2008.08.17 Items Found by Searchers in Wooded Area

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The towel has flowers on it but the other "thing" looks like pink camo....JMO though!!
The colors are the same but the fabrics are totally different. The towel Caylee is sitting on is terry cloth. The fabric in the other picture is shiny and smooth.
You have to scroll the big pic, but to me it looks like a bag (backpack) that was "found", not a towel. But the colors are close on both items, but that's it IMO.

It was a backpack and not a towel, you are correct. The backpack is pink/white camo and the towel has flowers on it.
I found the gas can... stephanie and chelsea found a camera, make up, pantyhose, female artificats, etc., Betty and her family was with my group originally and we found the underwear, Tania, Betty, and Wyatt found the bags and clothes. Cookie I think found a cooler before I was ever on site. A HUGE TEAM EFFORT! And thanks to everyone hear... you are putting the pieces together.... and giving us new locations to search.

Thanks for everything you and the team do!!!! You are the true hero's in this whole mess!!!
yeah definitely white parts on the found item.. looks like pink camo pattern to me.. can't tell what type of article though

Looks like nylon pink camo bag or maybe a sleeping bag. Someone early on in this thread indicated it might even be a bag in which a tent was stored, that they had bought it for their grandchild at Walmart but the Walmart link goes notwhere now.

I have something like this at home but not camo, and it's a bag that a sleeping bag comes in but I would only be speculating that it is the same thing.
In particular that pink and white item I have always believed to be Caylee's towel

Just as a refresher and for those that haven't seen it


Ive also blown up just the clothes/items found section


These are the rest of the items found on that day.. Take in note the photos of the LE person carrying the BAGGED UP Pink and White ITEM and look how big it is..In the photo above with all the other stuff near the log it doesnt look that big, but when you see it in the BAGGED UP stuff with the LE guy it looks to be the size of - well - a towel !!

And of course then there is the plastic bag with what looks like a phone in it

And a Gas can.....


Or you can look here as well for photos


In the 1st Link you can see that there is a pair of spotty knickers ? or are they BATHER BOTTOMS found , and a photo of Casey with the top matching part on PERHAPS ie a bra or a Bathing Biking Top..

Looking at the black singlet top, that is something that Casey has had similar on to in photos as well.

Look at the first photo of where they found these items. A few things that strike me about that photo is one, how much it looks like where the body was found, although it is not the same area. Two it looks like the photo that Nancy Botwin Posted in Caseys Photobucket thread here http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72608&page=15
Post number 374.
Of course its NOT that place, but it resembles it, even more so than the crime scene pic does. The photobucket photo has pot plant pots on the left hand side and has a brick ? paving ? through the middle...But is that Casey standing behind the word LOVE with jeans on and a black top ?

I think that this find on August 16th is very very important. I think that it all ties in to those of us of believe that Caylee drowned.

Personally I believe based on these photos and where this was and where the crime scene was with the remains discovered that Caylee Drowned, Casey Panicked and perhaps initally hid the body in the backyard, using that shovel of the neighbours. Then at some stage moved the body via her trunk, and perhaps kept the body in the trunk looking for a suitable place. Then I believe that these items of clothing and other items were dumped somewhere else..
I believe that is why Casey said "they haven't even found the damn clothes yet" I think that was to put people off , because in fact THEY HAD found the clothes. HER CLOTHES And Caylees towel, the missing mobile (as possilby indicated in that photo linked above) and Caseys Swimming bikini.
I believe that its possible that those items are *possibly* part of the evidence that connects Casey to this. But that hasn't been divulged yet.

I honestly believe that the towel in that August 16th find was Caylee's towel.

I'm not in the USA but from what I believe the Aug 16th find was 5miles and the remains was 1/2 mile from the Anthony's home..

In regards to the question of 'well what about the chloroform ? which everyone seems focused on , I think that if Caylee Drowned and took in all those pool chemicals that as the body decomposed *cry* that it emitted the natural chloroform as it does but at a much higher level because of the chemicals.

I think that we will see these items discovered August 16th come back into play in the not to distant future

*Note* This post and its links have been approved by Moderator Chicoliving :blowkiss::
This has been discussed on many threads over the last few months. The "found" pink and white item appears to have a glossy or satiny texture. It's not a towel. The colors are not even the same. The found item is pink and white. Caylee's towel is light pink and dark pink.
Chilly have you ever seen the back of a towel ? one side is one way and the other the reverse
If you look at Caylees towel, and then look at the photo of items that is what it is The reverse of her towel

Im sorry but given the location and the other items ie the Gas can , the bikini bottom whether that be a knicker or a swim pant its a bikini line looks exactly like the ones Casey has on in that photo on the link I gave and like the bra top or bikini top....

I think for sure this is all linked

And sorry its my fault for saying the found item being pink and white -
I meant Light PINK and dark Pink
If you look at the flower in the found item and look to the Left of it you can clearly see the same striping pattern

Towels are reversed on each side
Can I edit the title ? to .... - that Dk Pink & Pink Item ? instead of pink and white item
Those were some interesting finds for sure. However Dr. G ruled her death as a homicide. I think that can rule out accidental death. There had to be evidence at the scene that gave her the opinion that this was a murder.

Even before all of this I could never believe that Caylee drowned. Chloroform scearches on the computer, Chloroform in Casey's car. Now supposed duck tape on her mouth or head. This was no accident.

I do think that maybe it was one of Caseys original plans to make it look as if she had drowned. The pool ladder out ect. Maybe after her flurry of calls that day to her parents. She didn't get ahold of anyone to pretend to freak out like she "drowned" she went with another plan instead? IMO
Chilly have you ever seen the back of a towel ? one side is one way and the other the reverse
If you look at Caylees towel, and then look at the photo of items that is what it is The reverse of her towel

Im sorry but given the location and the other items ie the Gas can , the bikini bottom whether that be a knicker or a swim pant its a bikini line looks exactly like the ones Casey has on in that photo on the link I gave and like the bra top or bikini top....

I think for sure this is all linked

And sorry its my fault for saying the found item being pink and white -
I meant Light PINK and dark Pink
If you look at the flower in the found item and look to the Left of it you can clearly see the same striping pattern

Towels are reversed on each side

Jane, I have always believed those items to be Casey and Caylee's and have posted that many times. You are correct that on the back, the pattern color would be reversed.

I do not think it is a towel. I believe it to be a child's sleeping bag, and the bag found would be silky. Many years ago, I had a sleeping bag for my granddaughter in Virginia when she came back to Louisiana with us. I had an SUV so she coud lie down as I like to drive at night. Anyway, the bag for the sleeping bag had almost the same design on it, but not as much detail. That bag was silky. If you look closely at what you feel is a towel, it appears to be padded. So, FWIW, I think it is a sleeping bag.

If you enlarge the pics that J. Jordan and his fellow searchers took, you can see some clear trash bags. At the edge of one of them looks to me to be the same colors of a little sundress that Caylee had on in a pic. It is the pic where Caylee's smile seems to be crooked. It is almost a checked design, and has the same aqua color as the sundress in the pic.

The clothing was found in an extension of J. Blanchard Park near the soccer complex. I believe those items to be Casey and Caylee's and will believe that until LE comes right out and says they are not. There has never been a printed denial. A little further away from there, designer makeup was found and of course the underwear. I am not saying that it is the same underwear that Casey has on in a pic, but it is the TYPE she has/had. It was also stated that there were items found such as would be found in a purse, but do not know what those things were. A disposable camera was also found.

So, I do agree with you on the speculation that these things were Casey and Caylee's. Oh! Almost forgot to add that on one of Casey's receipts from Target was 'jersey pants'. Jogging pants, maybe? What color jogging clothes did her friend see her in? Could be the light blue pants you see in the pic that has a white stripe down the side?

Just JMO, as always!
You know, this has always nagged at me. I really don't think the pink item is large enough (even after looking at the other photos) to be that towel OR a sleeping bag, but the print looks so much the same to me. I am a quilter with a pretty good eye for that kind of thing, and it just "reads" the same to me.

Last night my DD had a friend sleep over, and something occurred to me. Her friend had her sleeping bag in a matching bag to carry it in. I remembered I also have a big beach towel that has a matching tote with it like that. Either of those things could be silky in texture and would be much smaller empty than the actual item it goes with.

I know there are no reports of it, but what if the item found at the crime scene was the towel/sleeping bag/mystery item that goes with the bag and one of the things CSI was looking for was that item or the bag to see if it was still in the house?

I am totally speculating here, but I DO think the bikini bottoms look the same, so I believe there is some connection. If Casey drowned Caylee and wrapped her in her pink towel, she may have tossed her own bathing suit, the bag from the towel, clothes she wore when she jogged by to visit the scene, and other items when she cleaned out her car b/c they stunk or could tie her to the scene (as in, where is the towel that goes with this bag?).

Or maybe I need more coffee.
Those were some interesting finds for sure. However Dr. G ruled her death as a homicide. I think that can rule out accidental death. There had to be evidence at the scene that gave her the opinion that this was a murder.

Even before all of this I could never believe that Caylee drowned. Chloroform scearches on the computer, Chloroform in Casey's car. Now supposed duck tape on her mouth or head. This was no accident.

I do think that maybe it was one of Caseys original plans to make it look as if she had drowned. The pool ladder out ect. Maybe after her flurry of calls that day to her parents. She didn't get ahold of anyone to pretend to freak out like she "drowned" she went with another plan instead? IMO

ITA with this. Kind of like Scott's original plan was to say he had been golfing, but then someone saw him? It rained? And he had to change plans with disastrous results. I hope Casey's impromptu change of plans has the same outcome. If she had been able to reach someone that day (why didn't she call 911???) we would probably never know Caylee's name. It would have been ruled an accidental drowning like thousands of others.
I always believed the pink and white item in the picture to be some kind of pink camoflauge item. Don't think it is the towel.
You know, this has always nagged at me. I really don't think the pink item is large enough (even after looking at the other photos) to be that towel OR a sleeping bag, but the print looks so much the same to me. I am a quilter with a pretty good eye for that kind of thing, and it just "reads" the same to me.

Last night my DD had a friend sleep over, and something occurred to me. Her friend had her sleeping bag in a matching bag to carry it in. I remembered I also have a big beach towel that has a matching tote with it like that. Either of those things could be silky in texture and would be much smaller empty than the actual item it goes with.

I know there are no reports of it, but what if the item found at the crime scene was the towel/sleeping bag/mystery item that goes with the bag and one of the things CSI was looking for was that item or the bag to see if it was still in the house?

I am totally speculating here, but I DO think the bikini bottoms look the same, so I believe there is some connection. If Casey drowned Caylee and wrapped her in her pink towel, she may have tossed her own bathing suit, the bag from the towel, clothes she wore when she jogged by to visit the scene, and other items when she cleaned out her car b/c they stunk or could tie her to the scene (as in, where is the towel that goes with this bag?).

Or maybe I need more coffee.

Bold is mine, and you are so right. And that would make sense with the shape of it that the LE man is carrying out

I agree until LE say Nope nothing to do with The Anthony Case I will believe it.

I believe that this is part of the crime cover up. Whether these things were dumped here before or after I do not know but it also goes with Casey saying about them not finding her clothes, because after all MAYBE If our hunches are right they found OTHER items but not the clothes which could be somewhere ELSE in those woods
But, regarding Caseys comment, they haven't even found her clothes yet, well as you pointed out IF those do belong to Casey and Caylee then yes, they had already found them. So, why would she say that? IMO I still believe it was not an accident, too much points to pre-meditated.JMO

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