2008.07.28 Lee A. Interview

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I'm glad someone else noticed, I want to discuss that. At first Casey tells Lee that she hasn't seen Caylee in 31 days but he said where is she, who took her. Apparently from what Lee is saying Cindy is listening so that's imo why she too jumped on the kidnap wagon. They are the ones that gave Casey the idea in the first place. It all makes sense from there. Casey sense that is. The police are there, baby has been kidnapped, etc. No wonder she couldn't come up with a better story. You can bet that wasn't her original plan.
IMO the turning point was when LA was telling her that LE was going to be called and what in the world was she going to tell them then?
Casey thought she could just tell her family anything because she was used to manipulating them. But when she was confronted with the possibilty of going up against LE, her tale needed to be spun.
you guys are on to something. Yep Cindy gave her the kidnapping story in that instance. She a chameleon and quick to pick up on others thoughts and threads and run with them.

CA gave her an out, not a story. Though CA does have quite an imagination, too, regarding odors.
This situation seems so different than any missing person's case I've seen.
I don't think there are many that have a webcam trained on their house 24/7.
Even LE say's that the GP's have cooperated fully.
CA wanted to take care of things ang get the job done, find Caylee and move on. I don't think she knew how to handle it when she couldn't.

cooperated fully? in what way?
I'm glad someone else noticed, I want to discuss that. At first Casey tells Lee that she hasn't seen Caylee in 31 days but he said where is she, who took her. Apparently from what Lee is saying Cindy is listening so that's imo why she too jumped on the kidnap wagon. They are the ones that gave Casey the idea in the first place. It all makes sense from there. Casey sense that is. The police are there, baby has been kidnapped, etc. No wonder she couldn't come up with a better story. You can bet that wasn't her original plan.

I would agree except for the ZG thing. She must have known somehow that ZG was at Sawgrass and was saving her name to use for something. I think she had 31 days to come up with a nanny to blame things on. She didn't just pull ZG's name out of the air. She knew that name and it's closeness to Zani and was ready to use it.
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

ITA- and don't forget they didn't answer that "flurry of phone calls" so they pretty much had it coming.
I'm just sayin' that this thread has gotten into comparisons (with others testiimony which does not attach and impressions). Impressions are fine, but let's get back to the computer and the un-LE monitored convo in the garage.

I think that what LA does vs. the impression he wishes to give is important. 2.25 hrs. just to pick up his sister's stuff. Noticed or made the computer do BSOD. He goes blah blah blah about viruses. Why is he spending 2 hrs to "check out" his sisters computer when everybody knows, you take it as is to LE?

He stepped into that one, and tried an out.

What happened in the bro-sis convo?

If I understand what you might be insinuating, I agree. I think someone deliberately tried to crash-clean her hard drive or was duped into it. I also think that if someone tried to clean her computer, they might not have really known the magnitude of that complicity? I don't know-- but something is definitely weird with the blue screen discovery, etc.
i could, and I would have also....it was before the break down of finding out caylee was actually gone.......this girl has stolen so much from her family....cindy was not gonna let her have a fricken dime, nor would I have.

Though KC steals from parents, most recent cash was probably Amy's.

I am swacked how cash-oriented these Anthonys are: they want money for T-shirts and flyers that had been donated to them, they steal from TES donated things at Staples, they set up a trust fund which makes you go to LA's paypal account for easiness or their own home address, blah blah.

What's La's question for his sister about his neice's disappeareance" "What is in it for you?" What a weird question!

Not quite on.

And they sit on their azzes, demanding that we get off our azzes and go look for Caylee.
If I understand what you might be insinuating, I agree. I think someone deliberately tried to crash-clean her hard drive or was duped into it. I also think that if someone tried to clean her computer, they might not have really known the magnitude of that complicity? I don't know-- but something is definitely weird with the blue screen discovery, etc.

It was almost funny...LA discovers BSOD! He took heroic steps....huh? Turn it over to LE.

Like his father, wants to conduct independent investigations. I'd call that interference to the max.

!! : ) !!
I would agree except for the ZG thing. She must have known somehow that ZG was at Sawgrass and was saving her name to use for something. I think she had 31 days to come up with a nanny to blame things on. She didn't just pull ZG's name out of the air. She knew that name and it's closeness to Zani and was ready to use it.

There is a thread for that discussion. : )
My mind is spinning after reading Lee's statement. Some things just don't seem to add up to me in it IMO. They all smelled the car and they knew exactly what that smell was...and it wasn't rotting pizza.

My impression from the document was that when Casey told Lee that she had not seen her daughter in 31 days that he was the one who initally said "Who took her?" Sorry but that reaction seems strange. Why would he assume someone took her since that does not explain the smell in the car?

Did that comment from Lee send Casey on her tangent of lies about the Nanny? Kind of like Casey using the date of June 9th because she probably over heard it from Cindy's conversations with LE so Casey ran with that date? Did he plant the seed possibly for the kidnapping by his question and Casey ran with it too?

Cindy's first reaction was "What have you done?" then she says "Who took her?". Again she knew what the smell in the car was. We know from the various statements that Cindy was afraid that it was either Casey or Caylee that had been in the trunk prior to her finding Casey so obviously that gives the "What have you done" question more weight in the situation IMO. I mean obviously she knew that it wasn't Casey's body and since Caylee was the one who was missing why would she ignore that and assume someone had taken her? That just seems like a big leap to me.

Also it seems that Lee was very reluctant to give details about some things and referred the detective to his mother or father on stuff involving them. Sorry but some of it just made me feel like he was worried about possibly mixing up their stories so said as little as possible about the details. Is there something more at play here that we just haven't realized? Through out this case, the question of "how far would the Anthony's be willing to go to protect Casey" has been reverberating in my mind constantly and it still is at this point. There is no doubt that they have circled the wagons around Casey but the question for me is "When did it start?. I really wish I knew the answer to that one.
Ta, Mr. Steed insists that his new etchings are something from France I've never seen. I love Steed, so transparent.

Good night!
My mind is spinning after reading Lee's statement. Some things just don't seem to add up to me in it IMO. They all smelled the car and they knew exactly what that smell was...and it wasn't rotting pizza.

My impression from the document was that when Casey told Lee that she had not seen her daughter in 31 days that he was the one who initally said "Who took her?" Sorry but that reaction seems strange. Why would he assume someone took her since that does not explain the smell in the car?

Did that comment from Lee send Casey on her tangent of lies about the Nanny? Kind of like Casey using the date of June 9th because she probably over heard it from Cindy's conversations with LE so Casey ran with that date? Did he plant the seed possibly for the kidnapping by his question and Casey ran with it too?

Cindy's first reaction was "What have you done?" then she says "Who took her?". Again she knew what the smell in the car was. We know from the various statements that Cindy was afraid that it was either Casey or Caylee that had been in the trunk prior to her finding Casey so obviously that gives the "What have you done" question more weight in the situation IMO. I mean obviously she knew that it wasn't Casey's body and since Caylee was the one who was missing why would she ignore that and assume someone had taken her? That just seems like a big leap to me.

Also it seems that Lee was very reluctant to give details about some things and referred the detective to his mother or father on stuff involving them. Sorry but some of it just made me feel like he was worried about possibly mixing up their stories so said as little as possible about the details. Is there something more at play here that we just haven't realized? Through out this case, the question of "how far would the Anthony's be willing to go to protect Casey" has been reverberating in my mind constantly and it still is at this point. There is no doubt that they have circled the wagons around Casey but the question for me is "When did it start?. I really wish I knew the answer to that one.

I believe it was CA that asked "who took her?"
reluctant lee. tireless lee. honest-leee. : ) ta dahling!
I believe it was CA that asked "who took her?"

Melly53, I just re-read the interview with Lee and you were correct. He says that he was "trying to ask her who took her." Though it was CA whom he quoted as actually saying "Who took her."
In AL and AH's statements indicate that Casey was on the couch using her laptop at AL's apt when Cindy arrives to take her home. Presumably, Casey left her laptop where she was sitting. Then Lee arrives later that night to retrieve her things--
Lee Interview (pdf pg#54-5 and bulk doc pg#1478-9)
Casey's laptop is now sitting plugged-in at the kitchen counter, appears blue-screened and seems to have been data swiped. Did Casey attempt to scrub her hard drive the instant Cindy and AH arrived? Did Lee do something to the computer during the hour+ time he took to retrieve Casey's things? Did AL do something to the computer-- did Casey set him up to run the program for her? What do people think?

The computer issue really stood out for me. There's basically no way to truly clean a hard drive-- and even if the person was really super computer savvy and succeeded in removing a lot of data, experts will be able to tell when the terminal dump was initiated. Given the hours that passed between Casey leaving AL's apt and Lee returning for the computer, I think LE has to know who tried to clean it.

Perhaps related, perhaps not--
Does anyone feel like Lee could possibly be working with LE? I know people have very mixed feelings about Lee, but his official statements and initial audio with Casey indicate he sees through her lies and has little patience for them. He seems to have few qualms about supplying damning evidence against her. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I wonder if he's working on the inside? Does anyone think so?

Wow, interesting theory.:eek: I would LOVE to believe that! :clap: I think at first he was for sure seeing through the BS but it seems like lately he may have been sipping the kool-aid. :crazy:

BUT-- as you say...maybe he's w/LE and keeping it on the DL- :waitasec: -who knows?

Resolution please!! Bring Caylee home!!! :furious::furious::furious:
I would love to know what the item was that was "snatched" from the wallet in back of the ID. It must have been something familiar to them such as maybe a police officer's ID or business card?

Yes!!! This is exactly what I thought when I read that....I got the immediate impression that it was a "police related" item. Hope we hear someday.
Yeah, and it was probably really Amy's H money! Some of the things I am reading are only solidifying my view of the Anthony family. And I will spare myself a time out and keep those opinions to myself.....
I cant imagine what else LE has that wont be released until Casey is finally charged....and I disagree with a few of you, I think this shows that Lee is also in the "protect Casey" mode, just from the few pgs I have read---cause my computer keeps crashing when I try to save these, lol!!

I thought the same thing, TKS2003... how did she know that money was hers? Could have been from Amy's bank account!
The whole family has been in protect Casey mode from Day 1. I didn't think that for a long time, and tried to defend them... but lately, I just cannot understand it... not at all.
When people are in shock over a tragedy, they go into denial, they are searching for any possible explanation and will verbalize it to try to see if it will work. Denial is the first step of the grieving process. The Anthony's had the misfortune of doing it in front of the media and the whole world. It is apparent that they knew the truth but just couldn't face it. They have to work through this. Innocent victims do lie to themselves in the face of an unbearable tragedy - this is common - I have experienced this phenomena myself. The victim wants to believe that ANYTHING other than the truth is what has happened...for the Anthony's ANYTHING would be better than knowing that their daughter killed Caylee. So they come up with crazy ideas and verbalize them and change the story and come up with other crazy ideas. In the end, they will come to accept what has happened. If you have never been through something so extraordinarily tragic, it is hard to understand this process. But that is what normal people do. They deny and they bargain and then they grieve and accept what has happened. Sometimes it takes months to move from one stage to another. Try to have some compassion. These people are hurting. I hope you NEVER have to go through something like this in your life. It is terrible.

Very well said!
Just to note, you responded to someone who has a lot of sympathy for the Anthony's, who didnt understand why more of us arent sypathetic...
I too have gone through tragedy, my mom shot my dad. He lived, but it was awful, horrifying and so many other things--and yes, it was public in my area, and there was a trial and it was quite the big deal for our little neck of the woods, I wont bore the rest of you with it...My point is to agree w/SS, there were a lot of ways I could have reacted and behaved, and I cant see myself behaving the way the Anthony's have. MOO.

I am sorry for what you had to go through, it must have been terrible for you. I'm glad to hear that your dad lived.
Each person's tragedy is unique.. and everyone deals with it in their own way, because every person is different. But most normal people don't act the way the A's have, lying for their daughter. When we see other people who are going through something so horrific, we can still have compassion for them without agreeing with what they are doing. I dislike them for many reasons... but I still feel sorry for their loss. Does that make sense?
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