2008.07.28 Lee A. Interview

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Me too. I hope I NEVER have to find out how I would act/react in a situation like this.
I know one thing though, I wouldn't be open to the public or media - only LE as I wouldn't want everything I said or forgot or misstated to come back to haunt me.
Sad too, because children have a better chance of being found when it's shouted out in the media.
I don't think I could bring myself to shout it out now, after watching every word spoken criticized and scrutinized before all the facts have even come out.
IMO, the reaction towards the Anthony's in this case is going to scare a lot of families with missing children into silence.
I must not be the norm, because there is plenty of dysfunction among my family members and I can't call myself normal as I'm obviously obsessive or I wouldn't spend so much time following this case.

God bless Caylee, God bless Cindy and George and God, please help Casey to stop lying.

There are plenty of people that have missing loved ones who speak out. I agree you have to watch your words, but coming from the heart and saying things like please bring our loved one home. Help us by doing this or that. Instead of trying to prove things, and getting angry for people searching and all the things that has happened in this case. They used the media at first and then they turned on it when it did not go with what they want to believe. My heart hurts for them it does. I believe Cindy loved Caylee with all her heart, and I am sure as each day goes by her heart grows even more heavy. I never want to be in her shoes. I am not saying you are wrong at all, but they could have used the media to benefit them.
Thanks a million for doing this. It will keep me from going insane trying to read all pages.
I want to ask again to see if anyone knows...
Casey went to a party on July 3rd, then told friends that Lee was looking for her and was coming to pick her up.
Does anyone know if Lee picked her up? Or did she leave w/ someone else?
There are plenty of people that have missing loved ones who speak out. I agree you have to watch your words, but coming from the heart and saying things like please bring our loved one home. Help us by doing this or that. Instead of trying to prove things, and getting angry for people searching and all the things that has happened in this case. They used the media at first and then they turned on it when it did not go with what they want to believe. My heart hurts for them it does. I believe Cindy loved Caylee with all her heart, and I am sure as each day goes by her heart grows even more heavy. I never want to be in her shoes. I am not saying you are wrong at all, but they could have used the media to benefit them.

This situation seems so different than any missing person's case I've seen.
I don't think there are many that have a webcam trained on their house 24/7.
Even LE say's that the GP's have cooperated fully.
CA wanted to take care of things ang get the job done, find Caylee and move on. I don't think she knew how to handle it when she couldn't.
I would love to know what the item was that was "snatched" from the wallet in back of the ID. It must have been something familiar to them such as maybe a police officer's ID or business card?

My suspicion, maybe an LE business card or ID? The guy she had recently dated? and he didn't admit to it, at first. Seems unusual that the LE snatched the card, if it was just a fake ID why secret it away? :eek:
I don't think Tony picked up cans from his grandparents house - he was with Casey when she picked them up from her parents house.

And Tony picked up cans from his grandparents house.
Thanks for doing this to make LA's testimony available. After reading it, I'm back to thinking the guy really is on the up and up. He seems to be trying to co-operate in any way he can. How awful it would be to be in this situation. If only Caylee would tell what happened, then maybe these people could get to a point where they could start processing it all. Poor brother and uncle. It's all so sad.

It was startling to hear him describe how badly the car smelled. That's seeming to be something everyone very distinctly noticed. And KC's story about the dead squirrels. Pizza and maggots and squirrels, oh my. Sorry, couldn't resist that, but it appears that something dead, or otherwise other-world ordorous had been in that car.
I want to ask again to see if anyone knows...
Casey went to a party on July 3rd, then told friends that Lee was looking for her and was coming to pick her up.
Does anyone know if Lee picked her up? Or did she leave w/ someone else?

I read something in Amys statement about that, I think. You might want to check it out. She mentioned something about Casey saying her Brother was coming for her and she had to leave where she was to aviod him, it seemed, I THINK it was the 3rd...don't quote me, but check it out. Sorry, I'm just too tired to get it for ya...
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

I agree....blame shifting, hoping to incite some guilt in others.

And welcome :)
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

ITA! I think it is KC's way of indicating the truth while saving face. She has had her moments throughout when she was about to admit something more but was cut off, so KC just continued the game. Her modus operandi, to delay till later....
I read something in Amys statement about that, I think. You might want to check it out. She mentioned something about Casey saying her Brother was coming for her and she had to leave where she was to aviod him, it seemed, I THINK it was the 3rd...don't quote me, but check it out. Sorry, I'm just too tired to get it for ya...

I read about it in Amy's statement, but it didn't say whether or not anyone saw Casey leave with Lee. I was under the impression that Lee hadn't seen Casey for a few weeks prior to Cindy calling police on July 15...so I wonder, did he or didn't he pick her up on the 3rd? And if he didn't, who did?
Don't know if anyone has mentioned any of this because I did not read all the postings on this thread yet (I'm bleary-eyed from reading the docs released today.) But some things about this interview that seem odd/out-of-place to me. The laptop that LA retrieved from TL's had a "blue screen" which sounds like someone deleted files, including system files which are necessary to boot (showing my age) the computer. Also, LA mentions corresponding with Heather McDonald from Kodak. Wasn't it established in the previously released document that Heather left Kodak in 2007? Lee also states that KC gave GA the gas cans, presumably on the 24th (rather than G going into her trunk as he testified.) Most chilling to me was LA's quoting CA saying to KC "What have you done?" <upon learning that Caylee was missing.> Hopefully this makes sense as I am wiped from all my reading today.
Hello, everyone. As a new member, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have belatedly discovered your site, and what an honor it is to be here with such thoughtful, intelligent people.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to point out something that's very revealing about Casey early in Lee Anthony's interview. Notice how frighteningly facile she is in shifting the blame for Caylee's disappearance (and ultimate fate) to her mother and even Lee while they're waiting for the police to arrive that first night:

Lee says to her, "I don't get it...Why are you letting the police get involved with this?"

In reply, Casey announces, "Well, maybe this should have been done a long time ago. I've stolen money from Mom...I've been untrustworthy...And maybe I have been a bad mother and sister."

And then she finishes, "...So this (calling the police) should have been done a long time ago!" TA DA.

To me, her clear implication was that if someone HAD called the police a long time ago, Caylee wouldn't be wherever she is now. So, really, it's her family's fault for whatever she had to do to Caylee.

IMO :)

I agree, and I she knows she has done something totally awful and probably authentically wishes that she had not been allowed to get away with things up to this point, so she would not have escalated to being in the huge mess she is in now. But this is still is no excuse. Probably anytime they had tried to show her tough love (albeit not tough enough probably), she may not have learned the lesson. Alot of people who have been enabled by their parents do not murder their children. She needs to take responsibility. JMO
I would love to know what the item was that was "snatched" from the wallet in back of the ID. It must have been something familiar to them such as maybe a police officer's ID or business card?

It must have been a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. :crazy:

p.s. or three of them
Back to the begging of the interview. CA burst in room and says "what have you done?" Then CA plants the seed and asks the question "who took her?" KC never said anyone took her before she asked the question, she just said she had not seen her. I think based on CA question, KC ran with the whole ZFG story.

Yes - "leading the witness!" My thought too.
On topic, have you looked at the first few remarks when things where being read about LA's statements? And other evalutions? Seems that a lot of info / critique has been lost.
Back to the begging of the interview. CA burst in room and says "what have you done?" Then CA plants the seed and asks the question "who took her?" KC never said anyone took her before she asked the question, she just said she had not seen her. I think based on CA question, KC ran with the whole ZFG story.

I'm glad someone else noticed, I want to discuss that. At first Casey tells Lee that she hasn't seen Caylee in 31 days but he said where is she, who took her. Apparently from what Lee is saying Cindy is listening so that's imo why she too jumped on the kidnap wagon. They are the ones that gave Casey the idea in the first place. It all makes sense from there. Casey sense that is. The police are there, baby has been kidnapped, etc. No wonder she couldn't come up with a better story. You can bet that wasn't her original plan.
I'm just sayin' that this thread has gotten into comparisons (with others testiimony which does not attach and impressions). Impressions are fine, but let's get back to the computer and the un-LE monitored convo in the garage.

I think that what LA does vs. the impression he wishes to give is important. 2.25 hrs. just to pick up his sister's stuff. Noticed or made the computer do BSOD. He goes blah blah blah about viruses. Why is he spending 2 hrs to "check out" his sisters computer when everybody knows, you take it as is to LE?

He stepped into that one, and tried an out.

What happened in the bro-sis convo?
Yes - "leading the witness!" My thought too.

you guys are on to something. Yep Cindy gave her the kidnapping story in that instance. She a chameleon and quick to pick up on others thoughts and threads and run with them.
I'm glad someone else noticed, I want to discuss that. At first Casey tells Lee that she hasn't seen Caylee in 31 days but he said where is she, who took her. Apparently from what Lee is saying Cindy is listening so that's imo why she too jumped on the kidnap wagon. They are the ones that gave Casey the idea in the first place. It all makes sense from there. Casey sense that is. The police are there, baby has been kidnapped, etc. No wonder she couldn't come up with a better story. You can bet that wasn't her original plan.

You may be right, but this is the LA thread. : )
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