2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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I have NO problem with the fact that she brought her own camera, for a variety of reasons:

1) If she thinks they will lie at a later date, she has a video of them. Tit for tat, IOW. She thinks they may be less likely to lie if she has her OWN recording.

2) News programs are only going to show the parts THEY edited, so she has the COMPLETE version to prove they are editing it to show their own slant. Of course, G&C could then edit their own version, too, but that's a separate issue.

3) She wants to critique their own performances so that they can be prepared for future testimony and at least TRY to be consistent (not necessarily TRUTHFUL, but consistent).

4) She wants to show the body language of the opposing lawyers (and plaintiff). We can hear their questions, but not see HOW they are asking their questions. Considering the high-profile nature of the cases, that could shed some light on at least SOME of their anger.

Frankly, I think it would be prudent for EVERYONE to bring a camera when they are being deposed. The fact that she made such a big PRODUCTION out of it, OTOH, was a problem. That brings me to #5, which is NOT a good reason for people to make their own recordings: She wants to childishly intimidate and make fun of them -- mostly it was a big F-U to M&M.

Don't get me wrong -- I think this deposition was an absolute TRAIN WRECK and their behavior was beyond appalling! They showed their true natures and made NO friends except maybe with other people looking to justify their OWN appalling behavior.

It was just plain FRIGHTENING to see her so ... crazed! It was like she was breathlessly ... manic? Her snarls and smirks and that WINK were downright OBSCENE somehow. It was truly cringeworthy stuff!

To paraphrase Inago Montoya in The Princess Bride, as far as how Cindy THINKS she did in the deposition "I do not think it means what you THINK it means."

.... and I always thought CA just wanted to sell their Depo video to the highest bidder.

" Many homeowners' policies -- and some business ones, too -- will pay to defend you in many types of civil liability cases, including those for libel, slander and false arrest, and may even pay the judgments if you lose. Even if the suit has nothing to do with your house, the insurance company must come to your rescue with legal help.
Often, what brings an insurance company into such suits is an ancillary, rather than a primary, allegation. President Clinton, for example, has turned to his umbrella policies, which supplement homeowners' insurance with additional liability coverage, to help pay the legal expenses in the civil suit filed against him by Paula Corbin Jones. It was not her allegations of sexual harassment that brought the policies into play, but an allegation of defamation."

Angora, I think you've GOT it!!! JB must have reason to believe the A's insurance will cover whatever judgment is awarded to ZG!

But that leads to a couple more questions: In order for the A's homeowner's insurance and/or umbrella policy to cover KC, wouldn't she have to be their dependent? If so, that could be why JM spent all that (seemingly wasted) time delving KC's financial contributions to the household, like did she pay rent, did she buy groceries, did she have an income and file tax returns?

Or--and this is a possibility--has JM planned to sue the A's all along, in addition to KC?
LOL- I liked Rick- I have a lot of respect for him and what he was trying to do when he emailed her.. I suspect his mother does as well. I think she was just pissed he aired their family info on-line and I'ma be honest, I'm on her side with that one! I don't get any kind of bad feeling about Shirley at all either... I like the fiesty ol' broad!

You and I think a lot alike. LOL
Re my bold. In Texas, lawyers like Morgan who act kind of polite and flustered, and who speak with a twang, would be called, "good ol' boys." In Texas, these "good ol' boy" lawyers will peal you like an apple when they're ready and neatly core the opposing counsel while you watch. And if one of these "good ol' boy lawyers" also happens to be wearing a ghastly string tie and well-worn cowboy boots along with his suit and shirt, you should consider dropping your lawsuit forthwith and getting the h@ll outta Dodge City while you still have your horse and saddle and the fillings in your teeth. LOL

Not saying JM and his sidekick fall into this dangerous "good ol' boy" lawyer category, but I'm not saying they don't, either.

:croc: And BEWARE if they ever look at you and say, "well bless your heart." :angel:
One Lost Girl....you are amazing!

How DID Shirley turn out someone like Cindy?.....makes me wonder.

I believe that some people are born with a personality disorder. How else do you explain a family of 4 children and all but one turning out to be normal, well-adjusted adults? The one with a personality disorder was raised by the same parents and raised the same way.

In this case, although we don't know too much about Cindy's other two brothers, her brother, RP, seems to be normal and has logic and common sense.
If she paid medical bills, chances are extremely high that there is a paper/electronic trail. Normally, if you go to a doctor appt, you either pay by check/credit card right then or, more likely, you get billed for it and then make a payment via the mail or on-line banking. Medical bills are rarely paid for in cash, at least not in MY experience. So that particular lie should be easy to prove.

I agree -- her MySpace posts speaks VOLUMES.

Cindy's July 3rd MySpace message tells all when it comes to the relationship that existed between Cindy and Casey at that time.

I have no doubt that there was a fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15, 2008. That fight was the catalyst for everything that happened. LE looks for motive, and in this case, the volatile relationship between Cindy and Casey erupted in a fight and that's what triggered the murderous rage in Casey.
I can't agree with this more.

I was leaning towards this for a long time, but after watching the depo and her wink at BC, then her "Thank YOU Mr. Morgan! Now he has to prove it," I was fully and finally convinced that she isn't just behaving this way for show.

She does think she can turn this around somehow through sheer force of Cindy-will.

I re-watched part of Cindy's depo, I actually had the feeling she was sinking into madness when she sits back and winks at BC right after she stopped screaming and waving her arms. It was like looking insanity in the face, chilling...
For the most part she has stayed out of the picture. Nothing gets a rise out of Cindy quite like when her parents are brought up. Even when she was depoed, just the mention of her parents brought quite a hostile response and remember when LE were going to the nursing home in the beginning she became outraged. Why is it so horrible for her parents to talk to LE?:angel:

Maybe CA is afraid of what her mom will tell about the A family.
She's an idiot- just like Casey, she does not plan ahead further than 10 minutes. Does anyone really have to ask wtf is wrong with Casey?

Two peas in a pod. The ONLY peas in THAT pod, I might add!
Cindy's July 3rd MySpace message tells all when it comes to the relationship that existed between Cindy and Casey at that time.

I have no doubt that there was a fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15, 2008. That fight was the catalyst for everything that happened. LE looks for motive, and in this case, the volatile relationship between Cindy and Casey erupted in a fight and that's what triggered the murderous rage in Casey.

Yes yes...but they would have us all think everything was hunky-dory there. I bet Cindy cringes when she hears how KC referred to her as a b!tch and that she wanted to control everything. Remember how Cindy stated on the stand at the bond hearing that KC and she were very close? "Best friends" was the term she used, IIRC.
Well, well, now we're finally getting to see the real Anthony's. And it isn't hard to see where KC's personality came from. Noticed CA has an answer for everything, just like the tot-killer.

These freaks are STILL trying to fix KC's screw ups, this time at the cost of their b'loved granddaughter.

And George. I've completely lost what little respect I had for him, (which wasn't much to start with), he's as dispicable as the other three A's.

They are no longer grieving g'parent's in my eyes, they are just the parents of a tot-killer. (not that anyone cares) :o

" Many homeowners' policies -- and some business ones, too -- will pay to defend you in many types of civil liability cases, including those for libel, slander and false arrest, and may even pay the judgments if you lose. Even if the suit has nothing to do with your house, the insurance company must come to your rescue with legal help.
Often, what brings an insurance company into such suits is an ancillary, rather than a primary, allegation. President Clinton, for example, has turned to his umbrella policies, which supplement homeowners' insurance with additional liability coverage, to help pay the legal expenses in the civil suit filed against him by Paula Corbin Jones. It was not her allegations of sexual harassment that brought the policies into play, but an allegation of defamation."

Thanks for the link. I guess it depends then on what coverage the A's insurance policy actually has and whether KC was included on the policy as one of the 'insured'.
Isn't this lawsuit supposed to be between ZG and KC? Why then, does JM burst forth in a triumphant manner at the end of the depo and try to get CA to admit that it was she who defamed ZG, as if the whole point of the torturous exercise was to wear CA down so that he could hit her with that accusation at the end! Is it normal to have a person deposed as a witness in the claim but then twist it around so that the witness gets blamed for the alleged harm caused to the Claimant?

I do believe he just welcomed Cindy Anthony into the wonderful world of the law suit and he got her to admit under oath she was guilty. I'm sure all of his little lawyer buddies gave him a high five on that one!!! :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
Don't you wonder if BC phoned MN to commiserate after Cindy's depot?

No I don't. Because BC promptly made plans to go run his mouth on TV the next morning and defend his clients. He is in it for the limelight and attention and doesn't seem to realize or care how he and his clients come off.
I do believe he just welcomed Cindy Anthony into the wonderful world of the law suit and he got her to admit under oath she was guilty. I'm sure all of his little lawyer buddies gave him a high five on that one!!! :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

If I was one of his lawyer buddies I would be asking him why he has compromised his client's claim by attempting to show that someone other than (or as well as) the defendant she named is responsible for the alleged harm she has suffered. He now has to prove how much of the alleged harm was actually caused by the named defendant, rather than by CA, who is not being sued for damages. :doh:
If I was one of his lawyer buddies I would be asking him why he has compromised his client's claim by attempting to show that someone other than (or as well as) the defendant she named is responsible for the alleged harm she has suffered. He now has to prove how much of the alleged harm was actually caused by the named defendant, rather than by CA, who is not being sued for damages. :doh:

Because he first got CA to admit she was the authorized agent of KC prior to having her admit perpetuating the defamation.

If KC had told her agent/mouthpiece (CA) the truth about not recognizing ZFG, then the GretaVS interview would not have compounded ZFGs problems.

All roads lead back to KC.
If I was one of his lawyer buddies I would be asking him why he has compromised his client's claim by attempting to show that someone other than (or as well as) the defendant she named is responsible for the alleged harm she has suffered. He now has to prove how much of the alleged harm was actually caused by the named defendant, rather than by CA, who is not being sued for damages. :doh:

KC has nothing, a little prison acct kept fat by donations. Unless she is found not guilty, it is all she will ever have.

Cindy on the other hand stands to make a lot of green over the next few years, after her daughter is locked away for good. I think he is just following the money.

When he signed ZG, Morgan already had an idea how this was going to play out. Initially I saw no point in going after KC in a civil suit, knowing KC would never walk away from murder charges. But since KC, not Cindy was the one who started this whole business, he had to go after KC to draw Cindy into it. I think this was his plan all along, I don't think BC ever saw it coming and Cindy walked straight into it.
Just finished parts 4 and 5. Good grief, this woman is a menace. My favorite part was when she demanded that JM answer the question. I don't know that I have ever witnessed such arrogance. Trial should be quite interesting. Where's the Tylenol?

ETA: NO ONE can bridle this wild woman. My opinion.

That is the thang that bothers me-----very much. I wanna know WHY? Who the He!! does she think she is? There are ways of the Court that have to be respected and obeyed. CA is NOT above the Law. You can't walk into a depo and "TAKE" over. You are there to answer question-------whether you like the questions or not. I am so mad that she is getting away with her actions. We "ALL" have to answer for our actions-------> not CA tho. What the He!! is the deal here???????????

CA will NOT ever have to spit that gum out during the trial. She can do or say anythang she wants-----and get away with it. We can control our lives but we can NOT run thru life with a hammer in our hand and spew sheet out of our mouths like this woman does.

I think that when she gets started with those wild eyes and mouth opened that she throws the male Lawyers into a state of shock. Where are women Lawyers? Can't wait for one of them to get hold of that sow. She won't intimidate a female like she seems to a male. She seems to go straight for the balls. I wanna see a FEMALE git hold of her. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and get hold of this mess. She needs to be stopped in her tracks at the very first question or answer and made (legally) to just shut up and answer the question or go to jail. If she wants to be a martyr then give her that. Martyr her azz to jail. Grrrrr. I would love a shot at her.
I haven't read this whole thread. However, I saw CA's gum-chewing ("like a horse") mentioned on the thread about imaginary Zanny's imaginary white dog. Since we were to stay on the topic of the "white dog" on that thread, I thought I'd mention here that I think CA's gum might be nicotine gum, since one poster said she chews it constantly.
CA seems to be such an angry, controlling person. I've said it before and I'll say it again: IMO a controlling person is a very, very fearful, anxious, person. They are not the raging bulls they seem to be. Far from it--in my opinion. IMO controlling persons are scared to death of a lot of things that other people just shrug their shoulders at. Her depo shows CA's need for control in all its glory.
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