2008.12.25 Is it a Book in the Woods?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Well....that's because there were no pictures around the book because there was no book. This post is going to be huge since I am going to post every picture that has been released with the sign (book) in it. The first picture below is the original one released that the book, pictures, toys, stuffed animals and pixies were seen in when you blew the dam thing up 500%. Hang on tight...here we go.


Same pic below, just lightened.











There you have it. Blow any of these pictures up to 500% to 1000% and you'll see all kinds of wondrous things but the bottom line....it's the same object in all the pictures....it's a sign.....not a book....there was no book....there were no pictures.....there were not stuffed animals....there were no strollers....there were no neonatal kittens....there were no pixies.....it's a sign....just a plain ol' sign.

As Forest Gump said: "That's all I'm gonna say 'bout that"
Got it!!
That's not a skull, that's a leaf. The skull was 2 inches from the bags, the bags are not even in this photo.
PLus there is no evidence flag there. This appears to be just a dead palm leaf if this is in reference to the item in the center of the photo.
Ya Know :p http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-caylee-anthony-book-photo-gallery,0,5999866.photogallery photo 3 and 4

It still looks like a photo of a man from the 40's



But its so deceptive what our eyes do with our mind isnt it !

I for one am SO embarrassed :blush: I was POSITIVE it was a book and on the bottom right hand corner i said it was a photo of caylee and she had a blue dress with a white fluffy halo on

And I tried for weeks to find that photo that I had seen somewhere else

Now you can check me in :crazy:
Pixies!!! Darn it. They're pixies.

Everyone knows you have to use orbital photography to see orbs.

... and it's not funny. Pixies can be very serious business.

Case in point: pixie dust is very, very, very powerful stuff.
According to this link:http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/0,4644,4590,00.html#16_605
and the caption underneath the picture following the ones of Dr. G and then Caylee the day she disappeared at the nursing home, the book WAS found in the woods by LE...

The caption under the photo reads:
"This photo of the presumed Caylee Anthony crime scene shows a book (bottom center) police say they found that the missing girl was photographed reading before her disappearance."

This was never confirmed before, was it?:eek:
According to this link:http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/0,4644,4590,00.html#16_605
and the caption underneath the picture following the ones of Dr. G and then Caylee the day she disappeared at the nursing home, the book WAS found in the woods by LE...

The caption under the photo reads:
"This photo of the presumed Caylee Anthony crime scene shows a book (bottom center) police say they found that the missing girl was photographed reading before her disappearance."

This was never confirmed before, was it?:eek:

i cant find a date on that page.....but i remember the talk about how the news jumped the gun on this.....but dont have a link....i dont think we have seen the book though in any doc dumps yet.....:eek:

i also remember that it turned out to be a sign for childcare/school???....again no link .....just going on a tired memory this morning :banghead:
No, IIRC it is a sign...I "think" it was a kindercare sign or something like that...

It is NOT the book.
According to this link:http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/0,4644,4590,00.html#16_605
and the caption underneath the picture following the ones of Dr. G and then Caylee the day she disappeared at the nursing home, the book WAS found in the woods by LE...

The caption under the photo reads:
"This photo of the presumed Caylee Anthony crime scene shows a book (bottom center) police say they found that the missing girl was photographed reading before her disappearance."

This was never confirmed before, was it?:eek:

Not only was it not confirmed, but it is incorrect...at least for that photo. A clearer pic was posted and the item was tagged. It turned out to be signage-the kind that goes on those little metal rods like for yard sales and open houses. IIRC it was for a daycare/daycamp (sadly ironic)
They only correct themselves when they can blame the error on someone else. They knew it was "their bad" this time and will probably never add a disclaimer! Dontchya jus love the media <3
and if i remember right......i think they were reading on here.....when some of us looked at that pic and thought it was the book.....hee hee hee
I wonder how much of the stuff they picked up in the swampy area was just garbage that had nothing to do with this case, and how much of it was relevant..There were 'extra' pieces of duct tape.. without the logo.. fond at a distance from the body, for example, but I have never totally dismissed them as possibly being relevant. Nor have I quite ruled out the kindercare sign. It (the sign) might have been something that KC picked up and threw in the trunk at some point in time when she had some vague idea of putting Caylee in daycare. Before she found a more permanent soloution to the child care problem.

Still, it is more likely just a bit of random debris that washed in or was thrown in there with someone elses garbage. Guess I will never know for sure.

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