2008.07.30 Chris S. Interview

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I think this guy really did see her "jogging" on chickasaw on july 15....

I agree. She was 'checking' to make sure nothing was exposed and that the smell couldn't be detected from 'jogging by'.
Was it ever confirmed if the dark colored jeep was TonE's that KC was in when she visited CS's house on or around the dates of 6/17 6/18 6/19?
Was it ever confirmed if the dark colored jeep was TonE's that KC was in when she visited CS's house on or around the dates of 6/17 6/18 6/19?
That's a good question, because I don't remember Tony saying that Casey had his Jeep over these dates.
That's a good question, because I don't remember Tony saying that Casey had his Jeep over these dates.

No, you're exactly right....TL didn't say anything about that....as far as I can recall. But, in CS's interview, he says KC was in a "dark colored Jeep Cherokee with NY plates"....
Whats even more bizarre to me is that CS says KC came over in the Jeep either the June 17th, 18th, or 19th. Tony didn't go to school on the 17th and "sleeps in" with Casey. Those are the days the neighbor BB said KC backed into the garage - in HER car - on the 17th....borrowed the shovel on the 18th or 19th - in HER car....backs into the garage again on the 20th - in HER car.
Also...KC says she runs out of gas the 2 Fridays in a row...the 20TH (and, of course, the 27th) - as per her texts with AH.
Maybe, on any one of the days she had the Jeep at CS's, she was getting her car detailed....maybe where all the "other" chemicals ID'd in the trunk liner came from....they usually wash the rugs. It probably didn't smell all that bad then....maybe why only the ONE stray hair of Caylee's found in the trunk that had the decomp.
OR...didn't LE keep some info out of one of TL's interviews??? Maybe that's where he talks about KC using his Jeep one of those days???

All JMO :)
That's a good question, because I don't remember Tony saying that Casey had his Jeep over these dates.

I have also been thinking about that recently. I found TL's interview:

Now you, she stayed with you the, most of this week, the 22nd through the 28th?
10 AL: Yes.
11 EE: You said there was Target bags. It looked like she'd been doing some shopping
12 at Target?
13 AL: Yup (affirmative). Ever since, every, uh, when I'd get back from school uhm,
14 she'd either have, she would either be just show, uh, she'd be having these uh,
15 Target bags, or uhm, well actually, hold on. She uhm, I would have to say that
16 happened when she had actual access to a vehicle. So that would be uhm, she
17 one time I allowed her to use my vehicle to go to Target uhm, before I went
18 away. It would be sometime this week. She was gone for like no more than
19 twenty minutes
and she went to the, she came back with Target bags with
20 groceries.
Well, he was asked about when she shopped at Target. So maybe he was limiting his answer to when he allowed her to use the car to go to Target?

I have also been thinking about that recently. I found TL's interview:

Now you, she stayed with you the, most of this week, the 22nd through the 28th?
10 AL: Yes.
11 EE: You said there was Target bags. It looked like she'd been doing some shopping
12 at Target?
13 AL: Yup (affirmative). Ever since, every, uh, when I'd get back from school uhm,
14 she'd either have, she would either be just show, uh, she'd be having these uh,
15 Target bags, or uhm, well actually, hold on. She uhm, I would have to say that
16 happened when she had actual access to a vehicle. So that would be uhm, she
17 one time I allowed her to use my vehicle to go to Target uhm, before I went
18 away. It would be sometime this week. She was gone for like no more than
19 twenty minutes
and she went to the, she came back with Target bags with
20 groceries.
FWIW, I believe the June 19th date for the visit to Chris S. was pretty much locked up in the June 19th thread. Start [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2893287&postcount=29"]here[/ame] for a discussion, although I can give a short synopsis:

  • Chris was off work after 5:00PM, so KC could not visit him until after that time.
  • Pings on the 17th and 18th from 5-9PM place her in areas inconsistent with Chris S., especially a 1.5 to 2 hour visit.
  • Pings on the 19th are missing for an ~2hr period during that window, making it possible for her to be at his place. Pings up to 5:45PM are consistent with her driving toward to his place from the Waterford Lakes area.
  • It rained pretty hard from 6-8 PM, so I think that would provide the impetus for KC to stay at Chris's for two hours - to wait out the rain.
Perhaps I missed an important tidbit along the way but it remains unclear to me if the swimwear that was returned to Cindy was ever explained. Why return it now? How/when did it come into his possession.

It seems important to me that there was no mention of it to the police during this interview and leaves room to noodle about the possibility that there was something to hide or an attempt by KC to set a frameup. Consider 2 attempts by KC to call him from jail, there is an important link.
Perhaps I missed an important tidbit along the way but it remains unclear to me if the swimwear that was returned to Cindy was ever explained. Why return it now? How/when did it come into his possession.

It seems important to me that there was no mention of it to the police during this interview and leaves room to noodle about the possibility that there was something to hide or an attempt by KC to set a frameup. Consider 2 attempts by KC to call him from jail, there is an important link.

Sorry bout quotin meself BUT this question remains unanswered. So what thread is the missing necklace on?
Do you mean the Tiffany ring, IDD? If you did, the supposed boyfriend Jeff H. gave it to her, and you may find information on threads about him. I don't recall it ever being found or mentioned after CA asked KC about it.
Perhaps I missed an important tidbit along the way but it remains unclear to me if the swimwear that was returned to Cindy was ever explained. Why return it now? How/when did it come into his possession.

It seems important to me that there was no mention of it to the police during this interview and leaves room to noodle about the possibility that there was something to hide or an attempt by KC to set a frameup. Consider 2 attempts by KC to call him from jail, there is an important link.

IIRC, going completely from memory FWIW, the swimwear was left @ Chris' after Caylee & Casey spent Mother's Day @ his place. Jumping to the conclusion that it was left to dry that day and forgotten about. Chris brought it w/ him when G&C asked Casey's "friends" to join together @ their house after Casey's arrest to try and piece together WTH was going on. Dante talked a bit about this gathering in one his threads.
Do you mean the Tiffany ring, IDD? If you did, the supposed boyfriend Jeff H. gave it to her, and you may find information on threads about him. I don't recall it ever being found or mentioned after CA asked KC about it.
Well we know that no Jeff H. actually gave her the ring, so the odds are she stole it from someone.

I do find it peculiar that nothing was ever mentioned about this swimwear being returned as/when it was...and why did Casey spend Mothers Day with this guy again? Why not with her mommy? Trouble in paradise even then?:waitasec:
Not the ring. A Mardi Gras type necklace that hung from the rearview mirror of the car. CA says KC was never alone but there are several statements about LA and KC clearing their heads in the garage. IIRC CA said the Shamrock necklace was missing. TP said he had no info on this. Others have speculated it may have had her Universal ID as well as some other ID that she stashed before LE got to it. There are several pics of it as well as other mirror decor in the photos that have KC and friends goofing off in the car.

Also a pic of a guy wearing it at a party.
IIRC, going completely from memory FWIW, the swimwear was left @ Chris' after Caylee & Casey spent Mother's Day @ his place. Jumping to the conclusion that it was left to dry that day and forgotten about. Chris brought it w/ him when G&C asked Casey's "friends" to join together @ their house after Casey's arrest to try and piece together WTH was going on. Dante talked a bit about this gathering in one his threads.

Thx BJB. Just wanna make sure this was not an attempt by KC to plant some evidence (as in take a shower at someones house) by leaving gear or getting prints where she wanted them.
Not the ring. A Mardi Gras type necklace that hung from the rearview mirror of the car. CA says KC was never alone but there are several statements about LA and KC clearing their heads in the garage. IIRC CA said the Shamrock necklace was missing. TP said he had no info on this. Others have speculated it may have had her Universal ID as well as some other ID that she stashed before LE got to it. There are several pics of it as well as other mirror decor in the photos that have KC and friends goofing off in the car.

Also a pic of a guy wearing it at a party.

In a drawer?? how did it get there?
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