2009.03.03 GA suicide note

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I'm relatively sure...just from past experience working in an ER...that when there is a suicide attempt and LE is involved, it's SOP to collect the suicide note.

I've been wrong before. :)

agreed, if in fact it was a suicide note.

i think they'd have a better chance of keeping it out, if BC hadn't stated in court it was a suicide attempt.
OH CRAP----------I hope they don't release it if it will upset LIL GA so he can't do his depo. This is what GA has now. Wonder what CA will use!
I also think it should be kept private unless it has some relevance to Casey's case, and I really don't know why else it would be released. I guess we will wait and see.
In Virginia it is against the law to commit suicide and they collect the notes when available and can charge an unsuccessful person. I would hope this was the reason it was collected and no charges are pending against George unless it was all a game to take some of the spotlight off KC, which I don't think it was. I see no reason whatsoever, given the info that we have been given about the note (if it was accurate and said it only mentioned her very little and I believe they said he still thought her innocent and strong willed IIRC) that it should be released at all. As nosy as I am I think it's none of our business.

ETA: I am checking now what the law states, when my cousin's husband tried to commit suicide he was told it was illegal, but I believe it may have been changed since then, or they may have been telling him that to get him to go with him without having to go through court.

ETA: I called a family friend who has been a nurse at a psychiatric institute for 23 years and she says that the law is funny. The act is only illegal if the person is of sound mind and in most instances, it is only a civil issue because of insurance. Most often they will tell people that it is illegal to get them to come with them for help quickly without having to go through the courts. (It scares them into thinking they are going with them or to jail. While she admits it might not be completely legal (and she's not entirely sure) it gets them to just go and voluntarily sign in more often than not). What person of sound mind commits suicide? Maybe insurance fraud is why it is illegal? That's what it sounds like.
If GA elaborated on the' 'Dark veiled friends" of kC's as being a part of the reasons why KC may have murdered Caylee, then his suicide note may possibly be relavent to prosecutors and defense teams.
As a family member of two people who committed suicide (my father and my sister), I agree--this suicide note should be kept private UNLESS it pertains directly to the investigation into little Caylee's murder.

My father did not leave a note, but my sister left four notes--one to her husband, one to each of her two daughters and the other "To Whom It May Concern," presumably for law enforcement. To this day (she died this past September), I do not know what any of those notes said. It is none of my business, as none of them were directed to me.

That said, I do wonder if this suicide note that George wrote might contain information that would shed light on the big family secret that everyone seems so intent on keeping secret. You know, the one where Casey states, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything."
I would like to see anything in the note that is pertinent to the case and feel certain that would happen without question. But the other humiliating details? No thank you; there would be nothing constructive in that!!
What caught my eye is the fact the note was given to the States Attorney's office. It will be interesting to see what the judge rules.
I assume the SA know what they are doing. He has refused to co-operate with LE without immunity, they may not believe his "attempt" was genuine, may even have evidence that suggests it wasn't, and I doubt the SA would be serving it as evidence unless they thought it had some relevance and were going to be attempting to rely on it in court.
Personally. I DO NOT think it was a REAL suicide note.........IMO, GA wanted to just go away for awhile. He couldn't take the stress, shopping for 'jewelry', his family........
so he had a couple beers and maybe a few pills, but as I read and see video's.......if GA was really going to do suicide, an ambulence would of been called.........he went to hospital in a police car and stayed at the hospital until he got rested up. IMO

don't place to much emphasis on the 'no ambulance'. Chief Chitwood (I hope I spelled his name correctly) is quite a character. You either love him or hate him. I don't think he would have had a problem not calling for an ambulance if he thought he could get GA to the hospital quicker and with less fuss if he could get him there in his car. I don't know whether Chief Chitwood had the authority to cancel or request an ambulance not be called, but it is within the realm of possibility that is what happened. IF Ga had taken whatever he took not long before they found him, he could have walked to a car. Just my opinion of course.
What caught my eye is the fact the note was given to the States Attorney's office. It will be interesting to see what the judge rules.

Exactly! It must have some relevance (at least arguably) for them to be relying on it. I still wonder what other evidence they seized from the hotel...they did say police left with evidence, and I don't think they meant the beer bottles or pizza box!
I'm relatively sure...just from past experience working in an ER...that when there is a suicide attempt and LE is involved, it's SOP to collect the suicide note.

I've been wrong before. :)

I would hope that in a case where the person "attempting" is refusing to co-operate with police in the investigation of a 2 year old's murder, they would always seize such a note!
Could G have told them to go ahead and search the car?
I wonder if his mental state will impact their right to search, even with his permission. Hm...good question.

IIRC, the note was on the front seat of the car, in plain view, and since somebody, besides GA, had to drive the car it was fair game (so to speak).

According to news reports this letter is in the discovery packet. If that is true then the letter is evidence. GA wrote SOMETHING in that letter that pertains to the DA case.....imo

Parts of the letter MAY be redacted. We won't know that until we see it.

Also, I think the State handed over discovery yesterday and that is why the motion is suddenly filed. If that's true then the media will be publishing it any day now. :woohoo:
Exactly! It must have some relevance (at least arguably) for them to be relying on it. I still wonder what other evidence they seized from the hotel...they did say police left with evidence, and I don't think they meant the beer bottles or pizza box!

Why do I have a feeling that all of a sudden we are going to get bombarded with a rediculously huge doc dump. The normal stuff, possibly a 1000 pictures and GA's note and everything related to that, LP, GA and CA's depos. I don't know if my brain could take it all in.
IIRC, the note was on the front seat of the car, in plain view, and since somebody, besides GA, had to drive the car it was fair game (so to speak).

According to news reports this letter is in the discovery packet. If that is true then the letter is evidence. GA wrote SOMETHING in that letter that pertains to the DA case.....imo

Parts of the letter MAY be redacted. We won't know that until we see it.

Also, I think the State handed over discovery yesterday and that is why the motion is suddenly filed. If that's true then the media will be publishing it any day now. :woohoo:

I hope they redact parts that are not important to the case. Like I said before, I'm no fan of the A's, but further public humiliation by airing dirty laundry isn't going to accomplish anything. JMO, of course.
He said the note contains personal information that could be "embarrassing" to the family. He also said the contents of the note are irrelevant to the criminal case.


Well, the judge is the Honorable Stan Strickland. This is the same argument Jose used to keep the pictures out. Didn't work. Wonder if it will work for Conway.

I have more than a sneaking suspicion that there is plenty of content dealing with Caylee, which would make it of evidentiary value to the prosecution.

Yes, but George is not accused of murder or anything else for that matter, so I feel it's totally different than Casey's photobucket pictures. If he were and this was about his case, then I might agree, but it isn't. Unless George's letter says "I am taking my own life because my daughter confessed to me that she killed my granddaughter." or admits in it that he helped Casey or something, I think it should remain private also.
I don't want to see the suicide note either. It is the thousand other pages I want to see.
I wonder though, how Conway knows that this letter is in the next group of documents to come out?

You just reminded me about how it looked like BC tried to sell the note to Geraldo...anyone else remember GR saying he'd be showing it on his show that weekend? I think GR's budget wasn't big enough cause I can't imagine he would think he would have it unless BC had mentioned he could get it for him. Maybe they'll just sell it first, and that's why they are asking weeks in advance?
The search and seizure of the note is an interesting point. I think LE would go for the 'in plain sight' explanation and that they were looking in the car for a gun (since he had one previously). This would make a very interesting motion to surpress hearing, wouldn't it?

For all we know he gave it to them...maybe he thought it was going to help Casey?....the family are not that bright and often seem to think things will help her, when to us it is obvious they won't.

No one seems to be arguing the seizure of the note was unlawful, merely that it is "embarassing" and perhaps irrelevant. Same argument JB ran yesterday...that's probably where BC got the idea to try.

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