2008.09.02. REVISIT Will she accept the limited immunity deal?

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will casey accept the state's offer of limited immunity tomorrow?

  • yep

    Votes: 15 5.0%
  • nope

    Votes: 267 89.6%
  • dunno

    Votes: 16 5.4%

  • Total voters
If she were to reveal the location of a body, I'd expect we'd see a lot of LE search activity commence. And LE might also issue some sort of statement.

Everyone is waiting to hear. LE, TES, everyone. If she tells what she knows, it won't be long before they go and find her but we won't know about it until they have Caylee. I just want her found, as do we all.
I am not familiar with the state prison system. For this questions sake, lets say she is tried, found guilty, and sentenced to 10 years. Is it possible to keep her in confinement for the whole time she is in prison? Can they keep her away from other inmates for that length of time?

They can but I hope they won't.
I would be extremely surprised if she takes this deal. I just have this feeling that she took great steps to make sure nobody would ever find her body if you know what I mean. I don't think she just put her somewhere like a dumpster, I think it was way more evil than that.

I wonder, with her taking the gas cans, if she burned her. :O( I believe that the gas gauge was another lie. I think that someone would have come forward and said they helped her move the car. Did we ever find out if the car was backed in or pulled in straight at Amscott? No one backed in a car that was out of gas.

I do wonder if she had intended to pull a Susan Smith.
The State Attorney's office has offered the 22-year-old mother a limited immunity deal, meaning that any helpful information she provides cannot be used against her in court. However, any evidence they find from the information she gives can be used against her.

I still haven't really gotten a grip on this - it makes no sense whatsoever - if you tell us where Caylee is we won't use that against you, but if we find a body, we can????????????????

Who's bright idea is that? Of course she is going so say no, duh!
The local news said Baez only met with her for an hour last night. Think that could be an indicator of whether she takes the deal or not. Personally I would think they would have met longer if she was going to take it.
I highly doubt that Casey will take the deal not much in it for her. She is very selfish and stuck on herself.

God bless Caylee
They just flashed on the local news station that Casey has refused the immunity deal.
They just flashed on the local news station that Casey has refused the immunity deal.

Well she may be everything we call her -sociopath, pathological liar, whatever, but she ain't stupid.
I didn't think she would take it. Remember when she was willing to talk with full immunity? How sick can one be? She knows exactly where Caylee is but is so worried about herself she is deliberately leaving her family in h3ll.
Disgusting. I don't think I have ever felt such pure hatred for another human being as I do this monster.
I think this means Casey really did intend to murder poor little Caylee and is afraid the authorities would be able to tell that. Rules out accidental death.
Oh boy, I gotta get myself cleaned up and run some errands. This is so depressing.
Com'on LE! Charge her with murder! ...and we'll see which kind of 'reasonable doubts' JB could pull-out from his 'magic hat'...
Fox News just did a little snippet and said nothing about the immunity deal.

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