2009.03.19 Nancy Grace

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Nancy also held up the "report" from the school and asked if the nurse and teachers were in on it too, a cover up, I guess. But I want to say THIS:

I worked for a school and YES, they cover up and they make stuff up and they LIE. Some of them should have been arrested and a friend of mine who also worked where I did ended up calling the authorities on them. It was BAD and I have no reason to doubt that "stuff" goes on in other schools also.

My opinion only

Remember though...this little girl was taken to the ER the day of the incident and then again 6 days later for the ecoli. I know that doctors will contact Child Protective Services if they think a child has been abused. Nobody at the ER contacted CPS to report that this child was abused. If a doctor doesn't report what he/she thinks is child abuse he/she can lose their license.
Yeah usually I like Nancy but what this lawyer is saying is that the injurys got worse. Thats what she is trying to say.

When a cut starts healing it itches. There is a good chance that Haleigh picked at the cut which would make it look worse. I wonder if this attorney has any kids? The bruises on RJ's leg look like they could have come from playing. My kids legs used to look like I had beaten each one all over their legs.
1. When Crystal left Ron (because of alleged abuse) she took her kids!!!!!!!
2. She let Ron have visitation, and he abducted them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. For some reason he wasn't arrested?? I suspect he threatened Crystals life or something of the sort. Crystal probably assumed the judge would return the children. I think she tried to do it legally.
4. Crystal has stated that when she and Ron were living together he did not take care of the children, thus he didn't abuse them only her - so she didn't let him abuse her children.
5. Crystal's attorney did bring up the physical abuse in the custody hearing.
6. Ron lived with his mother until last summer, so I am taking a leap and theorizing that he never really had to care for or discipline them until that time, his mother and grandmother probably did that.
7. The allegations made by CS about abuse have been fairly recent, well since Ron & kids have been living on their own anyhow, but especially since NOV, which is right when Misty moved in.

Ron didn't technically abduct his own children and it can't really be considered that he took them for visitation, because CS did not have custody at that point, nor had ever filed for it. He had just as much right to those kids and keeping them as long as he wanted to at that point, and he immediately filed for custody legally. When I left my oldest son's bio-father, I also took my child with me, and the very first thing I did was file a petition for primary custody of my child. That way if he ever tried the same thing (he had ties to the opposite coast), it would have been non-custodial parental abduction and I guarantee he would have been prosecuted. Crystal never bothered to do that.
When a cut starts healing it itches. There is a good chance that Haleigh picked at the cut which would make it look worse. I wonder if this attorney has any kids? The bruises on RJ's leg look like they could have come from playing. My kids legs used to look like I had beaten each one all over their legs.

I tried to get thru to NG this evening to ask that very question (if lawyer has kids!) because she doesn't seem to comprehend that black eyes bruising get progressively worse looking before they get better.
My son fell off a teeter totter when he was three. He landed on his face and got a nasty cut on his nose and a wicked "road rash" from the small pebbles that were under the playground equipment. (way back before playgrounds starting using cedar or recycled tires etc.....). I took him straight away to the doctor, he checked him over, cleaned him up, butterflied the cut on the nose and declared him healed.

The next morning he woke up with two black eyes he didn't go to bed with. I remember freaking out and rushing him to back the doctor who walked in the room, took one look at my son, took one look at me and chuckled as he said, ""I guess I should have told you THIS could happen."

I could have throttled him.

He told me that it's perfectly normal for nose/face injuries to cause black eyes. He told me they would go away within 7-10 days, possibly longer because he was so fair skinned, and to expect every color of the rainbow before it is gone completely. He apologized for laughing before he left. I could tell he felt bad for laughing. He didn't charge me for visit. LOL!

Boy did I get the looks the next couple of weeks whenever I was out in public. I am sure strangers thought I beat my child.

The injuries to Haleigh happened on the playground. The eye bruised as a result. You can clearly tell in that picture it's almost healed by the color of the bruise. Ron did what any parent should do. He took her to the doctor.

Six days later when she starts throwing up and feeling sick, he takes her to the ER which I am sure notices the bruising/cuts when taking a history. They ask about them, Ron mentions she fell off the monkey bars at school. They cat scanned her just to rule out a possible missed head injury (which vomiting, lethargy can also be a symptom of) The cat scan rules out a head injury and the blood work turns up E Coli.

case closed.

I completely relate and agree. And I am sure Ron can get ER docs to testify as such if this is ever heard in court, However, unfortunately I betcha CS's atty can find some doctor somewhere who will say under oath that the bruises aren't normal / aren't related to that monkey bar incident "in their expert opinion". UGH!
Makes you wonder if they know she's not coming back :confused:

I want to know why Crystal isn't asking for custody of both kids? Why only RJ? Could it be that she knows where Haleigh is and so right now her whole focus is getting custody of RJ? It doesn't make sense that she isn't asking for both kids.
NG is always nasty LOL. I hope CS's lawyer does walk away and takes this issue back to DCF and LE where it belongs and gets it off the TV. I hope. I am currently leaning towards the opinion that this lawyer is helping CS because it might make her famous - and I think that is really sad. However, if this lawyer were to buck up and act like a real lawyer and get this out of the headlines, then I will just think that she unknowingly got caught in the crosswires.

Guess I'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, but I'm crossing my fingers :)


I agree Crystal's attorney needs to wind down now that the issue has been raised and scrutinized. Unless something else pressing comes up. Which, I hate to say, in this scenario is very likely.
Good point! Even by CS's own admission last night on Nancy's show, RC didn't pay that much attention to the kids when he and CS were together. So maybe that was the point of having the live-in girlfriend/babysitter? MOO

That is what Crystal is saying. Remember...she was still into the drugs when she was pregnant with RJ...according to her. I think if LE or whoever start asking neighbors, etc, how Ron was with his kids Crystal will be shown not to be telling the truth. From what I understand...he is a good father. If I were LE I would talk to people who have lived around Ron and Crystal when they were together and since they haven't been together. I wouldn't take the word of relatives on either side.
Yeah, you know you're doing something wrong when you're getting the verbal smackdown by Mark Klaas. (He doesn't mince words when he talks about KC either!)

I have so much respect for Mark Klaas. If anyone would know what Crystal should or should not be doing right now it is Mark. He's been through the whole ugly thing and he has the organization for missing children.

I've never heard Mark be so frustrated and angry that he could hardly talk but that was what happened tonight on Nancy. I think he would like to have a straight talk with Crystal and her attorney! Let them know just what is what.
Keaska, the way it was explained on NG by the guy that's a former fbi something or another (someone here will know his name), is that the investigating agency only has a finite amount of resourses. That I understood completely.

Now, that agency has to re-task LEO to investigate these allegations and that takes resources away from searching for Haleigh. In that manner, I completely understand how it is taking away from the search for Haleigh.

I respectfully disagree. LE has been and is continuing to focus in on Misty. They recently did another search 1/4 mile around the residence. That made it clear as day as to what they were thinking, and instead of distancing himself away from Misty, Ron marries her. I find that suspicious personally. There is no reason for Ron to think that Misty has been cleared, ever, and Haleigh is his little girl. His focus has been in the wrong place for awhile now. LE's has not. imo.
I have so much respect for Mark Klaas. If anyone would know what Crystal should or should not be doing right now it is Mark. He's been through the whole ugly thing and he has the organization for missing children.

I've never heard Mark be so frustrated and angry that he could hardly talk but that was what happened tonight on Nancy. I think he would like to have a straight talk with Crystal and her attorney! Let them know just what is what.

I don't want to get anyone's dander up, but I remember MK was convinced a family member was involved in the abduction of E. Smart. So his perception is always 100%. jmooc
I have so much respect for Mark Klaas. If anyone would know what Crystal should or should not be doing right now it is Mark. He's been through the whole ugly thing and he has the organization for missing children.

I've never heard Mark be so frustrated and angry that he could hardly talk but that was what happened tonight on Nancy. I think he would like to have a straight talk with Crystal and her attorney! Let them know just what is what.

IMO, Mark should also be just as angry at Ron for marrying a woman who won't come clean or talk to LE. IMO, Mark being angry with Crystal is very out of character for him. I know a stranger took Polly, but Mark has seen this dance long enough to know what happened to Polly is rare. Mark should know by now the most likely person responsible here is Misty. That is who Mark should be angry at.
Picazio said she doesn't intend to help Crystal Sheffield file for custody of the children at this time, but she plans to wait until DCF finishes its investigation before filing any legal action for custody.

From this link:


So it seems that she would be filing for both children. If she files. She isn't "going after" custody of anyone yet.

I wish I was a fly on the wall at this time. How I wish this injustice could be stopped.
I bet LE wishes the same thing . They may already have a bug on the wall.
E.Coli? Do kids get this a lot?

LE has already investigated the child abuse angle. They have looked at school records, talked to teachers, treating physicians, ER Doctors, school nurse, etc. They aren't stupid. They have talked to DCF, read the reports, talked to the SW assigned the case. So, if there is anything there, they already know.

The first thing I thought when I saw CS's lawyer was that they were scouting for a NG replacement. But, that is being catty.

I don't blame CS for wanting an investigation of child abuse allegations, even if she and her mother are the only 2 who think there was abuse - it is important to investigate. But, it has been done, by LE.

Rather than make the accusations public, TELL LE! Show them the pics! Find out what they have learned about the abuse, if anything. But don't sling mud. And for Pete's sake, don't put your son on television! Horrors. Tell LE what the child said because he eliminates MC and RC, with the "black man in black clothes with squeaky shoes took Sissy" and "Misty was there."

I also can't say I blame her for wanting to gain custody since Jr. will one day be alone with, and supervised by, the same 17 year old who slept through the abduction of his sister. I just wouldn't do it on tv.

The lawyer and CS should never have gone on tv to talk about what they were investigating or why. Public opinion won't award custody, the court will. Take the claim there. When the media asks a question, beg the kidnapper for the safe return of Haleigh.

Ron knew this was coming. He knew it would wind up a custody battle. CS and Mom started ripping him from the start. Mom even apologized, she was so bad. He pretty much begged them to not start down this road - just find Haleigh!

CS should keep mum about the allegations. Let LE and the Court make that call first.
I never once hear either family said that she had TS,just the new media.
I hear TN said that she was sick alot. but not that she TS. If any one have a link that the family said she had TS not media but the family i like to see it.

That info is in the LE report, and the custody hearing transcript. Also TN has stated that Haleigh has TS. TN has also stated that Haleigh has a mild form of it iirc. but that she did in the past have lung problems that landed her in the hospital a few times. Personally I think TN has been Haleigh and Jr, primary care giver from the time Ron got custody until recently(within the last year). This is my personal opinion with only circumstantial evidence to back it up. I don't remember if either parent has said she has TS. :)
I don't understand Nancy's nastiness... :( I don't understand why CS's lawyer is putting up with it. I'd shut Nancy down and walk away from it... CS's lawyer is letting Nancy play judge and it isn't helping her case. (just now seeing this in Hawaii... way behind yall... sorry)

I have always wondered why people put up with the way she talks to them. She is only respectful to callers and people for the prosecution. She even treats Rene Rockwell like complete crap, who is her close friend, but a defense atty . I just don't get it and why people continue to put up with it.
E.Coli? Do kids get this a lot?

LE has already investigated the child abuse angle. They have looked at school records, talked to teachers, treating physicians, ER Doctors, school nurse, etc. They aren't stupid. They have talked to DCF, read the reports, talked to the SW assigned the case. So, if there is anything there, they already know.

The first thing I thought when I saw CS's lawyer was that they were scouting for a NG replacement. But, that is being catty.

I don't blame CS for wanting an investigation of child abuse allegations, even if she and her mother are the only 2 who think there was abuse - it is important to investigate. But, it has been done, by LE.

Rather than make the accusations public, TELL LE! Show them the pics! Find out what they have learned about the abuse, if anything. But don't sling mud. And for Pete's sake, don't put your son on television! Horrors. Tell LE what the child said because he eliminates MC and RC, with the "black man in black clothes with squeaky shoes took Sissy" and "Misty was there."

I also can't say I blame her for wanting to gain custody since Jr. will one day be alone with, and supervised by, the same 17 year old who slept through the abduction of his sister. I just wouldn't do it on tv.

The lawyer and CS should never have gone on tv to talk about what they were investigating or why. Public opinion won't award custody, the court will. Take the claim there. When the media asks a question, beg the kidnapper for the safe return of Haleigh.

Ron knew this was coming. He knew it would wind up a custody battle. CS and Mom started ripping him from the start. Mom even apologized, she was so bad. He pretty much begged them to not start down this road - just find Haleigh!

CS should keep mum about the allegations. Let LE and the Court make that call first.

I would agree with you except for one thing. imo. The judicial system in Putnam county is biased toward Ron and Crystal's concerns will not be taken seriously unless there is public awareness putting fire to the feet of justice there. This is moo.
IMO, Mark should also be just as angry at Ron for marrying a woman who won't come clean or talk to LE. IMO, Mark being angry with Crystal is very out of character for him. I know a stranger took Polly, but Mark has seen this dance long enough to know what happened to Polly is rare. Mark should know by now the most likely person responsible here is Misty. That is who Mark should be angry at.

Mark's concern is that this battle over RJ is taking the focus off of finding Haleigh. I don't think he is concerned that Crystal is talking about custody of RJ but that the media is not the place to bring the battle and now isn't the time to begin a custody battle. For the parents it will take the focus off of Haleigh because Crystal will be busy trying to get evidence to prove Ron is a abuser and Ron will be busy trying to keep custody of his children. How can you give half of your attention to one case and half to another? Until Haleigh is found the battle for custody could be set aside.

This is a small police department and they only have so many officers and detectives. I think Mark is concerned that some officers will be taken off of Haleigh's case and put on the investigation of child abuse.

I honestly don't think Crystal would have even brought up custody if it wasn't for Geraldo R. I have no proof but I believe that he contacted this attorney and hooked her up with Crystal. I think Geraldo and this attorney have Crystal all reved up. Before Geraldo Crystal didn't say anything bad about Ron. She said he is a good dad and loves his kids. If she was afraid to say anything bad about Ron why isn't she afraid now? It isn't like she has bodyguards now to protect her from Ron. The attorney and investigator don't stay with Crystal 24/7. Is the investigator still around or did he just breeze in and back out?
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