2009.03.19 Nancy Grace

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I'm beginning to not understand why families of the missing even go on the show. It's just a big criticizing gossip fest most of the time and that takes focus off the missing person. Look at Caylee, all the carrying on and gossiping about the Anthony's and not one person figured out the area down the street hadn't even been searched before the storm hit or afterwards. I expect the same sort of thing to happen with Haleigh.
Doesn't Crystal's atty have a pretty good reputation in Florida? Can anyone speak to this??
DotsEyes asks:

E.Coli? Do kids get this a lot?

Anyone of any age can get E.coli. I remember seeing a little girl of about 8 yrs on TV who had E.Coli. That poor little thing suffered so bad. She was so bloated all over because of the meds they were giving her and her organs shut down. She did get better but will never be the same.
I'm beginning to not understand why families of the missing even go on the show. It's just a big criticizing gossip fest most of the time and that takes focus off the missing person. Look at Caylee, all the carrying on and gossiping about the Anthony's and not one person figured out the area down the street hadn't even been searched before the storm hit or afterwards. I expect the same sort of thing to happen with Haleigh.

I wish Greta would stop talking about politics and go back to what she does best. She asks the questions I want to know the answers to and does her homework and she is not repetitive over and over. Greta also has such an investigative mind. Come back full time Greta to real crime and missing kids. :boohoo:
that's true, but not a week later. Usually a day or so, then they darken and linger for a few days. I'd expect they'd be almost gone or just a light yellowish streak after a week.

My daughter fell and buster her head on the bedside table about a week or so ago, she had a large bump across her forehead, and a large red bump beside her nose on cheek - two days later she had a huge black eye, and a faint bruise on forehead - by day five the black eye was a very small dot beside her nose of light yellow with a tinge of grey.

I fell and hit my nose, and by day two, I had two black eyes. It took a good 2 1/2 weeks for it to return to normal, and I didn't even break my nose.
It seems to me bio mom is starting to get donations, after all this time she is just now worried about the kids being abused. Seems fishy to me to let the dad have kids for 4 yrs if you feel they are being abused.To me its just to keep money coming in, for such a concerned mother why didnt she try to get her kids back in all these years.School nurse would minimize injuries gotten from the schools monkey bars to cover their own behinds in a lawsuit.The marriage took away from the child but thankfully only a few days,hopefully this will not last long.I believe the mom sees an opportunity to cash in and shes grabbing it.

My bold

Cindy A.--->meet<---Crystal S.
I love Nancy Grace just as much as the next person but she's getting on my nerves with this. What can't she comprehend? Kim is saying that Haleighs injurys worsened and that she ANOTHER MARK on her face that was NOT THERE when Haleigh fell. I just don't understand what Nancy can't get out of this.
In my opinion only, Nancy's only purpose seems to be to defend Ronald Cummings.
My hubby asked me why CS lawyer the past 2 days is OUTSIDE the Haleighbug office doing these interviews basically on the street, cars honking, etc. Why are they not seated inside, even if it isn't finished yet.
It doesn't matter who NG sticks up for or who she doesn't in this case or any other case - future or past. Her opinion will not change the truth in any case! Remember Duke LaCrosse????
I would agree with you except for one thing. imo. The judicial system in Putnam county is biased toward Ron and Crystal's concerns will not be taken seriously unless there is public awareness putting fire to the feet of justice there. This is moo.

Are you from Putnam county? If not, how do you know this?
I wish Greta would stop talking about politics and go back to what she does best. She asks the questions I want to know the answers to and does her homework and she is not repetitive over and over. Greta also has such an investigative mind. Come back full time Greta to real crime and missing kids. :boohoo:

I've been thinking the same thing. Greta's show, the way it used to be, was top notch, especially her panel of attorneys. JVM also has a good show. NG pales by comparison. One of these days I am going to time the new reports we get on NG every night, discounting the repetition and station breaks, and I bet it amounts to only about 15 minutes out of the hour. Then we have to listen to her pontificate about the facts of law and the twins and what a wonderful mother she is. Yuk.
E.Coli? Do kids get this a lot?

LE has already investigated the child abuse angle. They have looked at school records, talked to teachers, treating physicians, ER Doctors, school nurse, etc. They aren't stupid. They have talked to DCF, read the reports, talked to the SW assigned the case. So, if there is anything there, they already know.

The first thing I thought when I saw CS's lawyer was that they were scouting for a NG replacement. But, that is being catty.

I don't blame CS for wanting an investigation of child abuse allegations, even if she and her mother are the only 2 who think there was abuse - it is important to investigate. But, it has been done, by LE.

Rather than make the accusations public, TELL LE! Show them the pics! Find out what they have learned about the abuse, if anything. But don't sling mud. And for Pete's sake, don't put your son on television! Horrors. Tell LE what the child said because he eliminates MC and RC, with the "black man in black clothes with squeaky shoes took Sissy" and "Misty was there."

I also can't say I blame her for wanting to gain custody since Jr. will one day be alone with, and supervised by, the same 17 year old who slept through the abduction of his sister. I just wouldn't do it on tv.

The lawyer and CS should never have gone on tv to talk about what they were investigating or why. Public opinion won't award custody, the court will. Take the claim there. When the media asks a question, beg the kidnapper for the safe return of Haleigh.

Ron knew this was coming. He knew it would wind up a custody battle. CS and Mom started ripping him from the start. Mom even apologized, she was so bad. He pretty much begged them to not start down this road - just find Haleigh!

CS should keep mum about the allegations. Let LE and the Court make that call first.

I'd like to see a montage of the earlier videos where CS was interviewed about RC and had nothing but good things to say about him.
Their tender photo ops together are not so long ago.

My personal hopes for them to form a united front for Haleigh have disappeared.

Where is little Haleigh?

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