2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

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Ok this is what I don't understand. Ron took the kids August 21, 2005. He supposedly had this arrest 10/18/05. On December 27, 2005 Ron brings up the cocaine habit of Crystal in court, and she doesn't say word one about this drug bust! Only mentions the bogus car accident/cousin one. WHY???

I am so lost with these people it's not even funny...

Maybe she didn't know.
on the sarcota records can you search by date and maybe just maybe a name we all know comes up. the same day RC was picked up

also CS had hurt one of these two children that why RC got them wow she has the nerve to say RC is bad look at her

(my bold)
I hadn't heard that. Where did you hear that? I don't doubt it, I'm just surprised bc I haven't even heard it mentioned before. TIA!
There are many reason why RC skated on some of these charges. Some of them are the arresting LE didn't show up to court or not enough evidence.

What bothers me is that many times they are placed "on file" or they get probation but usually you don't see them dismissed. Many of these were dismissed. I just wonder why.

Great question Littleone, That is where investigative journalism comes in, digging and discovering what is seemingly hidden.

I know I'm about the only one here who thinks mybe Geraldo's tack might be beneficial for learning the truth about Haleigh. But your question is one that I would bet Craig is going to be delving into. Listening tonight I sensed all is not right about how the law has treated Ron. We all want the truth, eh?
She must have done something to one of the kids, I don't think we have much info on it. But she did have to go to a parenting class before the custody hearing and I presume it was in response to this.

And yet, here she is, trashing the other side.......brilliant, Crystal, just brilliant!
Yes that's possible. But since there was a charge that same day of violation of an injunction for protective order for domestic violence... I'm thinking maybe it's possible she was with him that day... and he was hanging around with her brother at the time (in general). It's seems to be a small world these people live in, I think the odds are that she possibly knew. I don't know, I could be 100% wrong. LOL

You know what? You're right. Following is a breakdown of Florida Statutes according to the year 2005. Ron broke a restraining order, so he was picked up. They caught him with some stuff, heck, maybe Crystal even called it in. She dropped the charges, is how I see it, and somehow Ron was able to finagle his way out of the drug charges. Keep in mind that law enforcement took pictures of everything they confiscated, that's why they have an image link, but Sunshine Laws weren't the same in 2005 as compared to right now 2009, so we are not privy to every single thing. I have a hunch Crystal tried to narc on Ron and that's how he got busted. Check this out:

Copy of Sarasota Record

Florida 2005 Statutes:

Descriptions of statutes booked on:

893.13 Prohibited acts; penalties.
893.13 Prohibited acts; penalties.
893.147 Use, possession, manufacture, delivery, transportation, or advertisement of drug paraphernalia.
741.31 Violation of an injunction for protection against domestic violence.
499.03 Possession of certain drugs without prescriptions unlawful; exemptions and exceptions.
TY I tried that but got scared off when I saw it asking me for a title. I didn't want to start a whole new thread or something, LOL. TESTING TESTING
You don't have to put in a title or anything tho. ;) Keep testing things out! You will get the hang of it very soon. You are also welcome to start a thread anytime...just be sure to check if a thread on the subject is already started by using the Search feature.

If you have any questions...feel free to ask or pm a Mod! :)
Hi SeriouslySearching,

I'm thinking with Ron's possible derelictions and his Mom's employment with the Sheriff's office, it ='s NO WORRIES for him, no conviction, no time served for a felony and certainly no R E S P E C T for what the Law is all about {if this is true}!

There are just too many incidents for them all to be fake or trumped up IMO.

And if you look at the variety of them, he seems to think he can just do anything and pretty much skate.


But she works in another county. Do you think another county would give Ronald preferential treatment because his mom is a dispatcher in another county? And especially a big county on the other side of FL being Aluchua
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would think there is any truth in anything Geraldo says.
Geraldo is a real jerk for preying on this family for his show ratings.

GR even refused to sign the trespassing paperwork LE's served him. I am worried he is going to get someone in the other camp hurt. I can see Ron totaly loosing it and taking himself and someone else out with him. If Haleigh isn't found and they take JR, he may think he has nothing left and no reason not to do something stupid.
Maternal Gma has been to the pokey too. I hope that RC's mom is clean as a whistle and can provide a home for the lil' one.

She has :eek: Guess I missed that one.
But she works in another county. Do you think another county would give Ronald preferential treatment because his mom is a dispatcher in another county? And especially a big county on the other side of FL being Aluchua

I know that this does indeed happen in LE. Even from one state to another.
I do not know how drug charges all work, but in watching COPS (lol) sometimes they charge everyone in the car if something is found, and tell the people to tell the judge their side. Maybe Ron was in a car when drugs were found but after reading evidence reports it was determined they were not his and charges dismissed?
I don't care what GR says....let him spew. The records he was talking about are there.
I believe the accident being referred to is the one that Ron had and Crystal brought up in court that Ron was doing drugs and had the accident because thats what her cousin told her.

Was that the one where he was charges with leaving the scene of an accident involving injuries ?
Why would you leave unless you were under the influence or had a warrant ?
Was this the same one where he had the kids with him, and if so, did he leave them too ?
I wonder how GR getting that no trespassing screwed up his weekend shows,cracked me up.Since he had not much tonight on it,I wonder if LE asked him to tone it down tonight.Like giving him just that little bit,so he'd laid off.
She has :eek: Guess I missed that one.

It was something like "retail theft" if IIRC, I translated that into shoplifting. I really don't know what else it could be ?
Bogus car accident? Do you mean the wreck that Crystal had? If you think that was bogus you need to check out the pics of that car on her myspace...

different accident and she was talking about Ron not Crystal
Sounds like he had pills, oxy's or something w/o a prescription. Equipment? Not sure what equipt involved with pills.
Legend drug?
Got this from Wiki
In the U.S., a legend drug is any drug that requires a prescription. This may be a controlled substance (narcotic) or a non-narcotic drug

Syringes (sp) would be considered drug equipment if he had any drugs in liquid form.

I know we had liquid morphine for my aunt when she was dying of cancer.
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