2009.03.19 Nancy Grace

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bolded by me

My daughter sat in the nurses office at school for 2 hours after trying to get a hold of me by phone one time after she broke her arm on the monkey bars. Then she was sent back to class with an icepack on her wrist. I saw the call on the caller ID and called the school and picked her up an took her to the ER.
That was almost 20 years ago.

I wasn't making a point. I was clarifying what my knowledge of school procedures are currently when a child is injured vs when abuse is suspected. By law teachers and school admin among others, are required to report suspected abuse to DCF. School injuries are only required parental notification.
I wouldn't either, all by itself. Asking about something is cool. And I don't completely disagree with her.

But NG's bias is apparent throughout her shows - from which questions and how and to whom she asks them, to the clips and entire presentation. It reeks. :sick:

I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about the Duke Lacrosse boys. I guess it's because I can't get over how quickly she makes up her mind and digs into her positions so staunchly. lol
Maybe so but I have seen all the press and all the shows of Crystal side and her accusation it just seems right someone would really look into it and ask the tough questions. I cant fault NG for that. lol she does take a position thats for sure.
So, does Nancy's support mean she would leave her twins with Ron and Misty to baby-sit? There is a vacancy Nanc.
O/T but I have a duty to inform. Not legally in the civilian world but in the military world. This would be in relation to the postions that I hold, and now I work mainly with the management of volunteers, advising them.

Here's the point I'm trying to make. I have a hard time concluding that a *lot* of people who fall under the statute of having a duty to inform would not inform, or outright lie. Yes, there may be some that do, but I think the majority of people would evaluate that if they chose to lie while in a postion of having a duty to inform and to be prosecuted if they fail in that duty and decide on whether they wanted to inform or let their hard work, years of education fall to the wayside for whatever reason.

Just playing devils advocate as to why I don't think that the school would cover up ongoing abuse of Haleigh. JMHO.

(mods yes it relates to the topic of NG tonight in a very around about way :))
Couldn't that be the reason then for the bed wetting?

What bed wetting? Because MC claims in some of her versions that she washed a blanket with pee on it? MC's various stories cannot be relied on to be true.

Also...when my little girl used to wet her bed I had to strip the bed down to the plastic mattress cover and wash *everything.* Sheets, blankets, bed pad.

Funny how MC never mentioned anything on Haleigh's bed having pee or a pee smell on it except for the blanket which covers the child up and not the fitted sheet etc. that Haleigh would have been lying on top of.

I do not believe there was pee or a pee smell and the whole blanket thing on MC's part is about a *missing* blanket rather than an allegedly washed blanket or blankets. Remember what was found with Caylee.
You know I have alot of respect for Mark Klaus, however I think that he is not thinking about a very large glaring difference with his case and this one.......It did not take police 6 weeks to clear him. The fact that the police are not able to clear those closes to this child are disturbing and huge red flags. Why haven't the people that live in the house been cleared?
True but last I heard the mother isnt cleared either. But I personally respect and admire Mark and trust his judgement. Like I said before I could eat crow later on but IMO I just dont buy this abuse and I dont think Ronald had anything to do with Haleigh missing. Now Misty Im not sure about but time will tell.
I'm glad it's over. Now CS lawyer can go back to her hotel and decide what outfit to wear on the show tomorrow night. Because lets face it, thats whats really inportant here. ;)

Picasio never did answer what the CAT scan revealed. (nothing)
They probably did the scan cuz she'd had the monkey bar incident at school and was throwing up (which turned out to be Ecoli...not a head injury / concussion). Look at N Richardson (talk and die syndrome) so I do not see a big deal with them ordering the cat scan 6 days after the fall. Ron did take her to the hospital after all. If she'd been with Crystal all along, she may not have made it to the Dr / ER at all. Picasio said the fall at school was minor. IMO falling off monkey bars onto your face or striking your face on the way down is not minor. Yes how do we know those other pics of bruised kids arm is JR, there is no face in the photos, could be pulled off the internet even. (Not saying they are, but also saying that isn't proof). Sorry, not all of these issues are in response to the msg I quoted, just blabbing out loud.
I understand that there is two alleged incidents. The minor one on 11-6 and another abusive one sometime before 11-12. If Ron took Haleigh to the ER or doc on Nov 6th, I want to see what that report says about the injuries. They many confirm a serious injury that first day even though the school wrote it up as being minor. A doc might find more than a teacher would.
Where is the second alleged incident? This is all related to the single incident at school. By the 12th, her condition appeared to have worsened because of the eyes looking blackened and Ronald wanted her checked out. This is when they decided the Doctor should do a CAT scan. There was no sign of internal injuries caused by the fall. I would have to assume by the 16th she was doing much better or she would not have been at Crystal's. The injury sustained at school is the same injury as depicted in the photos at a different stage in healing. The school has verified this. The attorney is barking up the wrong tree and trumping up a school incident to further her agenda. Wrong on so many, many levels!
But she's also reporting that Junior saw a black man in black take sissy.

Correct! They are saying two things. Crystal has Jr on GR saying that he "saw" who took his sissy which means that abuse by Ron or Misty had nothing to do with it! IIRC, Jr also said that yes, Misty was there.

I just don't get it :waitasec:
I'm watching it again as I swear I also heard Nancy say that her crew was unable to find any other DCFS reports on Ron other than the ones from Crystal and her mom. None from school, hospital, or his former girlfriend. Did anyone else hear that?

ADD: What she says is they were unable to find any other dcfs reports other than those that were made by CS and her LAWYER.
So, does Nancy's support mean she would leave her twins with Ron and Misty to baby-sit? There is a vacancy Nanc.


I don't know about Ron and Misty. But now we know only an acceptable amount of discipline could be used. And I guess for Nancy that means sticks ok, names ok, stones a no-no. :rolleyes:
OK i get what people are saying BUT the thing is a child has gone missing here and if there is any sort of indication that abuse has been going on that home then it 110% needs to be looked into. I don't understand why there are some out there that think its such a bad thing that Cyrstal and her lawyer are looking into this. And not only that but they have another child that is in that home that is around the person who had seen Haleigh last. I mean I get that Ronald is the father but if it was my situation here I would be doing the same thing as Crystal here. I mean like I said if there is any sort of chance then it should be looked into especially since there is one child that is already missing. They can't let something happen that other child too. This is why I don't understand why Nancy is mad about all this. And she is definelty footing a war here because Ronalds mother was supposed to be on there TONIGHT defending her son. But I mean seriously the thing that gets me about Nancy is she is usually like "OMG" any sort of abuse related thing.

I also don't see how this is taken off the search for Haleigh b/c as mentioned tonight on Nacny Grace the only thing police are doing as right now is going off of tips. There really isn't much anyone else can do but let the police do there job b/c there is not much for ANYONE including the police to go off of.
I'm watching it again as I swear I also heard Nancy say that her crew was unable to find any other DCFS reports on Ron other than the ones from Crystal and her mom. None from school, hospital, or his former girlfriend. Did anyone else hear that?
Yep I believe thats what I heard:)
I'm watching it again as I swear I also heard Nancy say that her crew was unable to find any other DCFS reports on Ron other than the ones from Crystal and her mom. None from school, hospital, or his former girlfriend. Did anyone else hear that?

Yes I heard it also.
ITA! I feel as if I just watched an hour of mudslinging, nothing on the investigation. If this accusation grows legs, then deal with it, but to spend a whole showing her *advertiser censored** more than usual. I just felt silly for watching it.

Hi Lance, I totally agree with you. If this is the best NG and her "investigative reporters" can do, we might as well put them all on the Steve Wilkos show. At least, he may throw a couple of chairs at somebody! NG tonight was a total waste of 1 hr. MHO :bang: Nonni Brenda
True but last I heard the mother isnt cleared either. But I personally respect and admire Mark and trust his judgement. Like I said before I could eat crow later on but IMO I just dont buy this abuse and I dont think Ronald had anything to do with Haleigh missing. Now Misty Im not sure about but time will tell.

Exactly. To me that is the problem. It would be nice if they could clear all of them so that this wouldn't really be an issue. If it was a stranger then there wouldn't be much point to this conversation. I don't understand what the hold up is.
I'm watching it again as I swear I also heard Nancy say that her crew was unable to find any other DCFS reports on Ron other than the ones from Crystal and her mom. None from school, hospital, or his former girlfriend. Did anyone else hear that?

I heard that too. I actually was impressed with NG tonight (uggh) because she came prepared. I do think she knows more than what she's saying. I know she's just a TV personality however she does have a producer on the scene.

I predict soon the s**t is going to hit the fan....the tide is turning and I hope that the focus is going to be back on Haliegh.

OT: Maybe Crystal's team sent the wrong one packing? IMO
OK i get what people are saying BUT the thing is a child has gone missing here and if there is any sort of indication that abuse has been going on that home then it 110% needs to be looked into. I don't understand why there are some out there that think its such a bad thing that Cyrstal and her lawyer are looking into this. And not only that but they have another child that is in that home that is around the person who had seen Haleigh last. I mean I get that Ronald is the father but if it was my situation here I would be doing the same thing as Crystal here. I mean like I said if there is any sort of chance then it should be looked into especially since there is one child that is already missing. They can't let something happen that other child too. This is why I don't understand why Nancy is mad about all this. And she is definelty footing a war here because Ronalds mother was supposed to be on there TONIGHT defending her son. But I mean seriously the thing that gets me about Nancy is she is usually like "OMG" any sort of abuse related thing.

I also don't see how this is taken off the search for Haleigh b/c as mentioned tonight on Nacny Grace the only thing police are doing as right now is going off of tips. There really isn't much anyone else can do but let the police do there job b/c there is not much for ANYONE including the police to go off of.
Why on national TV though I keep saying that because I dont get it. You think your child is in danger fine go to the court or to DCF goto the police dont post it on national TV and take the focus off her child thats missing.
Common sense, i gotta believe that if Ron had "punched her in the face" after her fall injuries, that he would not be stupid enough to take her back to the same ER who had seen her the day of the fall. The fact that he did take her there should show that the bruising was normal, occurred after, and combined with the throwing up or bellyache concerned him that she had a concussion or broken nose, etc. Hence going for a visit on the 12th. My daughter sprained her ankle at track and 10 days later it looks HORRENDOUS. Blood pooling at her heel, it's been all colors of the spectrum, blue, red, purple, brown, yellow, grayish.
Why should I have to pick either Crystal or Ron's side of the story? Neither side impresses me at all and in a bitterly fought child custody case there's a lot of mud slinging on both sides -- this case is no exception. Neither side looks very good in the public what with all the dirt dug up already about both sides of Haleigh's family.

I will say it's about time that both bio mom and bio dad have lawyered up. So when will new bride Misty lawyer up?

I think it's strange how a custody battle and allegations of child abuse by the bio mom is somehow taking the focus of a search for Haleigh. This case is on HLN and Nancy Grace nearly every day and I don't think it's going away soon. I hardly think LE is hampered by Crystal and Ron's fight over Junior.
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