2009.02.18 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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From what I read it's also used for recreation and can obviously put someone to sleep. Perhaps KC was using it for herself recreationally and using it to put Caylee to sleep?
Yes, I will admit, I have taken GHB. Back in my party days, I am no longer in my party days...I took it once (hey, EVERYBODY was doing it) anywhoo, My girlfriend and I drank it from a BOTTLECAP. Thats right, a bottlecap full. We shared the damn bottlecap. It doesnt take much I can tell you that. If Caylee were given any amount of GHB, she wouldnt have made it. This is not a drug to "experiment" dosage with. I imagine a bottlecap full would have killed this girl. When we were offered it, the kind drug dealer at this party made sure we only took a miniscule amount. It is that powerful. The DEALER supervised..That should tell you how dangerous it is. I called my dad to come and get me, I was DONE! No joke, and nothing to play with. That would do poor Caylee in before any xanax would I can attest to that.
Hopefully the diary will have more enteries and that info can be proved to be 2008
Well, it's a .37 cent stamp so I would not think it was a 2008 letter!

Thank you! I noticed something on the envelope that ruled out 2008, but I couldn't remember what it was in all my frustration of trying to refresh the picture page.
What about the letter to the right of the picture of the collage of pics in wesh's slideshow? It starts out "Casey, Hi My name is Laura. My birthday is March 19. I have the same birthday as you!" A fan letter from someone? She's writing about how she feels really bad... the protestors...
To me, it is prob the year when caylee was born. She hid the pregnancy for a long time, and this seems to be about the right time when family found out. I think she is referring to making the decision to have the baby....and that she is "happy" about her decision. and what the future holds??? moo

You could be right. I was thinking that it was 2008 and she was talking about her decision to break up with rm and stay with al. I don't think she was talking about Caylee. By then (6/21) Caylee was already something she chose to forget ever happened. MOO

I am still hanging on to hope that there is some concrete evidence that ties KC to the crime. I am so afraid that everything so far can be explained away as circumstantial. LKB is known for her ability to sway even just one juror, and that is all it takes.
Did you guys see this picture? Is that blood that is all over the fabric?


Hmmm. I would think that if the fabric were that degraded, then blood wouldn't be that bright red. Not sure what that is? :confused:
Thank you! I noticed something on the envelope that ruled out 2008, but I couldn't remember what it was in all my frustration of trying to refresh the picture page.
perhaps it can be linked to the same sticker sheet:waitasec:
That photo of the sticker sheets with hearts on it (http://www.wesh.com/slideshow/news/18739798/detail.html) is from one of those Baby Milestone Calendars. You can clearly see that the stickers have words on them like "Says Mama," "Gives Hugs," and "1 Month Old."

I have calendars like that for both my kids (not the heart versions though). It is basically the "lazy" mom's way of a baby book. I used the sticker calendar to note the milestone dates and then wrote in the actual baby book when time allowed.
I would think so. Now that someone posted the enlarged version, the glittery red backing matches very well with the outside of the heart. It starts dark on the outside, and gradually becomes lighter toward the middle.

The perspective in both images is different, creating some size ambiguity, but I think it's a match.

Is the backing of the sticker actually stuck on that envelope? It couldn't have been mailed like that, as it blocks part of the address and the zip code. I would love to know what is in that envelope, maybe a late birthday card?
To me, it is prob the year when caylee was born. She hid the pregnancy for a long time, and this seems to be about the right time when family found out. I think she is referring to making the decision to have the baby....and that she is "happy" about her decision. and what the future holds??? moo

Possibly, but only if she has also made a new group of friends at that time as well. We know she had just made a new group of friends at this timeframe in 2008. JMO
The photo of the orange cones in photo #28 at WESH -- since they appear to be triangulated (and are not flags, but cones) do you think this is where the bag holding the remains was found?

It looks to me to be in photo #14..The ground there is completely bare :(
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