2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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Yes, no big surprises:


Constantine said you can see the toll the situation has taken on Cindy physically.

"You can see her skeletal muscles. I mean, her cheekbones, you can see it in her neck. She's really gone through the loop here. She's gone through quite a bit. She's lot a lot of weight. To me, she doesn't look that healthy," Constantine said.

According to Constantine, while George continues to try to recover from the death of Caylee, He is wrestling with his own emotions. But his wife, who Constantine says is mentally stronger, is just fighting to stick with the story she has heard from Casey.

This part of the article cracked me up: "She can't keep her mouth quiet. She just can't. She doesn't have control of that emotion," Constantine explained."

This took an expert to see?
Do you think she is close to crumbling with trying to keep up all of these falsehoods?

Oh gosh, I certainly don't know for sure but I kinda doubt it.. that's why it's called borderline personality- it usually stays on this side of the border of sanity, though not always. It's been my experience that they are at their best while in crisis. So long as there is something to make them feel useful and important and needed, so long as there is always a fight to be fought their good (in their heads).
this part of the article cracked me up: "she can't keep her mouth quiet. She just can't. She doesn't have control of that emotion," constantine explained."

this took an expert to see?

If CA is not named as defendant or co-defendant in the case she is not liable for damages for someone else's alleged wrongdoing. KC is an adult and legally no longer the A's responsibility.

That is a slippery slope according to the insurance adjuster I talked to about this. If they can prove that KC had NO OTHER means of support except her parents and she was living in their home for the year preceding, and she was under their authority, then their liability insurance for defamation will come into play.

That is evidently why Morgan was so interested in KC's earnings (IRS, contributing to the household, paying rent, etc.)

That is really not an issue now that Cindy admitted she went on TV after LE told her that ZG had been cleared and that KC said it was not her, and said that it she was a suspect and that KC did not clear her. I am not sure he will even have to add her as a defendant in the case to collect from her homeowners.
She was really stoopid when she threw that one out there! I mean really! They're searching for your KIDNAPPED grand-daughter and 9 months later you decide to mention that you had the babysitter's phone number and address. Might as well just say that you're a stoopid cow or a liar. Take your pick.


She's an idiot- just like Casey, she does not plan ahead further than 10 minutes. Does anyone really have to ask wtf is wrong with Casey?
I'm with ya.. she really thinks she is something!

We disagree on one aspect though. She behaves like an idiot, but I don't think she is an idiot. I just don't think she realizes that she has a disorder. KWIM?
Beg to differ. No one likes having their deposition taken, no one. Yet it happens tens of thousands of times a day across the country and no one brings their own video camera and puts it on the lawyers, asks the lawyers questions, winks at their lawyers, and acts out of control as she did. Truly was bizarre behavior for a witness in a court proceeding. The lawyers acted professionally. How exactly were the lawyers acting like idiots? And how exactly did she do great? She crucified her daughter in a misguided attempt to help her; she patently lied about so many things that she destroyed what little credibility she had left.

I have NO problem with the fact that she brought her own camera, for a variety of reasons:

1) If she thinks they will lie at a later date, she has a video of them. Tit for tat, IOW. She thinks they may be less likely to lie if she has her OWN recording.

2) News programs are only going to show the parts THEY edited, so she has the COMPLETE version to prove they are editing it to show their own slant. Of course, G&C could then edit their own version, too, but that's a separate issue.

3) She wants to critique their own performances so that they can be prepared for future testimony and at least TRY to be consistent (not necessarily TRUTHFUL, but consistent).

4) She wants to show the body language of the opposing lawyers (and plaintiff). We can hear their questions, but not see HOW they are asking their questions. Considering the high-profile nature of the cases, that could shed some light on at least SOME of their anger.

Frankly, I think it would be prudent for EVERYONE to bring a camera when they are being deposed. The fact that she made such a big PRODUCTION out of it, OTOH, was a problem. That brings me to #5, which is NOT a good reason for people to make their own recordings: She wants to childishly intimidate and make fun of them -- mostly it was a big F-U to M&M.

Don't get me wrong -- I think this deposition was an absolute TRAIN WRECK and their behavior was beyond appalling! They showed their true natures and made NO friends except maybe with other people looking to justify their OWN appalling behavior.

It was just plain FRIGHTENING to see her so ... crazed! It was like she was breathlessly ... manic? Her snarls and smirks and that WINK were downright OBSCENE somehow. It was truly cringeworthy stuff!

To paraphrase Inago Montoya in The Princess Bride, as far as how Cindy THINKS she did in the deposition "I do not think it means what you THINK it means."
You got it!! But even with the worst of parents, I still think Casey's problems are primarily her own. Casey is just a case all her own, and I doubt anyone will ever crack her psychology one-hundred percent. I don't think even as wacky as C and G are, that they are the reason for Casey's criminal insanity. She belongs in jail with the Joker and the Penguin.

My other bet, with the way kids are now adays, with the drugs and the lack of self-control and lack of self-discipline or direction, in this society that they're growing up in, expect to see more like her in the very near future.

I realize it's easy to blame the "kids these days" but ya know what? Someone is raising these kids.. they do not just fall out of their mothers dresses with a lack of self control, self discipline & no sense or care about direction. I'm sorry but it's time people stop blaming everyone else for the way their children turn out.

Casey, sadly, is FAR from a case all her own, many kids are being raised like she was.. there are so many mothers like Cindy out that that you are correct, if things keep going this way, it will only get worse! Our JOB is to teach our children right from wrong and to do that we must show them what it means!
Ok, I'm with ya on that, to a point but would just like to toss this out there, see whatcha think?

My mom, (who's just like Cindy, as we have discussed) hides things from her mother because her mother is much like HER and is often very very critical (to the point of having made my mom cry before) by putting her down about the type of food she'd buy us when I was a child- my grandmother didn't like that we were on welfare and told my mother so ALL THE TIME. When my Bio father left us, my mom went to her parents for help and though my grandmother helped her with some money, 36 years later it is STILL thrown in my mothers face, as a way to tell her what she turned out to be.. without ever SAYING it, ya know?

My grandmother SEEMS like a loving and wonderful woman, and she is- really, but not when it comes to my mom... though sometimes she is.

I don't know, Shrley seems nice so I'm not saying that I think this is the case with her but I just thought I'd bring it up as a possible?? Just tell me to shut up if I'm out of line! LOL

No, no--based on my own experience, you are so totally right about the kind of behavior exhibited by mothers of women like Cindy. I fully expected to see some of that behavior from Shirley P--In fact, I watched for it in every document and during her taped interview, but I honestly didn't notice, or even sense, a sign of it.

Shirley was justifiably angry about the money KC stole from her, but she did not whine or martyr herself over how badly needed that money was. (Though it obviously was.) Nor did she go on a rampage about it to her sister or son behind Cindy's back. More significantly, she passed up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make subtle
"digs" at her daughter to LE and the world.

Her criticism of Cindy for being too lenient on KC in the past was gentle, forthright, and more than offset by her portrayal of Cindy as a loving mother and grandmother. If Shirley were the sort of woman I expected her to be, she would have sided with "poor" KC and blamed Cindy completely, and vociferously, for failing KC as a mother. She would even have offered (absurd or untruthful) details from the past to prove her point!

Shirley did none of that. After all was said and done, I found her to be genuine, honest, kind, completely sensible, and totally likeable.

I just realized we've inadvertently drifted OT. Sorry everyone.
She'll also say:

"I'm tired. I haven't slept or been able to eat since this happened. You'll have to give me time to answer because I have to constantly guzzle water."

Good grief!!! I have yet to see an interview where she doesn't give excuses for "misstating" the facts!

I have to constantly guzzle water, too, because medication I take gives me dry mouth and it gets REALLY bad if I'm doing a lot of talking. It's probably pretty safe to say she's taking an anti-depressant, which would do the same to her. She must have amazing bladder capacity, though, because I'm constantly heading for the bathroom as a consequence and it doesn't look like they stopped long enough to do that.

Someone also mentioned sweat stains under her arms. I have two words to say to that: hot flashes

(that and she WAS pretty worked up)
We disagree on one aspect though. She behaves like an idiot, but I don't think she is an idiot. I just don't think she realizes that she has a disorder. KWIM?

I getcha! That's Ok- we don't have to agree on everything! :blowkiss:

It's rare they ever realize they have a disorder... rarer still that they do something about it.
No, no--based on my own experience, you are so totally right about the kind of behavior exhibited by mothers of women like Cindy. I fully expected to see some of that behavior from Shirley P--In fact, I watched for it in every document and during her taped interview, but I honestly didn't notice, or even sense, a sign of it.

Shirley was justifiably angry about the money KC stole from her, but she did not whine or martyr herself over how badly needed that money was. (Though it obviously was.) Nor did she go on a rampage about it to her sister or son behind Cindy's back. More significantly, she passed up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make subtle
"digs" at her daughter to LE and the world.

Her criticism of Cindy for being too lenient on KC in the past was gentle, forthright, and more than offset by her portrayal of Cindy as a loving mother and grandmother. If Shirley were the sort of woman I expected her to be, she would have sided with "poor" KC and blamed Cindy completely, and vociferously, for failing KC as a mother. She would even have offered (absurd or untruthful) details from the past to prove her point!

Shirley did none of that. After all was said and done, I found her to be genuine, honest, kind, completely sensible, and totally likeable.

I just realized we've inadvertently drifted OT. Sorry everyone.

You are right and make much sense, thanks for your input!

I'm sorry re: the off topic too, ya'll. I'ma leaving- I really just meant to toss that out to Friday, see what she thought.
Isn't this lawsuit supposed to be between ZG and KC? Why then, does JM burst forth in a triumphant manner at the end of the depo and try to get CA to admit that it was she who defamed ZG, as if the whole point of the torturous exercise was to wear CA down so that he could hit her with that accusation at the end! Is it normal to have a person deposed as a witness in the claim but then twist it around so that the witness gets blamed for the alleged harm caused to the Claimant?

Cindy DID defame this Zenaida Gonzalez on TV. Cindy's defaming comments are just more defamation on top of tot-killer's defamation, imo. :)
haha- George would probably welcome her crossing it and having to be hospitalized for a few days like he was!

haa I always thought that was why he pulled the 5150....to get away for a while.
haa I always thought that was why he pulled the 5150....to get away for a while.

oh no.. no, Gosh no, I'm not saying George pulled anything in that regard.
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