to get caught... that if CA hadn't walked in at that time, LA might have gotten more out of her. If it's possible, I almost detect some remorse in those statements. Knowing she's disappointed family, friends, etc. Where has that person gone? Did she compartmentalize so much since then that she can't find this KC or the KC everyone talks about.
So interesting.
In AL and AH's statements indicate that Casey was on the couch using her laptop at AL's apt when Cindy arrives to take her home. Presumably, Casey left her laptop where she was sitting. Then Lee arrives later that night to retrieve her things--
Lee Interview (pdf pg#54-5 and bulk doc pg#1478-9)
Casey's laptop is now sitting plugged-in at the kitchen counter, appears blue-screened and seems to have been data swiped. Did Casey attempt to scrub her hard drive the instant Cindy and AH arrived? Did Lee do something to the computer during the hour+ time he took to retrieve Casey's things? Did AL do something to the computer-- did Casey set him up to run the program for her? What do people think?

The computer issue really stood out for me. There's basically no way to truly clean a hard drive-- and even if the person was really super computer savvy and succeeded in removing a lot of data, experts will be able to tell when the terminal dump was initiated. Given the hours that passed between Casey leaving AL's apt and Lee returning for the computer, I think LE has to know who tried to clean it.

Perhaps related, perhaps not--
Does anyone feel like Lee could possibly be working with LE? I know people have very mixed feelings about Lee, but his official statements and initial audio with Casey indicate he sees through her lies and has little patience for them. He seems to have few qualms about supplying damning evidence against her. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I wonder if he's working on the inside? Does anyone think so?

As a certified IT technician, I can tell you that there is NO way to completely erase a hard drive. If you delete the data or even if you format it, the data is still there until it is overwritten by something else.

The only way to TRULY destroy a hard drive is to physically damage it by drilling holes in it, opening it up and cracking the platters, setting it on fire, etc.
Just a few tidbits on the laptop. If it was "blue screened" as LA said, it could have been many different things. First of all, it probably could have been repaired with out major damage, meaning files and history can be retrieved. Secondly, if CA was out there prior there deleting random files, which could have also caused the BSOD (blue screen of death), its still doubtful that the laptop was a total loss... could be registry problems... but I've seen a completely toasted registry, HD, you name it recovered. So I am sure that the forensic guys have some information as to what was on there.

Also - thoughts on Yahoo! email deletion. I am sure Yahoo backs up their stuff pretty regularly. I am not privy to how long they keep their information or how redundant their system is for failover, etc. But you have to wonder what was on there prior to the 15th. Same with MySpace. I am sure LE has already asked these things.

Further more - internet connectivity. Lets say she was using TLz wireless internet connection while hanging at the appt. I am sure the ISP can also be questioned for sites, usage, etc. Again, not sure how long they are required to keep traffic information and how granular (account, etc) but man wouldnt I love to dig through that heap of IPs.

Sorry - just totally geeked out and didn't add anything but geekiness. Just some random thoughts on the whole laptop, emails, website history.


The BSOD indicates a specific error and an error message. Not all blue screen errors are the same.

I recently repaired a laptop that had a BSOD ("blue screen of death") error (the technical term for it is a Windows STOP error) "unrecognizable boot device." The "symptoms" if you will, sound exactly the same as what LA described in his interview. Turn on laptop, you receive the BSOD, and it restarts itself and does it all over again.

This is usually due to a corrupted or missing boot.ini file. Put simply, the boot.ini file tells Windows how to load. Any technician knows that you run a Windows repair on that machine and Windows should load up and you will not lose any data. I'm interested to know if the forensic techs got anything off of that laptop. I'm sure they have, but what I really want to know is if she went on a deleting spree trying to delete out the Windows system files in an attempt to "crash" her computer.

As far as her Yahoo account goes, I'm pretty sure Yahoo keeps a cache on their servers. If LE got a warrant, they could subpoena that information from Yahoo (and Myspace and Facebook, etc.).
Wonder why Casey's puter was suddenly attacked by a 'VIRUS'??

Mass deletion of 'FILES'??

blue screen of death...lol

It's not necessarily a "virus." If Casey went on a deleting spree in an attempt to "crash" her laptop, she could have started deleting Windows system files. What Casey doesn't know is that even if you delete those Windows system files, you are not "crashing" the laptop. Everything on that hard drive should be fully recoverable.
Anyone else finally feel like we get the "fly on the wall" experience? Reading LA's statement and reading Cindy's comments were revealing. I laughed when I read that Cindy pocked the money she found in Casey's wallet!!! I mean, I guess you have to take your chuckles where you can find them. This whole case has just bummed me out in general.

Yea, and it was probably the money Casey stole from Amy.

Oh, the tangled web...
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

I agree with this 100%. And I had the same gut feelings about it when I read it last night. It is almost like Casey is crying out to for help (in her backwards and roundabout way). If we are to believe that Cindy went to a counselor and was confronting Casey about her stealing and irresponsibility, it is almost like Casey is expecting the follow through. To me, Casey's statement to Lee spoke volumes. "This...should have been done a long time ago."
I'm just sayin' that this thread has gotten into comparisons (with others testiimony which does not attach and impressions). Impressions are fine, but let's get back to the computer and the un-LE monitored convo in the garage.

I think that what LA does vs. the impression he wishes to give is important. 2.25 hrs. just to pick up his sister's stuff. Noticed or made the computer do BSOD. He goes blah blah blah about viruses. Why is he spending 2 hrs to "check out" his sisters computer when everybody knows, you take it as is to LE?

He stepped into that one, and tried an out.

What happened in the bro-sis convo?

Hi there,

I would say that from Hopespring to Sutton Place (with some WTH is happening conversation thrown in) and time for the gathering of stuff should (less than) 1 hour! TOPS!

One thing I found interesting was Lee saying that Cindy took about $200 out of Casey's wallet & put it in her pocket when LE first arrived at the house.

Lee said something to the effect that his mother most likely thought it was hers anyway & she was just "stealing" it back from Casey.

What bothered me about that is Amy had just told Cindy about Loaning Casey money to get her car fixed & Cindy said " Well you'll never get that money back"

You would think Cindy would offer the money to Amy instead of putting it in her own pocket - maybe she did but I doubt it
My mind is spinning after reading Lee's statement. Some things just don't seem to add up to me in it IMO. They all smelled the car and they knew exactly what that smell was...and it wasn't rotting pizza.

My impression from the document was that when Casey told Lee that she had not seen her daughter in 31 days that he was the one who initally said "Who took her?" Sorry but that reaction seems strange. Why would he assume someone took her since that does not explain the smell in the car?

Did that comment from Lee send Casey on her tangent of lies about the Nanny? Kind of like Casey using the date of June 9th because she probably over heard it from Cindy's conversations with LE so Casey ran with that date? Did he plant the seed possibly for the kidnapping by his question and Casey ran with it too?

Cindy's first reaction was "What have you done?" then she says "Who took her?". Again she knew what the smell in the car was. We know from the various statements that Cindy was afraid that it was either Casey or Caylee that had been in the trunk prior to her finding Casey so obviously that gives the "What have you done" question more weight in the situation IMO. I mean obviously she knew that it wasn't Casey's body and since Caylee was the one who was missing why would she ignore that and assume someone had taken her? That just seems like a big leap to me.

Also it seems that Lee was very reluctant to give details about some things and referred the detective to his mother or father on stuff involving them. Sorry but some of it just made me feel like he was worried about possibly mixing up their stories so said as little as possible about the details. Is there something more at play here that we just haven't realized? Through out this case, the question of "how far would the Anthony's be willing to go to protect Casey" has been reverberating in my mind constantly and it still is at this point. There is no doubt that they have circled the wagons around Casey but the question for me is "When did it start?. I really wish I knew the answer to that one.

[My speculation only] For Cindy, the "circling of the wagons" could have only begun AFTER the first or second 911 call because otherwise WHY CALL? Cindy did start this snowball a'rolling that turned into the avalanche that we see before us.
Though KC steals from parents, most recent cash was probably Amy's.

I am swacked how cash-oriented these Anthonys are: they want money for T-shirts and flyers that had been donated to them, they steal from TES donated things at Staples, they set up a trust fund which makes you go to LA's paypal account for easiness or their own home address, blah blah.

What's La's question for his sister about his neice's disappeareance" "What is in it for you?" What a weird question!

Not quite on.

And they sit on their azzes, demanding that we get off our azzes and go look for Caylee.

I agree 100%

Also, Lee seemed to be "laughing" quite a bit during that interview

It Just didn't seem right to me -
As a certified IT technician, I can tell you that there is NO way to completely erase a hard drive. If you delete the data or even if you format it, the data is still there until it is overwritten by something else.

The only way to TRULY destroy a hard drive is to physically damage it by drilling holes in it, opening it up and cracking the platters, setting it on fire, etc.

While this is entirely true, I think what gets our hinky meters going is that we speculate someone TRIED TO ERASE/DESTROY DATA. Yes, I understand that all the data can be retrieved, but you have to wonder why (if at all) someone would try to get rid of potential damning evidence. Who was it and why. Consciousness of guilt...
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