2009.01.21 Document Release: Forensic Evidence

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Okay, the two stains in Tony's vehicle tested positive to the "Ultra lite", meaning they could be bodily fluids. They were tested for blood reaction and that was negative. No evidence was taken from Tony's vehicle for testing.

The DNA testing and Parentage Report we are only suppose to discuss in the parking lot thread. I will simply state that

Casey's DNA is taken by court order on July 17th.
On July 28th the completed Parentage Report is given to the FBI.
On July 29th the actual DNA samples from Casey and Caylee are given to the FBI.

The Anthony's don't give DNA samples until the 8th and 9th of August.
So whatever is contained in that report was not based on those samples.
Not saying they aren't comparing them, but that item number ties to a report completed prior to August.

Thank you! :blowkiss: I follow all that you are saying and agree about the Parentage Report. I have just read so many different opinion's regarding this report I wanted to have it clarified a bit. I also noticed that WFTV legal analyst Sheaffer said, there are doc's the public might not see at this time and the public might never find out why a stainless steel knife was found with the body.

"The knife could have been an agency of the murder, could have been used to cut the tape. A myriad of possibilities with the knife," Sheaffer said.

What they actually took from the house is still sealed, possibly to try to prevent a change of venue, because it may be the strongest evidence linking Casey to the crime.
I wonder if the stains in TL car match those in KC car? I also noticed that those sheets of air freshner were found in both cars. Could it be possible KC moved Caylee's body at some point in TL car?

i am wondering the same thing.

as i recall, casey's car was tested for decomp and decomp was found.

interesting that this report just mentions "blood."

i suspect they tested for decomp and are not releasing those results.
I wonder if the stains in TL car match those in KC car? I also noticed that those sheets of air freshner were found in both cars. Could it be possible KC moved Caylee's body at some point in TL car?

A thought... *IF* KC used TL car to move Caylee's body, maybe she moved it from the Brackenwood house to the remains site?
OK, forgive the ?'s, but I think I need a refresher in "Ultra Lite" testing. Do Bodily fluids and blood test both show a positive?

Well we know no blood was found from that report. Now, there may be another report that shows what was found.

Here is a link that explains what all Ultra Lite will find. Hope this helps.

Ultra-Lite™-ALS, is a forensic light used for detecting trace evidence at crime scenes or in the lab. Ultra Lite™ ALS represents the culmination of nearly a decade of forensic research and design work. The scientists involved in the research and design have extensive experience in forensic light design. The result of this work and collaboration is the UltraLite™-ALS bringing forth 6 major breakthroughs in forensic light technology.

i am wondering the same thing.

as i recall, casey's car was tested for decomp and decomp was found.

interesting that this report just mentions "blood."

i suspect they tested for decomp and are not releasing those results.

I think that they did test it and they got a match and that's the reason they haven't release those results. But didn't they give TL back his car? LE doesn't stil have it do they?
snipped: From the report I assume that Casey revistied the crime scene or moved the body.
That could be a reason for the test to show two stains in the cargo area of Tony L's jeep. Two suspected stains on the carpet located in the cargo area.

eeek! and there were fabric softener/air freshner sheets in both vehicles right? Maybe that was just to make each car smell lovely? Oh, poor Tony! I'd be selling that vehicle!!!

Holy Moses! I missed that! Thank you. :)
snipped: From the report I assume that Casey revistied the crime scene or moved the body.
That could be a reason for the test to show two stains in the cargo area of Tony L's jeep. Two suspected stains on the carpet located in the cargo area.

eeek! and there were fabric softener/air freshner sheets in both vehicles right? Maybe that was just to make each car smell lovely? Oh, poor Tony! I'd be selling that vehicle!!!

The documents are confusing and I did this same misread yesterday. The hairs and air freshner sheet were found in Casey's car. Nothing was taken from Tony's vehicle. He talks about both cars back to back, but if you look at the place numbers and note that the two pairs of shoes were sprayed, that is Casey's car.

The "suspected" stains in Tony's car just means they glowed with the light. I promise all of us would have something in our car glow with that light. They tested it and found it not to be blood.
:confused:Just curious, if that was decomp in Tony's jeep would it not smell as bad as KC's ponitac??? :confused:
I think that they did test it and they got a match and that's the reason they haven't release those results. But didn't they give TL back his car? LE doesn't stil have it do they?

There would be no reason to test Tony's vehicle for decomp. They found no evidence in and it didn't reek of death when they inspected it. Nothing suspect, no reason to keep the vehicle. He voluntarily brought the vehicle in for inspection.
Well we know no blood was found from that report. Now, there may be another report that shows what was found.

Here is a link that explains what all Ultra Lite will find. Hope this helps.

Ultra-Lite™-ALS, is a forensic light used for detecting trace evidence at crime scenes or in the lab. Ultra Lite™ ALS represents the culmination of nearly a decade of forensic research and design work. The scientists involved in the research and design have extensive experience in forensic light design. The result of this work and collaboration is the UltraLite™-ALS bringing forth 6 major breakthroughs in forensic light technology.


Thanks, I feel like JB asking others to do his work for him, now :blowkiss:
The documents are confusing and I did this same misread yesterday. The hairs and air freshner sheet were found in Casey's car. Nothing was taken from Tony's vehicle. He talks about both cars back to back, but if you look at the place numbers and note that the two pairs of shoes were sprayed, that is Casey's car.

The "suspected" stains in Tony's car just means they glowed with the light. I promise all of us would have something in our car glow with that light. They tested it and found it not to be blood.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought I was missing something here.:)
A thought... *IF* KC used TL car to move Caylee's body, maybe she moved it from the Brackenwood house to the remains site?

That's exactly what I am thinking. I don't think that the PI searching the house on Brackenwood was a bogus attempt by the defense to throw off LE. I think that the PI had a REASON to be there looking around for something. I honestly believe that Caylee was there before being dumped in the woods. There was hair found in TL cargo area along with two stains. Those two stains found in KC car and TL may match up to being the same. For instance, if there was decomp fluid coming out of Caylee's mouth and bottom. that would cause the two stains. I don't know if I am explaining this correctly, BUT it makes perfect sense to me.
Well...the only testing done on the additional hairs found was to see if they showed signs of decomp, and none did.

Let's step back a second and think about the events. LE has reason to believe there was a dead body in the trunk, but not in the car. This is based on the large trunk stain and the fact that the cadaver dog hit on the trunk and not the car interior.

7/17 - hair and dirt collected from the trunk and one spot on front edge of vehicle.

7/18 - trunk vacuumed and dirt residues collected.

7/22 - hair recovered from spare tire cover in trunk.

7/23 - AL's Jeep:Dry vegetation and leaf from underside, dry leaf and air freshener sheet from trunk are collected.

As an aside, note just how methodical the CSI II was on this trunk examination. If you wonder why it took him so long to do all of the above, consider that he is the same CSI II collecting evidence from the home and crime scenes. A busy fellow, and this was probably not his only case.

This is inaccurate is being repeated all over the threads. The document is confusing and I was stating that this evidence came from Tony's vehicle yesterday. It didn't, it is from Casey's car. Nothing was collected from Tony's. The stains were tested, they were negative.

The air freshner and leaves are from the Pontiac. It also mentions the shoes being sprayed for blood. The license plate number is Casey's, and the evidence tag number says it is Casey's. Another poster clarified this for me.
I don't mind the clarification. My only point is, to date and as far as the reports tell us, DNA has not been recovered from the stain. It does not mean that the stain is not the result of human decomposition. Chemical analysis points to it being due to decomposition.

As for the hair with a death band, only one such hair was recovered from the vehicle.

Thank you for your clarification. Perhaps you would kindly answer a couple more questions for me.

It appears that the significant of this one strand of hair with evidence of decomp is being overlooked by the media, and this latest release of forensic evidence (specifically requested by the defense) is overshadowing it even more. In your opinion, why has the defense not requested the DNA testing results of that one hair strand?

You state that "Faded white or pink child's baseball cap found in Wooded area north of Curry Ford Community Park at 3809 Peace Pipe Dr. Has "VIP" - Very Important Princess on cap. Gerus did not alert in this area."

In the doc dump, I thought it odd that the investigator more of less "dropped" the connection of this hat into the report. He said it was found August 12/08, and the cap had dirt and several dry leaves on it (which I assume was or will be compared to with other dirt/leaves to determine if this was Caylee's cap). He did not say where it was found. But August 12th was less than a month after Caylee was reported missing. I googled but have found nothing that mentions where it was found, or by whom. What is your source regarding the location you mention? How far is that from where the body was discovered?

doc dump here regarding VIP hat
This is inaccurate is being repeated all over the threads. The document is confusing and I was stating that this evidence came from Tony's vehicle yesterday. It didn't, it is from Casey's car. Nothing was collected from Tony's. The stains were tested, they were negative.

The air freshner and leaves are from the Pontiac. It also mentions the shoes being sprayed for blood. The license plate number is Casey's, and the evidence tag number says it is Casey's. Another poster clarified this for me.

Rereading that page now for the 73rd time, I think you are correct. Simply a poorly constructed flow of information. The air freshener sheet was removed from the car's interior and not the trunk. If it had been the trunk I would have questioned how they could vacuum but miss the sheet.

I will post a clarifying timeline.
Thank you for your clarification. Perhaps you would kindly answer a couple more questions for me.

It appears that the significant of this one strand of hair with evidence of decomp is being overlooked by the media, and this latest release of forensic evidence (specifically requested by the defense) is overshadowing it even more. In your opinion, why has the defense not requested the DNA testing results of that one hair strand?

You state that "Faded white or pink child's baseball cap found in Wooded area north of Curry Ford Community Park at 3809 Peace Pipe Dr. Has "VIP" - Very Important Princess on cap. Gerus did not alert in this area."

In the doc dump, I thought it odd that the investigator more of less "dropped" the connection of this hat into the report. He said it was found August 12/08, and the cap had dirt and several dry leaves on it (which I assume was or will be compared to with other dirt/leaves to determine if this was Caylee's cap). He did not say where it was found. But August 12th was less than a month after Caylee was reported missing. I googled but have found nothing that mentions where it was found, or by whom. What is your source regarding the location you mention? How far is that from where the body was discovered?

doc dump here regarding VIP hat

Hi Paddie,

DNA tests were done on the hair and mitochondrial DNA showed the hair to come from either KC or Caylee. This was released in the early Nov. document dump.

Regarding the cap, the address was specified on page 3220 of the latest document dump. The name of the person who found it is also listed on that page.

The location from the body is fairly close. The address is probably that of the complainant, but his property borders the Curry Ford Community Park, which is the general area of the find.

I will say that if the complainant found it anywhere near his home, the question would be how KC got in there, because it is not on her normal travel route - it is actually out of the way back in some developments. Would be nice to know the exact location of the find.
Thanks to that impatient red head, I want to post the following Pontiac forensic timeline, clarifying the evidence collected from AL's car:

7/17 - hair and dirt collected from the trunk and one spot on front edge of vehicle.

7/18 - trunk vacuumed and dirt residues collected.

7/22 - hair recovered from spare tire cover in trunk.

7/23 - AL's Jeep: Interior inspected using Ultra light ALS, and two stains swabbed.

7/23 - Dry vegetation and leaf from underside, dry leaf and air freshener sheet from trunk are collected.

7/25 - Numerous hairs, a couple pieces of fabric, and samples from trunk liner and spare tire cover are collected from trunk. Tire impressions taken. This is the date the hair sample with the "death band" is found.

7/28 - Swabs taken from spare tire cover, front and back.

8/1 - Dry leaves from housing on windshield wipers are collected. Another sample of the spare tire cover is collected. The baby seat is removed from the interior.

8/6 - KC's shoes are removed from vehicle as evidence.

8/7 - Interior and exterior of vehicle checked for latent prints. A fragment of a print is lifted from the exterior of the trunk.

9/27 - Interior of vehicle is vacuumed for evidence. Spare tire wheel well is vacuumed, scraped, and swabbed. Steering wheel cover is removed.

11/14 - Henry Lee inspects collected evidence. During inspection hairs are found on materials from the garbage bag, and a single hair is found in the trunk.

Now, Dr. Lee may have wanted to use these finds to show that OCSO did not do a thorough job, so our intrepid CSI II does a follow-up inspection after the good doctor and JB leave....

11/14 - Multiple hairs and fibers are found in garbage items removed from garbage bag. Hairs are recovered from the spare tire, tire cover, and trunk liner. Stains on the spare tire cover and trunk liner are checked for blood - negative result.

11/17 - The evidence collected on 11/14 is turned over to the FBI. The FBI report on this evidence is not included in the document dump.

As an aside, note just how methodical the CSI II was on this trunk examination. If you wonder why it took him so long to do all of the above, consider that he is the same CSI II collecting evidence from the home and crime scenes. A busy fellow, and this was probably not his only case.
Cocoamom-- Explain for me, please:) What are you seeing in the report that makes you think that? If the stains tested neg for blood.....? I'm not getting this.

oooooh Capri, I snipped that from another post but I see what you are saying. I think that other poster was talking about how they tested neg for blood but there wasn't any results listed for DNA or decomp of the stains...and maybe the poster was helping to draw the conclusion - stains in two cars, fabric softner sheets in two cars, hair in two cars = move the body?

There have been LOTS of people (including myself) that think this is a distinct possibility. In fact, I believe the body was moved from place of death to three different locations and possibly a fourth...not out of cunning but out of panic and opportunity (or lack of).

Clear as mud now huh?:crazy:
Well we know no blood was found from that report. Now, there may be another report that shows what was found.

Here is a link that explains what all Ultra Lite will find. Hope this helps.

Ultra-Lite™-ALS, is a forensic light used for detecting trace evidence at crime scenes or in the lab. Ultra Lite™ ALS represents the culmination of nearly a decade of forensic research and design work. The scientists involved in the research and design have extensive experience in forensic light design. The result of this work and collaboration is the UltraLite™-ALS bringing forth 6 major breakthroughs in forensic light technology.


OH! I didn't know this! I was thinking "ultra" light meant "ultra-violet" light...UV light - my brain is way too tired to learn anymore today!!
OH! I didn't know this! I was thinking "ultra" light meant "ultra-violet" light...UV light - my brain is way too tired to learn anymore today!!

Heh. Don't beat yourself up. They probably named the lamp Ultra-Lite because it does use an ultraviolet bulb. Makes sense to me.
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