2008.12.25 Is it a Book in the Woods?

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The umbilical cord is listed in the evidence found with the body and was released in the doc dump from about a month ago, I am sorry I do not have the link, but you can find it by going to docstoc. :crazy:

Thanks for the reference to docstoc but you put the information out there and it would be nice if you could provide a link. I put the question up on the Q&A thread to see if someone else might know where I can find this info. If I get an answer, I'll bring the link over here for anyone else who's interested.
Are we talking about the umbilical stump w/or w/out the cord clamp that was given to the defense by CA? That's all I remember about the umbilical cord stump......I don't recall it being listed as found w/ the remains. Anyone, anyone?
IIRC, Cindy made mention in one of the very early media spots of the Suppertime with Frieda Fuzzypaws book when the video taken at the nursing home surfaced. Of course (me being thoroughly guilty @ the time) several of us scoured over the pic of the crime scene after its discovery trying to determine if the item in the picture was the FF book - only to learn later that it wasn't.

Maybe nothing...but when the crime scene was discovered and the media ran w/ the item being the FF book, neither G&C, nor JB took the opportunity to proclaim that they still had the book. That would've been an opportunity to separate Caylee's disappearance from the 6/15 date somewhat in the public eye - at least for the period of time we all were thinking it might be the FF book.

IOW...the FF book has to be somewhere. Do G&C have it? I don't recall it being taken from G&C's in a warrant search.

The book prolly holds no legal value to LE/SAO unless it went missing and turned up somewhere other than G&C's. So....alright then...much ado about nothin' :)

That's true, I would think LE would probably have asked them if the book and her clothes she'd been wearing for the visit to the grandad were present and accounted for in the house, but I never did see anything about it or see those items appear on an inventory or anything. Now you've got me wondering. Another good one, Bond! (Seems like they must have been accounted for in the house or else we would have heard more about it? But you never know.)
It was not a book. It was a KinderCare sign laying on the ground.

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