2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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I just finished listening to AD's interview.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong:
Did she say she was "going thru' something" while KC was out on bail and had to get to KC for help?

If so, I think maybe they stopped being friends because they both wanted to be the center of attention. Why in the world would she think KC would be in any shape to help her with her problem when all that carp was going on in the Anthony house and they couldn't find Caylee?

AD said at the end of her interview that the reason she doesn't trust JG was b/c when she first saw him after they knew Caylee was gone, he didn't say "how are you doing, Amy?". She sounded mad about it - and she and KC really hadn't been friends for a while.

Huh? Sounds self-centered and petty to me!!
I just finished listening to AD's interview.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong:
Did she say she was "going thru' something" while KC was out on bail and had to get to KC for help?

Huh? Sounds self-centered and petty to me!!

respectfully snipped for space

Just at that part now and it's exactly what Annie said!

Wanted to add it's at 31 minutes into interview #2 for reference!

Also, yes, I can't believe she would want to go to KC, whom by her own admission she hadn't hung out with for a while. Why would she HAVE to talk to KC about her own problems when they weren't friendly at the time AND everything that was going on with Caylee being gone? Makes NO sense at all. Great friend. :rolleyes:

I just went back and replayed it again to be sure.

I just finished listening to AD's interview.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong:
Did she say she was "going thru' something" while KC was out on bail and had to get to KC for help?

If so, I think maybe they stopped being friends because they both wanted to be the center of attention. Why in the world would she think KC would be in any shape to help her with her problem when all that carp was going on in the Anthony house and they couldn't find Caylee?

AD said at the end of her interview that the reason she doesn't trust JG was b/c when she first saw him after they knew Caylee was gone, he didn't say "how are you doing, Amy?". She sounded mad about it - and she and KC really hadn't been friends for a while.

Huh? Sounds self-centered and petty to me!!

I wondered the exact same thing. I sure would like to know what crisis Annie was having that would trump KC's to the extent that she needed to be "taken to her now". I'm a little surprised they didn't ask her about that.
I wondered the exact same thing. I sure would like to know what crisis Annie was having that would trump KC's to the extent that she needed to be "taken to her now". I'm a little surprised they didn't ask her about that.

Perhaps they didn't ask because they know? I have a feeling that AD was less than candid about drugs.
You know, we're talking about a dead, little two-year-old baby and this girl doesn't sound like she's interested in helping at all. She sounds defensive and, like casey, flippant, at least so far (I'm halfway through). These people are trying to bring justice to a small child. Why the heck wouldn't everyone who knew the child not be chomping at the bit to help? I understand (although I surely do not agree), why the family would not be as helpful - because they are enmeshed, so accusing casey is like accusing them - but this girl? What possible stake does she have in being unhelpful, resistant, reluctant. Start talking lady! This is about a baby you knew! You're own reputation is unimportant. Tell everything you know about how casey acted, how she was with the kid, how she was as a person, what she liked to do, where she liked to go, who she hung out with, how she reacted to stress. Come on! If I was this girl's parents I'd be pretty upset with her. Perhaps she ashamed that such a person was her best friend, or about the things they did. Maybe she's mad about photos of her being released by the media, partying and acting stupid. But, what does any of that matter when a child had been killed?
Um... Annie told Yuri that she never wrote to KC when she was in jail.

Isn't that a lie? Didn't Cindy ask KC if she got Annie's letter in one of the jail visits? IIRC a letter from Annie was discussed at some point during that convo, second visit I believe. Anyone else remember this?

Perhaps they didn't ask because they know? I have a feeling that AD was less than candid about drugs.

I coudn't agree more!

IMHO, Annie must have felt at that point *she had something* to be worried about and *needed* to get to KC before she spilled the beans .... swoop in and *make nice* This girls arrogance, rivals KC's herself!
Gosh, I was hoping for some major revelations from Annie that would help fill in huge, gaping holes. What a disappointment. It came across to me as though she were more emotional about how all this effected her than what actually happened to Caylee. Flat, just flat, otherwise. Revealing as little as possible. MOO
Um... Annie told Yuri that she never wrote to KC when she was in jail.

Isn't that a lie? Didn't Cindy ask KC if she got Annie's letter in one of the jail visits? IIRC a letter from Annie was discussed at some point during that convo, second visit I believe. Anyone else remember this?


I sure do!
I'm not the most articulate person, but, my gosh! How hard is it to do a police interview and be thorough and clear in what you say? Wouldn't you be racking your brains trying to think of stuff that might be important to the investigation? It's like this gal is talking through a haze...vague, vague, vague!
Good grief, a clone of KC or KC is a clone of AD ......:bang:

I can see exactly now why this was a compelled subpoena appearance.
I'm not the most articulate person, but, my gosh! How hard is it to do a police interview and be thorough and clear in what you say? Wouldn't you be racking your brains trying to think of stuff that might be important to the investigation? It's like this gal is talking through a haze...vague, vague, vague!

She's got a severe case of Anthonyitis! Must be contagious.
After listening to Annie's interview, I come away with a vague feeling that she did not share everything she knows. At one point, she denies discussing anything about the case with Casey (even when she spent overnight at the Anthony home), yet further in the interview, she tells the detectives that Casey told her that Jesse had a key to the car abandoned at Amscot (he is definitely going under da bus...) and that when she asked Casey "what's up with the chloroform?", Casey responded "I don't know; I had cleaning stuff in the trunk." I'm skeptical.....
Im not getting from Annie's interview what everyone else is getting. I don't see Annie as hostile to le or supportive of KC...she is talking about KC's lying...she didn't really know her etc...why is that supportive? She seems dismayed and shocked about what is going on. I also do not believe for a second that KC has told anyone the truth. I don't think it's in her.

I gotta' say that after hearing the second half of her interview, I have changed my mind about her. At first I thought she was a defensive creep, more concerned about protecting her friend, her own reputation and angry about her business being made public, than concerned about justice for Caylee. But, the second half shows me that Annie may just have been a young, scared girl and that's why she seemed snippy in the beginning. We know she has suffered anxiety enough to have a prescription for Xanax, so she might have been just scared. As the interview has progressed, I see her giving much more info that helps convict casey, such as the tension with the mother, the lack of anyone other than an angry grandma to watch Caylee while casey was desparate to be young and party, the lack of any mention of a Zanny until the very end, etc.
Off topic a bit: This interview does bolster my thought that casey was not a big drug user, no wild exctasy parties, etc. I think she's much to cold and calculating to want to be that out of control very often. With all her lies and schemes, it would be dangerous for casey to get too loose around anyone very often.
So KC DID have a prepaid phone while out on bail! Interesting!
Does anyone watch the TV show "One Tree Hill" or anything about the show's storyline? Found it interesting that the assistant SA asked Annie whether she knew what this show was or did she know whether Casey watched it/talked about it.
Does anyone watch the TV show "One Tree Hill" or anything about the show's storyline? Found it interesting that the assistant SA asked Annie whether she knew what this show was or did she know whether Casey watched it/talked about it.

This is in reference to KC googling info about One Tree Hill's 100th episode. In that episode a child was abducted, by the babysitter.

I hth's!

I really don't get people. My gosh, if this was my friend, I wouldn't be going over to her house with my measly problems at such a time and not questioning the hell out of her. What the heck is with the "Oh, we didn't talk about Caylee being missing. I didn't ask. I don't know what she meant" garbage. What the hell? Wouldn't she be completely intrigued and horrified and obsessed with helping to find a little girl she knew so well? It makes no sense. This is not the first time I have heard such vagueness and apparent lack of interest from people surrounding casey. How is it that she asked absolutely no follow up to anything casey might have said when released from jail the first time? How is it that she didn't just cry and hug casey and say, "Oh casey! Tell me everything! What the heck is going on? I'm your best friend, tell me every detail you know and I'll try to help you find your precious child!" Bizarre. Maybe it's the age of this girl? Maybe her intelligence level? Selfish young girl who really doesn't care much? Is that it? It still doesn't make sense to me. How could she not really be totally bent on getting answers to help Caylee and casey? I don't understand.
Why would Annie wait so long to talk with LE, bring a lawyer with her to questioning, and hang around the A fam? I don't think she was involved in Caylee's murder, but I do think she is hiding something to do with kc and the xanax. If I had to speculate, I would say Annie gave xanax to kc and had full knowledge she was giving a small dose to Caylee from time to time. I also doubt Annie had a prescription for the drug, I can recall the name of every doctor I have ever had.
And another thing, what's with all these young people acting as a support system for the Anthonys? Annie mentions she was there with only casey and Cindy when Cindy was falling apart. Where are all the mature adults to give advice and lend support? In fact, how come this family was not constantly supported by a stream of people around the time discussed in this interview? I really get the feeling, and have for a while, that these people do not have many friends. And let me say that if Annie was my kid, I'd be raising hell about her going over there at all at that stage of the game, especially without me and especially to spend the night. Obviously there was already a huge amount of heavy suspicion about casey and a lot of bizarre evidence against her, as well as a huge swell of media attention. I would tell my kid, "No way. You don't need to get involved in this mess. Send a card." And I don't care how old my kid was, she would have to listen!
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