2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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If she had walked out they would have found her in contempt.

Judge R does not suffer fools lightly, but I wonder if he would have found the atty's to be a little heavy handed. In these eyes of the law these two are still only witnesses and victims as well. At least until the perjury charges come down!!

I thought the attorneys did quite well under the circumstances. Had George Anthony started giving me a pronunciation lesson, my very next question would have been, "Mr. Anthony, did you say you were 2 years old?"

CA and her snide remarks would have evoked a bit out of me as well, but those attorneys held their cool quite well, imo. While they may be viewed as victims on some level, they too are also the perpetrator as well. Ask Jesse Grund about that.
I have a few comments and questions.

Did I hear correctly that CA went to universal on July 3rd because KC told her to go there and she could pick up Calyee? Then CA called KC and KC said she wasn't there? If so, has anyone heard this story before? If you have, what did KC tell CA why she told her to go there and then wasn't there and where was Caylee?

The other thing I don't get is how some folks are getting so worked up because they don't feel JM should be asking these questions. They don't think they are relevant. Also, folks don't think this civil suit should be "before" the criminal trial. I bet you might think differently if you were ZG. It's sad because this woman hasn't done anything wrong. She hasn't broken the law or dragged anyone through the mud or done anything, let HER rights don't seem to be recognized like KC's Why does the Murder defendant's rights appear more important to some? i don't think ZG should have to wait to clear her name until God knows when Kc goes to trial. What do people expect her to do until then, sit on the sideline and put her life on hold? many people may say, this suit is ridiculous by ZG and JM. But please remember two things. There are many who say, it's frivilous because no one believes this woman had anything to do with caylee's disappearance or murder. However, there are many, many who DO believe KC out there in the world and DO think ZG is hiding something. So, she HAS to clear her name.
And 2. KC had the nerve to actually sue ZG too!!!
So, in depositions it is not about relevance per say, as much as it is a fact finding mission to build the case on your side and what everyone knew and knows. Yes, it has to be relevant. I just mean it is a lot less stringent that a courtroom.
Ugh! I am so upset that KC has drug so many people's lives through the mud and ruined so many. One family has done all of this. They've affected thousands all over the world. Heck, I live in VA and know it's had an effect on my life to the point of some damaged relationships due to my obsession and depression over this. They are just unbelievably unreal!
I just finished the videos and I have to be honest and say I did not see any of the outword signs of over-using (abusing) Benzo's. Though it does seem, to me, that between #3 and #4 there is a noteworthy difference in her eyes and how she holds herself- watching just these videos (when she was on TV every night earlier in the case it was easy to put it together) isn't enough for me to be able to recognize exactly what the difference is or what's causing it. She very well may have taken a Klonopin (or Xanax if her Benzo has been switched) during the break but she (IMO) didn't take 3 of them and she didn't wash it down with alcohol.

She seems OK to me, I think her anger is keeping her that way. Again, I am not a doctor or "qualified" in any such way. I'm just an addict who's drug of choice was Benzo's. So take my opinion on this matter for what it's worth to ya.. if it's worth nothing to you, feel free to ignore me. :)

Her break was only 5 or 6 minutes, no? Not really long enough for anything to kick in, especially if she has a habit.

I know several people have commented on Cindy's slow blink time. I've always been the same way, I never lost a staring contest in my whole life. I also can't wear contact lenses for the same reason.

I have clinically dry eyes, she may too. When the colored contacts came out in the 80's, one literally became like a cornflake on my eye! (I didn't see how it looked but it must have been shocking from the way people were staring at me that night.)
I have a few comments and questions.

Did I hear correctly that CA went to universal on July 3rd because KC told her to go there and she could pick up Calyee? Then CA called KC and KC said she wasn't there? If so, has anyone heard this story before? If you have, what did KC tell CA why she told her to go there and then wasn't there and where was Caylee?

The other thing I don't get is how some folks are getting so worked up because they don't feel JM should be asking these questions. They don't think they are relevant. Also, folks don't think this civil suit should be "before" the criminal trial. I bet you might think differently if you were ZG. It's sad because this woman hasn't done anything wrong. She hasn't broken the law or dragged anyone through the mud or done anything, let HER rights don't seem to be recognized like KC's Why does the Murder defendant's rights appear more important to some? i don't think ZG should have to wait to clear her name until God knows when Kc goes to trial. What do people expect her to do until then, sit on the sideline and put her life on hold? many people may say, this suit is ridiculous by ZG and JM. But please remember two things. There are many who say, it's frivilous because no one believes this woman had anything to do with caylee's disappearance or murder. However, there are many, many who DO believe KC out there in the world and DO think ZG is hiding something. So, she HAS to clear her name.
And 2. KC had the nerve to actually sue ZG too!!!
So, in depositions it is not about relevance per say, as much as it is a fact finding mission to build the case on your side and what everyone knew and knows. Yes, it has to be relevant. I just mean it is a lot less stringent that a courtroom.
Ugh! I am so upset that KC has drug so many people's lives through the mud and ruined so many. One family has done all of this. They've affected thousands all over the world. Heck, I live in VA and know it's had an effect on my life to the point of some damaged relationships due to my obsession and depression over this. They are just unbelievably unreal!

KC used the 7/3 trip to Universal as a ploy to get Cindy out of the house, so she could go in. (She must have needed some freezer pops)

Sadly Caylee was already deceased, probably since 6/16.

That is a valid point about the number of people who believe KC, but this ZG was cleared by LE the very day they talked to her.
I just want to say that I'm so proud of CA!
She sat there and answered questions that had nothing to do with the ZG case, and she took it, and she took it. The threats of contempt of court. The repeating the same questions again and again, wearing her down. Grilling is the word! Big shots with all the power. HA
She has the worst atty on the face of the earth. All three attys made me sick, attys like them give the whole lot a bad name. imo
LE will use this to find out how to work her against her daughter in her coming trial.
But in the end of the deposition, CA smack em down.
Good for her.
Congrats CA. I'm proud of you!!!
They looked menacing, but you made em look like fools.
You go girl!

I think we were watching two different interviews :)
I thought the attorneys did quite well under the circumstances. Had George Anthony started giving me a pronunciation lesson, my very next question would have been, "Mr. Anthony, did you say you were 2 years old?"

CA and her snide remarks would have evoked a bit out of me as well, but those attorneys held their cool quite well, imo. While they may be viewed as victims on some level, they too are also the perpetrator as well. Ask Jesse Grund about that.

I am in complete agreement with you!* (Guess I should have said this first!!) I'm speaking solely from the view that on Thursday there were no charges against them, wouldn't Judge R have to take this into consideration? Whether we like it or not?

* ETA Except for the fact that Cindy did get Dill(?) into a screaming match.
KC used the 7/3 trip to Universal as a ploy to get Cindy out of the house, so she could go in. (She must have needed some freezer pops)

Sadly Caylee was already deceased, probably since 6/16.

That is a valid point about the number of people who believe KC, but this ZG was cleared by LE the very day they talked to her.

Well, I am definitely in the corner with those believing that the civil suit should not go forward before the criminal, but just because LE may or may not have cleared ZG right away, that does not mean that the public felt the same way. They'll have to prove she received death threats, and suffered all the losses they claim, but if true, she didn't rebound from everything overnight.
If she had walked out they would have found her in contempt.

Judge R does not suffer fools lightly, but I wonder if he would have found the atty's to be a little heavy handed. In these eyes of the law these two are still only witnesses and victims as well. At least until the perjury charges come down!!

Call me crazy - but I didn't see the attorneys heavy handed at all..........I thought they were very professional given the hostility and disrespect they were shown by both Cindy and George. For example when Geo. accused Mitnick of giving him the "finger" he was just being outrageously argumentative. They even had to do BC's job of explaining to them the parameters of the deposition.........and they did it with respect.

Did kinda have to laugh at the end though when JM goes "Yes or No ......just like you like it".... Still laugh when I think about it. :)
Her break was only 5 or 6 minutes, no? Not really long enough for anything to kick in, especially if she has a habit.

I know several people have commented on Cindy's slow blink time. I've always been the same way, I never lost a staring contest in my whole life. I also can't wear contact lenses for the same reason.

I have clinically dry eyes, she may too. When the colored contacts came out in the 80's, one literally became like a cornflake on my eye! (I didn't see how it looked but it must have been shocking from the way people were staring at me that night.)

Understand that's why I said this one video is not enough to *know*, she may have taken a pill but it seems to me, her anger is what's fueling this now, not drugs- she is nothing like she was back toward the beginning.
I do NOT understand the necessity to make false accusations against, place blame on and slander innocent people in their quest to free KC.

respectfully snipped

Now that I do agree with. You do make an excellent point.. I have to say there are some AMAZING posters here who make me THINK..:waitasec:

I for one just believe in looking at their statements to help me SLEUTH.. not to rant about their gum chewing and bad behavior. (Which is why I stay away from rant threads.)

IMO :)
I just finished the videos and I have to be honest and say I did not see any of the outword signs of over-using (abusing) Benzo's. Though it does seem, to me, that between #3 and #4 there is a noteworthy difference in her eyes and how she holds herself- watching just these videos (when she was on TV every night earlier in the case it was easy to put it together) isn't enough for me to be able to recognize exactly what the difference is or what's causing it. She very well may have taken a Klonopin (or Xanax if her Benzo has been switched) during the break but she (IMO) didn't take 3 of them and she didn't wash it down with alcohol.

She seems OK to me, I think her anger is keeping her that way. Again, I am not a doctor or "qualified" in any such way. I'm just an addict who's drug of choice was Benzo's. So take my opinion on this matter for what it's worth to ya.. if it's worth nothing to you, feel free to ignore me. :)

I agree; she did not seem at all sedated to me. She seemed furious. She is livid that she is being subjected to any sort of scrutiny.
I guess everyone looks at the same thing differently as I have empathy for the Anthony's who lost their only grandaughter.
Ok I am still catching up on listening to the deposition and reading these posts, but one thing just struck me...

When CA is talking about the car chase between GA and KC, CA states GA had the dates wrong. She says she talked to him about it and between the two of them, they put together that GA actually left the house to chase KC in April. She states that she reminded him that that night, Caylee was with CA coloring. However, when pressed for WHY GA took off after her, CA states she didn't find out about him leaving to chase her until later.

How on earth could she help pin down the date of the chase months later if she didn't even know at the time it was happening? So she and Caylee are coloring, KC leaves, GA leaves saying nothing out of the ordinary, returns and does not mention the chase, never brings it up again, and then months later CA is able to remind him that it happened that particular night? How is that even logical?


I am sure someone else probably has caught this already and if so just ignore me. :D I just couldn't let this one slide.
I guess everyone looks at the same thing differently as I have empathy for the Anthony's who lost their only grandaughter.
At the hands of their lying daughter. Scott Peterson's parents also lost their grandchild at the hands of their murdering son! :snooty:Sorry, I'm not buying the greiving grandparents card when they won't even stand up and do right by Caylee by stopping the lies, and stop protecting the murderer.
Sorry if this observation was already posted...but I am still grinning about it!

Cindy - (removes mike)"I'm outa here."
Brad - "Okay, were not walking out."
Cindy - "Okay ask me the last question."
Atty - "You're gonna have to mike up."
Cindy - "I'm NOT mikeing up."
Brad - "We're gonna take a break."

...Back on record - Cindy has the mike on! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I got the biggest laugh out of that. She had that mike on, didn't she.
At the hands of their lying daughter. Scott Peterson's parents also lost their grandchild at the hands of their murdering son! :snooty:Sorry, I'm not buying the greiving grandparents card when they won't even stand up and do right by Caylee by stopping the lies, and stop protecting the murderer.

*bolding mine*

Excellent post! ITA! When the news of this situation broke, I was stunned. Anyone who has heard the 911 calls made by Cindy felt some form of sympathy/empathy for her. Cindy's apprehension and fear were tangible. I feel for the Anthonys because they have lost a grandchild, but that does not absolve them from being honest about Casey's actions. The Anthonys have crafted a world for Casey where delusion, deception, and enablement abound. Just as we must hold Casey accountable for her actions, her own parents must take responsibility as well. The Anthonys must come to terms with the fact that justice for Caylee means incarceration for Casey. It is as simple as that...IMO as usual...
I guess everyone looks at the same thing differently as I have empathy for the Anthony's who lost their only grandaughter.
If I had seen any true signs of grieving in the last 9 months I would too. I just see anger and bitterness.I'm not sure they know how to love .I mean that sincerely.
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