2009.02.28 Geraldo at Large

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Hey, I wasn't scolding. You wouldn't believe some of the out and out dumb things I did when I was a newbie. I don't want you to think I was scolding...the name thing is in one of the stickies, but we are racking up a lot of them, so by the time you get through them all, you've forgotten what you read in the first one. :blowkiss:

ETA: So you don't feel so alone, just earlier tonight I posted a link to Satsuma, GA instead of Satsuma FL.

No, No! I didn't take it that YOU were scolding me at all. That's just my natural response when I find out I've done something to offend someone or something that isn't allowed. Scolding myself maybe:waitasec: lol. But thank you for addressing it with your post!
It's funny the detail she added the squeaky shoes,I guess it's because of what she heard the guy who used to live there say the floor was squeaky,wasn't she on that show?Maybe she just heard the word squeaky and ran with it.
This jolted me out of my lurkdom. I don't think I've ever witnessed anything more irresponsible, GR and CS! I sure hope LE knows what their location was so they can keep the peace around there. This interview will stir wrath. jmo

Welcome out of lurkdom Quiche:woohoo:

i agree, hope everyone is on lock-down. Their(Ron's) emotions have to be crazy if he saw or heard about this show! still catching up, but this is Not looking like responsible parenting Crystal.

praying for Haleigh and Jr

ETA: Okay, going to sleep will watch it in the am:eek: thanks for the updates everyone:blowkiss: I will keep Praying for Haleigh.
I respectfully disagree with you on what the term abuse means.
I hosted chats for years on abuse. There are check lists for folks
who are not sure if they are abused. This man seems to fit a lot of
those characteristics. He has seemed controlling, he's with an underage
child (illegal, and very easy to abuse), he could be very upset without
calling her names. He had no reason to tell the police officer that she
was his "dumb b&tch girlfriend". That is not only abusive, it's disrespectful.
Ronald's criminal record is as long and lurid as any of the others in this
cast of characters.
He doesn't get a pass from me...and frankly, so far, I haven't seen anyone who we can give a pass to.
In my mind, he's just as likely responsible as any of them...the 911 call appears setup or at the very least, unusual to me. If I was told my child was missing by a 17 yr old girl, I would have dialed 911 before she finished talking. The very fact that she called 911 is strange..very strange...IMO

I would say terrible things to my husband if I came home and found one of my children gone. That is a sheer terror, panic stricken moment. This does not make him an abuser, and shame on you for saying so.
Thanks, cjk2009!

I think Crystal had a part in this as well as someone else going right along with her.

Motive? I don't think it's getting back at Ron or getting custody..I think it's very possible she & Chad knew how much Reward $$$ ($250,000) there was for Caylee & their eyes lit up like X-Mas trees..She was behind on the CS & in default..The same day H. goes missing there's court action against her..This theory may be a stretch but so is all of this just being coincidence..

They now have a baby & he has 2 more?.I'm not positive about that so we'll say 3-5 kids..That takes a lot of $$$ & it doesn't seem like they have much..Many far better off are finding it pretty hard these days so what must it be like for them?

There would need to be at least 2 other ppl involved..Someone H doesn't know to take her & the other to conveniently find her..Who would these ppl be?..Don't know but maybe they all misjudged the amount of Reward $$$ (it's only around $20,000?) & are waiting for it to go up or like someone else said something's gone terribly wrong.
I respectfully disagree with you on what the term abuse means.
I hosted chats for years on abuse. There are check lists for folks
who are not sure if they are abused. This man seems to fit a lot of
those characteristics. He has seemed controlling, he's with an underage
child (illegal, and very easy to abuse), he could be very upset without
calling her names. He had no reason to tell the police officer that she
was his "dumb b&tch girlfriend". That is not only abusive, it's disrespectful.
Ronald's criminal record is as long and lurid as any of the others in this
cast of characters.
He doesn't get a pass from me...and frankly, so far, I haven't seen anyone who we can give a pass to.
In my mind, he's just as likely responsible as any of them...the 911 call appears setup or at the very least, unusual to me. If I was told my child was missing by a 17 yr old girl, I would have dialed 911 before she finished talking. The very fact that she called 911 is strange..very strange...IMO

So you have had a child go missing and your concerns were to be respectfull to the one in charge of your child and anyone else you are speaking too? I just cant even continue to respond on this point, I'm speechless that is what your main concern would be when your child has just been stolen.
I googled squeaky shoes and found some consumers complaints on one site. Nike DX had quite a few. Reasons could be the laces rubbing against the tongue of the shoe or a loose sole among others. Junior shouldn't have been on TV, but his account could be very true. Someone could hear this and remember seeing or know someone who dressed all in black that night and has squeaky shoes. If there was a child's footprint on that path, maybe there is also an adult shoe print that could match up someday.
Motive? I don't think it's getting back at Ron or getting custody..I think it's very possible she & Chad knew how much Reward $$$ ($250,000) there was for Caylee & their eyes lit up like X-Mas trees..She was behind on the CS & in default..The same day H. goes missing there's court action against her..This theory may be a stretch but so is all of this just being coincidence..

They now have a baby & he has 2 more?.I'm not positive about that so we'll say 3-5 kids..That takes a lot of $$$ & it doesn't seem like they have much..Many far better off are finding it pretty hard these days so what must it be like for them?

There would need to be at least 2 other ppl involved..Someone H doesn't know to take her & the other to conveniently find her..Who would these ppl be?..Don't know but maybe they all misjudged the amount of Reward $$$ (it's only around $20,000?) or like someone else said something's gone terribly wrong.

Hi Amysmom, I agree it would make an investigators eyes pop open. Pretty odd, and in murder there are no coincidences.

Crystal has not done any favors for herself in some comments she has left us with, made in TV interviews.

I watched the interview with Jr tonight and was awestruck when I am sure he answered "Uh Huh' at a question he had probably been primed to answer "no" to. The reason I think that is right after Jr said that she stopped a bit short realizing what he had said, looking straight at Jr, and then looked up at Geraldo as to say, "Whoops, is that OK'.

Don't listen to me. I am finding she rubs me the wrong way and I don't even know exactly why yet! xox
I did have a child missing. He was 12 and for an hour or more, he couldn't be found..actually, twice. Once he was at a friends house and we weren't able to reach them and they weren't answering the door. I called 911..my husband went over and opened the door to the home and they were downstairs and didn't hear the door or phone...
When he was about 14, we were on Mackinac Island with friend and he and a friend took a walk and we went through shops..we matched watches
and agreed to meet to go back across on the ferry at 3:30..by 4:00, I was in a sheer panic..I was begging a policeman to help me find my son..he was telling me they'd never lost anyone on the island..He strolled back about
6:00...they had got lost. I was beyond scared...and I didn't cuss anyone out...I just was scared senseless. Actually, my husband was the one who gave him permission to go for the walk. I knew he wasn't responsible for them not being back..
I know what it feels like to be beyond panic..I've heard a shotgun go off in a room my father had my mother locked in..I was so sure he'd killed her. I was 10. I have PTSD...I know fear and I know how I personally react.
I'm not a name caller..it's just not my nature. I do other things..like just
freak, freeze and think I'm dying.
Everyone handles fear differently. Ron was not in that phase when he spoke to LE..most folks would say that Haleigh was with their girlfriend. Why would he or anyone add what he did to the description of his own girlfriend?
I just don't get it., I'm sorry.

So you have had a child go missing and your concerns were to be respectfull to the one in charge of your child and anyone else you are speaking too? I just cant even continue to respond on this point, I'm speechless that is what your main concern would be when your child has just been stolen.
So you have had a child go missing and your concerns were to be respectfull to the one in charge of your child and anyone else you are speaking too? I just cant even continue to respond on this point, I'm speechless that is what your main concern would be when your child has just been stolen.

I agree Samsmom, They should be h*ll bent for trying to find the child. Having Misty call was so odd. She called her Dad first. Why didn't she call 911 first? I totally understand why she has been called in so often. She should have known what to do immediately no matter how frizzed her brain was from her 3 day party and almost no sleep.

Maybe we will learn more about Misty tomoz, at least that is the hot rumor. Partee Heartee is the jist of that rumor. I am so bad as shouldn't post a rumor here. :slap: Ouch LOLOLOL
So were looking for a "black man" with stinky feet...that's half the people in my house...literally :)

LOL.I think Crystal got confused when she was on another show and the man who used to live in the house said squeaky floors,her brain went,"squeaky,hm,how can I play that?" And,she did.
I did have a child missing. He was 12 and for an hour or more, he couldn't be found..actually, twice. Once he was at a friends house and we weren't able to reach them and they weren't answering the door. I called 911..my husband went over and opened the door to the home and they were downstairs and didn't hear the door or phone...
When he was about 14, we were on Mackinac Island with friend and he and a friend took a walk and we went through shops..we matched watches
and agreed to meet to go back across on the ferry at 3:30..by 4:00, I was in a sheer panic..I was begging a policeman to help me find my son..he was telling me they'd never lost anyone on the island..He strolled back about
6:00...they had got lost. I was beyond scared...and I didn't cuss anyone out...I just was scared senseless. Actually, my husband was the one who gave him permission to go for the walk. I knew he wasn't responsible for them not being back..
I know what it feels like to be beyond panic..I've heard a shotgun go off in a room my father had my mother locked in..I was so sure he'd killed her. I was 10. I have PTSD...I know fear and I know how I personally react.
I'm not a name caller..it's just not my nature. I do other things..like just
freak, freeze and think I'm dying.
Everyone handles fear differently. Ron was not in that phase when he spoke to LE..most folks would say that Haleigh was with their girlfriend. Why would he or anyone add what he did to the description of his own girlfriend?
I just don't get it., I'm sorry.

I am sorry for your the times your teen has scared you mine have too, but I think a 5 year old taken out of her bed in the middle of the night is more than a teen losing track of time. I dont think we can say that 911 call was definite proof he was an abuser as you stated. I think we can agree we disagree :) I do respect your opinions and everyone is entitled to their own and to voice them.
Hi Amysmom, I agree it would make an investigators eyes pop open. Pretty odd, and in murder there are no coincidences.

Crystal has not done any favors for herself in some comments she has left us with, made in TV interviews.

I watched the interview with Jr tonight and was awestruck when I am sure he answered "Uh Huh' at a question he had probably been primed to answer "no" to. The reason I think that is right after Jr said that she stopped a bit short realizing what he had said, looking straight at Jr, and then looked up at Geraldo as to say, "Whoops, is that OK'.

Don't listen to me. I am finding she rubs me the wrong way and I don't even know exactly why yet! xox

Was that when she asked if anyone told him to say what he did?..I didn't think he responded well to the Q about being awake or asleep either..I'm not sure what her point even was especially after another poster wondered if he yelled out in an attempt to stop this "black man dressed all in black with squeaky shoes" from taking his sissy..It's a bit strange to me that a 5 yr old would see something like that & just fall right back to sleep..If he ever was awake?..She should've left this one alone!

She's always rubbed me the wrong way & I know exactly why! It will take too long to explain it all but what she pulled tonight is a good example!
Now I have a feeling why the Judge gave custody to RC. I am NOT going to watch this.

This is sick and I don't understand why the LE would allow this!

LE probably couldn't stop her. Why would she want to expose her little boy like that? She is a fruitcake to say the least. Anyone with half a brain wouldn't put their child on national tv after his sister was kidnapped and he might be able to identify the kidnapper. Attorneys hesitate to even put little kids like him on the stand to question them because they are so young. She must like being in the limelight or something. Probably thinks she is a star now.

That ignorant Geraldo should be taken out side in the ally and beaten until he admits that he will do anything for ratings. Shame on him. Would he put his child on TV under the same circumstances??? Heck no he wouldn't. He is such a creep to say the least.
She does owe child support..What would make this worse is if Ron agreed to it in order to get that money from her..
OMG, I just don't even want to think about that, but what if?

I doubt that Ron knew anything about this interview. He isn't staying in his house and maybe doesn't even have access to a tv right now. I think he will hit the roof. You know he can't stand Geraldo. I hope that LE is waiting for Crystal when she gets back to her tent. What a mother she is...always putting the safety of her children first...NOT. I can also see why she doesn't have the kids. She has no common sense. Misty probably has more common sense then Crystal does at 17 yrs old.

We should all blast Geraldo with emails telling him what a complete piece of scum he is for everything he has done and said about this case. He isn't helping find Haleigh....he is getting ratings for his show.
Motive? I don't think it's getting back at Ron or getting custody..I think it's very possible she & Chad knew how much Reward $$$ ($250,000) there was for Caylee & their eyes lit up like X-Mas trees..She was behind on the CS & in default..The same day H. goes missing there's court action against her..This theory may be a stretch but so is all of this just being coincidence..

They now have a baby & he has 2 more?.I'm not positive about that so we'll say 3-5 kids..That takes a lot of $$$ & it doesn't seem like they have much..Many far better off are finding it pretty hard these days so what must it be like for them?

There would need to be at least 2 other ppl involved..Someone H doesn't know to take her & the other to conveniently find her..Who would these ppl be?..Don't know but maybe they all misjudged the amount of Reward $$$ (it's only around $20,000?) & are waiting for it to go up or like someone else said something's gone terribly wrong.

This is what I'm suspecting. Plus, it explains why Crystal doesn't seem to be afraid of Jr.'s face being seen.

It wouldn't be the first time....

Geraldo is NOT interviewing RJ, his brother Craig is.

It doesn't really matter who is doing the interviewing...one is just as slimmy as the other. It is Geraldo's show though and he is responsible for getting this little boy on his show. I'll bet he is just drooling over getting Ron's little boy on there. You know he would like to hang Ron and Misty if at all possible.

Crystal sure is hung up on trying to make sure this is all about drugs. In truth, Ron looks a heck of a lot better then Crystal does. She looks like the life she has led and is probably still leading. Drugs are probably her thing but who would know as she doesn't live there.

I really suspect Crystal and her boyfriend in this kidnapping. Maybe she will disappear when she returns home. Maybe she is willing to leave the boy with his dad while she has the girl. If she takes off and goes far enough she would probably never be found. I just have a feeling LE need to investigate her and her boyfriend more then they have. She sure is trying to hang Ron and Misty...maybe trying a little to hard.
I didn't watch GR tonight(and actually have only once before-- last Sat.) and from what I've read on this thread it is a good thing I didn't(BP and all). Could he get any lower? What kind of human being is he? And CS the so called mother! she deserves to never see Haleigh or Jr again unsupervised. What a sorry excuse for a mother.

This is really burning my bum....I hope GR is far away from Satsuma coz once RC finds out what he's done with his boy.........the **its gonna hit the fan. I am just gonna believe in karma...........GR will get his wagon fixed for this one way or another. moo
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