2009.01.21 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If that were the case, there would be no reason to not report on them. It's not like all the hairs that didn't turn out to be relevant weren't reported on. Reports are provided for all items tested...you can't just leave LE guessing.

That doesn't mean LE doesn't have the report. These are discovery documents. They don't have to turn over every scrap of evidence they have, just what might be used in court and anything that might be exculpatory.

I just think a lot of people are again leaping to conclusions with very little to go on.
I am not sure that is not a rumor, that Lee had to be subpoenaed to collect DNA. According to the forensics report his DNA was submitted on the same day as George and Cindy's. If they took G/C voluntarily and then had to go to a judge to get an order and then set another time to serve Lee with the paperwork and then collect his DNA his submission would logically be later.

I have always found it suspect that we have not seen this supposed subpoena as well. The media would love to print that and show that Lee is not being cooperative. MOO

George and Cindy's was collected October 7th. Lee's was taken on the 8th.
This discussion is limited to a thread in the Parking Lot, per JBean.

Being that it is in black and white that LE wanted him tested to Caylee's DNA should make that subject allowable in this thread.

This is a discussion regarding the latest release, or are you suggesting that certain release documents be discussed only behind closed doors.

I don't make the rules so I have no say.
I dunno. Did we see the DNA results of ANY of the famliy? They were all ruled inot our out of some of the crime scene evidence.

We are not talking about a request to compare Lee's DNA to DNA found at any crime scene....they are asking them to test it against Caylee's DNA! Not DNA found on or around her, but her actual DNA.
We are not talking about a request to compare Lee's DNA to DNA found at any crime scene....they are asking them to test it against Caylee's DNA! Not DNA found in or around her, but her actual DNA.

Thank you! :clap:
DNA possibly Lee's matching Caylee, and it being fathers day - that could have been her "rage'. :(
iirc it was widely reported LE required a subpoena to get LA's dna.

It was reported that a subpoena was needed, and I was pointing out that LA's DNA was NOT taken on the same day as GA and CA's, as the poster I quoted had stated.
It was reported that a subpoena was needed, and I was pointing out that LA's DNA was NOT taken on the same day as GA and CA's, as the poster I quoted had stated.

And you are absolutely correct.
No problem. I saved all of Caey's PhotoBucket pics to my computer, so I am looking through them too. It's nice, because the has the date and time each pic was modified.

You are so lucky to have them at the ready - I have been searching for them all in one place to no avail.

Could you pretty please look at a photo for me? (When you get time)

It's the one of a wooded scene - like the entrance to a wooded area - with vivid colors - very stylized. I think it has a person in the scene with their head down - not for sure.

I thought it was posted a few times recently - right after the remains were found - likening the image to the site where Caylee was found.

Anyway - I can't remember if it had the heart thing going on in that pic as well - just curious - and wondering when it was created or modified.

Was that the hat that Caylee was wearing in the photo with Casey and Annie taken in the car? I believe she was wearing a pink shirt and cap in it. You could see Caylee in her carseat behind them and it looked like it was taken near to the time Caylee went missing judging from her size and face etc., imo.

I just looked at the photo's in the sticky thread and couldn't see a cap in those pictures. Are there more than what's posted over there?
tap:tap:tap - is this thing on? There are statements or replies happening and they are being repeated by others - I'm curious as to why???

Tho I can understand that we tend to scan by what others have posted - it's difficult to have the thread be logical in any way

Just something thats noticed and frustrating

hearts anyone?

If you look at Caylee's hand in this picture, there is either a heart sticker/tattoo or drawing on her hand...
Then why didn't they ask for GA's and CA's to be run against Caylee's? only LA's was singled out to be ran against Caylee's profile...

Maybe they DID. Didn't CA and GA give theirs at a slightly earlier time?

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