2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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Haven't read the whole thread. This depo ended any residual respect I had for George. His outrage should should be directed toward the source of all this misery and carnage, his own daughter, Casey Marie Anthony. He should be respecting Caylee's memory and working toward justice for her, not lying to protect her murderer. He actually seemed to be two people during this interview-hostile and unco-operative to the max in Parts 1-4 and then calm and rational and even cooperative in Part 5. It's been implied that Casey changed personalities. Today, in these depos, I saw George do that too.

He is torn between two loves' Caylee and Casey and he is kind of dancing in the middle.
I wish he would be standding on Caylee's end.
I feel Casey would learn far more from him being ethical then from his deniel.
I think his position is keeping him from being centered.
He is furiouse with Casey and probably with Cindy too.
When you walk in the middle of a highway with cars coming both ways you cant feel safe.
That is how GA is walking through this case. Right down the middle.
And he is mad as hell.
Reading through George's depo, this part jumped out at me:

Q Have you ever spoken to your son about that
7 tip and is he the person that made that tip?
8 A No. My son -- my son wouldn't have done that,
9 no.
10 Q The question is, with all due respect, have
11 you ever had a conversation with your son about that tip
12 and was he the person that made that tip?
13 A I've never had the conversation about my son
14 about -- about that -- him making that tip or being that
15 specific to it, no, I never have.

This takes place after George angrily threatened to leave in five minutes, stating that he was done. After plaintiff's attorney's stated they would hold George in contempt if he left, and after a 15 minute break, George came back with a decidedly different attitude, i.e., more cooperative. What I found telling in the exchange above is, aside from George stuttering (nervousness?) in response to the question "did George have a conversation with Lee" re Lee possibly passing information to DC as to the location of Caylee's remains. George's response is at first to ignore the question and say his son wouldn't do that. When the specific question is repeated, George alludes to "the" conversation, saying it never happened. If it never happened, wouldn't it be "a" conversation, rather than "the" conversation? Perhaps I am nitpicking, but George's choice of words, together with his stuttering, after first dodging the question, makes me wonder if this question was answered truthfully.
Maybe GA got some pills during the brake to make him relax?
He did seem much more relaxed, and that does not happen from drinking water. :)
The low point of both depositions was the 'ZFG (the one who is a kidnapper) is a 10!'..
meaning of course that THIS lady was not. How can anyone reply to that? Of course you can't say "Neither are you nor your daughter" For one thing they are suppossedly only pointing out that this is one way of establishing which Zenida is the one accussed by KC. .. "Oh you misunderstand! We are actually saying that this is just a way of clearing your name, we were trying to be helpful!" As though we did not all understand what they were doing perfectly well.

Even if you did stand up and speak back, that is still trivializing things, going on about personal appearances where one is actually involved in an important legal proceeding and beauty or lack of it has nothing to do with the matter.

I wonder if any of them have the objectivity to sit down and really observe themselves, just in respect to their physical appearance.. not that anyone should have to, but since they brought it up, and seem to be so sure that the this Zenida is NOT a 10, they might want to consider how far they and their daughter are from the same standard.

(Sorry to go OT, it is just that this has really been annoying me since I first heard them say it. I feel better now.)
That may explain why the name on the card at the apartment complex started with a "C" instead of a "Z" and perhaps Zenaida corrected her.

Also, that area on the card is for "Contact Information" so perhaps the lady at the complex simply writes down C - (add contact info here) on all the cards she fills out. Gonzalez can end with a "z" or an "s" so maybe she wasn't sure which one it was. Isn't there an interview with this lady somewhere? Maybe she explains it.

It just shows the ignorance of Cindy and George (and BC for letting them go on and on about it). Do they honestly believe a card with a C preceding ZFG's name holds any weight?
The low point of both depositions was the 'ZFG (the one who is a kidnapper) is a 10!'..
meaning of course that THIS lady was not. How can anyone reply to that? Of course you can't say "Neither are you nor your daughter" For one thing they are suppossedly only pointing out that this is one way of establishing which Zenida is the one accussed by KC. .. "Oh you misunderstand! We are actually saying that this is just a way of clearing your name, we were trying to be helpful!" As though we did not all understand what they were doing perfectly well.

Even if you did stand up and speak back, that is still trivializing things, going on about personal appearances where one is actually involved in an important legal proceeding and beauty or lack of it has nothing to do with the matter.

I wonder if any of them have the objectivity to sit down and really observe themselves, just in respect to their physical appearance.. not that anyone should have to, but since they brought it up, and seem to be so sure that the this Zenida is NOT a 10, they might want to consider how far they and their daughter are from the same standard.

(Sorry to go OT, it is just that this has really been annoying me since I first heard them say it. I feel better now.)

IMO it was a deliberately cruel, cutting, and unnecessary remark. Apparently it was pre-planned since both George and Cindy pointed out THIS ZFG's imperfect attributes. Seems to me all the Anthony's fancy themselves '10's' while the rest of the world are slugs to be used or abused in some fashion. Gosh that sounds harsh but I can't think of a nicer way to say it.
I have to respectfully and totally disagree with you and CA on this point. We have several pages of thread right here on WS that debates ZG's involvement. You will find lots of speculation and debate. People that do not follow this case and have only heard this unusual name (in the south at least) associated with the "tot mom" case, they will most always conclude that there is involvment of a "ZG" UNLESS the reall killer is brought to justice!

I have a very normal name, but I can't even imagine if "the highest profile case since OJ" had my first and last name associated with it AND I lived in the same town as the crime AND my MS acct was associated with others associated with the crime and I personally was being discussed all over the internet, well lets just say, I'd be mad!
I totally agree I wouold have been mad too; but I have a feeling that this particular ZG will not have to clean houses anymore.
I have a feeling that after her name is totally cleared she will have more money then she ever imagined. JMHO
The A's are 'special'. They are gonna be on Oprah, after all.


Painter, that link was broken so lets try this one.
But thanks for the link.
I guess that after reading everything about how their attitude will not help their daughters case they are going to take a volume and go on the Oprah show to vindicate themselves.
too little too late IMO; I think they are so transparent at this point that their best bet is to be out of sight completely.
The low point of both depositions was the 'ZFG (the one who is a kidnapper) is a 10!'..
meaning of course that THIS lady was not. How can anyone reply to that? Of course you can't say "Neither are you nor your daughter" For one thing they are suppossedly only pointing out that this is one way of establishing which Zenida is the one accussed by KC. .. "Oh you misunderstand! We are actually saying that this is just a way of clearing your name, we were trying to be helpful!" As though we did not all understand what they were doing perfectly well.

Even if you did stand up and speak back, that is still trivializing things, going on about personal appearances where one is actually involved in an important legal proceeding and beauty or lack of it has nothing to do with the matter.

I wonder if any of them have the objectivity to sit down and really observe themselves, just in respect to their physical appearance.. not that anyone should have to, but since they brought it up, and seem to be so sure that the this Zenida is NOT a 10, they might want to consider how far they and their daughter are from the same standard.

(Sorry to go OT, it is just that this has really been annoying me since I first heard them say it. I feel better now.)

Agreed. I don't exactly know, but I don't recall that LA said anything along those lines ("she was a 10") did he? He, I think, gave a physical description, but did he qualify it with using the 0-10 scale? I'm only asking this because it would tend to show collusion on CAGA's parts to Plan their testimony.
Exactly! ITA!! It is clear that prior to the deposition they had a pow wow where they decided as a team that they would absolutely refuse the questions that "were not relevant"! They were very worked up but in different ways. CA comes across as one of those people who feels confrontation is nearly FUN.

I think that George's anger was real. I think they were both totally ticked off that they had to go there and answer questions. I think that George went in that room ready for a fight. He didn't just have a chip on his shoulder...he had the whole tree. I did notice that when they came back in after the break George settled down and answered the questions and didn't look like he was going to blow sky high. I believe he was given some form of medication that brought his anxiety level down. I saw the same thing happen in a court setting while fighting for custody of my granddaughter. The other grandmother acted the same way...took a break...she took her meds...and straightened right up. Good thing for her :slap:
This is more a question on the civil suit in general, so sorry if slightly O/T: Is there a list of deposition witnesses that Morgan and Co. are going to call? If so, can I get a link or be directed to a link please? TIA.
I was able to watch the depos for the first time last night....OMG....they lie with such ease!

I did hear that GA was going to be brought back. I can't remember where I heard it, though. It was yesterday. Maybe NG?
When is Georgie coming back for his deposition?

Good question. I haven't heard an exact date but according to the Nancy Grace show last night, George is definitely going to have another go at finishing the deposition. This time, the opposing team plans to take him before the judge to get him to answer the questions he refuses to answer.
George may suddenly regret how he reacted in his first deposition.
If his daughter had not filed the counter suit against Zanny, chances are he would not have been involved in a deposition.
I am absolutly shocked by the behavior of the Double Mint Twins during the depositon. Cindy and George are not helping their daughter one bit.
Agreed. I don't exactly know, but I don't recall that LA said anything along those lines ("she was a 10") did he? He, I think, gave a physical description, but did he qualify it with using the 0-10 scale? I'm only asking this because it would tend to show collusion on CAGA's parts to Plan their testimony.

IIRC, Lee did not make any derogatory statements about her appearance. He was fairly cordial towards her. I'm rethinking my position on Lee after comparing his depo testimony to that of his parents disgraceful display AND seeing the video of his conversation with TL in the car. I hope Lee comes to his senses by the time he testifies at the trial and remembers the pain of losing his niece at the hands of his sister. Will there be one family member who is more interested in justice for Caylee than saving Casey's pathetic a$$?!?
That blinking, smirking and eye rolling of George's really sealed the deal for me ..
I don't think 've never seen someone exhibit so much phony rage and indiganation as George!
What an A$$ ..

pfffft .. :rolleyes:
Good question. I haven't heard an exact date but according to the Nancy Grace show last night, George is definitely going to have another go at finishing the deposition. This time, the opposing team plans to take him before the judge to get him to answer the questions he refuses to answer.
George may suddenly regret how he reacted in his first deposition.
If his daughter had not filed the counter suit against Zanny, chances are he would not have been involved in a deposition.
I am absolutly shocked by the behavior of the Double Mint Twins during the depositon.
Cindy and George are not helping their daughter one bit. jmo

When you protest too much the story gets a little more clear.
They are not helping anyone at this point.
I hope they get to look at all of their inaccuracies and get scared.

I would say to G & C be very afraid at this point VERY.

BUT....I still say I would not want that man interviewing me no way....
the man in charge of the deposition was no piece of cake.
And yes both "A"s came into the Depo ready to swing, (they did not want to answer anything).
Innocence does not need that much of a swing.
That blinking, smirking and eye rolling of George's really sealed the deal for me ..
I don't think 've never seen someone exhibit so much phony rage and indiganation as George!
What an A$$ ..

pfffft .. :rolleyes:

Maybe he does not want to be asked who is Caylee's Daddy?
Maybe he makes enough noise to keep us busy with other things so we do not go there?
Good question. I haven't heard an exact date but according to the Nancy Grace show last night, George is definitely going to have another go at finishing the deposition. This time, the opposing team plans to take him before the judge to get him to answer the questions he refuses to answer.
George may suddenly regret how he reacted in his first deposition.
If his daughter had not filed the counter suit against Zanny, chances are he would not have been involved in a deposition.
I am absolutly shocked by the behavior of the Double Mint Twins during the depositon. Cindy and George are not helping their daughter one bit.

WOW! I didn't know that this time GA had to go before the Judge to answer the questions. Farm me out. I like that. Hope they take CA 2.
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