2009.04.08 - Brad Conway under investigation by Bar Association

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I don't know---keep thinking bc brought this upon himself by being everywhere and anywhere---and then going on TV with all his interviews----honestly I believe this case woundn't be what it is if the lawyers & a's would have just let LE do what they needed instead of the a's constantly throwing things out there....:twocents:---0perhaps there will be a "discount" for "pro-bono" atty help for bc.....:waitasec::rolleyes::twocents:

Well, I defer to you coz awhile back I took a break from the A case, so I know there is alot of stuff I missed. My house started to fall down around me due to me ignoring it so I could stay on WS's! It still isn't back to where it should be as I just can't stay away from here for too long!:loser: lol jmo

Amongst the JB complaints this one seems to have been forgotten.
That was before he got involved with the Anthony family . . .

Why do George and Cindy need an attorney anyway? I've always thought that was strange. I wonder if he is working for nothing or if he is getting paid by someone? I can't see that he does them much good when they do their depo's. They say what they want regardless. I guess the Anthonys had to have an attorney just because everyone else has one. Makes them seem important...in their eyes.
Oh my goodness, it gets more strange as the days go on. I bet it comes out that the whole bunch knew where this sweet baby girl was and could not go move her due to the media trailing them. This just breaks my heart for the things Caylee may have gne through while alive and then to be just left there especially if anyone other than evil KC knew about it. IMO, others knew.

I bet if they had found her that they might have moved the poor lil girl.
Why do George and Cindy need an attorney anyway? I've always thought that was strange. I wonder if he is working for nothing or if he is getting paid by someone? I can't see that she does them much good when they do their depo's. They say what they want regardless. I guess the Anthonys had to have an attorney just because everyone else has one. Makes them seem important...in their eyes.

He announced he is working pro bono, for free. Why Brad Conway could not impart to his clients the importance of decorum during their depositions will remain as much a mystery as the Sphinx. I do not believe he is for show, however. They can face some serious charges in their future. I wonder if there is a contingency that he will be pro bono as long as no charges are brought against them.
I bet if they had found her that they might have moved the poor lil girl.

You know whiskeygurl, I've thought along those lines too. That Cindy and George and maybe Lee too, knew where the body was. But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?
I'm sure they would seek to find the perfect spot so that little Caylee's corpse would never be found. I think they all felt that Casey would have a better chance of being found innocent if the body was never discovered.
So, there was a motive for the family to move the body. I know this is a morbid question but anyone got any guesses where Caylee would have been relocated to?
He announced he is working pro bono, for free. Why Brad Conway could not impart to his clients the importance of decorum during their depositions will remain as much a mystery as the Sphinx. I do not believe he is for show, however. They can face some serious charges in their future. I wonder if there is a contingency that he will be pro bono as long as no charges are brought against them.

George and Cindy definitely need an attorney. I'd never go into a deposition of any kind without an attorney regardless of what the case might be.
But they also need an attorney they will listen to and heed his advice on how to conduct themselves.
I think their anger, arrogance and stupidity got the best of them during the deposition. It looked as if they were more under his control during their last television appearance - using his help in answering questions which were close to the case.
I bet Conway was as shocked as the rest of us by George and Cindy's behavior, under oath being questioned by an officer of the court. If they try that again, I predict, if he's smart enough, he will be gone in a New York minute.
I rather think that when they (GA and CA) came back after a break and acted at least half civilized, it was because BC told them point blank that if they didn't behave, he would be gone and they would be on their own. He should have told them that before they started, but I doubt he thought they would be so dim as to act like that.. who would ever expect that? I didn't. I didn't expect them to be perfect, I don't think I could or would be either, given the circumstances, but what happened in those depos was totally ridiculous.

I have long suspected that all the A's knew where little Caylee's body was, probably a few of her friends suspected it was there as well, or pretty much assumed it was there, but the friends didn't want to get involved (I can't blame them, considering what a problem it has been for the meter reader guy) and the A's didn't want it found at all.

But the truth gets told in whispers, secrets shared in the dark of the night, when people dwell on things, and need to impart their thoughts to some other person. And then the person who has heard the rumour finds themselves also whispering what they have heard...who knows how far the rumours spread?

I can't help thinking of that poor little girl, lying out there all alone in the cold dirty water, battered by the wind and the rain, amongst the bags of garbage..such a dark and ugly place! I think other people, those who knew or suspected, were troubled by those mental images too, and one finally couldn't live with those thoughts and went to find her and bring her out of there.
Is Brad Conway involved in a coverup?

I can't help thinking about Cindy mailing a teddy bear to the psychic. This psychic was supposed to be talking on the phone to DC giving him specific instructions while he was in the woods. That is his testimony.

The fact that Cindy is involved in the mailing should tell us all what is going on here. Cindy was the one who hired the psychic. Someone had kge of where the body was.
Brad Conway and Baez were in the office when DC went out searching to locate Caylee. I did not know that Conway and Baez were chummy.

DC got his lead from someone....and I don't think it came from the psychic's supernatural powers. Cindy may have told the psychic the facts about Suburban and the psychic relayed it to DC.

This puts BC, JB and the Anthonys in a bad situation. One or all of these had knowledge and were going to conceal it as long as possible.
Is Brad Conway involved in a coverup?

I can't help thinking about Cindy mailing a teddy bear to the psychic. This psychic was supposed to be talking on the phone to DC giving him specific instructions while he was in the woods. That is his testimony.

The fact that Cindy is involved in the mailing should tell us all what is going on here. Cindy was the one who hired the psychic. Someone had kge of where the body was.
Brad Conway and Baez were in the office when DC went out searching to locate Caylee. I did not know that Conway and Baez were chummy.

DC got his lead from someone....and I don't think it came from the psychic's supernatural powers. Cindy may have told the psychic the facts about Suburban and the psychic relayed it to DC.

This puts BC, JB and the Anthonys in a bad situation. One or all of these had knowledge and were going to conceal it as long as possible.
Have we ever heard if RK called the A's tipline? It would be interesting to know if he did.

ETA: Just an FYI...tips were disclosed to the public the end of October...which means the defense got it earlier. I personally don't remember seeing RK's tip in there, but if it was, the As might have thought it was a good one to check out.
Have we ever heard if RK called the A's tipline? It would be interesting to know if he did.

I thought about that! It is possible that BC and JB found out about Kronk and what he saw in the summer and were following up. Remember that 911 told Kronk to call Crime Fighters or something like that...?

I had just erased this as my last sentence....LOL.
I thought about that! It is possible that BC and JB found out about Kronk and what he saw in the summer and were following up. Remember that 911 told Kronk to call Crime Fighters or something like that...?

I had just erased this as my last sentence....LOL.
Yup...I do remember. I'm dying to know who was on the other end of that phone. Also would like to know if LE did tap the A's phone. What if this is all tied together? What if DC was acting on RK's tip and actually did find something?
You know whiskeygurl, I've thought along those lines too. That Cindy and George and maybe Lee too, knew where the body was. But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?
I'm sure they would seek to find the perfect spot so that little Caylee's corpse would never be found. I think they all felt that Casey would have a better chance of being found innocent if the body was never discovered.
So, there was a motive for the family to move the body. I know this is a morbid question but anyone got any guesses where Caylee would have been relocated to?

Remember when Casey was out on home arrest and she wanted to go out searching for Caylee without the media following her? (The judge wouldn't let her.) Maybe she wanted to show the family where Caylee was so they could move her at some point. " But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?

Remember when George was see stopped along side of the road just looking into a wooded area? Said he was just scouting out a new area for the Kidfinders tent.( Sure in the woods!" Maybe he was looking for another place to hide Caylee if he knew where she was or he could have gotton word she is in a wooded area and he was just looking.
You know whiskeygurl, I've thought along those lines too. That Cindy and George and maybe Lee too, knew where the body was. But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?
I'm sure they would seek to find the perfect spot so that little Caylee's corpse would never be found. I think they all felt that Casey would have a better chance of being found innocent if the body was never discovered.
So, there was a motive for the family to move the body. I know this is a morbid question but anyone got any guesses where Caylee would have been relocated to?

My guess is (if that was the plan) they would have moved the body to J. Blanchard Park. Secluded. "see...I told you she took caylee from me at the park". Would have made a plan come together. Body simply was overlooked in previous searches.
You know whiskeygurl, I've thought along those lines too. That Cindy and George and maybe Lee too, knew where the body was. But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?

Remember when Casey was out on home arrest and she wanted to go out searching for Caylee without the media following her? (The judge wouldn't let her.) Maybe she wanted to show the family where Caylee was so they could move her at some point. " But, if they could move it, without being caught, where the heck would they put it? I mean, really! Do they find another wooded lot or perhaps hide the body at home?

Remember when George was see stopped along side of the road just looking into a wooded area? Said he was just scouting out a new area for the Kidfinders tent.( Sure in the woods!" Maybe he was looking for another place to hide Caylee if he knew where she was or he could have gotton word she is in a wooded area and he was just looking.

If he knew she was there and was willing to move a decaying body, he could have done it. Even with all the protestors out in front of his house.

He could have went through the back fence (or over) and walked down the fence row. Then into the woods from the back side. He wouldn't be seen from the road. He could be seen from the air, if the news coppers where out. The area behind their house is a retention pond, with the grass area around it cut.

He could have went and got the body from that location and dumped it else where. The else where would have been the problem.
George and Cindy definitely need an attorney. I'd never go into a deposition of any kind without an attorney regardless of what the case might be.
But they also need an attorney they will listen to and heed his advice on how to conduct themselves.
I think their anger, arrogance and stupidity got the best of them during the deposition. It looked as if they were more under his control during their last television appearance - using his help in answering questions which were close to the case.
I bet Conway was as shocked as the rest of us by George and Cindy's behavior, under oath being questioned by an officer of the court. If they try that again, I predict, if he's smart enough, he will be gone in a New York minute.

At that appearance, they had a tutor on public speaking. Friday was telling us about all that. Like---> she was shown previous tapes and told how to act soft---recorded a test run and showed the difference to her. I believe this. Don't think it had anythang to do with Conway. Can't wait for the LK show to see if she members her tutoring. LOL
Is Brad still under investigation by the Bar Association? :confused:
MN popularity vote with me just jumped 10 notches. That man saw this mess coming in Nov and did the right thing to distance himself from it - without even selling anyone out.

I'd hire him.

He said he had made nearly 5K on the case and he did not believe it was fair that Kronk was not getting the reward money, so he gave his 5K to Kronk! He really really wanted to wash his hands of the entire mess it seems. Then he went on to represent Texas Equisearch pro bono ,that put him in the hero status for me. I love Tim Miller, one rare wonderful man.
Well, if the "whole bunch" did know where the body was all along, then that gives credibility to LP's theory that "somebody" gave Kronk a "heads up."

Didn't he (LP) say that there was a connection between the A's and someone, a neighbor maybe, in a supervisory position at the utility company?
They find out through records of the tip line that he (Kronk) was the closest to where the body actually was and somehow get him to go back there? Or was he tipped off to go to the location in the first place since that was his work route?

I just can't imagine anyone knowingly and willingly putting themselves in the middle of this and not coming forward as soon as the whole thing started to smell of conspiracy.

This neighbor was often at the prayer vigils and yes Kronk and his co workers and his girlfriend discussed the case with the same obsession as the rest of the locals. Yes, his girlfriend works at the jail. He admitted under oath he wanted that reward, he was on hard times financially. The interview from January 6th 2009 with Yuri Melich is on You Tube where Kronk is detailing much of this.
This neighbor was often at the prayer vigils and yes Kronk and his co workers and his girlfriend discussed the case with the same obsession as the rest of the locals. Yes, his girlfriend works at the jail. Yes he admitted under oath he really really wanted that reward, he was on hard times financially. Yes, Kronk bragged to/discussed with his family he would find the body, even as far back as Thanksgiving.

:eek: I didn't know that all that had been confirmed! Very Interesting indeed!...IMO, that does lend credence to LP's theories, whether he was 'on the money' or not....apparently he did find this info out WAY before we did.

I *HEART* LP and appreciate everything he has done to keep Caylee's name out there. Heck, I am even thankful for all his pot-stirring...extreme times call for extreme measures, lol!
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