2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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Not that I have seen anywhere.

Why do none of Casey's lawyers attend these depositions to represent her interests? Would it be standard practice or out of the ordinary for them to do so?
Going by what the talking heads have said, yes, it was a mistake they weren't here.
I think it may be relevant when it comes time to "pay". I read somewhere in the thread about how the As may be held responsible as Casey was living under their roof. Sorry I can't be more specific.

If CA is not named as defendant or co-defendant in the case she is not liable for damages for someone else's alleged wrongdoing. KC is an adult and legally no longer the A's responsibility.
If CA is not named as defendant or co-defendant in the case she is not liable for damages for someone else's alleged wrongdoing. KC is an adult and legally no longer the A's responsibility.

She lived in their house, the homeowners insurance would have to pay.
Cindy may still be named in the suit, it would not surprise me at all.
If CA is not named as defendant or co-defendant in the case she is not liable for damages for someone else's alleged wrongdoing. KC is an adult and legally no longer the A's responsibility.
As I said, someone posted that may NOT be the case (and cited the law). Something was also mentioned about their homeowner's insurance covering it if it could be proved that she was being taken care of by them (I'm paraphrasing). I have no idea of the validity of that, but it would help explain why Cindy kept stating how Casey was an adult, was responsible for her own bills, etc. There seemed to be a lot of questions directed toward that very issue...along with the fact that if she had no money and no job, why would she need a nanny?
I wasn't referring to the fact that they are being questioned as witnesses. My point is that ZG's claim is that KC has defamed her, but JM (on record) has now accused CA of being the one who defamed ZG:

So CA is now apparently the one who published the alleged defamation and allegedly slandered ZG! IMO he has slipped up big time here by allowing his ego, and his obvious desire to get one over on CA, get the better of him. He has now accused a person other than the one named as the defendant in the lawsuit of having caused the alleged harm to his client. This lawsuit started out as frivolous but has now descended into a place beyond ridiculous IMO!
~ snipped for space ~

I think the implication is not that it is CA instead of KC --- the implication is that after KC defamed ZG, CA came right behind KC and did the same darn thing. So it should be CA and KC. Possibly another lawsuit to be filed?

The line between CA and KC just keeps getting thinner.
She lived in their house, the homeowners insurance would have to pay.
Cindy may still be named in the suit, it would not surprise me at all.
Thank you...now I know I'm only 1/2 crazy.
Watch and listen that's all I can say.

"When she said 'she's close', she was right wasn't she?"
CA explained that KC meant that ZFG was still around Orlando because she was suppose to bring the baby home for her birthday.
CA was right. He took KC's words out of context and tried to make it mean something else. That is why she said "just because something is said, it doesn't mean anything".

I give her some kudos on this one. I am glad that I was able to see the entire unedited deposition. I have a whole new mindset on CA.

And what pray tell is your whole new mindset on CA? I am truly interested in what you have to say because you are one of the most thoughtful posters here. I was surprised and will re-listen if I am truly missing something. I know the change in mindset could not be based solely on the example above.:waitasec: TIA
....and Cindy does not want lots of info coming out from anyone who knows of the past. How does that theory work for you?:woohoo:

Karen, I believe you are right. The look on Cindy's face when her parents are mentioned is a look of terror.
Personally, I think CA wrote that title as if Caylee was missing from CA's life... not that she believed Caylee was MISSING from everyone...

I think that was pretty obvious. :bang:

July 15th.

Dispatch: 911. What’s your emergency?
Cindy: I called a little bit ago. The deputy sheriff ‘s (inaudible). My granddaughter has been taken. She has been missing for a month. Her mother finally admitted that she’s been missing. I want someone here now.
Dispatch: OK, what is the address that you’re calling from?


CA considered her missing from the day she left Hopespring Drive.
Does anyone know if a body language expert has weighed in yet on Cindy/George depos? If so could you point me in a direction? TIA
Crazed she was I tell ya...........CRAZED....

Yes, no big surprises:


Constantine said you can see the toll the situation has taken on Cindy physically.

"You can see her skeletal muscles. I mean, her cheekbones, you can see it in her neck. She's really gone through the loop here. She's gone through quite a bit. She's lot a lot of weight. To me, she doesn't look that healthy," Constantine said.

According to Constantine, while George continues to try to recover from the death of Caylee, He is wrestling with his own emotions. But his wife, who Constantine says is mentally stronger, is just fighting to stick with the story she has heard from Casey.
I suspect that his explanations and pleas to CAGA will go unheeded because CAGA won't accept what he tells them. It's not their nature.

Also because they are so much smarter and know things no one else knows!
As I said, someone posted that may NOT be the case (and cited the law). Something was also mentioned about their homeowner's insurance covering it if it could be proved that she was being taken care of by them (I'm paraphrasing). I have no idea of the validity of that, but it would help explain why Cindy kept stating how Casey was an adult, was responsible for her own bills, etc. There seemed to be a lot of questions directed toward that very issue...along with the fact that if she had no money and no job, why would she need a nanny?

I just googled 'US homeowner's insurance' to see how it compares with what a typical British homeowner's policy covers, and found that it appears to be similar to what I'm familiar with. It's designed to cover damage to your property, or your legal liability for injury or loss caused to another person whilst on your property. I can't see any reference in the following link to liability cover for unconnected civil lawsuits, unless this sort of cover can be added to some policies as an extra.

Very interesting observation, Sanddollar. I registered her extreme reaction but never stopped to speculate over why she becomes so explosive over this. Obviously, no one wants their elderly parents drawn into something to cause them anxiety, but the fact is that both her parents handled LE's visits perfectly well--in fact much better than Cindy has handled LE's visits.

The only reason I can come up with seems foolish and bizarre, but here it is: Cindy instructed LE not to interview her parents until after she had time to speak with them because a surprise visit would jeopardize their health. But LE flagrantly disobeyed her instructions which infuriates her. And, what makes her even more angry is that LE's surprise visit didn't jeoparidze her parents health at all--which means she was proven wrong.

The above seems lame, I know, but if you believe "this is all really about Cindy, in Cindy's mind," then I guess the above is possible.

Friday, the frightened look that Cindy exhibits when her parents are mentioned makes me think she feels very threatened by anyone talking with them. Most people would be concerned about their elderly parents being subjected to unpleasant police interviews, but that does not appear to account for Cindy's reaction. It is not foolish or bizarre that Cindy may be reacting with a toddler's response with LE not responding how she wanted resulting in her temper tantrum. We have seen the same kind of response from Casey while visiting with her parents in jail. That could be exactly what is happening.

Remembering the emails that Shirley was sending a friend or relative, she certainly seemed to know a lot about what was going on in the A family which I suspect was according to Cindy. Don't you think that Shirley could tell us so much?
You would think that around July 3, when CA was missing Caylee so much she posted her message on Myspace for KC to see, that CA would have utilized those phone numbers and addresses she had for Zanny to see if Zanny had seen KC.....hehehe....oh, and what about Lee going out to look for KC--uh, why didn't Cindy at least give those phone numbers and addresses to Lee so HE could track KC down...
Talk about a bold faced lie! That particular lie is SO transparent and will bite a huge chunk out of her behind later on.
I just googled 'US homeowner's insurance' to see how it compares with what a typical British homeowner's policy covers, and found that it appears to be similar to what I'm familiar with. It's designed to cover damage to your property, or your legal liability for injury or loss caused to another person whilst on your property. I can't see any reference in the following link to liability cover for unconnected civil lawsuits, unless this sort of cover can be added to some policies as an extra.


" Many homeowners' policies -- and some business ones, too -- will pay to defend you in many types of civil liability cases, including those for libel, slander and false arrest, and may even pay the judgments if you lose. Even if the suit has nothing to do with your house, the insurance company must come to your rescue with legal help.
Often, what brings an insurance company into such suits is an ancillary, rather than a primary, allegation. President Clinton, for example, has turned to his umbrella policies, which supplement homeowners' insurance with additional liability coverage, to help pay the legal expenses in the civil suit filed against him by Paula Corbin Jones. It was not her allegations of sexual harassment that brought the policies into play, but an allegation of defamation."
Great post!! ITA- She does, she really thinks she can turn this whole thing around.

She thinks she can come up with a good enough lie or can talk someone out of something or bully or talk enough crap about to the news programs that they will just give up and drop this. ! She lives in a friggin fairy tale ! Cindy thinks she is better & smarter than everyone involved.. she really believes she is more cunning and sneaky and better at feeding people "mistruths" than anyone else is. She thinks she can out play people even at their own game. She thinks she can still change the outcome of this.

<respectfully snipped>

I can't agree with this more.

I was leaning towards this for a long time, but after watching the depo and her wink at BC, then her "Thank YOU Mr. Morgan! Now he has to prove it," I was fully and finally convinced that she isn't just behaving this way for show.

She does think she can turn this around somehow through sheer force of Cindy-will.
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