2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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That deposition of GA is the most heartbreaking thing I've seen in a long time. Add to that its absurdity, since he and his wife have always said that this ZG doesn't match the description of the woman described to them by their daughter, that they and Casey have never accused this woman, all they know about this woman is what they've seen on TV.

Very few of the questions asked pertained to the defamation suit at all. I couldn't believe how often instead of asking questions, the lawyer was making long-winded statements on the video. At times it was impossible to even find a question in it all or understand what he was saying. I couldn't believe the extreme insensitivity of some of the questions, and he would asked them again and again, repeating the most upsetting details to GA, questions that had nothing whatsoever to do with defamation or this ZG. Even after they were answered he would ask the same questions again and again, up to four times. Not to mention how often he threatened Mr. Anthony with additional costs, etc, etc, on top of his visible anguish. Absolutely painful to watch.

And why do this? It's as if ZG's lawyers were trying to defend this woman against criminal charges regarding Caylee's disappearance or something, criminal charges that don't exist. They seemed to be basically trying to get the members of the A family to swear that this woman was not involved. The A's have no obligation to exempt or excuse this woman or swear to her innocence or help prove her innocence to charges that don't exist. They don't know if she was involved or not, they have no way of knowing, they only know that Casey didn't tell them it was this woman, her description of the woman is different, and they have never said it was this woman. That's what a defamation suit is about. This woman's name isn't even the same as ZFG.

Very, very sad is all I can say. It's a shame that depositions can be stretched this far.

This was the point of the deposition and ZG IS trying to avoid future doubts about her being involved or possible future criminal charges. KC refused to sign a document saying this woman was NOT the ZFG she was referring to, which leaves her as a possible suspect open to be used in the trial to offer resonable doubt.

The format of DEPOSITIONS are any question can be asked that can possibly lead to other information directly related to the suit.

If your name was used in the media over an over and if people were going on your MS and threatening you and the prime suspect has refused to CLEAR YOU - wouldn't you do the same?

Or would you stand by and watch the trial unfold with you as the a possible suspect?

Any time I think I'd like to shake some sense into GA I remember this picture. He lost the only thing that mattered to him.

Thanks for the picture. That brings it back to reality.
This was the point of the deposition and ZG IS trying to avoid future doubts about her being involved or possible future criminal charges. KC refused to sign a document saying this woman was NOT the ZFG she was referring to, which leaves her as a possible suspect open to be used in the trial to offer resonable doubt.

The format of DEPOSITIONS are any question can be asked that can possibly lead to other information directly related to the suit.

If your name was used in the media over an over and if people were going on your MS and threatening you and the prime suspect has refused to CLEAR YOU - wouldn't you do the same?

Or would you stand by and watch the trial unfold with you as the a possible suspect?

That is exactly what I was thinking. Especially since it seems the defense is still hanging onto the nanny story.
This was the point of the deposition and ZG IS trying to avoid future doubts about her being involved or possible future criminal charges. KC refused to sign a document saying this woman was NOT the ZFG she was referring to, which leaves her as a possible suspect open to be used in the trial to offer resonable doubt.

The format of DEPOSITIONS are any question can be asked that can possibly lead to other information directly related to the suit.

If your name was used in the media over an over and if people were going on your MS and threatening you and the prime suspect has refused to CLEAR YOU - wouldn't you do the same?

Or would you stand by and watch the trial unfold with you as the a possible suspect?

I believe you're right, it looks like they are trying to use this defamation suit to actually get something that sounds like sworn testimony to her innocence, for possible future use. Her lawyers are actually making her look suspicious by doing this.

The A's (and even KC) aren't responsible for this woman's name being repeated over and over in the media, or even for EVER giving this woman's name to the media (C. Z. G.) or alleging that this is the woman. If they have a problem with her face and name being in the media (notice they don't mention the C. part) their suit should be about the media who publicized her, or to whoever leaked this woman's identity to the media. Wonder why they're not suing them? ;)

A defamation suit addresses alleged wrongdoing against this client (any wrongful accusations) by KC or the A's. Not the question of what this woman is or is not involved in, or Caylee's case itself.
Thanks for the picture. That brings it back to reality.

And, sadly, the reality is that Caylee didn't matter enough to him. He just declared her accused murder 'a daughter any father is proud of.'

I do not hate the Anthonys. I think they are rather pitiful and I had great sympathy for them in the begining. I also don't expect them to climb the Washington Monument and declare KC a vile waste of space or to scurry around finding damning evidence to share with the SA. I do expect them to abide by the law.

However, if Caylee matters half as much as they said she did, they could avoid degrading others in her name.
I feel disgust for GACALA every time I see a photo of Caylee!
Even more so when any of them are in the photo. It's stark confirmation that they had this beautiful, but vulnerable, child in their midst. They could have, should have, saved her. They certainly could have, should have, found out what had happened to her within a day or two (not 31). They could, and SHOULD NOW do a lot to ensure justice for Caylee, who they have FAILED ABYSMALLY!

Sad but, true ..

Anthonys = Parental Failure to the MAX

Any time I think I'd like to shake some sense into GA I remember this picture. He lost the only thing that mattered to him. I really don't think he believes anything he says, he's parroting what he's told to say and I think that's because he doesn't think it matters any more. His Caylee is gone. He doesn't have a good relationship with his extended family, his wife runs all over him and his kids don't have any respect for him. Until he fully accepted that Caylee was gone, he was cooperating with LE, he was going behind CA to tell the truth. I think he's been beaten down and overruled years.

I think he has made some major mistakes in his life and doesn't have any confidence in himself. Had he refused to go along with CA directives, what would he have done? Where would he have gone? What would it have changed? His Caylee was still dead, I think he was following orders and just trying to keep from sinking into despair. During his depo, IMO he was following orders not to cooperate, once they told him that if he walked out they would file for attorney's fees, he had an excuse to cut the act. Personally I believe that after Cindy's depo, she was telling George that "he just has to have faith", because she knows he's just going by her script and doesn't believe a word of it. MOO

Perhaps, but the way George turned on a dime in that depo, went from naughty to nice, scared me. Up until that point, I'd always seen mostly Cindy in KC. Then George did a complete personality change in the span of a few minutes and I started thinking that KC may have gotten it from both sides. Now, I see a guy who seemed sincere earlier, but when he can turn it on an off like he did in that depo, who knows.
I'm not sure if it is or not, it's just my opinion...

A fool or not, I think he's only human.

I agree.. I don't think he's so much a fool as he is a coward who has been taught (just as Casey was, IMO) for many many years that he simply does not matter and if he does not go along with the plan there will be hell to pay. Forever! Every mistake, every "bad" choice (Cindy's version of bad choice, not society's, mind you) or wrong word will be thown in his face and mocked for the rest of his life. Look what happened the last time he screwed up. She took his name off the house, the bank accounts, told everyone.. including their children and her mother (Ya have a problem with your spouse, ok, maybe talk to your BFF about it or something but your kids? IMO that is not healthy, not wise. Adults or not those kids still need to respect that parent and when you start crossing that line telling them of irresponsible things the parent may have done, it creates an atmospehere of ridicule & disrespect toward the other parent. But that's just MO). So it's just easier to go along with the agenda. I see him as more beaten down, empty, alone, and bullied rather than foolish, myself.

I used to think George would tell the truth when it came time for trial but I'm not so sure now. It looks like Cindy has teamed up with a lawyer much like her and between the two of them have convinced George that they must "save" Casey. I wish Najeam (sp? I'm too lazy right now to go look it up, sorry) had been able to stick it out with the Anthony's because he would have encouraged them to tell the truth.. no matter what the truth is. He was good for George, IMO. Regardless, George has a soul and IMO if he doesn't tell the truth in court, when it matters, it'll eat him up inside, he won't be able to live with himself.
Perhaps, but the way George turned on a dime in that depo, went from naughty to nice, scared me. Up until that point, I'd always seen mostly Cindy in KC. Then George did a complete personality change in the span of a few minutes and I started thinking that KC may have gotten it from both sides. Now, I see a guy who seemed sincere earlier, but when he can turn it on an off like he did in that depo, who knows.

Do you think George hasn't had to come with with coping mechanisms too?

I see a lot of George in Casey.
Do you think George hasn't had to come with with coping mechanisms too?

I see a lot of George in Casey.

George is a man who knows a lot about a lot of things, and he and Casey know some stuff.
I believe you're right, it looks like they are trying to use this defamation suit to actually get something that sounds like sworn testimony to her innocence, for possible future use. Her lawyers are actually making her look suspicious by doing this.

The A's (and even KC) aren't responsible for this woman's name being repeated over and over in the media, or even for EVER giving this woman's name to the media (C. Z. G.) or alleging that this is the woman. If they have a problem with her face and name being in the media (notice they don't mention the C. part) their suit should be about the media who publicized her, or to whoever leaked this woman's identity to the media. Wonder why they're not suing them? ;)

A defamation suit addresses alleged wrongdoing against this client (any wrongful accusations) by KC or the A's. Not the question of what this woman is or is not involved in, or Caylee's case itself.

Well that is because the A's especially CA were alluding to her as suspect in the MEDIA and refused early on to say this woman was innocent. THey have made comments about it and are the cause of this entire mess and maybe should have kept their traps shut.
Were they going to bring GA back too, to answer the questions he refused to answer?

Any time I think I'd like to shake some sense into GA I remember this picture. He lost the only thing that mattered to him. I really don't think he believes anything he says, he's parroting what he's told to say and I think that's because he doesn't think it matters any more. His Caylee is gone. He doesn't have a good relationship with his extended family, his wife runs all over him and his kids don't have any respect for him. Until he fully accepted that Caylee was gone, he was cooperating with LE, he was going behind CA to tell the truth. I think he's been beaten down and overruled years.

I think he has made some major mistakes in his life and doesn't have any confidence in himself. Had he refused to go along with CA directives, what would he have done? Where would he have gone? What would it have changed? His Caylee was still dead, I think he was following orders and just trying to keep from sinking into despair. During his depo, IMO he was following orders not to cooperate, once they told him that if he walked out they would file for attorney's fees, he had an excuse to cut the act. Personally I believe that after Cindy's depo, she was telling George that "he just has to have faith", because she knows he's just going by her script and doesn't believe a word of it. MOO

I think it's a lot more simple than that.... George knows which side his bread is buttered on.
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