2008.08.14 George en route to visit Casey in Jail (Document Release 2009.04.06)

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This just gets me thinking.......they have not talked to KC since she was arrested many months ago.Can they just not control themselves when they are with her? Are they afraid she can't control herself?
They have seen the results of the prior video taped releases.How hard would it be for them to just go in and say " KC,we love you and are supporting you."
If they know the tape will be released just don't say or do anything that is about the case!
I think there must be another reason they don't visit.
I wonder if KC thinks they screwed up her case and she doesn't want anything to do with them.Maybe she's jealous of their new lifestyle.
Maybe she's planning on pointing the finger at them .
I just don't believe they don't visit because the visits are videotaped.There's more to the story.:mad:
I think Casey has put the brakes on any visit's from her parent's. On LK, George said something about Casey wanting them to concentrate on the foundation (something to that effect). That lead me to believe that this is all coming from Casey, with maybe a little help from JB. Casey has to agree for the visitor to come, right ? I'll bet Cindy and George are not even on the visit list at the jail.
Was trying to find a thread about GA FBI interview and just got to confused. There are so many threads.
I think Casey has put the brakes on any visit's from her parent's. On LK, George said something about Casey wanting them to concentrate on the foundation (something to that effect). That lead me to believe that this is all coming from Casey, with maybe a little help from JB. Casey has to agree for the visitor to come, right ? I'll bet Cindy and George are not even on the visit list at the jail.

Good point. KC has no problem telling the public (or the court) when she is unhappy about something, whether it be her displeasure that her wishes for Caylee's funeral arrangements were not followed, or that she thinks the SA is "angry" with her for not taking a plea.

So I'd have to assume that if she actually wanted to see her parents, she'd have no problem making that known through JB, who'd be more than happy to relay that to the media, as it would give him another chance to spin things as if LE was depriving his client of something.

All of them knew enough to be cryptic in their initial visits, nothing has changed since then, so I doubt it has to do with awkward communication. In fact, it almost looked in court at that recent motion hearing that JB had to kind of remind her to turn around and acknowledge her parents at all with that little perfunctory grin she flashed. IMO, the whole thing is a coverup for the fact that CA and GA don't want the world to think she is so cold-hearted that she would refuse to see her own family (probably because she is still mad about the chili party...)
This just gets me thinking.......they have not talked to KC since she was arrested many months ago.Can they just not control themselves when they are with her? Are they afraid she can't control herself?
They have seen the results of the prior video taped releases.How hard would it be for them to just go in and say " KC,we love you and are supporting you."
If they know the tape will be released just don't say or do anything that is about the case!
I think there must be another reason they don't visit.
I wonder if KC thinks they screwed up her case and she doesn't want anything to do with them.Maybe she's jealous of their new lifestyle.
Maybe she's planning on pointing the finger at them .
I just don't believe they don't visit because the visits are videotaped.There's more to the story.:mad:

I agree there is more to it. I think she's extremely pissed off at them for various things - how the statements they have made and the 911 calls have hurt her case, how they didn't sell their house to bail her out, how they kept asking those "pesky" questions after they discovered Caylee was no where to be found, enjoyed family events with chili while poor casey rots in jail and that they didn't follow her wishes with the funeral. Her anger was evident during court when she virtually ignored them and then only said hi when her lawyer told her to. I felt she did not want to and knew they were there from the beginning of the hearing.

The last thing KC wants is to face her demons, knowing that they know the truth. It was okay for the A's to visit until KC realized that they were putting two and two together, she could tell by the look on their faces and by the questions that CA was asking that they weren't buying her story. I watch the tapes where they play Good cop (GA), bad cop (CA) with her, back when they had a half-hearted interest in learning the truth about Caylee and wonder how they will ever have any sense of peace, now that their focus has shifted from the truth to protecting their daughter. KC knows as well as you and I that her parents know she murdered Caylee. I think GA has admitted the truth to himself and has chosen to forgive her, KC knows her day of reckoning is coming with CA and is trying to avoid it at all cost!

But I also think this is true. I saw how uncomfortable casey was during some of the jail visits. How she didn't want her mother to see her eyes, how she lashed out at them (in order to shut them down I think), when they tried to ask any questions. I think she feels some kind of feeling, I don't know if it's guilt exactly, but something when faced with her parents. I think she knows they can see through her, and that they know the truth (even while they try to fool themselves and the rest of us about that truth), and that makes casey uncomfortable. Just easier not to see them at all.
JMO of course but CA & GA knew Caylee was deceased long before her precious body was found but had to continue the charade of "Caylee is Missing" for donations to keep coming in....and I think the same is true now...but in a backwards kind of way...CA & GA do not go see/visit KC because they know what she did but they do not want the whole world to know and are unsure what KC may blurt out, that might interfere with The Foundation and "The Tragedy", instead of calling it the Murder of Caylee. JMO but it seems everything this family does is for illusions.
I think Casey hates her parents with a passion and does not want them to visit her. After all, it's their fault she killed Caylee and now look at the mess she's in. :rolleyes: JMO
IRC: there was a rumor floating around back when Cindy was openly speaking with close neighbors, that Cindy admitted that Casey was angry and refusing to see them. We know from that first phone call that Casey places blame of her initial arrest on Cindy, by how she talked to Cindy. (Back when Cindy seemed to have a backbone and actually seemed to want to hold Casey responsible... then it all magically went POOF and started becoming the drama circus that it is, still to this very day).

If the Anthonys are so worried about being video taped if they visit Casey, then why aren't they worried that somehow, someone could get their hands on the letters they are supposedly exchanging with Casey? The written word can be viewed a million ways to midnight, making the written word far more damning than verbal exchanges. One has more control over their actions while being videotaped when compared to the written aspect... passing notes is a wreckless endeavor that could cause a load of harm.
(As well, when sending notes the possibility of the notes ending up in the wrong hands is HUGE...)
When KC got bailed out by LP and went home, the A's and LP figured they would get KC to tell all. However, I have always had the opinion that she enjoyed not talking to them per Jose. It was like following his instructions enabled her to not be under her parent's control. She now had the upper hand. Her own family couldn't even break her.
When KC got bailed out by LP and went home, the A's and LP figured they would get KC to tell all. However, I have always had the opinion that she enjoyed not talking to them per Jose. It was like following his instructions enabled her to not be under her parent's control. She now had the upper hand. Her own family couldn't even break her.
ITA, I too believe Casey loved telling her family that she was forbidden to talk about any aspect of the case with anyone but her attorney. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Casey asked JB to have that talk with her family before she came home the first time. What kind of parent's would go along with that though, I can't imagine it...no way ! She would just have to go back to...

ITA, I too believe Casey loved telling her family that she was forbidden to talk about any aspect of the case with anyone but her attorney. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Casey asked JB to have that talk with her family before she came home the first time. What kind of parent's would go along with that though, I can't imagine it...no way ! She would just have to go back to...


If they didn't know KC was guilty before....they HAD to know when she wouldn't talk in her own home.

Those couple of weeks with all those people in that home....must have been a powder keg.... we haven't even begun to happen during that time....no one's talked but LP.
I can't wait to hear what the FBH has to say.

I agree that KC loves having the upper hand on CA and loves being in control in their relationship. Its probably the first time in her life that she can control her mother.
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