2009.03.10 'Presser'

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I went through a family court fiasco with my teen and it is torture. What they do makes very little sense to me. The docs show that her notice to appear was sent to an incorrect address, RC was in court and was automatically given temporary custody because he was there. When she went to court, IMO the judge decided to leave well enough alone and cited the fact that CS was unemployed, since RC had the financial means to care for them, he won.
And Haleigh's gone.
I also think that fathers sometimes do better in family court because they're usually less emotional and don't volunteer information that makes them look less than perfect the way many of us females seem to do.

Yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes it can be that the person just didn't show up, Crystal had no lawyer there to adjourn the matter. Sometimes even if the parents are there, a judge takes a certain liking to one party or so it seems.
It was reported on HLN that Ron had a breakdown last night and has been heavily sedated. I just checked for a link not there yet will keep checking they eventually show up.

Funny how someone can be fragile enough to have a nervous breakdown, yet tranquil enough to propose and celebrate at Chili's. Perhaps those meds need some adjusting.
This is just my opinion - or actually my imaginination but this video definitely helped with the image - I just imagine if Haleigh is never found (or found dead), I can see Ron sitting in a bar in the middle of the day, like 10 years from now - STILL heartbroken and sad. In the one I watched (the "uncut raw" one) when he started talking TO Haleigh, he looked like he was holding back tears. So yeah. I just imagine that if Haleigh isn't found alive, Ron is forever going to be broken and sad. That's just my opinion though.
Try not to read something into every word they say, every eye movement, every gesture, every action. Imagine yourself in their shoes and whether you could pass such intense scrutiny in the anonymous internet opinions of people whom you have never met, do not know and who have never known your child. Impossible.


It is hard not to examine everything about them and I really think it is because they have not been officially cleared, it makes you keep wondering, keep watching.
I don't know if I could pass the scrutiny and I am not sure I would care because I would be focused on finding my child not what people thought of me.
I am reminded of Marc Klaas who basically said "go ahead and scrutinize me and get on with finding my daughter too".

I still pray for the family and I do believe they love Hayleigh. Even if Misty seems ready to give up on the fact that Hayleigh is alive, or that Ron is completely inconsistent and I don't know why Crystal wouldn't/ couldn't fight for her daughter.
Welcome to WS, SlipperySlope! I agree. Even Crystal has said how much the children love Misty.
I hope this is O/T, but I was sitting here thinking about the line of stalwart Lawmen lined up at today's presser.

Without a trace was just ending. Jack Malone was talking to the newbie on the force. "I got some good advice when I took over this job. My old boss said to me, Jack, remember these 3 things:

* Stick with the facts
* remember your training
* don't take your job home with you

The newby said, "and how'd that work out Jack"

Jack looked him in the eye and said, "The facts are hardly ever what they seem to be, no amount of training can prepare you for seeing what people can do to each other and taking it home, that gets the job done".

I'm holding that thought for the officers working on Haleigh's case. xox
Hi I'm new, although I've been lurking here and there.
The whole issue of the children calling the girlfriend mommy/mom, what is the big deal? I've heard many stories of a single dad becoming involved with a new girlfriend and the children ask "are you going to be my new Mom", and as the relationship continues children even brag to their friends "My new mom, let's me do this or that." So IMO children this age it happens, and it's not ment to hurt the actual Mom. IMO It also happens with the mom's new boyfriend too! Now if the kids were teenagers that's a different story. LOL

Thats NOT the norm within 6 mths of having a *step mother* figure to be calling her mummy when their mother is actually still in the picture
I just watched the presser for a second time and can't get past the feeling that its purpose was to convince someone to come forward and tell all that they know. I think LE has a very good idea of who is responsible, but needs substantiated information. The fact that all of the involved agencies were present, plus the sign with the amount of the reward posted in large letters tells me that they were using show of force with the reward as a huge incentive. Crystal's grief was very believable to me, as it has always been, Ron however is another story. IMO If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck....... I haven't liked this guy from the start.
I know, when I started reading your post, I thought it was mine. LOL. Just curious, what is your feeling about Ron? Agree or disagree?

I am having a hard time with that,I don't believe Misty's story.I look at the videos with him and Haleigh and he's obviously so in love with that child.He's been making some bad PR decisions this last week and a half that is for sure.When I first saw the yard interview when this happened,it seemed fake.I feel bad,but it did.His pleas are half way and I have wondered if it's because he is angry and knows who has her.Today,he was really out of it,probably anti depressants.I'm still waiting for more actions before I decide further.I watch the LE around him,I don't think they like him.
...I know that question isn't directed to me Lexington,but IMO I don't like Ron either,however I think he loves Hayleigh very much and has nothing to do with her disapearance.
Well,I already logged off and had a thought.You know I've been correlating the Haleigh/Caylee,Ann Marie/Marie,bd 8/17 bd 8/9 taken hours before Memorial for media and public attention scenario,so who all would have access to that info?The school,courthouse,Medical office,family,anyone that had access to Haleigh's personnal info to know and be watching the house and for what purpose?I don't know,just had the thought,maybe some sicko for attention,or ask for ransom when the reward is high enough,or working with others to get the reward money,when they've actually been the ones to do the crime.
Well,I already logged off and had a thought.You know I've been correlating the Haleigh/Caylee,Ann Marie/Marie,bd 8/17 bd 8/9 taken hours before Memorial for media and public attention scenario,so who all would have access to that info?The school,courthouse,Medical office,family,anyone that had access to Haleigh's personnal info to know and be watching the house and for what purpose?I don't know,just had the thought,maybe some sicko for attention,or ask for ransom when the reward is high enough,or working with others to get the reward money,when they've actually been the ones to do the crime.

Ive been saying since day one and over and over this is for the $$$$ and noteriety.
Hot on the heels of Caylees Memorial

10th Feb

Haleigh announced missing by Misty at 3am FEB 10th

I didn't see any tears either.

With this this strange presser that struck me as kind of a "last chance" to plead for Hayleigh, and the "engagement" I sense something might be happening soon.

I think Ron was drunk. the pleaseifyouhavemydaughtererturnher all strung together gave me the impression he didn't want to be doing it. Like he was told what to say and wanted it over with asap.


If Ron had a breakdown recently I would guess that he is on a medication for anxiety and depression. That is probably why he wasn't acting like himself today. I doubt if he would show up at a press conference drunk. Everyone would have smelled it on him. If his minister has been with him everyday since Haleigh disappeared I doubt if he is drinking or doing anything else. I guess Ron is right...regardless of what he does it leads to negative talk about him. I'm sure if any of us had a little girl that is 5 yrs old who had been missing for a month we would probably fall apart too and be on some strong medication. I don't know how people survive having a little child missing. Their imagination has to just run wild especially when they are alone and at night when everything is quiet. Maybe we should try putting ourselves in Ron's shoes for awhile then maybe we wouldn't be so judgmental. Of course we couldn't do that because we haven't been there and don't have a clue what he is feeling. Of one thing I have no doubt...he loves his little girl and wants her back home and I hope that wish comes true.
My heart just aches for these people. RC looks like he is just wasting away.

And Crystal just broke my heart. Her crying was genuine to me she had that full nose that you get when you are so broken up.

I always said that if something like this had happened to me they would have had to put me in a padded, soundproof room I would be crying and screaming all of the time.

I cannot in my wildest dreams know how I would act in the real situation.

I have thought to myself often about this family that they obviously do not have the educations and finances that the A's have but they have so much more than the A's.
Putting Haleigh first, respect for LE and the work they are doing, and emotions that strike me as very real. JMHO
OK ... I'll get ready to run, after I post this message.

I saw no tears from Crystal ... only wiping of eyes .. and she appeared to have either allot of mascara on or fake eyelashes. No running of mascara.

No tears from Ron ...

Sorry, just my observations.


I saw plenty of tears, along with a broken voice, a few shudders as in trying to keep from sobbing out loud. Not sure why you couldn't see them but she did keep wiping them away with a tissue. Her eyes were wet, seemed full of tears to me. And yes, she was wearing mascara, nothing wrong with that, IMO. OTOH, Ron looked almost zombie-ish, no emotion at all... flat voice, not a tear in sight, and just out of it in general.
I guess we see what we want to see.
Per both Ron's mother and his Pastor (who has been with RC every day since this happened) he is being heavily sedated after having a breakdown. I heard this this morning at 4 or 5 a.m on HLN or something. Haleigh's disappearance combined with the media rumor attacks on his character, nature and past have taken a heavy toll. He feels as if no matter what he does someone will find negativity and or a reason to attack and pick.

But I do want to point out that sometimes after time passes people become emotionally drained and quite numb. We can all sit here and say how we would be, might be, or how we should or would react, do etc. But until you are that person, in that very position at the moment in time we shouldn't pick IMO. Sometimes people react in a completely unexpected manner but doesn't mean they are guilty of anything.

No LE hasn't cleared anybody at this point. But LE has not said that ANYONE IS A POI at this point either. So I will reserve until LE gives me something tangible.

You are absolutely correct, people do become numb after a time, and we should not judge either one of them for their reactions.
I do believe Crystal's emotions were not fake, those were real tears, and she was almost sobbing. This has taken a toll on her as well.
You are absolutely correct, people do become numb after a time, and we should not judge either one of them for their reactions.
I do believe Crystal's emotions were not fake, those were real tears, and she was almost sobbing. This has taken a toll on her as well.

I'm agreeing with you and Anais. I heard Tiffany Sessions father speak last night on NG and then came back this morning and watched this presser again.

CS and RC are now at one month since their precious baby girl Haleigh disappeared into the night. I haven't walked in their shoes and I pray that I never have to, but I do see how after a month of mindnumbing anxiety and a type of grief that would bring the strongest of us to our knees...that there might be a moment when there just aren't enough tears in the world.

There might come a time when we would have to close down emotionally enough to make it through that next minute, that next hour, that next day without screaming or ripping out our hair and gnashing our teeth.

I, personally, am not gauging their body language in this presser. But that's just me.

Personally, I have only seen one member of this group that has shown some unsettling body language as of late, that has made some statements that have made me *advertiser censored* an eyebrow for a moment, but she is not a biological relative and she is only an immature 17 yr old herself.
OK ... I'll get ready to run, after I post this message.

I saw no tears from Crystal ... only wiping of eyes .. and she appeared to have either allot of mascara on or fake eyelashes. No running of mascara.

No tears from Ron ...

Sorry, just my observations.


If you had cried everyday for the past 29 days, you would know that eventually your tear ducts become swollen and irritated and the tears slow down but the pain never subsides. There were tears. They were not only coming from her eyes but her nose. Her pleas are gut wrenching - for God's sake - she's this child's MOTHER! Why would anyone question the sincerity of those emotions?!

Ron is so medicated, he doesn't know which end is up and he's lost so much weight since Haleigh's disappearance, I would imagine it's become a concern to family members. People like us on the outside looking in on those that are IN this arena, that find it so difficult to spot the tears yet notice the mascara or eyelashes - that claim there's been a fresh manicure when in actuality, the nails are broken and chipped due to days and days of neglect, I am asking you to take another look. Go to Satsuma as a friend of mine has done and look more closely. She did something positive - to help in any way she could - and looked these people straight in the eye - all that pain is right there. There's no mistaking it.
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