2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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I predict Casey gets a death penalty state appointed attorney. I don't think her parents are going to put one more dime of their *alleged* photo licensing fee money into her defense, now that it's DP. It's a new ball game.

The DP announcement takes their dreams of fame, fortune, caviar dreams and glory away completely, imo.

I truly think from now on they'll be quiet and let KC hang. There's nothing in this for them anymore.

just imo naturally.
I'd like to see them forge ahead now with their missing children foundation (not!). That IMO is just adding insult to injury.
IMO Cindy and George's little display last week did not help their daughter AT ALL and may have sealed her fate. The truth and all the Anthony's are strangers.
Are you suggesting they should keep Casey alive because of her parents? All killers, even cold-blooded ones, have parents. If you saw their depos, you'd see that they're not interested in justice.

No, I don't think that she should be kept alive simply because of George and Cindy. However, before seeking the death penalty, prosecutors take into consideration the wishes of the victim's family, which in this case are the accused's family also. The Anthonys obviously are against this. his is but one of many considerations that are weighed, and obviously in this case, LE feels that it is warranted. I am not second guessing them; I was offering my own perspective on it.

I realize how the depos portrayed the Anthonys, and in no way do I agree with their stance. That being said, I still don't wish on them the horror of KC's execution. An eye for an eye aside, I am not certain that justice will be served by killing KC. I have no illusios that she can be rehabilitated either. This is one cold-blooded killer, and she deservs to be locked up for the rest of her days.
Deeming a convicted killer unfit for society is not about emotion, imo. It's very simple in my mind. The killer is not fit to walk/talk among/with human beings.
It's offensive, and the guards should not be forced to interact with monsters, let alone others that have been incarcerated.

It's certainly not that I disagree with you because in a perfect world, I do not. This isn't a perfect world however and we just don't have unlimited resources at our disposal.

I think if you WILLFULLY take ANY human life, you should automatically lose your own right to life. I think society would be sending the message that we put so much value on life, that the life you took was so precious, that you now forfeit your own right to life.

That's what I think. But, I also know, we don't have the $$$ for such a stance.

I also know, if you and I were neighbors, committed the same crime, one of us may face death and the other could possibly get 5 years in prison. Unfortunately, that's reality.
Aileen Wuornos (the movie Monster was about her, Charleze Theoron won Oscar for her haunting performance of her) is the most famous of the women they have executed..
The trials for the various people she murded ended in 1993 and after numerous appeal rejections she was executed by lethal injection October 9, 2002
Nine years for the process is pretty impressive.
Aileen requested that all appeals stop and that she be executed ASAP. Her request was granted. That is not normal procedure.

she also confessed the truth before her execution; ie; admitted her guilt, and her despicable motives.
Aileen Wuornos (the movie Monster was about her, Charleze Theoron won Oscar for her haunting performance of her) is the most famous of the women they have executed..
The trials for the various people she murded ended in 1993 and after numerous appeal rejections she was executed by lethal injection October 9, 2002
Nine years for the process is pretty impressive.

I remember reading about that case on the Crime Library. It is indeed impressive.
Found this on the Florida Department of Connections,this what KC has to look forwards too:

The Daily Routine of Death Row Inmates Death Row & Death Watch cells:
A Death Row cell is 6 x 9 x 9.5 feet high. Florida State Prison also has Death Watch cells to incarcerate inmates awaiting execution after the Governor signs a death warrant for them. A Death Watch cell is 12 x 7 x 8.5 feet high.

Men on Death Row are housed at Florida State Prison in Starke, FL, and Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, FL. The women on Death Row are housed at Lowell Correctional Institution Annex in Lowell, FL.

Meals: Death Row inmates are served meals three times a day: at 5:00 am, from 10:30 am to 11:00 am and from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Food is prepared by prison staff and transported in insulated carts to the cells. Inmates are allowed plates and spoons to eat their meals. Prior to execution, an inmate may request a last meal. To avoid extravagance, the food to prepare the last meal must cost no more than $40 and must be purchased locally.

Visitors: All inmate visitors must be approved before visitation is allowed. Questions regarding an inmate's visiting day(s), visiting hours, and special visits should be directed to the Classification Officer responsible for the inmate at the inmate's assigned facility. Questions may be sent by letter, e-mail or by telephone. Members of the news media may request Death Row inmate interviews through the Department of Corrections Public Affairs Office at (850) 488-0420. The inmate must agree to the interview and the interview will be non-contact.

Showers: The inmates may shower every other day.

Security: Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.

Magazines &
Entertainment: Inmates may receive mail every day except holidays and weekends. They may have cigarettes, snacks, radios and 13" televisions in their cells. They do not have cable television or air-conditioning and they are not allowed to be with each other in a common room. They can watch church services on closed circuit television. While on Death Watch, inmates may have radios and televisions positioned outside their cell bars.

Clothing: Death Row inmates can be distinguished from other inmates by their orange t-shirts. Their pants are the same blue colored pants worn by regular inmates.
On WKMG Local 6, they just did a piece on the 5:30 news - apparently Baez's spokesperson released a statement saying they had death penalty lawyers on their team blah blah blah, they were on the phone with her and when they asked who those DP lawyers were she hung up the phone! According to the newscaster. hahaha

Baez's spokesman, Marti Mackenzie, issued a statement to Local 6 News on behalf of his client.

"This is not a death penalty case. We will do whatever is necessary to defend Casey Anthony from the State trying to take her life. We already have death-qualified defense lawyers on our team and are prepared for a vigorous defense," Mackenzie said.

Mackenzie had did not respond when asked who the qualified attorney's are.

Baez previously brought on Terry Lenamon, an attorney from Miami qualified to defend a death penalty case, but he was no longer involved in the case after the state attorney's office announced it would not seek the death penalty.

bolded by me:
It's a death penalty case now, sir. And what's a "death-qualified" defense lawyer - I imagine we all qualify for death eventually. Sorry, when attorneys butcher language, it annoys me most. Their words sometimes determine guilt or innocence for their clients.
Aileen requested that all appeals stop and that she be executed ASAP. Her request was granted. That is not normal procedure.

she also confessed the truth before her execution; ie; admitted her guilt, and her despicable motives.

She did venture into the appeals process, but yes after 12 years of being locked up during the trial and the appeals process, she did say she was sick of sitting on death row and abandoned what was a lost cause for her.

True, but I meant more that CA won't be up there advocating for Caylee. CA & GA were basically Caylee's parents. At the SP trial, Laci's family all testified about how much they will miss her and how she was looking forward to giving birth, etc. Caylee sadly doesn't have that in the same way unless GA sees the light and will give an impact statement like from the Memorial

If CA or GA does stand up and says anythang, it will be for KC. Nothing has or will change.
Thanks for that info...

I'm sorry... here's just something I saw a little bit ago. I should have posted it before.


Hehe.. I'm curious to see if it's all a bluff for a plea.. and who does or does not takes the bait... and who soils their pants. :p

That can't be. Casey already announced that they're PO'd because she wouldn't accept a plea deal.
No, I don't think that she should be kept alive simply because of George and Cindy. However, before seeking the death penalty, prosecutors take into consideration the wishes of the victim's family, which in this case are the accused's family also. The Anthonys obviously are against this. his is but one of many considerations that are weighed, and obviously in this case, LE feels that it is warranted. I am not second guessing them; I was offering my own perspective on it.

I realize how the depos portrayed the Anthonys, and in no way do I agree with their stance. That being said, I still don't wish on them the horror of KC's execution. An eye for an eye aside, I am not certain that justice will be served by killing KC. I have no illusios that she can be rehabilitated either. This is one cold-blooded killer, and she deservs to be locked up for the rest of her days.
I understand your thoughts, but locking someone up for life is not as terrible as one might think. Their world just becomes narrower.
They can still enjoy themselves there. Look at the Manson women. College, etc.
It's not a full life, but Casey surely doesn't want any children, and/or a husband. That leaves her to her usual preening and drama.
No doubt she'd have fun with her admirers, both inside and by mail.
Me too. And my tax dollars are still paying for him to totally exhaust all his appeals. :banghead:
It is much cheaper to keep the prisoners alive with LWOP than it is to give them the DP here in Cali due to the appeals process.
bolded by me:
It's a death penalty case now, sir. And what's a "death-qualified" defense lawyer - I imagine we all qualify for death eventually. Sorry, when attorneys butcher language, it annoys me most. Their words sometimes determine guilt or innocence for their clients.

"This is not a death penalty case. We will do whatever is necessary to defend Casey Anthony from the State trying to take her life. We already have death-qualified defense lawyers on our team and are prepared for a vigorous defense," Mackenzie said.

I found it very contradictory... so funny I laughed. Compare the first sentence that it's not a death penalty case to the second sentence. Sooo... if it's not a death penalty case why would the state be trying to take her life? :)

Too amusing... and this is a PR person? Oh. MY.
Actually, I think that it's the matter of context in how "recommendation" by a jury for the death penalty applies as a "decision." It is highly unusual for a judge to reduce a death penalty recommendation from any sitting jury - therefore it is a decision of the people imposed by the judge.

You're right though: it is, legally, a recommendation, even though most news articles and analysis mix the 2 words, which IMO tells you how often it is a judge reduces a death penalty recommendation made by the jury to life in prison.

I agree with you, but gardenhart is saying that in some states, the jury makes the determination and not just the recommendation.
WOW! I am so surprised to read this but happy too. The As have been really pushing it with the law and respect. I feel the LE has given them so much leeway because they are grieving grandparents and instead of being grateful, the are spiteful. Maybe if the As see that the SA can play hardball they will stop thinking of this as a game. I was so aggravated at their depos that this makes me happy to see. I know it probably has to do with more damning evidence but I like to think it a consequence of the As audacity. Now, I hope they become real serious and charge any other As or other people who were involved after the fact. No more mocking the LE for the As.
I understand your thoughts, but locking someone up for life is not as terrible as one might think. Their world just becomes narrower.
They can still enjoy themselves there. Look at the Manson women. College, etc.
It's not a full life, but Casey surely doesn't want any children, and/or a husband. That leaves her to her usual preening and drama.
No doubt she'd have fun with her admirers, both inside and by mail.

I think the big thing that she will miss is getting laid...that will drasticly change for her....no more "trolling" for boys. And if she is isolated or on death row, she may not even get a chance to swing the other way. ;)
Statistics about death row in FLA

Statistics on Executed inmates in Florida*

*Refers to inmates executed after the death penalty was reinstated in Florida, beginning with John Spenkelink&#8217;s execution in May 1979.
12.31 years is the average length of stay on Death Row prior to execution
13.94 years is the average number of years between offense and execution.
44.35 years is the average age at time of execution.
30.40 years is the average age at offense for executed inmates.


Consider gender when speaking about the death penalty--

From the same site: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/deathrow/women.html

16 - Women Have Received The Death Penalty in Florida
2 -- Women Have Been Executed in Florida
1 -- Woman Currently on Death Row

Disclaimer: I have no position on the death penalty one way or another, but I'm interested in the role gender plays in the nature and sentencing of offences

P. S. it's also very hard to find good data on the subject.
Who is Keith W.?? On JB's subpoena he requests phone records etc of a Keith W.?? Who is this?
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